Poisonous Pleasure (8 page)

Read Poisonous Pleasure Online

Authors: Jennifer Salaiz

Tags: #PolyAmour, #Menage a Quatre (m/m/m/f), #Fiction, #Romance, #Adult, #Erotica, #Paranormal

BOOK: Poisonous Pleasure
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He got off the bed and stretched. I’ll be in my room. If you need anything let me know.”

Marcella wasn’t sure why, but her hand unconsciously reached for him. “Wait.” Looking at Jason, Marcy watched as he just rolled his eyes and smiled. Relief filled her knowing he understood the need to be close to her demon mate.

“I’ll scoot over. Dom, get on the other side of Marcella. She doesn’t want you to leave and oddly enough, it doesn’t seem to bother me so much anymore if you stay.”

“Really? It must be the connection you two have. When you took in her blood, you probably took in everything that makes her who she is. She’s connected to me. Therefore, so are you. It might be impossible for us to hate each other. Pity. Now that you’re not human, I could have shown you what a real fight looks like.”

Jason laughed. “You still can. I’m dying to test my new strength.”

“Excellent. Tomorrow we’ll test each other. The job of protecting Marcella is up to us. No one is to know there are collectors in the midst. Your lives depend upon it. If word gets out, you can bet people will come. When someone feels threatened, they attack and ask questions later. No one likes to feel unsafe.

“Just a caution, in case one of you leaves before you’re told. In public, never bare your tattoos. Not many of us supernaturals know what you are, but they’ll know you’re not human, and not one of the ordinary. That will leave them asking questions, and we don’t want to risk the suspicion.”

Jason looked at Dom, but nodded toward Marcella. “We’ll be safe. Speaking of tattoos, I noticed Marcella has wings covering her back. Do you know what they mean?”

“Not a clue. I’m pretty sure they’re just part of her collector. Kind of like the dragon on your chest, just decorations.”

Marcella yawned again and laid down against the pillows. “Enough for tonight. Let’s go to bed. Tomorrow we go over everything, tonight we sleep. Dom, come.”

He took a step forward and stopped. “Marcella, I don’t sleep with clothes. I think I’ll just go to my room.”

“You will do no such thing. Right, Jason?”

“Shit, I don’t care. He’s not sleeping by me. Plus, I don’t sleep in clothes, either.”

“There, it’s taken care of. Now, undress and get in bed.”

Dominic crawled under the covers and both men took off their bottoms, getting comfortable next to her. The warmth of her boyfriend’s body pressed against her back while she threw her leg over Dom and buried her face in his neck. In all of her years, Marcy never thought she’d be lying between two naked men, but regardless of their clothing, she’d never felt safer. She blocked out the loss of her family as best as she could and focused on sleep.

* * * *

Gwendolyn’s swollen eyes stared at her, blank. Marcella wasn’t sure what to think about the new side of the master vampire. She could tell the woman had a fondness for Jason and she wasn’t sure she liked that at all.

“You tricked me. You made me believe Jason indeed died, when all he did was turn into a collector like yourself. If you would have told me you didn’t save him, I would’ve killed you on the spot. Call him. I want to see him for myself.”

“I can’t do that.”

The vampire’s eyes began to glow from her growing temper. “And why not? I want to meet him. How do I know he even exists? You say, if you die, so does he. So tell me, what are you afraid of? I can’t kill him. Not unless I kill you. At least, I think that’s what you said.”

Marcella wasn’t going to correct her or tell her the truth. “I’ll allow him to stay long enough to introduce himself, but then we finish the story. Agreed?”

A beautiful smile transformed the vampire’s pale face. “Agreed. I just want to see him. Then you can continue.”

Grabbing her cell phone, Marcy hit Jason’s number. She didn’t want to give away too many of their secrets. One ring and he answered. “Jason, it appears there’s a possibility you don’t exist. I need you to reach inside and feel for me. No front doors for this one.” She clicked the phone closed and smiled at the confused Gwen. “He’s on his way.”

Marcella knew the instant Jason materialized behind her. The warmth of his hand eased on her shoulder and she turned to see his six feet, two inch frame standing behind the chair. A tight black muscle shirt stretched across his wide chest reaching down to his loose fitting jeans. The tribal tattoos wrapped down to his wrists and she still couldn’t get over how amazing he looked.

“You needed me?”

“Yes. Gwendolyn is intrigued by you. She wanted to meet you, personally. I don’t think she believed you existed.”

His laugh, alone brought Marcella’s body to life making her pussy wet. Their connection had only grown stronger over the weeks.

“May I kiss your hand?” Jason asked the opened mouthed vampire as he approached the bed. She nodded and he took her fingers flipping them over to brush his lips across her wrist. Marcella saw Gwendolyn shiver under his touch.

“It’s a pleasure meeting you, Jason.” Her voice was so low. Marcella almost didn’t hear it.

“Now if you don’t mind. I’d like to get back to the story. There’s still so much to tell.”

A pout crossed Gwendolyn’s lips, but she nodded. Jason walked over to Marcella and kissed her lips. “
Be careful. I love you.”

The words echoed into her mind and she held in her smile.
“I love you, too. I think we’re winning her over. Tell Dom it might be a few more hours.”

“Will do.”
Jason winked and suddenly vanished.

“I envy you. My heart aches to see such a handsome man go. He’s almost as handsome as my Ambrose.”

“Speaking of which, how about I get back to the story?”

Gwendolyn smiled. “As long as Jason’s in it and you get to the part pertaining to Ambrose, I’m listening.”

Chapter 5

The feel of lips trailing the length of her arm brought a moan from Marcella’s mouth. Wet warmth swirled around the sensitive bend of her elbow, slowly making its way to her shoulder. Whispering barely broke through her semi-conscious state.

“I don’t think Marcella’s much of a morning person. You’re wasting your time, Dom.”

“Then you’ve never woken her up like this, have you? She’s absolutely beautiful in the morning, isn’t she? I think I could look at her forever.”

“Yes, she’s very beautiful. And no, I haven’t awoken her like that. We’ve never spent the night together before.”

Heat vanished as the kissing stopped. Aggravated, Marcella turned over toward Jason’s voice, pushing her ass against the hardness of Dominic’s cock. A groan vibrated her body as he followed it with a curse.

“You’ve got to be kidding me. Never? You wouldn’t have been able to tear me from her side. That ass, my god,” Dominic growled, gently squeezing it.

His arm wrapped around her waist while the other lifted her head, fitting itself underneath. Marcella’s upper body was pulled until her back pressed against Dominic’s chest. Fingertips eased over her silk covered nipples. Moaning, she moved her bottom down against his length. Hot air brushed against her neck quickly followed by the pressure of another round of kisses.

“Dominic, I think you forget I just barely turned twenty-one and still live with my mother. Marcella can’t just come to my house and spend the night. My mom is cool, but I wouldn’t disrespect her by asking.”

“That’s right; you’re a young one. Well, excuse me if I’m not interested in finishing this conversation. Why don’t you do me a favor and lay your ass back down, join, or get out. Our dear Marcella has been somewhat awake since my first touch and she doesn’t want me to stop, do you, love?”

“No,” Marcella whispered.

Dominic placed his arm around her waist and eased his hand between the middle of her thighs, separating them until her leg rested over his. Pulling the silk gown to her hips, he slid his fingertips along the wetness of her folds while he used his other hand to tug at her tight nipple.

“Don’t leave.” Marcella’s eye fluttered open to see Jason staring down at her. The tattoos covering his body caused her to reach out for him. The dark ink almost called to her. Jason had always technically been hers, but not like this. She felt like he was unexplainably a part of her. “Come to me.”

He looked down at Dominic’s finger’s covering her chest. Lowering himself, he picked up the demon’s hand while he and Dom locked eyes. Marcella’s heart rate increased while she tried to figure out Jason’s intentions for taking away her mate’s hand.

Jason lifted, placing it up toward the top of the bed. Lips eased against hers and air hit her breasts before she ever heard the gown rip loudly from her body. She moaned into Jason’s mouth as he molded himself to her and pushed his cock into her stomach.

“Now this is a party,” Dominic whispered, sliding his finger deep into her pussy.

“Shut up,” she and Jason said together. Dom laughed and lightly bit her shoulder.

“If it wasn’t for me, this relationship would be boring and humorless. Since we’re all awake, might as well turn this into a classroom session. Jason… lesson number one. I want you to turn into a vampire and bite Marcella. If you ruin this by draining her completely, I’ll personally make your life miserable for the rest of eternity. I don’t have days to wait for her to recuperate. I want her to feel pleasure like she’s never experience before, and you’re going to give her that.”

“I’m not sure I’m ready, Dom.”

“If someone held a knife to her throat and you needed to shift, could you?”

Jason’s eyes widened. “Without thought.”

“Do I need to get a knife?” Marcella watched Dominic tilt his head to the side and raise one of his eyebrows at the same time.

“I’ll kill you. That’s not even something to joke about.”

“Then shift. Her life might depend on it and I won’t risk losing her because you think you’re not ready. Here, I’ll help you out.” Dominic lifted and made a small cut across his own shoulder. Blood began to trail down the muscle. It took everything Marcella had not to turn into a vampire, herself. “Now, change” he whispered.

* * * *

The smell of blood made Jason’s whole body vibrate. He felt a beast roar through him pushing on the core of his muscles. Marcella described her shifts as cobwebs, for him it felt more like fingers trailing against his insides, pushing outward. Within moments they pressed against his throat, rising until his eyes blurred over with dark green fire. Once his vision cleared, he fought the impulse to attack the man who was bleeding. Dom’s cut healed before Jason could focus his thoughts.

“Wow. That was extraordinary. Your eyes are so green.” Marcella breathed out heavily.

Jason could see Dominic pushing his fingers into Marcy’s pussy. Her scent hit Jason hard, instantly causing his cock to pulse. He wanted to taste,
to take in her flavor. “Move your fingers.” He licked his lips while moving down on the bed.

A smile passed over the demon’s lips. “Be my guest.”

Dominic rolled Marcella on her back and scooted higher on the bed. Jason positioned himself between her legs and lowered, sliding his tongue upward against her inner thigh. Tastes he’d never even dreamed existed swept over his tongue. The moment he trailed over the artery just beneath her skin, he paused, fighting the urge to sink his fangs into her. They teased to come out. It took sheer force of will to move higher.

“Good boy. You pass the first test. Now, let’s see how good your skills truly are.”

Jason glared at him, but Marcella’s scent quickly grabbed his attention again. Tracing her folds, he felt her move underneath him. Sliding his finger along her slit, he trailed the length only to instantly move back down to her opening.

Easing the tip of his finger in, he lightly began sucking her clit. The movement of her hips made him enter her a fraction more. A moan filled the room while he pushed deeper, rubbing the sensitive spot deep inside her. Repeatedly, he circled his fingers around, paying close attention to what made Marcella moan the loudest and how she reacted to his touch. Pleasuring her caused his cock to ache, along with his throat.

“Jason,” she whispered.

Marcella quickly met the thrusts of his finger. He sucked her clit harder, making her pump her hips faster. The stronger her scent filled the air, the harder it became to control the need to taste her blood.

“Dom, lick her clit for me, please.” Jason noticed the demon hadn’t moved since he started.

No questions were asked while Dominic made his way down the bed. He stopped when he reached her waist. Leaning down, Dominic began flicking his tongue across her clit while Jason slid another finger into her pussy. Using his other hand, Jason spread her thighs wide. Kissing his way down her thigh, he stopped directly over the throbbing pulse point he could see deep under her skin.

Fangs lowered and he easily sunk them into her. Marcella’s jumped, and the moment her heart accelerated he could feel it in his entire body. Pushing against her G-spot, tightening collected around his fingers. Blood poured into his mouth causing his eyes to open wide. The sweetest, most addicting thing he ever tasted fed him, drugged him. Her blood could be deadly and he still would drink every drop to taste more.

Jason never recalled being obsessed with anything, but in that moment, he knew he’d forever be lost. He might be a collector, but a vampire is what he’d be when they made love. To experience what Marcella consisted of became his new infatuation. Feeling her flow down his throat and become one with his soul was what he never knew he yearned for.

Visions kept flashing before him of her standing on a balcony in a white gown, but he pushed them away only wanting to focus on what he tasted. Moans poured from Marcy and he felt her body spasm while her pussy clutched his fingers. This was test two and he knew it. He could literally feel his heart ache as he broke his mouth away from her skin.

“Bravo, loverboy. I’m so proud of you. Now tell me, how do you feel?”

Jason tried catching his breath. “I didn’t want to stop. It’s…”


“More than that, it’s heaven and hell combined. It’s everything you’ve ever wanted and the one thing you know you can never truly have. To stop feels like heartbreak.”

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