Popcorn Love (48 page)

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Authors: KL Hughes

Tags: #romantic comedy, #lesbian, #lesbian romance, #lesbian fiction

BOOK: Popcorn Love
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“Reactions like that, dear, make me quick to agree
with Allison.”

“Jealous of your leech?” Macy asked. “Don’t make me

A shrill squeal suddenly split the air and caught
them all off guard.


Lucas sprinted across the grass and barreled into
Allison the same way Allison had barreled into Elena.

Allison immediately detached from Elena and swooped
down to scoop up the little guy. “Lucas!” She swung him around and
hugged him close. “Hey, little man! Happy early birthday!”

Lucas grinned and said, “Come on!”

“Come on where?”

“I’m gonna meet you to my friends!”

“Introduce,” Elena said. “You are going to
Allison to your friends.”

“That’s what I said!” Lucas tugged on Allison’s hair.
“Come on!”

“Okay, kid, but first, I want
to meet one

His eyes widened. “You got a friend here?”

Allison nodded and pointed toward Macy. “That’s her
right there. Her name is Macy, and she’s my best friend.”

Lucas narrowed his eyes at Allison.

“Other than you, of course,” Allison added,

Lucas smiled shyly when he looked back at Macy. He
tucked a little closer into Allison, but she just patted him on the
back to encourage him. She knew he had a bit of a shy streak when
first meeting new people, but once he opened up, it was instant
best-friends-forever, and Allison
wanted him to like

“Hi Lucas,” Macy said. “It’s nice to finally meet

Lucas frowned as he stared at her. He then leaned
into Allison’s hair, cupped his hand around his mouth, and
whispered in her ear. “She talks funny.”

Allison nodded along to Lucas’s words and then
answered him out loud. “Macy sounds like that because she is from a
different country.”

Eyes widening again, Lucas gaped at Macy.

“That’s right,” Macy said. “I sound funny, don’t

Lucas giggled and nodded. “I like it.”

“Well, good, because I like

Lucas smiled at her and then tugged on Allison’s hair
again. “Can we go now?”

Allison laughed. “All right, kid. Let’s go.” She
leaned over and pecked Elena on the cheek. “I’m off to make some

“So much for my leech,” Elena said, and Allison
kissed her once more.

She winked. “I’ll be back.”

Lucas climbed around onto Allison’s back and cheered
when she took off galloping toward the other kids.


* * *


Allison and Lucas barely made it back to the snack
table before Macy, who was leaning on Elena like they had been best
friends for years, called out to tease her best friend. “Oi! If I
send Elena off to get a saddle, will you wear it?”

Allison stuck her tongue out at Macy as she walked
over and carefully let Lucas down from her back. As soon as the kid
was down, Allison playfully punched Macy’s shoulder and pulled her
off of Elena. “Geez,” she said. “I leave for a few minutes and you
start trying to make a move on my girl? Not cool.”

“If she finds me more charming, then so be it,” Macy
said, pushing Allison back.

“Children, please,” Elena said, laughing, before
picking up her son. “Come on, birthday boy. Let’s get you some

Macy smacked Allison’s arm. “Alli, who’s that?”


“Leggy blonde headed this way. Ten o’clock.”

Allison looked where indicated and let out a laugh.
“Oh boy,” she said. “That’s trouble.”


“That’s Vivian.”

Macy smirked. “No shit?” She didn’t wait for a reply
before she took off to meet Vivian halfway.

When she reached Vivian, she dipped into a dramatic

“Um, do I know you?” Vivian asked.

“No, but
,” Macy said,
straightening again. “Teach me your genius ways.”

Vivian smiled and said, “That would take years.
Sorry, stranger.”

Returning the smile, Macy held out her hand. “I’m
Macy. Allison’s roommate.”

“Oh!” Vivian said, eyes widening. “Oh right! Macy!”
She reached out to shake Macy’s hand. “I’ve actually heard a lot
about you. It’s nice to meet you.”

“And you,” Macy replied. “I’m a big fan of your

“My work?”

“Your matchmaking, of course. I heard all about your
little scheme from a secondhand recounting of Allison and Elena’s
pillow talk. It was a bore beyond the bits about you, all love and
rainbows and other sappy shit.”

Chuckling, Vivian slipped her hand into the crook of
Macy’s elbow and they made their way toward the others. “Don’t tell
me you aren’t a fan of epic romantic moments,” she said. “Allison
seems to be a master of them. I find myself swooning over her on a
daily basis. It’s disgusting.”

“Eh.” Macy shrugged. She grinned at Allison when they
reached the table, now close enough to be heard. “She stumbles into
most of those moments. She’s just good at improvising.”

“Is that so?”

“No, I’m totally romantic and, um, dashing and
stuff,” Allison said.

Elena leaned over and kissed Allison’s cheek. “Quite
dashing, dear.”

“See!” Allison smiled triumphantly, showing all her

“Sure you are, mate.”


* * *


While the kids were crowded around Allison and Lucas
Sr., listening to the two playing guitar, Elena spent time sorting
Lucas’s presents and making sure that Vivian had marked each one on
the list so that she could send out thank-you cards the following
week. She was pulled from her task, though, when Macy approached

“Macy,” Elena said. “Are you having—”

“Fun?” Macy asked. “Are you kidding? Watching Allison
get trapped in the Bounce House as it deflated was one of the
highlights of my life. I’m having a blast.”

Elena chuckled. “It
rather amusing.”

“Right? I’m kind of pissed that I didn’t get it on

Elena grinned wickedly, glancing at the other woman.


“Score!” Macy’s smile was brilliant as she stepped in
closer until they stood side-by-side. They turned to lean against
the table and look out on the bustle of Lucas’s party. Silence
settled between them, stretching on for several moments before Macy
sighed and, without looking at Elena, said, “Sorry to get serious,
but we need to talk.”

Elena’s stomach knotted instantly, but she kept her
composure. “About?”

Crossing her arms tightly over her chest, Macy rocked
on her heels a bit as she muttered, “I need to know that you’re not
going anywhere.”

Elena turned to look at her. “I’m sorry?” she asked,

“Allison,” Macy said. She smiled almost sadly. “I
need to know that you’re not going to leave her. I need to know
that you’re not going to abandon her, you know?”

Elena frowned. “What do you mean?” she asked.
“I…Macy, I
her. More than I ever thought possible.”

“I know you do,” Macy said, “but sometimes that isn’t
enough. I mean, even if you two don’t work out as a couple, I need
to know that you won’t just kick her to the curb, Elena. She’s had
enough of that in her life, and, with me going back home, she’s
going to need someone to lean on. I want to trust you to be that
person, but I need you to tell me that no matter what, you won’t
just abandon her.”

They held each other’s gazes a long moment before
Macy whispered, “Is that a promise that you can make?”

“I can,” Elena said, voice firm. “I can make that

Macy held out a hand. “Shake on it?”

Elena slipped her hand into Macy’s and shook it

“Right,” Macy said. “Now that that’s taken care of, I
just need one more thing from you.”

“Oh? And what is that?”

“Make sure she doesn’t shut me out,” Macy said,
glancing up and looking more vulnerable than Elena had ever seen
her. It was almost startling, the need in Macy’s eyes. “That’s what
she does, you know? When she thinks things won’t work out or when
she’s scared, she isolates. She’ll try to do that when I leave.
She’ll assume that we’ll lose touch, so she’ll try to force it to
happen quickly. Don’t let her do that, Elena. Don’t let her shut me
out. Make sure she calls me and accepts my calls. Make sure she
sits her ass down to Skype with me at least once a week. I mean it.
She’s my best mate. She’s the most important person in my life, and
I don’t want to lose her.”

Elena placed a hand on Macy’s shoulder and squeezed.
“I will make sure of it, Macy,” she said. “I promise.”

Macy let out a soft breath. “Thanks.”

“I was actually hoping that you wouldn’t mind a
visit,” Elena said after a moment, and Macy whipped around to face
her, brows shooting up.

“Both of you?” she asked, her voice squeaky with
obvious excitement.

Elena nodded. “I was thinking sometime this summer.
Would that be acceptable?”

She startled when Macy suddenly yanked her into her
arms, but quickly sank into the embrace. “Thank you,” Macy
whispered. “I would love that. Thank you.”

Elena patted her back and nodded atop her shoulder.
When they separated, Macy subtly wiped at her eyes and then turned
to put her back to the table so that they were standing side by
side again. Elena let her gaze fall on Allison across the park,
playing for the kids, and she smiled.

protect her, won’t you?” Macy
whispered, and Elena’s smile widened.

“I will do better than that, dear. I will love


* * *


Despite the few snags, Lucas’s party was a great
success. Lucas had certainly exhausted himself with an overload of
fun. He conked out on Allison’s shoulder halfway to Elena’s

“Are you sure you want to come home with us?” Elena
asked Allison as she buckled Lucas into his car seat. “Would you
not rather spend a bit of extra time with Macy?”

“I’m sure,” Allison said. “I’ve been missing you guys
like crazy and, besides, I’m pretty sure Macy has plans to go to
the bar tonight to have a little goodbye party with a few of her

Elena smiled at her. “Excellent. I was hoping I could
get you all to myself today.”

“I’m all yours, babe.”

Elena took Lucas to bed once they made it home, and
Allison wandered off toward Elena’s bedroom, knowing Elena would
want to change clothes before settling in for the night. She
stepped into Elena’s room, collapsed onto the massive fluffy bed,
and reveled in its softness and the overwhelming smell of Elena
wafting up from the sheets. Her gaze scanned over the room,
absorbing the details of the little sanctuary she felt she hadn’t
seen in decades, even though it had only been a couple of

It was exactly the same, except…

Allison jumped to her feet and crossed the room to
get a better look at an obviously new addition to Elena’s bedroom
décor. She stared up at the large photo for several long moments.
She found it so beautiful that she could hardly believe it was
in the frame.

But it was.

It was one of the photos Elena had taken that day in
the studio. Allison stood front and center in the photo, skinny
jeans and tank, hands tucked into her pockets, shoulders drawn
tight, but it was her face that drew her in. Caught in a moment
of…Allison didn’t know exactly, but she could tell it was genuine.
She had never seen herself look so open before, so tender.

Her eyes in the photo were wide and light as she
stared directly forward, her cheeks painted a soft pink and her
lips slightly parted.

“That one was my favorite.”

Allison jumped as hands slipped around her waist from
behind and Elena’s voice whispered against her neck. “Your

“Yeah,” Allison breathed. “I look so…”

“Beautiful,” Elena said, and Allison melted into her.
“I know that word often seems so terribly generic, but I’ve never
seen anyone embody it quite as perfectly as you do in this photo,
Allison. It still takes my breath away.”

Allison turned in Elena’s arms and pulled her into an
embrace. “I’ve never
felt that way before.”

Elena stroked a hand through Allison’s long hair.

“Yeah,” Allison said. She pressed a kiss to Elena’s
neck. “But I do with you.”


* * *


“But it even
pretty,” Allison said,
shaking the bowl in Elena’s direction as they lay on opposite ends
of the couch, their legs entangled. “How could you not want to eat
something so pretty?”

As soon as the words were out of her mouth, Allison
grinned mischievously and bit her lip.

Elena smirked and gently shook her head. “Your mind
just went somewhere else entirely, I take it?”


Elena clucked her tongue and arched a brow. “Dirty

“Whatever. It’s

“I can live with that.”

“Of course you can.” Allison threw a piece of popcorn
at her head, but Elena ducked to the side just in time and it
missed her.

“Throwing it at me is hardly the way to make me want
to try it, dear,” Elena told her, and Allison shrugged.

“I’m just gonna keep throwing them, and then maybe
the next time you open your mouth to say something, BAM! One will
land in your mouth, and then you’ll be all, ‘Wow, this is
delicious. I want more, except
time, I want to add a
piece of candy to it.’”

“My,” Elena drawled, “that is an elaborate plan, and
of course, that sounds
like something I would

Allison laughed out loud and threw another piece of
popcorn at Elena. “Try it, woman!”


“Try it because I’m so cute when I ask.”

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