Positive/Negativity (37 page)

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Authors: D.D. Lorenzo

BOOK: Positive/Negativity
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She shook her head in sincerity.

“Never, Aria. I’m just concerned for you. Now be careful going home, and go straighten out that man of yours!” She laughed.

I got in my car and started up Coastal Highway. The hum of the road was the white noise I needed to collect my thoughts. I had to think of a way to talk without being irrational. Just then, the thought that
love is crazy
entered my head and it made me smirk.

I thought of the countless times that Marisol and I had encountered each other. The game she was playing was getting old. With each meeting, her distaste for me escalated and her aversion grew stronger. Publicly, she made no secret that she disliked me, but in private, she unleashed her repulsion toward me. That was evident when she approached me in the bathroom that night at the gala.

Yes, the drive was helping me to put things into perspective and see how cunning she could be. She showed him her favor, commenting to me with only a few snide words. This behavior wasn’t suspicious as it was how she conducted herself with everyone; however, when we were alone, her true colors showed and she unleashed her magnified hatred at my interference in her plans with Declan.

I could see it more clearly. Amazing what a few hours of sleep and a bit of distance away from the matter could do for your mind. My challenge would be how to remain composed so that I could lay this out to Declan. I knew he wouldn’t become nearly as emotional as I was, and truthfully, I didn’t want him to. I did, however, want him to be on guard for the looming danger Marisol was capable of. At best, he would see her as troublesome—I saw her as a psychopath.

I pulled up out back of the house and took three deep breaths. Declan and I had never had something come between us like this. Last night was unbearable for me, and as I walked up the steps to the back door, I was hoping that he’d endured the same feeling of misery.

I opened the door to let myself in. Since it was still very early, I thought that I’d put on a pot of coffee. Maybe that would clear the cobwebs that were still in my erratic thoughts.

Walking into the kitchen, Declan sat at the table, staring at me. I froze in my place for a moment. His hair was disheveled, his face had stubble, and his eyes were tired and red. I looked down at the floor, closing the door behind me. With each and every step I took, I could feel his gaze touching my skin. As I dropped my purse and jacket by the sink, I turned the water on to wash my hands.

“I made coffee,” he said in his soft, deep voice.

“Thanks, I’ll get a cup,” drying my hands, to steady the shaking.

Once I had my cup, I turned around to look at him. I was unsure whether to approach the table or not, but he pushed out a chair with his foot, deciding for me.

“Come and sit.”

As I sat, I looked into my coffee cup, trying to avoid his confronting gaze. I didn’t know how to begin.

“Aria, look at me,” he said in a commandingly soft voice. As I looked up, he continued, “First, I want to say, I missed you…”

I could feel a lump forming in my throat.

“Second, we have to talk about what happened…”

I shook my head to indicate that yes, we did. I took my lips away from my cup while looking at his beautiful face and his disheveled appearance.

“You look like hell,” I said.

He smiled at me. “I feel like hell.”

“You’re right. We do need to talk about this. You can go first,” I said.

He looked extremely apprehensive and I could see that he’d be choosing his words with care.

“Baby, when I first told you of my idea for a business out here, you seemed to be on board with the plan. I know that I’ve been busier lately. My schedule has been erratic, I’ve been meeting people with unpredictable timing, and sometimes our plans are changed at the last minute. I know I don’t give you credit for being so flexible about that, but I do appreciate it.” He ran his hands over his face in an exasperated type of movement.

“I’m doing business with both old contacts and new. At times I’m burning the candle at both ends. I just thought that you were behind me on this, but I didn’t realize this lifestyle and this business was going to be such a challenge for you.”

“Is that what you think this is about? Your busy schedule, the business, timing, and
?” I asked him. If this is where his mind was all night, then it was no wonder he looked so tortured. He was under the impression that I wanted him to give up The Studio. The business was only part of the problem and one that could be easily sorted out.

“What else could it be, Aria. You got upset because Blake sent down a group of kids with Marisol. Once she was gone, you were still pissed, so, yeah, I think it’s about the business. Are you telling me it isn’t?” His eyes were pleading with me as he ran his hands through his hair.

I got up and went over to him. Sitting in his lap, I wrapped my arms around his neck and he lifted his chin to me in response.

“It wasn’t about the business,” I said, hiding my face in his neck.

“Look into my eyes and tell me that.”

I knew what he wanted. He wanted to see the colors that would betray my emotions, and I didn’t like that he could read them.

“No, Declan,” I said, looking straight into his eyes. “I am
upset about the business. Actually, I am extremely proud of you and The Studio. I was pissed last night, but I couldn’t be more proud.”

He looked puzzled.

“Then what—”

I interjected before he could ask the question. “Marisol. We need to talk about Marisol…”



…and as a General studies an enemy, Aria explained her belief that they had an adversary with an agenda in their midst…and Declan was listening with an open mind…



I Could Hold You in my Arms Forever – Ray LaMontagne

Pride – Seether




As Aria and I sat at the kitchen table, I listened to everything she had to say about Marisol. Although she had every reason to be concerned, I didn’t want her to be alarmed. That was how our standoff occurred. She believed Marisol to be a capable, physical threat. I, however, believed her to be capable of only belligerent and antagonistic behavior.

Sitting her on my lap, with my arms wrapped around her waist, I nuzzled my face through her shirt and between her breasts.

“You do realize that we aren’t exactly going to see eye to eye on Marisol, don’t you, babe?”

“Yes,” she whispered, resting her head on top of mine. “That’s what concerns me. I have a bad feeling about her…” She tenderly ran her fingers through my hair.

“Aria, please don’t worry. If it makes you feel better, I’ll keep my guard up whenever she’s around.”

She placed her delicate hands on the sides of my abrasively unshaven face and tilted it back to look into my eyes.

“Promise, Bear? I felt like a fool last night. I just can’t explain how uneasy I feel,” she said as a stiff frown creased her brows.

“How can I say no to such a beautiful face?” I said, pushing my hand into the back of her head to force her down for a kiss. “Don’t run away from me again, okay? Last night was hell!”

“When I get overwhelmed, I just need to get away for a little while. It was better than standing there bitterly screaming at you.”

“No, Aria, it wasn’t,” I sternly confessed. “I’d rather have you scream at me than run away. Promise you won’t do that again.”

She placed her tender arms around my neck and gave me a strong hug; then I rose up with her in my arms and liberally swung her around in the kitchen.

“Declan, stop. You’re making me dizzy, you crazy ass!” she squealed.

“I’m just crazy for you, beautiful. Just crazy for you…”



We were expecting Carter to visit us for the weekend. He and I had spoken every few days since Lacey had passed. I was very concerned for my brother. Emotionally, he was half of a whole without Lacey. They’d known each other for such a long time. It was only through making contact with some of his friends that I felt slightly comfortable leaving after her funeral. They promised they’d update me whenever I called, and needless to say, I called them often. I checked to see if he’d been eating, going out, depressed, etc. On several return trips from assignments, I stopped in to see him, and I’d make the visit an overnight stay. He and I confided in each other about the women in our lives. His, the one he loved and lost—mine, the one I found and was in love with. Our conversations took on a different theme each time, some haunting and some heartfelt.

Aimee had decided that she wanted to have a get together at her home over the weekend. In the days after Lacey’s death, Aria and I saw a different facet of Aimee’s personality. I had to admit that she surprised me. She’d looked after Carter when we were there. She was usually the most animated and boisterous of the crowd, but when the time came to be certain that everyone was cared for, she was the one that was most steadfast. During that time, she was quiet, reserved, and met the needs of everyone. She especially looked after Carter, bringing him a bite to eat, and encouraging him to do so when he tried to refuse. She readied his clothing for the viewing and coordinated the luncheon. I don’t know what we would’ve done without her help.

Aimee was looking forward to having a happy gathering at her home. She’d invited our small group: Paige, Katherine, Declan, myself, and just a few others. When I told her we had invited Carter to come for the weekend, she said she would love it if he came as well. All of us were excited to see him, especially Aimee. She’d asked after him several times. She had confided to Aria that her heart was broken to see a man so distraught, and she was hoping to see him smile while he was here. We were hoping we could convince him to stay for a while. He was bringing Cody with him, and we couldn’t wait to see how she loved running on the beach.

Aria told Aimee that she’d bring some food and a dessert to her party, so she ran out to the grocery to get the needed items. I was thinking about our tense morning, but I was looking forward to a nice evening out with her, Carter, and all of our friends.

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