Plead Forgiveness: Betrayed Twice (Loyalty Series) (17 page)

BOOK: Plead Forgiveness: Betrayed Twice (Loyalty Series)
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“Fire, in the
village!” Someone shouted from the doorway.

erupted in the great hall as Gavin grabbed her upper arms and said, “I must go.
Promise me ye will nae leave the castle.”

“I . . . I
promise. Please, be careful,” she said in a shaky voice.

He gave her a
quick, hard kiss before saying, “Aye, my love.” He then rushed out of the

As the men of the
clan took flight to put out the fires that threatened to consume their homes,
the women busied themselves in the hall.

They retrieved
clean linen strips, blankets, clothes and buckets of water while Ella prepared
large quantities of salve to heal burns and alleviate pain. She then put the
mixture of barley seeds, anise, and comfrey into jars. She distributed it to
the women in the hall, along with instructions on how to apply the remedy.
Needing to change into a more serviceable gown for tending injuries, Ella
excused herself from the hall.

The moment she
entered her chamber, chills went down her back, seeing the rolled up parchment
on the bed. She careful opened it and read:



You were wise not
to reveal your identity and the heinous sin you committed. Your father will
never forgive you for the death of his beloved wife, and your husband would
never go against Alex Mackenzie.

As always, I will
help you escape your ill-boding future. I offer you a chance of redemption, in
the eyes of your family.

Sacrifice yourself
for the lives of your brothers and nephew as well as the Mackenzie stronghold,
which are all under my control. I will expect you by dawn at the front gates.




Ella covered her
face with trembling hands and gave vent to the agony piercing her heart. She
began to shake as the terrifying images plagued her mind. Her fear swiftly
turned into white-hot anger, and a wave of rebellion washed over her. Dangerous
thoughts took hold, forming her own plan of attack, her own personal revenge.

Seething with
mounting rage, she changed into a dark tunic and breeches then took one of
Gavin’s daggers. She grabbed her bow and arrows with lighting speed, then her
medicinal satchel. She choked back a sob, leaving the love of her life. Using
the secret passageway, she left the castle and went to the stables.

With all the men
occupied in the village and the women in the hall, Ella reached the postern
gate and stables without notice. The darkened shadows of night were as dismal
as her thoughts when she saddled Apollo, Righ, and Coisi. The latter was a
black mare with an innate ability to gallop at a fast pace for long durations.
Her Celtic name, Coisi, meant sprinter in Gaelic.

Branches thrashed
and snapped as she rode through the gloomy woods just beyond the castle and
village. Moonlight pierced the tree branches, helping to illuminate her way.
Nevertheless, she rode with caution until she reached the burn.

She slowed the
horses to a walk as they splashed their way to the other side, where she would
be able to gain speed and distance on Fraser land. Although risky, it was the
fastest way to travel north without the hindrance of dense woods. Keeping close
to the burn, she rode for at least four hours, switching horses often. She
approached the old timber bridge that crossed over onto Mackenzie land. Here,
the burn was as wide as it was deep.

Crossing the
bridge, she thought on her one advantage. She knew the hidden passageways
throughout the Mackenzie fortress. Her ancestors had built them over a century

Whether it
redemption or revenge, she would see her brothers and nephew safe, no matter
the price.


 When Gavin learned
that his sister arrived at Doran Castle, escorted by a handful of Mackenzie
warriors, he hastily returned to the keep.

lurched in his heart, seeing her panic-stricken expression. “Eva, my God, what
has happened?”

“Baron Greystone
arrived at our gates with Guy and Hamon, both severely beaten. Baron Greystone
demanded entrance and surrender or they would kill Keir’s brothers.”

“Yer husband

“Aye, what choice
did he have,” she defended as tears streamed down her face. “Keir ordered six
of his men to take me and Gabriel out through the postern gate, then to travel
here. At the last moment, Gabriel ran back to be with his father. Gavin, I
tried to go back for him, but Keir’s men would nae allow it. They sent someone
back for him, but I dinna ken if he succeeded. I’m terrified, Gavin!”

Hysterical, she
continued, “Baron Greystone says he is waiting for Alex to return and finish
what they started years ago.”

“Let us go to the
hall to plan our attack,” Gavin said as he gathered his sister into his arms.


Upon entering the
hall with his sister, he learned the true horror of the night.

With a parchment
in her hand, Lady Esme rushed over to her son, daughter and husband and cried,
“Gavin, she’s gone! Ella is gone!”

His bellow of
outrage ended when his mother thrust the parchment at him. “Ye must read this.
I found it in her chamber.”

astonishment crossed his features as he read the missive. 
Dear God,
Ella is Alex Mackenzie’s daughter. The daughter assumed dead for eight years.

Stunned to his
core, Gavin did not give voice to the unexpected discovery, instead, handed the
missive to Bowen.

Both Bowen and Eva
read the missive as Lady Esme continued, “Aye, but I ken Ella would nae kill
her own mother.”

“Aye,” Gavin
agreed as shock yielded to fury. “But, Baron Greystone convinced her otherwise.
Bloody hell, Ella was only ten summers at the time. For eight years that
bastard manipulated her into believing . . . and that her father. . .”

He ran his fingers
through his hair and spat, “I dinna ken all of it, nor do I care. All that
matters is getting her back, along with her brothers and Gabriel.”

Eva stood
flabbergasted and whispered, “Isabel . . . Bella is alive.”

Gavin saw the
tears cascade down his sister’s cheeks as she absorbed the newfound knowledge.
“Aye, Eva. She is my wife, and nothing will stop me from getting her back.”

His mother put her
hand on his arm and said, “We must send word to Alex Mackenzie to inform him
that his daughter is alive.”

“Laird Macleod,”
yelled a Macleod warrior rushing into the hall. “We have just received word
that Laird Mackenzie has just passed through the gates.”

Profound relief
flooded Gavin. He needed of the legendary Highlander to get his wife back, and
Alex would soon learn that his daughter lived.

Turning to his
mother, Gavin asked, “When was Ella last seen?”

“Two hours ago.”

“Och, that dinna-”

His words died in
his throat by the sudden arrival of Alex Mackenzie bursting into the hall
bellowing, “Where is she? Where is my daughter?”

Gavin asked, “Ye

“Aye,” Alex
replied with agitation, “I learned the truth when Lady Eleanor, Sir James, and
Nicholas appeared before the King of England.”

“They are alive?”

“Aye, but Sir
James was badly wounded, which is why it took so long to reach the king’s
court. After hearing their testimony, King Henry gave us permission to dispose
of Baron’s Greystone and Montgomery as we see fit. Now, where is my daughter?”
He roared the latter.

“Read this,” Gavin
said as he handed Alex the missive.

The greatest
warrior known throughout Scotland and England wore fear like a tunic. It
showed, stark and vivid, for all to see. The despair and longing lay naked in
his eyes when Alex asked, “She is nae here, is she?”

Seeing such
anguish in the man, he respected above all others, felt like a mortal wound to
the gut. With a strong hand, he gripped Alex’s shoulder and said, “Yer
daughter’s bravery is immeasurable. A trait she has inherited from her sire nae
doubt. She left when we received word of a fire in the village. We discovered
Alice and Lyall’s bodies near the burning cottages. I suspect the siblings
joined forces with Baron Greystone after I banished them. ‘Tis likely that
Alice left that missive for Ella while everyone feasted in the hall.”

“Death was too
good for either of them.” The angry retort hardened Alex’s features.

“Aye, I agree.
Now, let us plan our attack afore we ride out.”

Alex nodded. “I
have twenty men, along with Nicholas. They will arrive within the hour.”

“Good, we will
need as many men as possible.”


Gavin and Alex
were eager to depart, but knew success depended on strategy. They spent the
next hour planning how to rescue their loved ones, take back the Mackenzie
stronghold, and kill their mutual enemy. During this time, Gavin learned the
full extent of Greystone’s deception over the past eight years, as well as
Montgomery’s treasonous deeds against the King of England.

“The moment my
daughter let loose the arrow aimed at the man attacking her mother, some fiend
knocked her unconscious. My Bella never saw what her arrow hit. Baron Greystone
took advantage of this information, and used it against her for eight years.
That bastard produced a missive stating that . . .”

Gavin, his mother,
sister, and blackguard sat in silence while Alex regained his composure.

After a moment,
Mackenzie continued, “Stating that I would kill her if she ever returned to
Scotland. Philip told Eleanor the same story, and showed her the missive as
well. That whoreson preyed on my ten year old daughter, used her pain and grief
. . .”

Alex took a deep
breath, and then explained, “Eleanor tried only once to get word to me, but
Philip intercepted the missive.”

“In eight years,
Lady Eleanor tried only once to-”

Alex halted
Gavin’s angry tirade with a malevolent response. “He dinna punish Eleanor for
the deed, but he did let loose his wrath on my daughter. He beat her so
severely that she couldnae walk for a fortnight.”

Rage filled curses
echoed through the hall by Gavin and his men, while a short distance away, the
doubled doors of the great hall burst open. Nicholas and twenty Mackenzie
warriors entered bedlam and learned what had transpired in their absence.

continued, “Eleanor believes Baron Greystone killed Emma, as well as their
father. Philip had an arrow wound to his shoulder when he returned from killing
the brigands blamed for the attack on my wife, daughter, and men. The men
riding with him that day had only injuries caused by a sword. Eleanor
discovered his wound days later, but at the time thought naught of it. Only
recently, when I told her how Emma died, did she realize what Baron Greystone
had done. My daughter’s shot was true. Her arrow sank deep into the flesh of
the man who murdered her mother and my wife. Eleanor also explained that Emma
had tried to hide our daughter, but alas our wee Bella would ne’er leave her
mother to confront an enemy alone.”

Gavin asked, “How
did Philip keep Ella’s identity from those in the castle? I canna believe that
someone dinna notice her accent or even her name.”

“Philip planned
well. He kept my daughter hidden in a tower for six months, forcing her to
speak with English accent. Once accomplished, Philip changed her identity, and
explained that by doing so would keep her safe. He thought it believable to
name her after his wife, but to prevent confusion he shortened it so that it
sounded similar to her own pet name. My daughter’s real name is Isabel, but we
always called her Bella. Philip also concocted a story that she was a Welsh
distant relation.”

Bowen asked,
“Would Philip have hurt his wife, Lady Eleanor, if Ella revealed the truth?”

“Aye,” replied
Alex. “Neither Eleanor nor Bella were allowed at court, which greatly limited
their communication to the outside world. Eleanor dinna want to risk Ella’s
life on the chance that the missive Philip fabricated was true. She dinna tell
a soul, nae even her brother, Sir James.”

“Ye mentioned
Baron Montgomery committed treason,” Paen reminded Alex.

“Aye. When I
arrived at Windsor, I learned that Henry had taken ill. The royal physicians
proved useless, unable to explain or cure the mysterious sickness. When Eleanor
arrived with her brother and Nicholas, as ill as the king was, he demanded to
see them at once. Henry learned the truth about Philip while the gifted healer
cured his affliction. Shortly thereafter, we discovered that Baron Montgomery
had coerced a royal physician to poison the King of England. Needless to say,
the physician was put to death, as will Baron’s Greystone and Montgomery should
they return to England.”

With maternal
concern lingering on her brow, Lady Esme asked, “Sir James, is he well?”

“Aye, under his
sister’s care, he will fully recover. King Henry has rewarded Sir James’s years
of service with Baron Montgomery’s title and all of his lands.”

“’Tis fitting. He
deserves that and more.”

“Aye, he does,”
Alex agreed. “I will be gifting him as well, for keeping my daughter safe
during the five years he served at Greystone.”

“He also aided in
the escape of Gabriel,” Gavin stated.

“Aye,” Alex choked
out, as thoughts of what his wee daughter suffered to protect his grandson. “My
Bella . . . she endured . . . she dinna even ken Gabriel was her nephew.”

Gavin put his hand
on Alex’s shoulder and said, “Ye have the right of it, but nae more talk of the
past. I want my wife back and a painful death for the men who have hurt her.”

Right before his
eyes Alex transformed back into the battle-hardened warrior he had always known
and admired. His expression turned fierce when he asked, “Do ye love my

“More than my own
life,” Gavin stated with conviction.

Comforted by his
words, the older laird said, “Aye, ‘tis good, since I wouldnae hesitate to end
yer life is ye unwisely said nae.”

“Ye dinna have to
worry, for she is my heart,” Gavin said just before he spotted Ualan standing
by the hearth.

“Come, my friend,”
he said to the burly man. “I have need of ye this eve. Ye have heard all, aye?”

Toying with the
dagger in his hand, Ualan nodded then said, “Tell me what is needed, for I will
nae rest until she is back.”

With pride, the
Macleod laird looked at the surly cook, who had at one time been one of the
greatest warriors. Although Ualan still limped, through the care of Ella he had
made great strides towards returning to his former occupation.

Once Ualan stood
by his side, Gavin asked, “I trust yer claymore is ready, for we leave within
the hour.”

Ualan nodded, not
trusting himself to speak as gratification and pride filled his chest. It had
been many years since he rode out with his laird and the Macleod warriors to
defend their land and the people they loved. It was Ella’s determination to see
him walk and ride without pain that made this moment possible.

As Ualan listened
to Gavin and Alex explain the rescue mission, he saw Fin at the top of the
stone stairs that lead to the kitchen. Even with the tears staining her
cherubic face, she shared his elation that he would contribute to the return of
their mistress, their friend.

Before leaving the
hall with the other warriors, Ualan stopped in front of Fin. He cupped her face
and said, “I ken ye fear greatly for Ella, but-”

“Aye, but I fear
greatly for ye as well,” she cried.

“I am only half a
warrior, but I vow to keep our dearest friend safe, then . . .”


“Then I will
return and marry ye, if ye will have me. I have loved ye from the moment I saw
ye, but I’m nae the man I once was.”

Fin wrapped her
arms around him and said, “I love the man ye are now, and would be honored to
be yer wife.”

He smothered her
last word with a passionate kiss, and then turned to follow Laird Gavin from
the hall. With Lady Esme, Eva, Maeve, and Father Logan, she watched the men
ride out over the drawbridge as she silently prayed that all would be well.

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