Plead Forgiveness: Betrayed Twice (Loyalty Series) (5 page)

BOOK: Plead Forgiveness: Betrayed Twice (Loyalty Series)
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“Thank ye,

“And Ualan, if you
need my help again, I’d be more than willing.”

“Lady Ella, ye
have many fine skills, but cooking is nae one of them,” he chuckled. “Ye are more
than welcome to visit us in the kitchen, but if ye take one step near me ovens,
I‘ll put ye over my shoulder and throw ye into the loch.”

Ella giggled at
his threat, knowing that a bond formed tonight between her and the two cooks.


Moments later,
Lady Esme helped her new daughter undress and don her bedding attire.

“I have ne’er seen
Ualan behave in such a manner as he did this night.”

“Aye, you said he
is usually quite difficult,” Ella commented as a lightweight, knee length
chemise slipped over her head. “Actually you said he is a beast of a man.”

Lady Esme tucked
her into the bed, and then explained, “He is usually apoplectic with rage at
the slightest provocation.”

“Because of his

“Aye, his
rancorous behavior developed once he accepted that his life as a warrior had
come to an end.” Esme kissed the young lass’s forehead and whispered, “A
restful sleep awaits ye, my daughter.”

Comforted by the
maternal love that radiated from the gentlewoman, Ella smiled in response, but
doubted sleep would come easy.  As usual of late, when alone amidst the
darkness of the chamber, her mind drifted to Gavin.

She often tried to
imagine him riding through the gates of Doran Castle with a proud smile on his
devastatingly handsome face. He then would glance over his shoulder at Lady
Eleanor and Sir James riding in his wake. Sobbing with relief and joy, Ella
would run across the bailey to embrace her aunt and uncle.

Gavin would watch
a short distance away, enjoying his wife’s reunion with her family. Ella would
then leaped into the arms of the man who risked his life to save her family and
kiss him they way a woman kisses the man she loves.

She prayed that
the beautiful scene her active imagination created would soon become a reality.
Unfortunately, the years at Greystone taught her to keep a loose grip on hope
to prevent the pain of watching her dreams destroyed.



The next morning
Ella arrived in the kitchen at dawn, pleased to see Fin sitting on the stool
while Ualan hand fed her apple slices. The tender scene reminded her of what
she noticed last night, that the boorish cook cared deeply for Fin, mayhap even
loved her. Curious by nature, Ella intended to learn their story.

“Good morrow,
Ualan, Fin.”

“Aboot time ye
were up and seeing to yer duties,” Ualan snorted.

With a smile, Ella
replied sarcastically, “It amazes me that people call you a cantankerous old
man. I, for one, could never agree with such slander, especially after that
joyful greeting.”

After putting her
satchel on a nearby table and taking out what she needed, she walked over to

“And how are you
feeling this morning?”

Ualan took a
menacing step towards her and spat, “Canna ye see she’s in pain? Ye will ease
her suffering or so help me-”

With a raised
hand, Ella stopped his tirade and stated, “Your threat is unwarranted since you
know very well that I will do all in my power to help her.”

“Your hands look
to be healing quite nicely,” she confirmed a moment later, after she unwrapped
Fin’s hands and saw no sign of infection and minimal swelling. She then put the
burnt limbs into the basin of cool water Ualan pushed towards them and asked,
“When did you start feeling pain?”

“A few moments
ago,” Fin replied softly.

“I will make you
another drink to alleviate the pain. I will leave Ualan with the herbs needed
so he can make it for you around mid-day.”

After finishing
the god-awful drink, Fin asked, “How will he ken the amount needed, Milady?”

She handed Fin a
small drawstring pouch. “The exact amount needed for one drink has already been
measured. Just add the contents of this pouch to a goblet of mulled wine and

“Thank ye,

“Please, call me

“Oh nae, Mil. . .
. We canna call ye by yer given name, ‘tis disrespectful,” Fin declared. “Would
ye prefer Lady Ella?”

disappointed, Ella said, “Aye, I just hoped . . . well never mind that. If you
are more comfortable calling me Lady Ella, then please do so.”

Ualan recognized
her need to remove the rigid structure and formality that divided the social
classes. His respect for the laird’s new wife increased, realizing that she
wanted to belong because of the person she was, not the title she holds.

He also noticed
the pain and vulnerability that surrounded the young lass. Aye, he knew her
story, as did all the Macleods. When he had first heard the depressing tale of
Lady Ella’s life at Greystone, he cared naught. She was an English Lady, bred
to be vain, conceited and worthless.

Yet, Ella
possessed none of those qualities. Her genuine concern for others was like a
breath of fresh air. He had honestly enjoyed her company last eve, even though
she spent most of the time breaking his dishes or making food that even the
dogs refused. Normally, he would have kicked the useless twit out of his
kitchen, but his patience with her grew when he saw her earnest desire to help
and the amusement in Fin’s eyes. Aye, she won him over.

“Ella, when ye are
finished fussing over my wee Fin, ye will break yer fast.”

Her face
immediately brightened when he addressed her as ‘Ella, rather than ‘Lady Ella.’

“Dinna think I nae
notice how little ye eat,” he added gruffly. “Yer too thin and I see I’ll have
my work cut out for me trying to fatten ye up.”

“Ualan, ye will
apologize this instant,” Fin quickly reprimand. “Dinna turn yer back on me ye
crotchety old man!”

Ualan turned and
faced the two beautiful women sitting side-by-side on the opposite side of the
table. They had contrasting hair color and petite frames. They were also the
only two females in the castle that did not fear him.

With a smile, he
winked at Ella and then set his gaze on Fin. “Ye could do with some more flesh
as well, my wee viper.” Placing a trencher of warm bread, eggs, and fruit in
front of the two women, he continued, “Now, neither one of ye will be leaving
this table until ye finish that trencher.”

Ualan turned his
attention to making the morning meal, but he was not deaf to the feminine
giggles that followed his command. He was thankful that the pair could not see
the delight in his expression.

The following
hour, while Ualan cooked, Ella and Fin chattered away as they broke their fast.
Fin’s pain lessened and she became quite lively when she told Ella the story of
how she came to work with Ualan in the kitchen.

“After Ualan was
grievously injured five years ago, he refused to stay in the castle and
insisted that Laird Gavin take him to his own cottage. Instead of complying
with that ridiculous request, our laird brought him to my cottage, or rather,
my father’s cottage. I was often alone, since my father frequently traveled
south for long periods to sell the Macleod cattle.  I saw to Ualan’s meals
and Lady Esme came each day to clean and bandage his wounded leg.”

Ella asked, “Why
did he not stay in the castle?”

Glancing over at
Ualan, Fin saw him standing by the ovens, oblivious to their conversation. Only
then did she reply, “He did for the first few days, but then he demanded to
stay in his own cottage. I think he realized that he would nae recover from his
injury enough to continue as a warrior for the Macleods. He dinna want to see
the pity in the faces of the men he fought alongside for so many years.” Fin
lifted her chin and said with pride, “He was one of the finest warriors to
fight for the Macleods, ye ken. In Laird Macleod’s blackguard as well.”

“He looks every
bit the warrior to me,” Ella acknowledged.

Fin graced her
with a warm smile, and then in a hushed tone went on with the story. “The first
month I cared for him, his petulant behavior and peevish remarks made me want
to rip out my hair. His irritable mood lessened only during mealtime. He soon
became interested in how I cooked, started asking questions and before long I
was nae longer cooking for him, but with him.”

“What a wonderful
way to befriend someone. Please continue, I am eager to hear the rest of this
tale,” Ella said as she ate the remainder of the eggs.

Fin pushed the
empty trencher away with her bandaged hands, and then leaned into the table.
“My father was livid when he came home and learned that his young daughter had
been living under the same roof with a grown man. However, since our laird
dictated the arrangement, my father could nae protest. He did, however, suggest
that I bring Ualan’s meals to his cottage each day, so my reputation wouldnae
be damaged.”

“Ualan could walk
by then, nae well mind ye, but sufficient enough to make his way back to his
own cottage. Over the next sennight, I brought Ualan meals once in the morning
and once in the evening. And since my father ne’er cared for my company or me
for that matter, I began to spend more time with Ualan.”

Shame crossed
Fin’s features as she divulged her painful past. “My father is a verra cruel
man and blamed me for my mother’s death. She died birthing me and for that, he
gave me neither love nor kindness. One night, after drinking for many hours at
his friend’s cottage, he returned home full of rage and accusations. He called
me a whore for trying to seduce Ualan, and that he would punish me for my

“How old were ye?”

“Four and ten.”

“You were so
young. How did he punish you?”

Fin’s eyes drifted
to the floor as she recounted the horrific night. "He beat me continuously
for the next few hours, sometimes with his fist, other times with his belt, and
only halted long enough to drink more whiskey. When my dress hindered the belt
from breaking skin, he stripped me completely naked, and then whipped me until
I bled. My father said I was vain and wicked, and that he would see that nae
man looked at me with lust in his eyes ever again. He then found a pair of
shears and cut off all my hair. Because he couldnae stand the sight of me, he
locked me in the pantry.”

“That monster,”
Ella growled. “How could he do that to his daughter, his own flesh and blood?”

Tears welled in
Fin’s eyes as she continued, “Locked away, I could still hear him ranting and
raving, bent on destruction. He took the shears to all my clothes and broke
every item I possessed. Sometime later, he fell asleep. Through cracks in the
pantry door, I saw the morning light fade into the afternoon, then it was dark
once again, and still my father dinna let me out.”

With love shining
in her eyes, Fin glanced over at Ualan then turned back to Ella. “The next
morning I woke to Ualan’s angry shouts demanding to ken where I was and that he
would nae leave until he saw me. My father told him I was unwell and dinna want
to see him. Ualan pushed his way into the cottage and searched for me without
success. Cold and in pain, I manage to scratch at the pantry door. Ualan threw
open the door, and then stood frozen with shock at the sight of me. My father
screamed that he had every right to punish his daughter any way he saw fit.
Ualan beat my father, almost to death, before he limped over to the pantry,
wrapped me in his plaid and carried me to the castle.”

“And do ye ken
what the fool lass said to me?”

Startled by the
deep masculine voice, both women turned to Ualan and noticed that his eyes
remained on Fin.

“She told me to
put her down so I would nae hurt my leg. She weighs less than a bag of grain,
and I was nae about to let her go.”

Turning to Ella,
Ualan said, “Lady Esme insisted that we both come live in the castle, and Laird
Gavin banished Fin’s father from the clan. I took over as cook while Fin
recovered, and after she healed, she joined me in the kitchen.”

Ella saw no scars
on Fin’s elfin face, but she did notice that uncommonly short hair reached only
to her shoulders. Taking hold of her bandaged hand, Ella said, “I am glad that
your vile father was banished, although I would have preferred a harsher
punishment. I am very glad you and Ualan came to live in the castle. I think
you both are wonderful, and it is my greatest hope to be friends.”

With tears rimming
her eyes, Fin looked at Ualan, and then back at Laird Gavin’s wife. “Thank ye,
Ella. I would like that verra much.”

Ella broke into a
wide, open smile. She then excused herself from their company, but promised to
return later that day.

She headed to the
stables and explained to Paen and Leif the reason for her lateness. As typical
males, they responded with a causal shrug.

The day passed
quickly, and after the evening meal, Ella returned to the kitchen. She laughed
and jested with her new friends for over an hour, and then retired to her

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