Polished (15 page)

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Authors: Alyssa Turner

Tags: #erotic romance, #menage, #MMF

BOOK: Polished
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She reached for Spencer’s hand and gave it a squeeze. Spencer shrugged like he had no idea what was going on.

A gentle wind blew constant from the east, carrying the scent of the sea and the slight tinge of diesel. Jack was quiet for such a long time that Rory almost told him to forget it. What was she thinking, putting him on the spot like that? Mortification crept in like an unwanted stowaway.

“We need a safe word,” Jack said finally. “Something you say when you’re not cool with what I’ve asked or what’s going on.”

Spencer laughed. “Dude, what exactly are you going to ask that we wouldn’t be cool with?”

Jack shook his head again. “This is such a bad idea.” He turned back toward the shore.

“Nail polish,” Rory blurted. “It needs to be something that wouldn’t come up in normal conversation.” She sounded like she was quoting a textbook and she knew it—in fact, that was precisely what she was doing. “The safe word is nail polish.”

“Isn’t that two words?” Spencer said, with a snarky grin on his face.

Jack’s eyes narrowed on Rory. He folded his arms, planted his feet firmly on the sodden wood. Rory’s heart fluttered with nerves as he sized the both of them up. “Rory, take off your bikini top.” His command came in an even tone, but there was no disagreeing with that voice. “Spencer and I would like to appreciate how beautiful your breasts are.”

Rory swallowed hard. It had been like a switch flipping on for him—for her too, because that tone in his voice made her heart skip three beats. She hesitated, only because her hands were shaking. She’d asked for it, but even as it was happening it didn’t seem real. How far did she want this to go? What else would he ask of her? She realized that not knowing was a very big part of why her pussy was suddenly flexing in earnest.

“Rory, I gave you an order,” Jack said.

It was like the dock had narrowed to a sliver and all she could see was his relentless stare.

She was frozen in the moment, her heart beating in her ears at least five times before Jack’s shoulders dropped and he started to turn around again.

“Wait!” Rory called out, her fingers busy with the strings on her top. She stared at Spencer, wanting to know what he would make of it all. He arched an eyebrow at her with a big question resting in his expression. Rory froze, but nodded. She needed to do this, needed to help Spencer see that she was open to new things, to exploring new ground in their sex life. If he could see that she was brave, maybe he could be brave too. Smiling at him, she let the bikini top fall away to the dock.

When Spencer started to pick it up for her, Jack stopped him. “No, leave it there. She isn’t going to need it.”

“I’m not exactly sure what the fuck is going on here,” Spencer said, but left the little bit of pink fabric where it had fallen.

“It’s OK, Spencer. Jack is in charge. He calls the shots and we do what he says.” Rory fought the reflex to cover herself. The wind kissed her nipples, encouraging them to peak, though the arousal pooling in her bikini bottoms could only be blamed on the circumstances.

“Come on,” Jack said, hoisting the bag of towels and snacks on his shoulder and heading for the beach.

Spencer slipped into step next to Rory. “You OK with this?”

“It’s liberating,” she whispered. “And a turn-on. I can’t pretend that it isn’t.”

“You never cease to amaze me.”

She touched his arm. “Are you OK with this?”

“I’m curious.”

Rory looked down at his shorts. “You’re hard.”

“So I’m curious and hard.”

She grinned and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. “I’m curious too. We do what we want to do and nothing more. No judgments.”

He nodded. “No judgments.” With a lick of his lips, he cupped her breast softly, caressing her sensitive nipple with his thumb.

“Spencer, you aren’t allowed to touch her unless I say so.” Jack made his way to the dock again, walking fast with a stern look on his face. “She might be your girlfriend, but here you have no rights unless I give them to you. You belong to me. She belongs to me.” He grabbed her hand and led her to the towel he’d spread out on a grassy patch of beach. Rory followed as if she were on a leash. She stepped out of her super short terry cloth shorts.

“Your girlfriend is absolutely stunning,” Jack said to a slightly dumbfounded Spencer as he instructed her to lie down with a few scant gestures.

“Uh…thank you,” he said.

“Put some lotion on her so she doesn’t burn.”

Spencer’s hands danced over Rory’s skin and his eyes were hooded with the thoughts he inspired. They had an audience, for real this time, keenly watching every swipe of suntan lotion across her skin. Jack didn’t attempt to help. He just watched. Spencer stole more than a few glances at him while he worked. When Spencer was finished, Jack held out his hand for the lotion.

“Very good job. She’s well protected.”

Spencer nodded. His cock looked as if it would burst open the seams of his swimming trunks.

“Thank you, Spencer,” Rory said.

In a flash Jack was inches from her face, bending over her so that his breath could be felt on her lips. “You don’t thank Spencer. You thank me.”

Rory bit her lip as a fresh drip of silk slipped from her core. “Oh, sorry.” He lifted his chin expectantly. “Thank you, Jack.”

Jack swallowed. “Now you, Spencer.”

“You’re going to put the lotion on me?”

“For starters.”

“Then what?”

“You two have a lot to learn about being subs.”

“Maybe, but I can’t believe how turned on I am,” Rory whispered.

Jack smiled at her. “I can.” He sat on his knees and his gaze traveled over her body to the neat pink Lycra V between her legs. “You’ve soaked your bottoms already.” The grin on his face was wicked. “Take them off.”

Rory felt her cheeks flush. Jack was like another person, which seemed to fit because somehow she felt different too. The correct response flowed easily off her tongue. “Yes, Sir.”

Jack grinned just slightly at her choice of words. She also noted the sharp twitch inside his shorts. It pleased her. Excitement burned hotter than the sun on her skin as she lifted her bottom off the towel and scooted the scrap of bathing suit down her legs. When they were at her ankles, Jack tugged them free with his fist and tossed them aside.

Nude, she lay there with the breeze making her even more aware of herself.

“If it were left up to me, Rory, I’d keep you naked all the time,” Jack said. His next comment wasn’t louder than it needed to be for only her to hear. “But then I think you’d like that too.”

At this rate Rory was afraid she was going to soak through the towel.

“Spencer, come and see how much your girlfriend is enjoying this.”

Spencer moved quickly to her other side. Rory’s gaze followed him there, tracking the eagerness in his movements. Arousal slackened his mouth and a large vein rose in his forehead. Rory tingled in response, turned on further knowing that he was just as into it. She parted her legs just slightly, enough to be an invitation. Spencer leaned over her, his arm locked tight as it supported him over her body. His other hand sought the source of the glistening nectar so evident on her thighs. Rory closed her eyes when his first finger entered her, only to open them again, realizing she didn’t want to miss the look on his face when he pressed the next one into her as well. He worked those miracle fingers in and out like it was the most natural thing in the world to be doing on a beach in the middle of the Long Island Sound at eleven on a Saturday morning.

She opened her eyes to see Jack putting suntan lotion on Spencer’s back in slow, languid circles. Spencer’s strokes inside her cunt matched the tempo. His face was a picture of the pleasure he received from both sensations.

“Somebody might see us,” Rory whispered. She should have been worried about such level-minded things like the fear of being caught naked with her boyfriend finger-fucking her. She should have been, but that part of her seemed to be locked behind a closed window in her head, watching the scene from afar, barely able to be heard.

“Shhh…” Jack whispered back. It was enough to shut her up, enough to let her just enjoy the feel of Spencer drawing out her orgasm. Unreal. It was all so unreal.

“Stop.” Jack’s voice cut through the humming that had started to cloud her head. He tore off his sunglasses and grabbed Spencer by the wrist, arresting his motions midstroke. Rory watched him guide Spencer’s hand up to his face. He took a deep breath, inhaling Spencer’s sticky fingers. “Wow,” Jack murmured. Then he opened his mouth and Rory bit down on her lip as Jack licked at the tips of Spencer’s fingers.

“Oh…” she said, feeling her womb tighten at the sight. A visible shudder rocked through Spencer as Jack’s tongue came back for another taste. Spencer was perfectly still, held hostage by Jack’s demanding gaze. This time his mouth came down around Spencer’s fingers, sliding his lips down to the knuckle and back to the tip.

Spencer grunted softly, as if he was in pain.

“Yum.” It was all Jack said before standing up and spreading a towel on the sand a few feet away. He tore off his shirt and Rory held her breath, wondering what more he had in mind. But Jack simply replaced his sunglasses and lay down with his arms tucked behind his head for support. He looked relaxed, even if his cock didn’t.

Rory sat up. “Wait, that’s it?”

Jack tipped down his shades to look at her. “You don’t get to come. Not until you’ve earned it.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?”

He pushed his glasses back onto his nose. “Dead serious.”

Spencer frowned. “What’s keeping me from finishing her off?” He looked at Rory. “I mean, you want that, don’t you, baby?”

Rory shook her head, mostly out of confusion. “I…uh… No.” Her face burned. “I want to play by the rules. What did I do wrong? Is there something you expected me to do?”

“I don’t expect anything. I was just giving you a demo…like you asked.”

Rory wrinkled her brow and tried to decipher his expression. “I guess I didn’t think it would go this far.”

Jack sat up suddenly. “Another step onto the dark side and you might not be able to find your way back.” He tossed his shirt in her direction. “Put this on if you want, Rory.”

She took it, because it seemed like the right thing to do at the moment.


“Spencer, are you good? The Yankees game starts in five minutes.” He pulled a small radio from the knapsack, which Rory had forgotten all about. Jack searched for the station. “Got some beer in the cooler too, if you’re up to it.”

Spencer looked utterly bewildered as he nodded absently. He looked how Rory felt. She sought out her bikini bottoms and slipped them on. Then she sought out the shelter of Spencer’s arm around her shoulder. He dropped a kiss to the top of her head as she nuzzled next to him on the towel.

It was insane after what had just happened, but she asked anyway: “So, who are the Yankees playing?”


Chapter Eleven



The water barely stirred as they made their way back to the Rothman house. Jack’s mood was turbulent, to say the least. He’d crossed the line, revealed himself to both of them—and worse, he was all too tempted to do it again. For the first time, taking the Dom role had actually made him feel vulnerable. And that scared the holy hell out of him.

He’d been trying to show them a good time, just as instructed. The problem was, he genuinely liked both of them. If he didn’t, it would have been easy to have his fun and gleefully part ways in the morning or sooner. Seducing them wasn’t even supposed to be part of the plan. He had a check for $100,000 waiting in the safe. Why not just give it to them and be done? Deep down, he knew the answer: because something fucking powerful had happened on that beach.

With Rory and Spencer, he was certain he’d want there to be a morning that turned into evening and then into a long string of mornings thereafter. Their light was too bright, like a beacon calling to him. It was already obvious he was going to follow it. He rubbed his chin and sighed, catching a glimpse of Spencer cuddling Rory close to his chest as she tried to stay warm in the cooling late afternoon air.

His phone chirped. Jackson had called twice already that morning and left him two messages on his voice mail. If he didn’t take the call, Jackson might actually show up to see for himself if he’d followed orders. He sighed. “Yeah, Dad.”

“How are things going? You were supposed to check in with me.”

“Everything’s fine.” He smiled at Rory, who had noticed him take the call with faint curiosity.

“You know that’s not what I want to hear. What about the money? Did you get him to sign the release of liability agreement?”

Jack ground his teeth. “We’re on track.” What else could he say to get him off his back?

“Perfect. I’ll check in tomorrow to make sure we’re all set.”

“Sure. Talk to you then.” He ended the call and pressed his lips together before managing a weak smile back at Rory.

Back at the house, Jack took a long look at himself in the mirror. There stood a man who by all measures had things under perfect control when it came to his bedroom. Dressed in a custom-fitted Hugo Boss suit with the crisp collar of his white shirt open at the top, Jack knew he would be able to pluck any number of eligible socialites from the familiar crowd on hand at the regatta opening gala. He also knew he wouldn’t be interested in any of them. He wanted Spencer and Rory on a platter. Simple as that. They were like a drug calling to a junkie. No amount of self-righteous indignation after the fact could bring any sense of decency to what he had done. One way or another he had to make it happen. Jack already knew he was going to hell; he may as well get a taste of heaven beforehand. He would take control. It was what he did. It was who he was.

The mirror spoke back at him, revealing the truth.
Keep them happy and out of our pockets.
If anyone was on a leash, it was him. Jack shook his head, pangs of guilt making him wish for something he could feel good about for a change. Taking care of Rory had felt good. Flirting with Spencer had felt good. Just being with them had felt good.

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