Possess Me (16 page)

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Authors: R.G. Alexander

BOOK: Possess Me
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Michelle noticed Bone Daddy pretending he wasn’t listening. He wasn’t very subtle. Beautiful, yes. Subtle? No. Damn. She hadn’t wanted to run into Ben again so soon. “For you? Anything.” She sighed. “And tell Adair he should invite his mother along. She’s really good at smoothing rough edges.”
Allegra got out of her chair and knelt at Michelle’s feet, giving her a grateful hug. “You’re a genius, Chelle.”
Bone Daddy leaned back on the ground, heedless of the people walking through him and watched the two of them embrace. “Am I the only one turned on right now?”
why am I here again?”
Ben smiled down at his mother, watching her nod and wave regally at some of the familiar faces in the restaurant. He was thankful she’d been available to come to Allegra and Rousseau’s engagement dinner on such short notice.
“You’re here as a buffer. You already know Rousseau’s mom and sisters, and apparently Allegra’s parents are easily intimidated.”
“Oh, lovely. I’m glad I wore your grandmother’s pearls. They always remind me to be on my best behavior.” She patted his arm affectionately. “I’m just grateful you aren’t here to rub my nose in the happiness of other people’s parents. At the rate Celestin is going, Theresa should have grandchildren by next spring.”
“Rousseau thinks he’s wasted enough time. He loves Allegra, and she’s proven she loves him. He deserves some happiness.” And so did he. Ben wouldn’t have missed this celebration for the world, but he had another reason for coming.
Twenty-four hours had never gone by so slowly. After he’d left her last night he’d gone for a ride on his bike around the ports, to clear his head.
Should he have stayed, made her admit her feelings for him? Maybe he was too afraid to find out what those feelings were. He’d wanted her for so long. Loved her. If she couldn’t, or wouldn’t return his feelings, what would he do then?
“Benjamin, I don’t mean to pry, I truly don’t. But the feelings you’re giving off are so strong.” The always cool Elise Adair stopped in the middle of the elegant dining room and looked up at him worriedly. “Annemarie and I have known you and Michelle were soul mates from the moment you met. But I never meant to push you. I love Michelle as if she were my own, and after all she’s gone through, she deserves some happiness. But if she can’t appreciate what an amazing man you are . . .”
He’d never seen his mother flustered. He knew she was worried about him, so worried that her maternal instinct to match-make was overridden by her need to protect him. He sent her a wave of love. “Sheathe those claws, Mama Adair. She knows. Now let’s go. You need to wow the Jarrods. And I need to woo Michelle.”
The hostess led them to the private room reserved for celebrations, and he saw her. His mother went immediately to work, hugging Theresa Rousseau and the girls, dazzling Mr. and Mrs. Jarrod, who seemed to be in a perpetual state of shock.
Ben walked down toward the end of the table where Rousseau, Allegra, and Michelle were laughing. “Legs, are you sure you aren’t a changeling? You don’t look a thing like your parents.”
And she didn’t. The Jarrods were both brown-haired, brown-eyed wrens to her flaming phoenix. Even their clothes were varying shades of beige.
Allegra stood up to embrace him, smiling. “I’m so glad you’re here, Ben. No, they’re mine all right. Luckily, Michelle was right. Bringing your mother was the right idea. I think I actually just saw one of them smile.”
“Your parents are lovely,
. Although I think your mother nearly fainted when you introduced me as your fiancé. Hey, Ben.” Rousseau stood to shake Ben’s hand with a carefree grin.
“Congratulations, you lucky bastard.”
Rousseau looked happier, more relaxed, than Ben had ever seen him, even when they were in high school. His long hair was severely constrained in thick braids, and he was dressed in a colorful linen shirt and black pants, tantamount to a tuxedo for Rousseau. Yep. He was definitely in love.
Ben glanced down at Michelle. “My mother was your idea, then?”
She shifted in her chair, refusing to look him in the eye. “I’m a good bridesmaid.”
“And I’m a lucky best man.” He sat down in the empty chair beside her, silently thanking Allegra for the seating arrangement, and gave his order to the hovering waiter before turning his attention back to Michelle. “You look beautiful tonight, Mimi.”
And she did. She wore a knee-length dress that looked like a long white poet shirt. It fell off her shoulders, leaving them beautifully bare, with flared sleeves and crisscrossing ties up the front that Ben wanted to undo with his teeth.
His gaze dropped to her breasts, and he imagined he could see her dark nipples through the fabric. Unfortunately the fabric wasn’t sheer enough.
He slid his hand beneath the table and cupped her knee, needing to touch her, and knowing she wouldn’t make a scene in public. At least, not in front of his mother.
“Copping a feel under the table, are we, Benjamin?” Bone Daddy’s voice was smug. “A man after my own heart. I remember a few years ago, a charming young culinary student who had a food fetish and a magnificent streak of exhibitionism—”
Michelle went into a fake coughing fit, glaring at the wall to her right where Ben could see Bone Daddy leaning against the decorative wine rack. Ben leaned close to whisper in her ear. “How long has he been here, Mimi?”
“He hasn’t left my side since I got home the other night.”
Rousseau wrapped his arm around Allegra, glancing down the table to make sure the others were occupied, before turning back to Ben and Michelle. “Allegra told me about that. He hasn’t tried to take you over, has he?”
“I resent that, boy. I really do. I don’t invite myself to places I’m not wanted.” Bone Daddy crossed his arms over his chest, obviously annoyed.
“I think it’s nice that he’s here. He did help me discover the way to set you free from your father’s debt. He wanted us to be together.” Allegra leaned her head on Rousseau’s shoulder, and Ben watched his friend relax.
“She’s such a clever girl. She’s writing a book about me, you know. Said I inspired her.”
Ben continued caressing Michelle’s knee, shaking his head at the Loa’s words. “I can’t believe you’re still hanging around, BD.”
Michelle’s eyes dilated a little at his touch. He loved how she reacted to him; it gave him hope. She quirked her lips. “I think he likes us.”

think it’s so amazing that you can see him. Talk to him. Both of you. I had no idea when I decided to move to New Orleans I’d be surrounded by people with such amazing gifts.” Allegra chuckled. “I feel pretty average by comparison.”
Rousseau cupped her cheek in his hand, lifting her chin to catch her gaze. “There is nothing average about you,
You have a magic no being, Loa or other, can resist.”
Ben heard Michelle sigh as the couple kissed and slid his hand higher up her leg, to her thigh. Her expression had softened, lips parting, and all he could think about was kissing her, taking her.
“To the happy couple.” Rousseau’s sister, Angelique, home from college for the occasion, raised her glass in a toast, bringing their attention back to their families. “My brother is the best man I’ve ever known. And I know he’ll love Allegra, be true to her, and never leave her side. Love is a gift, precious and rare. May you trust in it, and each other, and may you give my mother plenty of grandchildren so she doesn’t have time to harass me about my love life.”
The full table lifted their glasses, laughing, but as soon as he set his glass down, Ben felt Michelle pull away from him, mentally and physically. She scooted back her chair and excused herself to visit the ladies’ room.
Allegra bit her lip, following her friend with her gaze, obviously worried.
Ben rose. “Stay here, bride-to-be. I’ll take care of Mimi.”
“Will you?” Her blue eyes were solemn.
He reached out to touch her hand, allowing the knowledge of her concern, her hope for Michelle to find happiness, to soak into his senses.
“You’re a true friend, Legs. And yes, I will. I promise.”
As soon as he could convince Michelle Toussaint to let him.
Daddy in the mirror “Do you have some perverted story about another woman to fit that occasion as well?”
“Actually I—”
“Don’t even think it.” She held up her hand to shut the Loa up. “Why me? Seriously, I know I can see you, but surely someone is performing a ritual requesting help for their less-than-stellar love life. Why not go to them?”
Bone Daddy stepped up to stand beside her at the sink, watching her try to get herself together. “You need me more,
. And I find I’ve grown rather fond of you and the others. I . . . care about you.” He shifted his feet, seemingly uncomfortable with the emotion. “About your pleasure, of course. The kind of pleasure you’ve only found with Benjamin.”
She sighed. “You’re not as bad as I thought you were. You have a one-track mind, but you’re sweet to worry about my sexual happiness. I’m sorry you’re between jobs right now, but I’m not interested. In spirits or in Ben.”
“You’re a bad liar,
. You care about Benjamin, more than you want to admit. And the things you see as well. The first time I noticed you could see me, you were scared. Not surprised. Scared. That always puzzled me. You know enough about your family’s religion to know I would never hurt you.”
“Not you, no. But it’s not like it’s never happened. The priests who work with both hands, the dark sorcerers—
, right? They call spirits to possess people in order to accomplish horrible acts.”
Bone Daddy’s gaze narrowed, and he seemed to tower over her. “What do you know of dark magic? Of the
? Remember I’ve seen your paintings now. Have you seen things like this? You are
bon ange
, a shining light to lost spirits. Has someone hurt you?”
She looked down. “I was just using an example. No need to get all macho.”
“You need looking after, my beauty. Whether you know it or not.”
A jiggle of the knob and a firm knock at the door had her rolling her eyes. “Occupied.”
“I know, Mimi. But if you don’t let me in right now, I’m going to make a scene and embarrass my poor, fragile mother. And Allegra’s parents. Do
want to be the reason her mother passes out in shock?”
“Son of a bitch.” She unlocked the door and pulled him inside before anyone could see him. “They have a little boys’ room, too, you know.”
Ben looked around the elegant washroom and whistled. “No wonder you women love to come here. This place is nicer than your apartment.”
“Ha ha.” She’d never admit he was right. Even though the red velvet chaise and marble floors were lovely. Not to mention all the plumbing worked. “You’re going to get us thrown out of the restaurant. What was so important that it couldn’t wait until I got back to the table?”
At the first touch of his lips, Michelle moaned, her body instantly melting into his. She’d had no idea how much she’d craved this, craved Ben, until this moment.
She pulled back to catch her breath. “Go away, Bone Daddy. We’re busy.”
“Not this time,
. No. This time I want to see your beautiful face at your climax. To hear your sounds of passion. Surely my good friend Benjamin will not begrudge me that.”
Heat pooled low in her belly when Ben just smiled, lifting her with arms around her waist until the backs of her knees hit the velvet chaise. “Of course not, BD. She likes it when people watch, don’t you, Mimi? Loves knowing people are right on the other side of that wall, that they could find us at any moment.”
He was touching her so it was pointless to pretend. There
something exciting about the potential of being caught. Something forbidden about being here with Ben. And yes, with Bone Daddy.
Michelle was on the chaise, Ben caressing her bare shoulders. Her eyes were level with the unmistakable bulge behind his expensive gray pants, and she couldn’t resist.
She reached up and undid his belt, feeling his grip tighten on her shoulders as he realized what she was doing. “Mimi, baby, what are you up to?”
The sound of the zipper lowering echoed off the marble, and she looked up at Ben through her lashes. “Fulfilling a fantasy.” She spread the fabric, and her mouth opened on a gasp. He had nothing on beneath his pants. She gripped his hot, silken shaft in her hands and licked her lips. “Or trying to.”
Her mouth closed over the flushed head of his cock, tongue exploring, savoring his taste. Salty, delicious. She’d been craving it for so long. Ever since that day she’d caught him with one of his many high school girlfriends at the isolated spot he and Michelle used to play in as children.

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