Read Possess Me Online

Authors: R.G. Alexander

Possess Me (27 page)

BOOK: Possess Me
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Because she was a grown woman, and she could handle herself. She could handle him. Even when Bone Daddy paid for his purchases, grabbed her hand, and dragged her out of the store and down the crowded street without a word.
“Where are we going?”
She couldn’t help but notice the number of double takes he was receiving. From women. From men. All of them marveling over the renaissance painting come to life. His deep-set golden eyes, his impossibly thick lashes, even his cheekbones were beautiful. Maybe it was a good thing he wasn’t usually visible. She wouldn’t be able to take him anywhere without drawing a crowd.
“To dress you of course, Bethany. Although, I’d prefer to undress you. I understand how much women love to shop.”
“Not me.” Bethany caught his disbelieving glance as he pulled her around the corner. He obviously had a destination in mind. “Honestly. Shopping online for things I need, sure. But I hate dressing rooms. The mirrors in there are just too accurate. I’d rather live in ignorance of my wobbly backside. I can’t see it, so I don’t have to think about it.”
He stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and faced her. “I love your backside, Blue Eyes. Besides, mirrors are not accurate. They are what
see, not what a man sees when he looks at you. Luckily, I am here. So do not trust the mirrors, trust me.” He looked up at the sign that bore a picture of what looked suspiciously like a corset and nodded. “We are here.”
She tugged on his hand, but couldn’t escape his grip. “I don’t need underwear, BD. I need a dress.”
“But what is underneath is the most important thing, sweet Bethany.” He winked at her as he opened the glass door and yanked her inside.
“That saying is about personality, not thongs,” she mumbled under her breath, following behind him unhappily.
“May I help—oh my. Good afternoon, sir. How may I help you?” The tall, stunning woman with short, natural curls and flawless dark skin was obviously knocked breathless at the sight of him.
Join the club, lady. Now back away
The voice inside her head was getting rather territorial. Before she could say a word, Bone Daddy bowed gallantly, revealing his pearl-white teeth in a charming grin that made the salesclerk flutter.
Flutter, for God’s sake.
“I hope so,
. I have come to find the perfect ensemble for this gorgeous creature.” He tugged Bethany closer, his arm curving over her shoulders, the warmth of his body making her shiver.
The woman looked Bethany up and down with a disappointed sigh, her smile dimming as she pointed to the far corner. “She should find something in her size over there.”
Bethany tensed. Reason number two hundred and twenty-three why books were better than people: The jealous, pretty chicks always got taught a lesson in the end.
“Come on, Blue Eyes. I want to see you in lace and silk.” His voice was low and intimate, making her forget about the saleslady’s rudeness, about her desire to grab a generic dress off the rack and run home. About everything but him.
She walked directly to her normal cotton panties and bras, thinking she might go a little wild and get a matching set in purple or blue, when he tapped her on the shoulder.
His eyebrows were raised so high they nearly disappeared into his hairline. “What, exactly, do you think you’re doing?”
“Buying underwear?”
He made a face. “That is not underwear, Blue Eyes. I’ve got everything you’ll need.”
“I’ll just bet you do.” The salesclerk must have come closer when Bethany wasn’t looking. The innuendo-laced comment made her fists clench.
Bone Daddy just smiled innocently. “Where is your dressing room?”
Sales-jerk batted her eyes at him suggestively. “Right through those curtains. Our rooms all have locks for . . . privacy.”
He lifted her hand and kissed it. Bethany was sure if she looked in a mirror there would be steam coming out of her ears.
“You are as gracious as you are lovely,
. Which is why I know you’ll understand that my Bethany is shy, and I am very . . . particular. I hope you won’t disturb us until we are fully satisfied with our probable purchases.” He turned away from her, leaving the borrowed credit card in her hand as they walked by her and disappeared behind the curtain.
“I thought you said you didn’t have any special abilities today.”
He winked at her. “I don’t. This is pure, natural talent.”
She rolled her eyes. “Show-off.”
Bone Daddy led her inside the small mirrored cubicle, and she flinched as he shut the door. Exactly what her ego needed—a three-sixty view of her standing beside her very own Loa centerfold.
She watched him in the reflection as he sat down on the bench behind her, his hands full of black lace. He met her gaze. Confident. Aroused. “I seem to recall a certain feisty blue-eyed bombshell wondering about pretty ol’ me and the question of lace panties.”
She blushed. “I was hoping you’d forgotten that.”
His hands gripped her hips and he turned her toward him. “Not one single word. I also haven’t forgotten my desire to see you in nothing but lace panties. Take off your clothes, Bethany.” She hesitated and his smile faded, his eyes darkening with need. “Please, Blue Eyes.”
Wild adventure. Just this once.
Bethany took a deep breath and pulled off her T-shirt, revealing her comfortable, ugly-as-sin white bra. Bone Daddy licked his lips. She slid her fingers into the elastic waistband of her black stretch pants, slipping out of her tennis shoes before lowering the pants to her ankles and stepping out of them with an insecure whimper.
“Oh, sweet heaven.”
She glanced up at Bone Daddy’s harsh whisper, but he was looking over her shoulder at the mirror behind her. The mirror that showed a brightly lit, unvarnished view of her not insubstantial ass.
She stood up quickly, trying to glare. “You want to change your mind? Let’s just buy this, I’ll find a dress, and we can go home.”
He was silent until she looked down at him. He spread his legs, adjusting himself in a way that should have been crude, but he managed to make it mouthwateringly sensual. “The rest, Beth. Take off the rest.”
She swallowed. There was nothing but desire in his expression. Desire for her. It gave her the courage to reach for the clasps behind her, sliding the bra, with the attached locket, onto the floor beside her pants.
She looked up at the ceiling, unable to meet his gaze. “Hardly.”
“I believe you need a lesson in sexy, Blue Eyes. You don’t seem to know it when you see it.”
Oh, she knew it. It was sitting in front of her, studying every curve and imperfection of her body. Her aunt had been a model before she’d had to quit her jet-set life to take care of her dead sister’s child. For a while she’d tried to make Bethany care about shoes and clothes and waistlines, but it just wasn’t something she cared about. She only wanted to be left alone, to read and reread the dusty old books her father had loved. She walked on her treadmill every day, so she wasn’t weak. But she knew she’d never be beautiful or sexy. Not like Michelle or Allegra.
“Turn around and look in the mirror.”
She obeyed silently, her mind lost in her own insecurities. She saw Bethany, just Bethany, covering her breasts with her hands, standing awkwardly in her white panties with the stretched out elastic band.
Two large, elegant hands slid around that band, tugging her underwear down until she was forced to step out of them. His breath was hot and heavy against her lower back, and she bit her lip, a shot of need arcing up her spine.
Without a word he ripped the tags off the undergarments, daring her to react as he stood and stared at her over her shoulder. She held her tongue, watching his cheeks flush, his jaw clench as he stared at her sex.
She watched her own eyes widen in surprise when he knelt at her feet behind her, wrapping one hand around her ankle and lifting her foot to slide one leg through the black lace panties.
Her heart was racing, her breath growing shallow as he slowly raised the black lace bikini up her legs, his fingertips caressing her skin as he went. When they were on, he reached behind him for the matching demi-cup bra.
Like a child, she opened her arms, allowing him to dress her. He closed the rosette clasp, his arms around her, body pressed against her back. He pushed her braid to the side, draping it over one shoulder, placing his chin on the other. “Look at yourself, Bethany. See what I see.”
The bra made her breasts look bigger, rounder. She could see her hardening nipples poking through the black lace. The color made her skin look more creamy than pale. She inhaled sharply when his hands covered her view, caressing her through the fabric, circling her nipples with unsteady hands.
Bone Daddy pressed a kiss along her jaw. “See how you affect me? One touch and I’m on fire for you.”
Bethany’s fingers traced the curve of her stomach. The high cut of the underwear made her legs look longer, sleeker. His hands followed hers, covering them before slipping beneath the lace, into her damp curls.
“Beth, oh, sweet baby, feel how hot you are.” His hips rocked against her, making her moan when she felt his thick erection press between the cheeks of her ass even through the linen and lace. “How hot you make me.”
“Oh God.” She couldn’t stop her surprised cry when he moved around in front of her and fell to his knees between her and the glass, parting her legs with his shoulders and pulling the lace to one side.
She leaned forward, placing her hands on either side of the mirror to keep her balance as she looked down, watching his fingers spread the lips of her sex, baring her to his gaze.
He growled, burying his face between her thighs, his tongue circling her clit before curling to fill her sex. Bethany’s knees jerked, her legs trembling at the intensity of the sensation. So good. So good.
She turned her head, looking into the mirror to her right to see his profile, watching his jaw work, his throat as he swallowed. His eyes closed, long lashes skimming his cheeks as he drank her down. The sight only heightened her need.
His finger joined his tongue inside her and fire licked up her spine. Every nerve of her body was sparking, her blood blazing with heat. She lowered one hand to his curls, pressing his head closer, needing more.
His groan vibrated against her clit, and she tugged on his hair instinctively. She shook her head, a sound of denial escaping her lips as he stood, moving to stand behind her once more.
She heard the rustling of fabric behind her, felt the tear of lace against her skin as he yanked it as far to the side as it would go. And then he was there, stretching her, filling her so completely that she cried out.
He turned her head and bit at her upper lip. “Shhh, Blue Eyes. You don’t want anyone coming to see what’s wrong, do you?”
She shook her head rapidly. No. No, because then he’d stop. And he couldn’t, he wouldn’t . . . “Don’t you dare stop.”
“Never.” He kissed her, his hands clutching her hips so tight.
. He powered against her, fast and hard, as though he’d lost all control.
She loved it.
“Open your eyes, Bethany. Open your eyes and look at the beautiful woman I’m fucking.”
Damn, his voice was sexy. She hadn’t even realized her eyes had closed. She lifted lids heavy with desire and felt her breath catch in her throat. She felt like a Peeping Tom, looking into a window to catch an intimate moment between lovers.
Tendrils of hair had fallen from the woman’s long braid, curling damply around her glowing cheeks; her lips were swollen from her lover’s kiss. She was bent over, her curves pressing back against the man greedily, begging for more.
They were beautiful.
were beautiful.
“You are a goddess, Bethany. And so tight. So sweet.
, I don’t know how much longer I can last.”
She watched his neck arch, head falling back as his hips picked up speed. Deeper. Harder. Faster.
Her vision blurred. All of her awareness focused on reaching that climax she could sense, just a breath away. A heartbeat. A thrust. “Oh God. Oh God.”
She turned, sightless, her mouth seeking his when she flew over the edge. Flashes of colored light blinded her, her body a lightning rod of sensation. Passion.
He shouted into her mouth, pressing hard against her as he came. They slid to their knees, still connected, still eating at each other’s mouths as the waves of their climax faded.
Her skin cooled and her brain started working again. What was that? She didn’t know it could be like that. That good. That unbelievably, amazingly, pinch-me-I-must-be-dreaming good.
Reason number one why people were better than books. That.
He lifted his mouth from hers, his amber eyes filled with as much wonder as she was feeling. “Who are you, Blue Eyes? What kind of spell are you weaving?”
She opened her mouth to answer him, and an impatient knock sounded outside the dressing room. “Don’t make me come in there and get you two, because I will. Three minutes, and then this nice saleswoman will make Ben pay her for a broken dressing room door.”
Bethany pressed her forehead against the mirror. “Oh, hell.”
Bone Daddy chuckled against her back. “Michelle is a feisty one. But then, so are you.” He pulled away and she gasped as liquid dripped down her thigh. When he started swearing in French, she knew what it was.
“Bethany, I—”
She held up her hand, trying to process what she’d just done. She’d never had unsafe sex in her life. Not that she had that much sex, but when she did, she was always safe. And always in a bed.
He was the one weaving the spell. And right now, she wasn’t liking her reaction to it.
She stood up and grabbed her underwear, wiping the moisture from her inner thighs with a silent groan. She reached for her stretch pants, pulling them on quickly, her mind reeling. When she was fully dressed she grabbed her underwear and bra, balling them up in her fist and turning toward the door.
BOOK: Possess Me
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