Pompeii (64 page)

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Authors: Mary Beard

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30 Shop doors on the Via dell’Abbondanza. Photo B. Letwin
31 Scale model of the House of the Tragic Poet, N. Wood
32 Entrance hall mosaic, the House of the Tragic Poet. Drawing, N. Wood
33 A child’s wooden cradle from Herculaneum, SAP 78444
34 Kitchen in the House of the Vettii
35 Water
, the House of the Golden Bracelet. Photo, A. Wallace-Hadrill
36 Priapus at the entrance to the House of the Vettii. Photo, M. Larvey
37 Prostitute’s room (
cella meretricia
). Photo courtesy of Foglia Fotografica
38 Sarno baths. Photo, R. Cormack
39 Ornamental water channel, House of Octavius Quartio
40 House of Fabius Rufus, axionometric reconstruction. After V. Kockel
41 Caricature of ‘Rufus’,
IV, 9226
42 ‘Hello Amarantus, hello’, graffito from Bar of Amarantus,
IV, 10008
43 Half-finished painting, from the House of the Painters at Work. Photo, R. Cormack
44 Painting of Menander in the House of the Menander
45 Two wall painting designs. Left, from the Villa of Diomedes, A. Carli, in F. and F. Niccolini
, Le Case ed I Monumenti di Pompei
(Naples, 1854–96). Right, from the House of Marcus Lucretius (IX. 3. 5), G. Abbate, in Niccolini,
Case e Monumenti
46 So called portrait of Sappho. MANN 9084. Photo, R. Cormack
47 Geometric design of wall-painting, from the House of the Gilded Cupids (VI. 16. 7). Photo, courtesy of Lattanzi
48 Hunting scene from the House of the Ceii. Photo, courtesy of Lattanzi
49 The ‘Judgement of Solomon’, from the House of the Doctor, MANN 113197
50 Frieze from the Villa of Mysteries. Photo, courtesy of Whitestar publishers
51 Parodies of the gods from the baths of the House of the Menander. After A. Maiuri,
La Casa del Menandro
(Rome, 1933)
52 Mosaic from the entrance to the hot room of the baths of the House of the Menander. Photo, M. Larvey
53 Painting of Achilles on the island of Skyros, W. Gell,
(London, 1838), Vol 2, Plate LXIX
54 Terracotta figurine of Micon and Pero (MANN 124846), drawing, H. von Rohden,
Die Terrakotten von Pompeji
(Stuttgart, 1880), Plate 47
55 Painting of the sacrifice of Iphigeneia, Gell,
, Vol. 2, Plate XLVI
56 Helen entertains Paris, the House of Jason, MANN 114320
57 Fish sauce jar, in mosaic from the House of Umbricius Scaurus, SAP 15188
58 Reconstruction of Villa Regina. Drawing S. de Caro
(La villa rustica in Località Villa Regina di Boscoreale
(Rome, 1994), Fig. 24, and courtesy of Giorgio Bretschneider
59 Wine delivery, from the Bar on the Via di Mercurio, Gell
, Vol. 2, Plate LXXXI (border modern)
60 Standard weights and measures, Mazois,
Les ruines
, Vol. 3, Plate XL
61 Painting from the
, G. Weidenmüller, in Niccolini,
Case e Monumenti
62 Marble relief showing metalworkers at work, MANN 6575
63 Bread oven from the Bakery of the Chaste Lovers. Photo courtesy of Lattanzi.
64 Bread stall, V.Loria, in Niccolini,
Case e Monumenti
65 A flour mill, A Mau,
Pompeii its life and art
(New York, 1899), Fig 210
66 A horse skeleton, from the Bakery of the Chaste Lovers. Photo, R. Cormack
67 A record tablet from the collection of Caecilius Jucundus, reconstruction, Mau,
, Fig 262
68 Bust of Caecilius Jucundus, MANN 110663. Photo, R. Cormack
69 The Covered Theatre in action, G. Cel, in Niccolini,
Case e Monumenti
70 The Basilica in the Forum, reconstruction sketch. Mau,
, Fig. 26
71 Statue of Marcus Holconius Rufus, MANN 6233
72 Tomb of Caius Calventius Quietus, Mazois,
Les ruines
, Vol. 1, Plate XXIV
73 The building of Eumachia, a nineteenth-century model, MANN
74 Statue of Eumachia, MANN 6232
75 Dormouse jar, SAP 10744
76 Painting from the House of the Triclinium, F. and F. Niccolini, in Niccolini
, Case e Monumenti
77 Silver cup from Boscoreale, Louvre Bj, 1923
78 Cooking utensils, Mau,
, Fig. 196
79 Phallic bronze lamp, SAP 1098
80 Painting from the Bar on the Via di Mercurio, Gell
, Vol 2, Plate LXXX
81 Phallus bird, Colonel Famin, Musée
royal de Naples, peintures, bronzes et statues érotiques du cabinet secret
(Paris, 1857), Plate XXVI
82 Erotic wall-painting from the brothel
83 Reconstruction of the Stabian baths, from F. Yegül
Baths and Bathing in Classical Antiquity
(Cambridge, MA, 1992), after Eschebach
84 Bronze brazier from the Forum baths, G. Abbate,
Niccolini, Case e Monumenti
85 The Stabian baths men’s changing room, J. Overbeck,
(Leipzig, 1875), opp. p. 201
86 Erotic scenes from the changing room of the Suburban Baths. Photo, R. Cormack
87 Large Theatre. Photo courtesy of Corbis
88 Bronze portrait of Caius Norbanus Sorex. Photo courtesy of DAIR, D-DAI-ROM 1989.1216
89 Wall painting showing the theatre, M. Bieber,
The History of the Greek and Roman Theater
(Princeton, NJ, 1961), Fig. 776
90 The arena of the Amphitheatre. Photo courtesy of Corbis
91 The start of a gladiator bout, from the arena wall, Mazois,
Les ruines
, Vol. 4, Plate XLVII
92 Advertisement for gladiatorial games,
IV, 3884
93 Sculpture showing the stages of a gladiatorial show, MANN 6704
94 Palaestra adjacent to the Large Theatre, used for housing gladiators. Photo courtesy of Corbis
95 Gladiator’s helmet, MANN 8674
96 Pompeian graffiti showing gladiators, from Tomb 14 EN, from cemetery at Nuceria Gate
97 The goddess Venus, from the House of Marine Venus, Famin,
Cabinet Secret
, Plate XXXIV
98 Bronze figurines of dancing Lares MANN
99 Marble head of Jupiter, from the Temple of Jupiter, Juno and Minerva, MANN 6266
100 Reconstruction of the Temple of Jupiter, Juno and Minerva, Mazois,
Les ruines
, Vol. 3, Plate XXXII
101 Temple of Minerva and Hercules, Mau,
, opp. p. 128
102 Temple of Jupiter Meilichios, Mazois,
Les ruines
, Vol. 4, Plate IV bis.
103 Temple of Fortuna Augusta, Gell,
, Vol. 1, Plate XXI
104 Temple of Jupiter, Juno and Minerva. Photo, R. Cormack
105 Statue of Aesculapius/Jupiter, MANN 22574
106 Sacrificial scene, from an altar in the Forum, Mazois,
Les ruines
, Vol. 4, Plate XV
from the House of Vettii. Photo courtesy of Lattanzi
108 Painting of worship at a
, House of Sutoria Primigenia (I. 13. 2). Photo, M. Larvey
109 Bronze hand of Sabazius. Photo courtesy of Whitestar publishers
110 Temple of Isis. Photo courtesy of Sites and Photos
111 Statue of Isis, from the Temple of Isis, K. Grob, in Niccolini,
Case e Monumenti
112 Tombs leading up to the Herculaneum Gate, Mazois,
Les ruines
, Vol 1, Plate II
113 Tomb of Vesonius Phileros. Photo courtesy of DAIR, D-DAI-ROM 1958.1937

In addition to the credits noted above, the following illustrations are reproduced with the authorisation of the Italian Ministero per I Beni e le Attività Culturali:

Soprintendenza Archeologica di Pompei: Colour plates 6, 10. Illustrations 2, 8, 12, 15, 17, 19, 20, 30, 33, 35, 36, 38, 43, 52, 57, 66, 75, 79, 86, 104, 108. Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli: Colour plates 5, 12, 13, 15, 22. Illustrations 1, 3, 7, 11, 16, 46, 49, 56, 62, 68, 71, 73, 74, 93, 95, 98, 99, 105. Soprintendenza Archeologica di Napoli: Colour plate 23.

While every effort has been made to contact copyright-holders of illustrations, the author and publishers would be grateful for information about any illustrations where they have been unable to trace them, and would be glad to make amendments in further editions.

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