Read Popcorn Love Online

Authors: KL Hughes

Tags: #romantic comedy, #lesbian, #lesbian romance, #lesbian fiction

Popcorn Love (49 page)

BOOK: Popcorn Love
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“Try it because you love me.”

“I do love you,” Elena told her, leaning forward to
kiss the side of Allison’s calf.

Allison threw a piece of popcorn at her head. “I love
you too.”

“I’m still not trying it.”

Allison threw a whole handful at her. “Try it!”

“You’re going to wake my son,” Elena said, grinning,
so Allison whispered as loud as she could so that she sounded like
she was hissing the words.

Try it

Elena let out an exaggerated sigh. “Why is it so
important that I try this ridiculous concoction of yours?”

“Because it is delicious.” She then put on a straight
face, as solemn as could manage, and clasped a hand around Elena’s
ankle. “It’s because I love you, Elena.” She stressed the words
dramatically. “I don’t want you to miss out on the delicious things
in life.”

“Well, it looks disgusting to me.” Elena shook her
head and poked Allison’s side with her toes. “Even the description
of it sounds disgusting.”

Allison smiled. “That’s the thing, though, you know?
It’s part of why I love it, even more so now that you and I are

“What do you mean?”

Allison popped another handful of her popcorn and
Reese’s into her mouth before crunching it down to nothing and
swallowing. She then pulled Elena’s foot up toward her face and
pressed a kiss to the inside of the brunette’s exposed ankle. “It’s
us,” she said.

Elena stared at her curiously, and Allison pointed to
the popcorn. “This stuff,” she said. “It’s
, you and

“You and I are popcorn and candy?” Elena asked.


“Dear, you are going to have to elaborate.”

“Two things that maybe were never meant to go
together,” Allison said, one hand rubbing up and down Elena’s shin.
“Two things that people look at or even just hear about and
automatically sneer at or assume it won’t work. It’s two things
that are completely different and that shouldn’t go so well
together, but they
.” Allison squeezed Elena’s leg. “It’s
us. You get it?”

Elena stared at her for a moment and then a soft sigh
escaped her. She shifted on the couch and climbed over Allison’s
legs to get to the bowl in her lap. Reaching in, she pulled out a
small handful and funneled it into her mouth. She chomped it down,
somehow managing to make it look graceful, and then shrugged a
shoulder. “It isn’t terrible,” she said, “but it isn’t heavenly

Allison laughed and pulled her down into a long kiss.
“I can’t believe you tried it.”

Elena grabbed the bowl of popcorn and moved it to the
small table nearby before settling more comfortably in her lap. She
rested a hand over Allison’s heart and pressed a kiss to her lips.
“You’ve always had a way of winning me over.”

Allison ran her hands down Elena’s back. “Same.”

They kissed each other, long and languid. Their
fingers tangled together, squeezing and holding tight, as those
slow, soft kisses grew deeper and hotter. Their bodies moved
together, slowly beginning to grind to the rhythm of Allison’s
quickening pulse.


Elena instantly jerked up at the sleepy sound of her
son’s voice, slipping off of Allison’s lap, and Allison followed.
They turned to find the sweaty, pajama-clad toddler standing a few
feet away and watching them as he rubbed at his eyes.

Clearing her throat, Elena patted at her hair and
pulled her shirt down where it had ridden up. “What’s wrong,

“I’m thirsty.”

Elena let out a soft breath, and Allison began to
shake with muted laughter. A few moments later and Lucas probably
would have walked in on something a little more heated than a quiet
kissing session. “Okay, munchkin,” Elena said. “Let’s get you some

She smacked Allison’s shoulder as she rose from the
couch and scooped up her son.

Allison just continued to laugh as she pushed off the
couch. “Maybe we should hire a babysitter,” she said as she
followed Elena.

Elena glanced over her shoulder and smiled, arching a

Allison narrowed her eyes at the look. “
not a hot one. I’m the only hot babysitter allowed.”

Elena let out a soft laugh and disappeared into the

Allison shook her head, smiled, and followed.

She knew she had a lot of trying times ahead.
Graduation was looming, and that meant the end of the last four
years of her life. That meant saying goodbye to Macy, her closest
friend and the only family she had ever had in her life before
taking the babysitting gig that turned her world upside down and
gave her more than she could have ever dreamed possible for

She knew she and Elena would face challenges, and
that things wouldn’t always be like this, so easy, so perfect, but
those thoughts faded from Allison’s mind as Elena’s laughter
spilled into her ears. Her heart was so full in that moment that
she could feel it in every part of her, beating out the rhythm of
this new life and this new hope. This was only the beginning.
Whatever the future held, she wasn’t concerned. She wouldn’t face
it alone, and neither would Elena.

Whatever it was that had always been missing, she
knew they had found it in one another.

They found home.





About KL Hughes

KL Hughes is an American poet and fiction author
writing in multiple genres. Growing up in a small town of just over
1500 people, she spent much of her time inventing various ways to
entertain herself as well as others. Whether it was through vocal
performances of original children’s songs or theatrical
re-enactments of books, movies, and actual events, Hughes showcased
her extensive imagination and creativity at a very early age.

She began writing poetry at the age of nine, a
passion that rapidly grew and expanded to include short stories,
novellas, and eventually novels. Throughout elementary school and
high school, Hughes won several contests and competitions focused
in original poetry and short-story composition.

After graduating valedictorian of her high-school
class, Hughes went on to pursue and earn a Bachelor of Liberal Arts
degree in Theatre Arts and English Literature. Her collegiate
studies allowed her to develop and hone her skills in poetry,
playwriting, screenwriting, and fiction prose.

Working as a writer full-time, Hughes lives in the
United States with her wife and their Dalmatian. When not writing,
she enjoys theatre and film, travel, visits to old cemeteries and
haunted houses, putting on one-woman musicals for her wife, long
walks and hikes, and family time.








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Popcorn Love

© 2015 by KL Hughes


ISBN (mobi): 978-3-95533-266-2

ISBN (epub): 978-3-95533-267-9

ISBN (pdf): 978-3-95533-268-6


Also available as paperback.


Published by Ylva Publishing, legal entity of Ylva
Verlag, e.Kfr.


Ylva Verlag,

Owner: Astrid

Am Kirschgarten 2

65830 Kriftel


BOOK: Popcorn Love
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