Polished (20 page)

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Authors: Alyssa Turner

Tags: #erotic romance, #menage, #MMF

BOOK: Polished
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With his first shot of cum, his abs clenched and he reached up and grabbed Rory by the shoulders, pulling her into his arms. He took her into a bear hug, bucking into her with three more violent surges.

Brushing past Spencer’s fingers, Jack planted his hand at the small of her back. He pushed her down, gaining leverage. Spencer’s orgasm only seemed to spur on Jack’s as he pumped relentlessly, seeking his own release. Then suddenly he pulled out. Soon liquid heat eased over Spencer’s balls, creeping lower between his cheeks, and the condom fell from Jack’s hand to the floor.

Suddenly the weight atop Spencer seemed to triple. Jack lay collapsed on top of both of them for a few stark moments of heavy breathing.

“I…” Jack started, and stopped before finishing his thought. Maybe he needed to catch his breath, but the way his brow furrowed and then softened made Spencer think it wasn’t just that. Conflicted—that was how he looked. It took several more minutes for him to continue. “I would really like it if you two would come and get in my bed with me.”

Rory turned in the tight ring they’d formed around her with their arms. She whispered softly, “Is that a command or a request?”

Jack touched her cheek, swiping a wild tendril away and tucking it behind her ear. “It’s a wish.”

“You want to spoon with me again, don’t you? Like in the tunnel,” Spencer said. He’d made a joke, but really it was more a wish of his own.

“Oh yes, there will be spooning. Of that I have no doubt,” Jack said with a wide grin, taking Rory’s hand and helping her down from her perch atop Spencer. Rory turned to Spencer and linked her fingers with his as he rose and slid from the counter.

They walked like this, tethered together, one connected to the next. Spencer wanted nothing more than to sleep with the warmth of both of them tucked around him. Rory squeezed his hand, tipped up on her toes, and whispered in his ear, “I got you, baby.”

He nodded. She did have him, completely. But, ever better, she understood him. She had given him the whole cake and she had let him eat and eat until he was full.

“I love you to fucking death. You know that, Ror?”

“I do,” she said. Jack threw them a smile over his shoulder as she repeated herself. “I do.”


Chapter Fourteen



Morning wood was nothing new. Jack had woken up with an erection every day of his life since he was thirteen. He shifted toward Spencer, who was still snoring ever so softly next to him, and he gave him a nudge. Spencer responded by throwing a leg around his waist.

A sunny summer morning with a raging erection and last night’s lover still naked and asleep beside him—none of it was new at all, except the tug inside his chest.

“He almost never sleeps in,” Rory whispered. She propped herself up on one elbow and peered over Spencer.

“Guess I tuckered him out last night.”

She gave him a small shrug and reached for the shirt Jack had left discarded on the floor. “You tuckered us both out.” After tugging it on, a soft giggle escaped her lips and she reached out and swiped at Jack’s nose. “You’re blushing.”

Jack frowned. “I am not.”

“It’s sweet.” She paused a moment. “You have so many different layers.”

He took in the image of her there, with Spencer between them. He could easily see himself helping her do whatever was necessary to make Spencer sleep this soundly every night. He would also love helping Spencer make Rory smile the amazing smile she was giving him now. He smiled back with a dip of his head, embarrassed more by his thoughts than her comment. “You think so?”

“I think it’s extremely interesting.”

“So I’m a psychological curiosity, huh?”

She smiled. “Hmmm. After last night, I think we’re way beyond curiosity.”

Spencer stirred, scratching at his whisker-roughened cheek. Rory lay back down and nuzzled into his neck.

Jack hated the lump that had formed in his throat, but he managed to swallow it and ask, “Do you think he’ll want to do it again?”

She sat back up, whispering, “I think Spencer should answer you on that.”

“What about you?”

She pressed her lips together. “I might be persuaded.”

“Now you’re the one blushing.”

Her eyes twinkled and she cupped her cheeks. “I don’t know what’s come over me.”

He licked his lips. “Me either.”

Spencer stretched. “What are you guys whispering about?”

“Jack is making me blush.”

Spencer chuckled. “Dude, at least wait until I’m awake to make my girlfriend blush.”

Jack shrugged. “At least I waited for you to wake up before I kissed her.” He was starting to know Spencer’s sense of humor. He could joke too. But what about the true feelings that lay beneath? He cocked an eyebrow. “You first, though.” He went for it, dipping his head toward Spencer. “Is that OK? Can I kiss you?”

Spencer quirked his lip. “Oh, so now you’re asking permission?”

Jack grinned and leaned in farther. “My mistake. Won’t happen again.”

The kiss, simple as the morning light, took Jack’s breath away. Just like he thought it would.

“Now kiss your girlfriend before she gets the idea you like me more than her.”

Spencer laughed. “That could never happen. She’d never be so crazy to think that.” Jack watched him plant a nice deep kiss on Rory’s lips. His heart fluttered for them, for the love they had.

“You two are perfect together.”

Rory walked her fingers over Spencer’s chest, meandering through his chest hairs. “Last night it seemed like we were perfect for you.”

Jack popped out of the bed. “Seemed that way, didn’t it?” He suddenly felt a very real need to put some space between them. Fuck, if she hadn’t called him out on that one. “I’m going to run into town for some more bagels.”

“Oh no you don’t,” Rory said with her arms folded. “You will not deprive me of my chance to show you my hotcakes.”

Jack couldn’t help himself. He burst out laughing. “You did not just say that.”

She joined him in his laughter, wagging her finger at him. “Don’t try to get out of it. We have a little contest going, remember? Spencer will be the judge.”

“Uh, no. I’m not that stupid,” Spencer said, rolling out of bed as well. “Besides, it wouldn’t be a fair comparison. Your hotcakes are always delicious no matter what. Jack’s were different. Not better, just different.”

It was pretty clear he wasn’t only talking about pancakes, but it was also clear that would be as much as he would say on the matter. Instead Spencer busied himself with his watch.

They were all silent for a moment. Rory started tugging on the covers, wrestling them into order. “Why don’t you guys relax and I’ll get everything ready.”

“Leave that, Ror. I’ll get to it later.”

“No, let me take care of it. Go hang out by the ocean. When I’m finished we can eat poolside.”

“She’s really cute when she gives orders,” Jack said to Spencer, with a flash of his eyes in her direction.

Spencer nodded in agreement. “Adorable.” He followed up behind her, easing his hands onto her hips, slipping them under the hem of Jack’s shirt, which she wore hanging open, barely revealing her soft, pert breasts.

Jack swept her into his arms and ran his fingers into her tangles. His tongue tipped out to meet hers in a slow dance. He was harder than ever.

“I have a better idea,” Jack said when their lips parted. Rory still looked dazed from the kiss, her hair a tousled mess. It was one of the sexiest things Jack had ever seen. “Let us give you an orgasm first. Then you can make my bed and cook us breakfast.”

He couldn’t miss the excitement in her eyes. He set his jaw. “No arguing.”

Rory nodded and pulled the shirt from her shoulders, letting it drop back to the floor. As far as Jack was concerned, that was where it belonged. He could really see keeping her naked 24/7. Naked and ready. He toyed with the idea of making that the rule of the house. Rory had to be naked whenever she stepped foot inside his home. The thought surprised him, not because of what he would command Rory to do, but because it implied there would be a next time. He was already making mental plans to see them both next weekend. Maybe even before then, for dinner or a movie, perhaps. Was this what it was like to want to date someone—or rather, two someones?

Jack stripped the mess of covers from the bed, leaving a blank canvas for Rory to spread herself over. Spencer grabbed both her shoulders and pushed her gently, making her lie back down. Not waiting for any instructions, he dropped his head to her breast and took it into his mouth. It was as good a place as any to start off with. Jack took his place on her left and mirrored Spencer’s movements on Rory’s other nipple. She arched her back and sighed. God, how Jack loved that sound.

“Give me some more of that, Ror. Let me hear you,” Jack said. His fingers slid over her belly and into the neatly trimmed curls of her pussy. Latching them around her clit, he tugged softly. She rewarded him with another coo.

He slipped a finger inside her then, still lapping at her nipple. Spencer’s hand found its way to her cunt and took over at her clit, circling it with growing speed. She spread her legs wider, letting her enjoyment be known with a string of throaty syllables. To Jack’s ears it was the sweetest music. Together, he and Spencer used their fingers to pleasure her, working as a team. Jack released the breast he’d been savoring and inched closer to where Spencer was sucking her other nipple intently. He licked up from the center of her breastbone to converge with Spencer’s mouth. Spencer opened his eyes momentarily and a small smile crept onto the corner of his lips as he licked her pebbled flesh. The two men’s tongues met, tapping and dancing together around Rory’s nipple.

Jack pumped another finger inside her, controlling himself as best he could as Rory’s back arched into a gorgeous curve. He wanted to make it last, to stretch out her pleasure and enjoy the ride. But it wasn’t easy. He let out a moan of his own, answering hers, and added a twist to his strokes.

“Spencer, hold her legs open for me.”

Rory moaned again.

Spencer had a good hold of her under the knees, pulling her ass slightly off the mattress. It made it easy for Jack to plunge his tongue into her dripping wet hole. She cried out. He did it again, shifting his head to the side to allow Spencer enough room to join him.

When Spencer took his first pass at her clit with his tongue, Rory sputtered something that sounded like, “Frig a fuck, oh my…shit.” Her fists balled up and she pounded them one time into the mattress beside her. Jack flicked his tongue around her portal and plunged again as deep as he could. Spencer slurped and lapped at her clit above him. Rory panted and gasped and Jack knew he could listen to her go on like this forever.

Jack pushed on Rory’s thighs, gripping her flesh. Spencer got the picture quickly, pulling her legs ever farther apart, making Jack appreciate how well they already communicated with one another. Jack then slipped his finger into her slickened asshole. He had no need for lubrication. Her pussy offered plenty in excess. Her ass was tight. “Are you a virgin here too, like Spencer was?” he asked. He was surprised by how much her answer mattered to him.

“Mm-hmm,” she managed, and Jack felt something grow inside him. Something even stronger than his raging hard-on.

Just one finger pressed gently forward, past the tight ring of her ass. It was all he’d venture at that point. Anything more didn’t seem right. Not yet. “You gonna let Spencer have you here one day, sweetheart?”

“Ahhhhh. If he wants to, sir.”

Jack’s cocked jumped when she called him sir. He took a sip of her pussy to tell her he approved. “Good girl. He’s very lucky.” His finger inched deeper and retreated just as slowly until only the tip was inside her. Jack willed himself to be gentle with her. It took all of his concentration. “What I wouldn’t do to be there that first time, baby.”

Spencer lifted his head and grinned at him wickedly. He didn’t say anything, but there was a promise in his eyes. Jack was sure of it.

With languid strokes, Jack penetrated Rory’s ass with his finger. As she became increasingly pliable, he increased his pace. Then he placed his tongue in her pussy again, while Spencer made steady swipes at her clit. He reveled in the sound of her moans as they became screams.

She tasted so damn sweet, flooding his mouth with her climax. He had to share it; grabbing Spencer by the hair, he shoved his mouth to where she poured and poured for them both.

But of course, it had been
sharing Rory with
all along. And he was thankful for that gift. It was amazing, partnering with him in Rory’s pleasure. He planted a kiss of gratitude on Spencer’s lips, while Rory lay panting beneath them.

“Now, sweetheart, if you still have enough energy to make my bed and cook us breakfast, I won’t stand in your way.”

She waved a limp hand in the air with a chuckle. “Just give me a few minutes.”

Spencer nuzzled her neck and tweaked her nipple playfully. “As long as you save some energy for later, babe. You’re going to need it.”


* * *



The waves crashed on the shore, like they’d done for an eternity. Spencer stretched, wiggled his good foot in the sand and dug his toes deep until the warm crystals gave way to cool dampness. His casted ankle remained propped up in front of him on the lounger. His third leg was still standing high at attention.

Jack turned and smiled at him. “I could take care of that for you.”

Spencer tried not to look embarrassed by how amazing that sounded, but he shook his head. “I’m good.”

Jack nodded. “I get it. Not without Rory.”

“She’s part of the package, man.”

“I’m not complaining. It’s a sweet package.”

Spencer laughed. It boggled his mind how he’d ended up here, with a hard-on cooking in his pants, lounging casually next to the living image of his secret desires. After the unbelievable night Jack had given him, Spencer wondered how he’d ever be able to close the door on those desires again.

“Hey, what happened to the painted toenails?” Jack asked, changing the subject.

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