Players (Lessons by Loki) (28 page)

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“Do you think I’m being foolish, giving them another chance?”

“Not at all. They’ve obviously learned their lesson. I think you three will have many happy years together.”

There was an odd catch in his tone.
“And a few not so happy years?”

“I didn’t say that.”

“Can you see into the future? Are these predictions or revelations?”

He just grinned. “
Love requires energy. It doesn’t just happen. If you want this to work, then work at it.”

“I intend to.” She laughed.
“As soon as Josiah sobers up.”

“Can I give you a hug or will you punch me in the stomach?”

“If I were still pissed, I’d knee you in the balls. Luckily, I’m not angry anymore.” Loki stood and hugged her. “So where are you going?”

“I thought I
’d check on Vanessa, see if she’s ready for one of my lessons.”

Katie laughed merrily. “I can’t think of anyone who deserves your brand of mischief more. She shocked the hell out of me when she apologized
earlier. I had no idea she even had a heart.”

“There’s a lot more to Vanessa than her pretty face. I expect to have some
serious fun.”

“Let me know if there is anything I can do to help. If not, at least let me know how it turns out.”

“I will.” Loki raised both her hands and kissed her knuckles then winked just before he flashed out of sight.

Chapter Thirteen


Sunlight stabbed through Josiah’s eyelids, setting off a chain reaction in his body. His skull seemed to pulse, growing tighter with each throb. His stomach heaved and his eyes stung so badly he could barely keep them open. He rolled off the couch and stumbled across his office, each motion amplifying his nausea. With his lips sealed tight, he frantically unlocked the door and dashed down the hallway. After emptying his stomach into the toilet, he rinsed out his mouth and washed his face. Then he opened the medicine cabinet and searched for a pain reliever.

An arm extended below the medicine cabinet’s door
, proffering a steaming cup of coffee.

Josiah smiled and took the coffee. “You’re a lifesaver.” He took the pills then closed the cabinet’s door, avoiding his reflection.

“You look like shit, but that’s to be expected.” Chase stepped back and let him pass.

“I told Katie about Lana.” He paused for a sip of coffee then continued toward the kitchen.

“I know. I went over there to find out what the hell she’d said to you.”

He looked at Chase, protective instincts surging. “You better not have screwed things up.
My overindulgence had nothing to do with Katie.”

“I didn’t start a fight, but
you need to stop lying to yourself. The memories kicked your ass because you were sharing them with someone you love.”

He pulled out a chair and collapsed onto it, keeping his back to the sun
-drenched windows. “We barely know Katie. That’s something I want to change, but it’s way too soon to toss around the L word.” Wrapping both hands around the warm mug, he closed his eyes and savored the coffee.

“That bullshit and you know it.” After a long pause, he went on
. “I know you feel it, just like I do. She’s special, different than anyone else we’ve been with.”

Forcing his eyes open, Josiah looked at Chase. “I’m too
hung-over for this conversation.”


He groaned and raised the mug, postponing his answer.

Chase said not
hing. He just continued to stare at Josiah expectantly.

,” Josiah grumbled. “She’s special. I want this to work as much as you do, but we can’t force it. We fucked up and now we have to earn back her trust. That’s not easy to do.”

“She wants honesty. That’s not complicated. Oh and, she’s coming over for dinner tonight.”

“Tonight?” He set down his mug and shook his head. “I don’t think I’ll be recovered by then.”

“Take a shower and get some sleep. If you’re still woozy
when I get back, we’ll postpone.”

“When you get back from where?” Chase had already been over to Katie’s once without
Josiah. He didn’t want to fall any farther behind.

“I was going to go shopping for what we’ll need to wine and dine her.
Any objections?”

“No. What are we feeding her?”

Chase shrugged. “We know she likes pasta.”

Josiah shook his head. “We can’t serve her the same thing twice. Keep it simple. Flesh over flame. That’s what we do best.”


Again Josiah shook his head. “Nice thick steaks, from the butcher shop not the grocery store.”

“All right. Baked potatoes or something more modern?”

“Potatoes are fine. We can do them on the grill so we don’t heat up the kitchen.”

Focusing in on the timeless menu, Chase said, “I’ll make a fruit salad, and grab some ice cream for dessert. Let’s keep it casual and fun. I don’t want this to feel like an awkward first date.”

“Sounds perfect.”
He leaned back against his chair and rubbed his eyes.

“Get some sleep.”

Happy to oblige, Josiah went to his bedroom and collapsed across the bed. When he woke several hours later, the pain in his head had diminished significantly. He took another dose of ibuprofen for good measure then stepped into the shower.

He cranked the heat until steam made the air feel heavy and hot. Drinking himself into oblivion wasn’
t his style. Any form of intoxicant compromised his control and that was unacceptable. But Chase was right. Seeing his pain reflected in Katie’s eyes had magnified the impact of the memories. Still, the exchange had been important and he didn’t regret the impulse. Katie needed to know he was willing to be vulnerable with her and Chase, even if he remained guarded with everyone else.

Chase was busy cutting
a variety of melons into neat cubes when Josiah joined him in the kitchen. They’d both dressed casually. He wore jeans and a pull-over shirt. Chase had chosen cargo shorts and a striped tank top. “What can I do?”

“The steaks are seasoned
and ready for the grill, but I haven’t touched the potatoes.” He motioned toward the waiting vegetables with his knife. “I thought maybe we could roast them in foil with fresh herbs and butter.”

“Sounds delicious.”

They worked together to prepare the meal, carefully organizing the dishes so everything would be ready at the same time. Rather than a candlelight dinner in the formal dining room, they opted for the casual comfort of their deck. The evening was warm, the sky vivid blue with a few fluffy clouds. Leafy trees surrounded their house, providing plenty of shade and the illusion of privacy. There were plenty of second-story windows that overlooked their backyard, but Josiah didn’t care if the neighbors gossiped or not. They’d been speculating about what went on inside this house for years.

Katie arrived promptly at seven
, looking exceptionally lovely in a flirty sundress and sandals. He took her by the hand, led her through the house and out onto the wide multi-level deck.

“Wow.” She closed her eyes and inhaled. “Something smells amazing.”

“That would be me,” Chase volunteered with a playful smile.

Her hand slipped out of Josiah’s as she
moved in on Chase. She placed one hand on his hip, angling her arm across his lower back as she leaned in close and sniffed. “You smell very nice, but those are what made my mouth water.” She pointed toward the sizzling steaks.

“I’m hurt.” He pretended to pout, so she kissed him on the cheek then returned to Josiah.

“What can I get you to drink? I know you dislike beer, but Chase picked out the wine so I can’t recommend it.”

“I heard that,” Chase tossed over his shoulder.

“I’m a total lightweight when it comes to booze. I better start with something less dangerous.”

“Ice tea?”

“That’d be great.”

He sat her at the round patio table, her back to the sun, as he crossed to the outdoor bar
and prepared her drink. “I didn’t think you worked on Saturdays, but I saw you return around five. Did you get called in at the last minute?” He handed her a tall glass of tea and sat down across from her.

“Spying on me
again?” She arched her brow and took a careful sip.

“Not intentionally.”

Finding the tea to her liking, she took a more enthusiastic drink. “Your office is in the front of the house?”

As is my bedroom. The two rooms are side by side.”

“If you must know, I went out for a
mani-pedi. Hadn’t done that for ages and decided I was due.” She sounded embarrassed by the indulgence, so he took her hand and kissed each freshly lacquered fingertip.

“Lovely.” He looked into her eyes and grinned. “I’ll inspect your toenails after dinner.”

She returned his smile, but pulled her hand out of his light grasp. “You look remarkably alive after last night.” Then in a softer tone, she added, “I’m sorry our conversation upset you, but I’m really glad you shared the story with me. I want no secrets between us.”

“I know and I agree. This will only work if we’re open and honest with each other.” Before the conversation could grow any more serious, he turned his head and spoke to Chase. “Isn’t it ready yet? I’m starving?”

Chase laughed then flipped him the finger. “No complaining while you’re sitting on your ass.”

Seriously, are the stakes nearly done? If they are, I’ll lay out everything else.”

“They’re two
, maybe three, minutes from medium-rare, so go for it.” He glanced at Katie. “Is medium-rare okay with you?”

“I don’t mind pink, but I can’t do bloody.”

“Pink is my favorite color.” His sexy smile told her he was no longer talking about steak.

I walked right into that, didn’t I?”

Josiah pushed back from the table and gathered the rest of their meal. He’d laid out dishes and flatware earlier, but hadn’t actually set the table. The fruit salad hadn’t fit in the bar’s small refrigerator, so he retrieved it from the kitchen. After arranging the dishes on the table, he ran from the grill to the table with the foil-encased potatoes dangling from his fingertips. The reckless decision earned him a laugh from Chase and a gasp from Katie.

“Ever heard of a hot pad
, asshole?” Chase teased as Josiah blew on his singed fingers.

Katie stood and moved around the table. Without saying a word, she grasped his wrist and guided his hand toward her face. Then she kissed and caressed each injured digit with her soft lips and warm tongue.

Mesmerized by the sensual act, Josiah just watched her and savored the soothing attention of her mouth. If she kept this up, they’d never make it through dinner. He’d pick her up and take her back inside the house so he could ravage her on the kitchen floor. Or bend her over one of the counters. Or push her up against the wall. Or spread her out on the kitchen table while Chase fucked her mouth.

“Better?” She finally released his hand and stepped back.

“My fingers feel better, but other parts of my body are seriously jealous.”

She smiled her siren’s smile and strolled back to her chair. “Other parts of your body will have to wait their turn.”

Chase brought the steaks to the table and looked from Josiah’s flushed face to Katie’s secretive smile. “Did I miss something?”

“Nothing important.”
Katie sat and spread her napkin in her lap.

Chase took a massive steak off the serving tray and placed it on her plate. “This was on a hot spot so it should be closer to medium.”

“This is enough for all three of us. There’s no way I can finish this alone.”

“Eat as much or as little as you like. You can save the rest for later.” Despite Chase’s casual tone, sexual tension continued to arc between Josiah and Katie.
“All right.” He glared. “What were you two talking about? You’re looking at each other like food is the last thing you’re ready to eat.”

Josiah dismissed his concern with an impatient wave. “She just kissed my
fingers with enough enthusiasm to heat up the entire backyard.”

“And I thought the extra heat was coming from
her dress.” Chase distributed the other steaks then took his seat.

“You don’t like it?” The mischief in her gaze belied the question. They both were enjoying her daring choice and she knew it.

“I like it very much.” Chase held the salad bowl so she could dish out her own portion. “You look beautiful.”

Josiah opened the potato pouch and steam escaped,
heavy with the scent of fresh herbs and roasted potatoes. “This is still really hot. Do you mind if I serve you instead?”

“Not at all.”
She held out her plate.

“Tell me when.”

“In about an hour, maybe less.”

“It will be
less if you keep encouraging me,” Josiah warned.

“As if you
need encouragement.” Chase held up the bottle of wine, which they’d opened before she arrived. “Would you like some or are you sticking with tea?”

“Can’t I have both?” She grinned.

Josiah laughed. “See. She’s even worse than I am tonight.”

She accepted the wineglass and her smile softened. “It just feels wonderful to finally be here with both of you, no games,
no more pretenses.”

“We agree wholeheartedly
,” Chase assured her.

The conversation turned light and friendly as they ate. They talked about work and the summer blockbusters they’d seen or were hoping to see. She compl
imented their cooking with almost every bite until Chase finally asked, “When’s the last time you had a home-cooked meal?”

“Does mac and cheese count?” She laughed. “I keep promising myself I’ll stop living on takeout, but it never happens. It’s too depressing to go t
hrough all that work and then sit down at the table alone.”

“I suppose we’ll just have to feed you then.” Josiah’s gaze fixed on her mouth as he added, “You have a standing invitation to dinner
at our house.”

“Which is takeout about eighty percent of the time,” Chase confessed with a distracted chuckle.

They’d all stopped eating yet none of them seemed to know how to move beyond polite conversation. “So how do you see this working?” Josiah pushed his plate aside and looked at Katie. “What do you tell your friends? How conservative are your coworkers?”

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