Players (Lessons by Loki) (17 page)

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She tensed as his tongue lightly brushed over her anus. “Don’t. I don’t like that.”

immediately pulled away. He’d promised to stop if she asked him to, so he stopped, but the issue wasn’t resolved. The battle would simply wait for another night.

Curving his fingers so they dragged the front wall of her passage, he covered her clit with his other thumb. Then he watch
ed her face. She looked rather dazed, delightfully disheveled. Still, he wasn’t quite finished with her.

He moved his fingers slowly, maintaining steady pressure on her clit. With each rotation, he changed the angle and position of his fingers, but her semi-relaxed
expression never changed.

“I know what you’re doing and it won’t work.”

“Really?” He caught her clit between his thumb and forefinger and gave it a little squeeze. She gasped then shivered. “What am I doing?”

“Trying to find my G-spot.
I don’t think I have one.”

“I haven’t met a woman yet who didn’t.” He pushed deeper and pressed a bit harder.

“That feel’s nice, but it won’t make me come.”

“I was just curious
when I started. Now you’ve made it a challenge.” He pulled his fingers out then crawled back onto the bed beside her. “Turn over.”

“Your jeans stay zipped?”

He slapped her hip, his long fingers curving down onto her ass cheek. “When I give my word, I keep it. Don’t insult me again.”

moved back to the middle of the bed and lay on her stomach, arms folded under her pillow, legs pressed together.

, sweetheart. I’m not going to give you a massage. Hands and knees, ass in the air.”

She shot him an impatient glare. “We haven’t talked about boundaries. I don’t want you to touch me—back there.”

Her prudishness made him smile. “But you’re so damn sexy—back there.” He crawled forward and helped her into the position he’d described. She folded her knees beneath her which positioned her ass right in front of him. He squeezed both her cheeks then leaned down and nipped one just to hear her outraged gasp. “How can any mortal man keep his hands off something this arousing?” He didn’t give her time to argue. “Now fold your arms and turn your head, so I can still see your face.”

“Are you always going to be this bossy?”

“Always.” He gave her butt a firm swat and watched her react. She stilled as the heat spread through her backside. “Your face is nearly as red as your ass, Katie-cat. Somehow, I don’t think you’re embarrassed. We’ll explore this discovery in a later lesson.”

She looked back at him, lips parted, gaze smoldering.
“And the other?”

He wasn’t sure what she meant.
“The other what?”

Only by looking away did she find the courage to speak the words. “
I’m finished being a coward. No one has ever touched my ass in a sexual way. I don’t honestly know if I’ll like it or not.”

Dillon again,
the bastard. His priggish attitudes hung over Katie like smog. “It’s not evil and it won’t turn you gay. Some women come faster and harder when anal stimulation is involved. For others, it’s not pleasurable at all.”

“I’d like to try it at least once
so I can decide for myself.” She sounded admirably resolute.

He forced back a chuckle, not sure she’d appreciate his
amusement. “And I’ll be glad to instruct you, but not tonight. Tonight we’re on a quest to find your G-spot.”

He picked up the glass dildo and pushed it between her thighs. She
squirmed. “That’s cold.”

“No, you’re hot.
Seriously hot.” Her submissive position was driving him crazy. He wanted to tug down his jeans and slam his cock into her sopping-wet cunt. He was long and curved just enough to help him find the elusive G-spot. But he’d made a promise—an utterly regrettable promise. He took vows seriously. So he eased the dildo into the very place he most wanted to go.

She moved her legs farther apart and canted her hips, giving him more room and a better angle.
Not to mention the view. He started slow and steady, dragging the toy nearly out before pushing it back in. She needed to feel the slide and— She gasped and her thighs tensed as he found his target.

“Hand me a pillow.
No, two.” Without questioning the request, she handed him the pillows and he stacked them beneath her hips. “Sometimes pressure on the belly intensifies the sensation. Rock forward and let your legs unfold.” She instantly obeyed and his hands began to tremble. He’d never wanted a woman this badly. His balls would be blue for a month.

He repeated the thrust and the dildo found her
G-spot again. “Oh God,” she murmured. “How are you doing that?”

Rather than allow her distraction, he swatted her ass. “Feel the fullness and the slide. Imagine that’s me inside you.”
Her hands fisted the bedding and she instinctively lifted her hips. “Stay down.” He pressed against the small of her back, pushing her belly into the pillows and her gasping resumed with his next stroke.

He wanted to cover her, to feel her tremble beneath him as his cock stretched her inner muscles. Instead he watched the dildo disappear into her body driven by his unsteady hand.

“I’m so close,” she panted. “Can I move my hands?”

“No.” He knew what she wanted. One touch on her clit and she’d go off
like a rocket, but she needed to learn other pathways to pleasure, new and different ways of reaching the same destination. He slipped his free hand beneath her and squeezed her breast. “You’re bound and helpless and you don’t know what I’ll do. I’m so hard and I’ve waited so long.” Tension rolled through her body, lifting her hips. “Will I lose control and switch to your ass?” A muffled cry escaped her throat and she trembled. “I fuck men and women. Can I make something that wrong feel this good?”

She cried out and shuddered, his words working just as he knew they would. He slowed the rhythm of his thrusting without pulling out. She shook then shook again. And just when she started to relax, he licked his little finger and eased it into her ass.

With an even louder cry, she came again. Her anus squeezed is finger so tightly, it made him grin. Oh yeah, his curious little Katie-cat was going to enjoy anal pleasures. In fact he couldn’t think of too much he’d hesitate to suggest. She was passionate and open-minded. The perfect…what? Lover? Pet? Life partner? The last possibility rang through his heart like the reverberation of a gong. Suddenly feeling guilty and off-balance, he withdrew his finger and set the toy aside.

She pushed to her elbows so she could turn her head far enough to look at him. “
I’ve tried and tried to find my G-spot. How did you do it?”

“Were you always lying on your back?” She nodded. “The angle is wrong like that
and your fingers aren’t long enough. You might have found it with your vibrator, but you said you’ve never put that inside you.”

She rolled to her back, her expression dreamy. “I came twice without anything touching my clit. I’m stupefied.”

“I’m glad I could be of service.” He had to force his smile. “After all, I have a reputation to maintain.”


Katie sat up, automatically dragging the sheet around to cover her body. “What about you?” She nodded toward his obvious erection. “I’m not letting you leave this room until we do something about that.”

It just about killed me to keep my promise; don’t ruin it now.” He scooted off the side of the bed and looked around, probably for his discarded shirt.

“Can’t I touch you or,” she nervously licked her lips, “
finish you some other way?”

His gaze focused on her mouth then migrated lower. “I told you what I want. If you’re willing to bend the rules, I want to fuck your tits.”

Tits. She shivered. She’d always hated that word, but somehow Josiah made it sound sexy. Could she really create enough friction with her breasts to make him climax? Climax. The word almost made her laugh.
He wants to rub his love lance between passion’s pillows until his desire climaxes
. She tried, and failed, to suppress a smile.

He pulled her to the edge of the bed. With her kneeling
on the bed and him standing on the floor, they were nearly the same height. “Why are you smiling like a naughty teenager?”

“Misspent youth.
I was hooked on my grandma’s bodice-rippers. They used phrases like ‘throbbing shaft of desire’ and no one thought it was strange.” She said it with enough mock drama to make him laugh. “Maybe that’s why I have such a hard time with less delicate euphemisms.”

“I suspect before too long I’ll have you cursing like a porn star.”

She shuddered and drew the sheet more tightly around her body. “I’m not sure I want to sound like a porn star.”

They lapsed into silence, tense
, yet filled with longing.

lesson has been pretty damn perfect. Maybe it’s better if we leave it alone.” He tangled his hand in the back of her hair and kissed her, long and slow. The taste of her pleasure lingered in his mouth, an inescapable reminder of his selflessness.

“I really don’t mind—”

“I do.” He released her hair and stepped back from the bed, hands clenched at his sides. “If I unzip these jeans, all bets are off. I’ll fuck you until neither of us can walk.”

All bets are off.
He hadn’t met the phrase literally, but it shook her just the same. She wanted him, really wanted him. And not just for tonight. She wanted to see if there was any hope of a future together. It was foolish and naive. She knew what he was like, but that didn’t keep her heart from aching.

“You’re right.” She scooted back toward the headboard, dragging the sheet with her.
Tonight had been far more emotional than she’d expected, but it wasn’t a complete loss. She hadn’t let him fuck her and she hadn’t begged for his love like some insecure doormat. Still, she needed to reestablish their roles. And more than anything, she needed to refocus on the fact that it was all a game. “Can we schedule lesson two?”

He’d pulled on his T-shirt and was
leaning against the doorjamb, struggling into his boots. “Can we renegotiate the terms of our agreement?”

It was only natural that he wouldn’t want to subject himself to another session like tonight.
“You want something more mutually satisfying?”

After stomping into his final boot, he straightened and looked at her. “Can you blame me?”

“Not at all.” She’d offered to take care of him, but she didn’t remind him of the offer. He was obviously determined to keep his promise. “During lesson two, I’ll satisfy you with my mouth, my hands, or my breasts.”

She was proud of her candor until she heard his reply. “But your pussy
and ass are still off limits?”

had to string him along, give him just enough to make him desperate for more. That was what he’d been doing for years. Offering his body while keeping his heart securely locked away. “During lesson two.” She shrugged, allowing the sheet to sag just a little. “Lesson three will require another negotiation.”

’re learning fast.” His gaze gleamed and his jaw clenched. He hadn’t meant it as a compliment. “You come to me next time. I want to show you my playroom.”

Just the thought of all the things he could do to her in his playroom made her burn all over again.

“Take a couple of days to process everything
. And to let me do the same.” He made it sound ominous as his gaze had turned stormy. This was the world he lived in, casual sex and mutual pleasure without emotional entanglements. So why did he seem pissed off?

“Wednesday night?”
She wasn’t sure she wanted to understand the emotions seething behind his calm expression.

“Arrive at eight in nothing but a trench coat if you still want to play.”

She nodded, her mouth too dry for words.

He acknowledged her agreement with a stiff
incline of his head then left the room.

Collapsing onto her side, she covered her face with both hands and trembled. She’d done it. She’d kept his interest without giving him what he wanted.

But their battle of wills had just begun.


Loki lingered in the shadow realm undetectable to humans. His being hummed with the energy he’d just consumed and yet he’d barely begun to sate his hunger. Each emotion created a slightly different “flavor”. Passion reminded Loki of Cajun food, spicy and hot, while uncertainty tasted smoky like overcooked bacon. When emotions combined or conflicted, they created complex layers of energy, like a slow-simmered stew filled with harmonizing components.

Pulses of just such energy radiated off Katie. She was confused and uncertain
, yet physically satisfied. He could have warned her that the bet was off, that Josiah’s interest in her was real. But that would have defused the conflict and Josiah would have escaped retribution for his past callousness.

No, it was better, even necessary, for the misconception to remain. Josiah and Chase deserved this lesson.
Even if Katie did not.

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