Poisonous Pleasure (5 page)

Read Poisonous Pleasure Online

Authors: Jennifer Salaiz

Tags: #PolyAmour, #Menage a Quatre (m/m/m/f), #Fiction, #Romance, #Adult, #Erotica, #Paranormal

BOOK: Poisonous Pleasure
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“I’m not, dammit. Jason needed to know he didn’t lose someone else he cared about. We had a fight. My attitude toward him was unforgivable. I did
want him to remember me like that.”

Cars passed by and still his truck didn’t pull in to the crowded parking lot. Did he change his mind? Surely, he wouldn’t try to run?

“You’ve completely altered everything. So, let’s cut to the chase. Loverboy needs to be dehumanized, as I like to call it. What do you want him to be? You’re going to have to change him.

“From what I hear, only a collector has the ability to shift into any form of the supernatural world. I know when you had to of existed in the past, the paranormal wasn’t as evolved as it is now. The creatures have definitely multiplied in the last few hundred years since I’ve been around, but all the same, you should be able to change. So what’s it going to be for loverboy: werewolf, vampire, succubus or incubus depending on the gender, fey? Geez, the list is endless.”

“I can really be any of those? They truly exist?”

Dominic stared at her. “All right, let me slow it down for the people who seem to have a hard time understanding what they’re told… I…said…they…do…didn’t…I?”

Marcella didn’t think, she swung. Dominic’s head snapped back, the loud crack echoing off of the interior. Slowly, he lifted his finger to the blood coming from his lip. Staring at it in shock, he turned his gaze to her. “What the fuck was that for? Damn, woman!”

“Stop treating me like an idiot and talk to me with respect. Before now, you couldn’t have thought I’d believe in things like that. You’re being a prick, and I don’t like it.”

“Okay, okay. Shit, I’m sorry. Maybe I’m not used to this either, but you’ve caused more trouble for me in the last hour than I’ve dealt with in the last hundred years. Let’s start over, shall we?”

“Gladly.” Marcella rolled her eyes and looked out of the window.
Starting over…yeah right.
She couldn’t see things changing. He had an attitude problem. The moment he lost it, she’d bow before his feet.

“Look, there’s Jason! Good, he made it.”

Dominic sighed and signaled for the black truck to follow. The Maserati pulled out of the parking lot and headed in the general direction of the neighboring town of Aransas Pass. Not two miles later they pulled onto a dead end dirt road. Marcy’s heart began to pound. Thick brush lined the street for close to a mile before they reached a large, white mansion at the end of the road.

“You live here?” She gasped.

“As of now, I do. I’m going to miss my house on Shoreline Drive. Great view if you ask me, the best actually, I made sure of it,” he smiled. “Anyway, my instincts tell me to stay in the town so that’s what I’m doing. Besides, it’s an exact replica of my home anyway, the scenery is just different.”

“Must be nice to make things just appear whenever you want them to,” Marcella said, opening her door.

“You’ll be able to do it. It’s one of the easiest things you’ll learn, I’m sure. So, have you decided on loverboy? What’s it going to be, wolf, bloodsucker, or,” he laughed, “maybe you have a penchant for wings.”

She flipped him off and headed for Jason’s truck. “I think I’ll let him decide, if you must know. I don’t see why he has to change at all. He won’t tell anyone.”

“I’m not taking the chance. By the way…don’t flip me off again. If you want to fuck, just say the words. No need to broadcast it to everyone.”

Jason’s door opened and he jumped out, hugging her tightly. “You okay?” He eyed Dominic wearily.

“Fine, let’s all go inside. I need to discuss something with you.”

They followed the demon through the double oak doors of the large, white mansion. Black marble floors lined the entry way as they made their way into a living room that resembled a cathedral. Caught up in the grandeur, Marcella took in all the expensive paintings and decorations. The place looked more like a museum than an actual home. Dominic groaned and she noticed the men were sitting on white leather sofas waiting for her.

“Don’t start your shit already.” She made her way next to Jason. A picture stood above the fireplace and she quickly snapped her gaze to the demon. “Change it, now.”

“But I like it. It goes perfectly here, just like you. You make my house shine.”

“Me, laying naked on a cheesy bear skinned rug does not fit here. Now change it before I find my way up there. When I do, there won’t be much left of your phony artwork.”

“Fine.” He waved his hand putting a black silk gown over her figure. To Marcella, there wasn’t much of a difference. She could still see the curves through the material.

Irritated, she turned to Jason. “I’m sorry. I screwed up by going to your house. Dominic says I have to change you into a…” She looked toward the demon and then back to her boyfriend.

“Oh, come on. It’s not a big deal.” Dominic leaned forward, resting his forearms on his thighs. “Jason, how much do you know about paranormal creatures?”

“What do you mean creatures?” Jason paused. “We’re not talking ghosts,

“No. I’m talking vampires, werewolves, mermaids, fey. Everything you’ve heard of probably exists. Today’s your lucky day. Pick what you want to become.”

“You can’t be serious?” Jason stood up walking toward the fire. Marcella’s heart ached for him. She did this. Would he eventually hate her for it?

“I’m dead serious,” Dominic said, standing. “You pick one or I can make it easy on all of us and kill you now. Maybe then, I’ll only need four souls.” The demon took a step closer to her boyfriend. “How good in life were you, really? Have you done things considered, sinful? Tell me, Jason, do you repent?”

“If you touch him, I’ll kill you, myself.” Marcella jumped to her feet. “Now let’s quit arguing and figure out a solution to this mess we’re in. I have your souls, you need them back. Jason needs to be changed and I…” She turned toward Dominic. “What am I supposed to do?”

His laugh made her shake with an indescribable need. She turned away from him before he could realize how he’d just affected her. No doubt either a song would play or he would come back with some smartass comment.

“You, my dear, are immortal, unless of course Lucifer decides to put an end to your life. You’ll never die no matter what happens. They could burn you at the stake and you’d somehow come back. Don’t get me wrong, you’ll feel the pain, even beg for death, but it’ll never come. At least, I think. I’m purely going off stories, of course.”

“Great, but what do I have to do?”

Dominic groaned, loudly. “How do I put this in a way where it won’t make you sound completely fucking stupid? Oh, that’s right. Marcella, what are you?”

She grabbed a vase and hurled it toward the demon. He quickly ducked to avoid getting hit. “No shit, I know I collect, I get it, but what am I collecting them for?”

“That’s for you to decide. You can hold them eternally or release them to heaven or hell. That’s as much as I know. Now, you owe me fifty grand for that vase.”

“Whatever. You didn’t even pay for it.” Marcella walked toward the fireplace and her boyfriend. “Jason, tell me what you want?”

“I don’t know.” He turned toward Dominic. “Are you sure we have to do this? I’m not going to say anything. You have my word.”

“I’m not taking the chance. You better pick or I’m not letting you leave this house.”

Jason groaned and ruffled his hair. “What are the pros and cons?”

She followed his gaze, watching Dominic. An evil smile formed across his face. “Depends how you look at it, I guess. A vampire, well come on. You drink blood, the sex is beyond amazing, you’re strong, and fast. Fey, you’re basically the same, but you’ll have wings.” Dominic paused. “Becoming an immortal will be impossible for you. They’re nothing more than fallen angels who are hell bent on earning back their wings. No, nothing else really fits.

“A were is your best bet, wolf, tiger, lion, you pick your animal Only problem is, you’ll need an alpha and we really don’t need the trouble nor are you in the position to become one. Not with Marcella. If you become a vampire, Hotness over here can be your master. You never have to answer to anyone, but her. And that’s eternal, so pick your fights wisely. She can make your life a living hell if she wants to. And from what I’ve seen, God help you.” The demon pretended to make a cross over his head and chest. Marcella wasn’t catholic, but she had seen enough to know it was performed in that religion. Damn, he was horrible.

“Vampire, it is,” Jason said, pulling off his shirt. “If that’s the best way to keep her with me, then I’ll gladly spend eternity by her side.”

“How sweet,” Dominic said dryly. “Marcella before you go all vamp on me, do me a favor and come here. I need you to attempt to give my souls back. I really don’t want to taste blood at the moment.”

She looked nervously at Jason. “Now?” she whispered.

He smiled. “Yes now, and yes, right here where I stand. Jason, come over here, I want you to witness something. You’ll never see this anywhere else. It’s very amazing, actually.”

Marcella felt her heart drop. Her boyfriend wasn’t going to react well to her kissing another guy, especially a demon he didn’t seem to like.

“What is it?”

“You’re going to see me try to take the souls Marcella stole from me, back. If I can get them, it’ll be amazing indeed, if not, well it’s still amazing.” His strong arm came around her waist, crushing her breasts against his chest. “I think she’s got the most amazing taste of anyone I’ve ever kissed.”

Dominic’s lips were suddenly pressed against hers, and his fingers wrapped in her hair. Angrily, she pushed against his shoulders. It was one thing if he seriously wanted the souls, completely different if the act benefited him in hurting Jason.

The grip tightened, pulling hard. She opened her mouth to scream and she felt a connection to the souls she carried. A warming in her stomach, stirred, making her laugh out loud. Histories, names, ages of the people she carried inside, filtered into her mind.

“What’s so funny?”

Marcella leaned back to see Dominic holding Jason still with his gaze. “Let go of him and I’ll tell you.”

“Damn.” Dominic raised his hands in the air and she turned to see her boyfriend advancing quickly.

“Both of you stop. I’ve located your souls, Dom.” Her smile instantly fell. Something in her knew she couldn’t give them back. Even if she wanted to, which she didn’t, it was impossible. They were hers now until her body knew what to do with them.

“First off, don’t call me Dom. He pulled her toward him again and she quickly covered his mouth making her kiss her own hand. “I can’t give them back,” she whispered.

“What do you mean, you can’t give them back? Can’t or won’t?” He squeezed her tighter against his body.

“Both. I can’t, and really wouldn’t want to if I could. They’re a part of me now. ”


Every window shattered with his shout. The pressure of energy pushed against her skin with a force that terrified her. Marcella instantly fell to the floor, not expecting her weight, as he let go. His tall form stalked toward the back of the house. Jason quickly helped her up. “Marcy, we need to get out of here.”

“No, he’ll find us. It’s pointless. Let him calm down. He’s just upset now. We’ll think of something.”

“You don’t owe this guy anything. How did you get the souls to begin with?”

Marcella looked up at Jason, remembering Dominic’s lips pressed against hers in a kiss to silence her yelling. She didn’t know what to say.

“Did you kiss him?” A hurt look darkened his face.

“Jason, it’s not what you think. I was yelling at him and he kissed me to silence my screams.”

“And she loved every minute of it, couldn’t get enough. You should have seen how her body responded to mine. We have chemistry like you wouldn’t believe.”

Before Marcella could grab Jason, he was already running toward Dominic. They both hit the floor hard in a flash of fists. Alarmed, she rushed forward, pulling at Dominic’s shirt. The material disintegrated beneath her fingers.

“Both of you stop it!”

Blood poured out of Dominic’s nose and flowed freely from Jason mouth. The smell hit Marcella like a title wave making her own blood pulse through her body at a speed guaranteed to make her heart explode. While they continued to wrestle on the ground, she consistently continued to try to pry them apart.

Cobwebs manifested themselves at her feet, wrapping around her ankles while they inched upward. The fear she felt left her body shaking. Too many thoughts passed through her mind at what might be happening.


Jason’s fist connected with the demon’s cheek only resulting in furthering the altercation. “Dom,” Marcella said, louder. “Dominic, something’s happening to me! The cobwebs are back. Am I dying? Am I going to disappear into a ghost again?”

Both men froze and tripped over each other as they tried to make their way to her. Blood covered both of their bare chests. Seeing all the muscle smeared with dark crimson made it hard to concentrate. Instinctively, she wanted to lick it off. The thick feeling paused mid-thigh, as if to reconsider, but slowly inch its way back toward her stomach.

“No, I don’t think you’re going to turn into a ghost, but you are going to turn into something. Shit. Tell me everything you feel.”

Closing her eyes, she tried to pay attention to what her senses were telling her. “Blood, I smell both of your blood. The scent is so strong. My heart races when I think about it.”

She opened her eyes in time to see Dominic smile. “Perfect, you’re changing into exactly what we need. Get ready to say goodbye to your life, Jason. You’re about to die. This is going to be so much fun to watch. Vampire, it is.”

Marcella observed the tribal tattoos disappear from her arms while the cobwebs advanced toward her throat. Just the thought of not breathing again made her want to run away screaming. Would she ever get used to this new life?

“Jason, I’m sorry.” The last of her words were muffled against the change. While the thick feeling filled the insides of her cheeks and eyes, fangs appear, only to retract. Air expanded her lungs once again as her eyes blurred over with a dark green color. They quickly corrected themselves while the sensation disappeared at the top of her head.

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