Players (Lessons by Loki) (22 page)

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He didn’t want to analyze the sensations, but he couldn’t seem to shut off his mind.
Katie took him deep over and over, while Josiah’s finger echoed each stroke. Josiah bent his head, licking and sucking on Chase’s balls, then working his way around so he could nibble on one of Chase’s ass cheeks. Katie stroked his chest and his legs as her head bobbed and her tongue swirled. No part of Chase’s anatomy was neglected and still he felt empty and alone. He needed more than this teasing simulation. He needed Josiah holding him, thrusting inside him, filling the empty space that had been aching for so long. He wanted Katie beneath him and Josiah above him, all three connected, moving as one.

“More,” he cried. “I need
more.” One finger became two and then three were thrusting deep inside him. Katie firmly sucked on his cock, working the base with one fist while her mouth focused on the tip. Chase framed her face with his hands and drove deeper into her mouth, fucking her as Josiah fucked him. They took and gave with equal measure, lost to everything but the consuming need.

Fighting through passion’s haze,
Chase focused on Katie’s face. Her cheeks hollowed with each firm suck and longing glistened in her jewel-bright eyes. The beauty of her response pushed Chase over the edge. He cried out sharply then thrust to the back of her mouth and came down her throat. Josiah’s clever fingers prolonged each pulse until Chase stood there trembling. Katie stayed with him, licking and swallowing until Chase had nothing left to give.

“I think
. You’re trying. To kill me.” He slipped the phrases in between harsh pants.

Josiah chuckled as he
slowly drew his fingers out, sending aftershocks zinging through Chase. “Now that would be foolish, wouldn’t it? I’ve still got plans for you.” He looked at Katie with a wicked smile and added, “I’ve got plans for both of you.”

Katie let Josiah help her to her feet, but she looked at Chase with a conspirator’s smile. “It seems to me that the only one who hasn’t gotten off yet is Josiah.”

“Top or bottom?” Chase asked as he reproduced Josiah’s wicked grin.

Josiah held up a hand to ward them off. “I’d rather wait until tonight

“When you’re in control and neither of us have any say in what happens?” Chase accented the challenge with an arched brow.

“Yes. I enjoy sex best when I’m in control and I’ve learned to savor anticipation.” He looked at Katie as he added, “Depriving myself now will only make our lesson more enjoyable.”

Her delicate brows drew together and a flicker of uncertainty flashed within her gaze. “I thought this was our lesson.”

Josiah chuckled and shook his head. “Our lesson will take place as planned, in my playroom, at eight o’clock.”


Katie stared back at Josiah in conflicted silence. The more she learned about these two men, the more intriguing she found them. And her attraction was dangerous. She kept forgetting this wasn’t real, that she was trying to teach them a painful lesson. “I think I’ve had enough for one night.” She sounded cowardly and weak, which pissed her off. She prided herself in her independence and inner strength, so why did she feel so inadequate around these two?

Chase insinuated himself between her and Josiah. “Let’s get you cleaned up and fed. Then you can decide what you want to do about tonight.”

Josiah didn’t look pleased, but he handed Chase a bar of soap then picked up a bottle of shampoo. They worked together to freshen every inch of her squirming body. Then Chase helped her wash Josiah and Josiah helped her wash Chase. When all three were squeaky clean and smoldering from all the needlessly thorough caresses, they exited the shower and dried each other off.

“What would you like for dinner?” Chase asked as Katie ran a borrowed comb through her damp hair. Chase had slipped into a
clean pair of jeans, but his chest was still bare. She wore Chase’s flannel bathrobe and Josiah had gone downstairs to dress. “I meant what I said earlier. I won’t let him bully you. If you want him to back off, let me know and I’ll take care of it.”

A slow flowing heat passed through her body and lodged in her heart. His protectiveness was sweet. She couldn’t remember the last time anyone offered to defend her. “I’m not afraid of Josiah. In fact, I need to be dragged out of my comfort zone. That’s why I suggested our lessons.” She hesitated over the last word. Nothing about what had just happened felt like a
“lesson”. The sensations had been too addictive, the emotions too raw. It hadn’t felt like part of her mission either. It had felt like three lovers openly expressing their affection for each other. “I appreciate the offer.”

He took the comb from her hand and set it aside then threaded his fingers through hers. “Still, I know how persuasive he can be. I don’t want you agreeing to anything you really don’t want to do.”

“I won’t.”

He searched her gaze a moment longer then accepted her assurance.
“Then let’s go find you something to eat.” He led her from the bathroom, through the master bedroom and out into the hall.

“Why are you so determined to feed me?”
Katie hurried her steps to keep up with his purposeful stride.

“I am so sick of undernourished females. You’re shaped the way a woman is supposed to be shaped and I want to pr
otect those amazing curves.”

If there had been any hint of insincerity in his tone, she would have jerked her hand out of his and gone home. Did he really think Vanessa was undernourished? It seemed implausible. Vanessa had the lithe, willowy body
popular society idolized. He was probably just ready for a change or he was telling Katie what she needed to hear.

Rather than confront him with her suspicions, she asked,
“Do you cook or are you offering takeout?”

“We’ve got quite a collection of menus,” Chase confessed with a chuckle
as they reached the main staircase. “Cooking requires preparation and our lives tend to be spontaneous.”

Katie cringed. When was the last time she’d done anything spontaneous? Her life had always been orderly, predictable, dull. And she couldn’t blame it all on Dillon. He took her lack of spontaneity to an entirely new level, but she’d always relied on routine and the expectations of others to insulate her from risk. It was a safe approach to life, even if it was a little…predictable? No, there was no way around it. Until she’d started interacting with Chase and Josiah, her life had been

Josiah was sitting at the table shuffling through their menu collection when Katie and Chase reached the kitchen. “Our
choices are limited if we want delivery, but I can always go pick something up.” He held up the menus like an untidy fan. “Pick your poison.”

“I’m always up for pasta
.” She pointed to a familiar menu. “Antonio’s is one of my favorites.”

“Antonio’s it is.” He tossed the other menus aside. “Do you know what you want or do you need to look this over.”

She slipped onto the chair across the table from Josiah. “I always have the same thing.”

“Then you’ll have something different tonight.” He unfolded the menu and perused the selections. “Do you have any food allergies?”

“Are you going to order for me?”

“With your permission, of course.”
He inclined his head with a roguish smile.

Surprise me, and no food allergies. But I really don’t like anchovies.”

“Got it.”
He pushed back his chair and strode from the kitchen so she couldn’t hear what he ordered.

She looked at Chase as he sat down beside her. “Does he know what you like?”

“Better than anyone. That’s the problem.” He grinned, assuring her the inference had been intentional.

Unable to suppress the instinct, she reached over and squeezed his hand. “It’s only a problem because others have made it one. Are
comfortable with your feelings for Josiah?”


“What keeps you from being completely comfortable with loving him?”

His gaze collided with hers, openly conflicted. “I guess I’m a coward. I don’t want to deal with society’s shit for the rest of my life because I happen to be in love with my best friend.”

’re not a coward and society is changing. Anyone who can’t accept you as you are can go to hell. I’m humbled by the love I see when you and Josiah touch each other. It’s real, honest and powerful. No one with a properly functioning brain could deny what I’ve seen.” As usual the irony of her words left her feeling empty and sad. If it weren’t for the bet… She was so fucking tired of that phrase!

Josiah returned, his steps light, gaze filled with mischief. “They said twenty minutes if I pick it up or an hour if we want it delivered, so I opted for takeout.”
He winked at Katie. “We need to finish in time for our lesson.” He slipped back onto the chair facing the other two. “So what did Vanessa want?”

Apparently he’d heard enough of her conversation with Chase to know the reason for her visit. “She wanted to warn me about you
r ‘unnatural’ desire for each other.”

shook his head. “That sounds like Vanessa. What did you tell her?”

I told her I didn’t understand why we couldn’t all enjoy each other.”

chuckle took on a dangerous edge. “Did she swoon?”

She looked at Chase, afraid the playful mockery would upset him. “I know you’re still hurting. If you’d rather we not talk about her, the subject is over.”

Chase shrugged, yet his smile wasn’t quite believable.
“Water under the bridge, sweetness. I did everything she asked and she still walked away. That puts her solidly in the ‘go to hell’ category.”

Damn straight.”

obviously considered the issue settled, but Katie wasn’t as easily convinced. Chase seemed determined to move beyond Vanessa. Still, the wound was just beginning to heal.

“What else did she say?”

Even though the question came from Chase not Josiah, Katie hesitated. Would the details pour salt on his wounds or help him work through the pain? “I asked if she thought it was possible for you two to find a common ground.”

“Why encourage her at all? He’s better off without her.”

Annoyed by Josiah’s persistence she shot him a warning glare. “I needed to see if she had any interest in working things out. I don’t want to be an entertaining pastime while Chase waits for Vanessa to come to her senses.”

Chase caught her hand and entwined their fingers. “If I had any interest in working things out with Vanessa, I never would have touched you.” He halted her objections with an upraised hand as he added, “I was still struggling with it when we went to the party, but her attitude was a loud and clear reminder that she
’s a shallow bitch wrapped in a pleasing package. That’s not enough for me.” He raised her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles. “I am curious though. What was her answer? Is she interested in finding a common ground?”

She couldn’t help wondering if he was a bit more than curious, but her answer would likely smother whatever
spark remained. “Not if the common ground involves Josiah. According to Vanessa, she’s worth more than half of your heart.”

Well, the other half is already taken, so she’s shit out of luck.” He looked at Josiah, expression intensely serious. “My love for Josiah is real and I’ll never deny it again.”

smiled, his gaze soft and warm. “Is this where I clear the table with my forearm and stake my claim on your willing body?”

Chase laughed, but Katie’s imagination happily created the scene. After what she’d seen in the shower, it was easy enough to
picture. Josiah would drag Chase out of his chair and bend him over the table. He’d drag Chase’s jeans down, frantically pull on a condom, and thrust deep into Chase’s ass. Their features would tense as pleasure ripped through their bodies. Chase would cry out and grip the table’s edge, bucking hard to take Josiah even deeper. Then they’d both go wild, fucking each other without mercy or regret.

A warm, sexy chuckle drew her back to reality. “Having fun?” Josiah asked.

“I have a very vivid imagination?”

“I have no doubt.”

She leaned forward and put her chin on her hand, elbow resting on the table. “What I saw in the shower was hot as hell. When do I get to see more?”

“Keep it up
and we’ll blow off dinner,” Chase growled. “It’s been way too long for both of us.”

Shifting her gaze from one man to the other, she
took her time and enjoyed the view. They were each appealing in their own right, yet together they were irresistible. Chase softened Josiah’s hard edges while Josiah added mystery to Chase’s sunny disposition. “I’m not sure I’d mind. We can always eat after.”

With shocking speed and focus, Chase shifted his chair back from the table and pulled her
onto his lap. “You are trouble, plain and simple.” He wrapped his hand around the back of her head and covered her mouth with his. Her lips parted and his tongue pushed between her teeth, the kiss hot and hungry.

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