Phil Parham (32 page)

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Authors: The Amazing Fitness Adventure for Your Kids

BOOK: Phil Parham
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Something to Think About

We've all had those days where it seems as if everything that can possibly go wrong does. We can't see anything good because we're focused on the bad things happening to us.

I want to remind us today to focus on the blessings—the good things—in our lives. We need to do this because our mind is like a magnifying glass. What happens when you look through one of those? The thing you're looking at gets bigger, right? Well, when we focus on the bad things in our lives, those things get bigger. And when we focus on the good things, those things will get bigger in our mind.

Here's how you can focus your mind on the positive. Remind yourself of your victories. If you hit a home run during a baseball game, got a good grade on a big test, or painted a picture that won a prize at the school art show, think about those things. Don't focus on the times you failed. Focus on the times you won.

Many people make goals and feel terrible when they don't reach them. But if you never set a goal, you wouldn't make any progress at all. If you set a goal and fall a little short, at least you got farther than you would have had you done nothing.

Life is good, and it is too short to focus on failures. Everyone has accomplished something they can celebrate. Celebrate those accomplishments today. And remember, you are a winner.

Something to Talk About

1. What are some victories in your life that you can celebrate?

2. Why should you focus on the good things in your life?

3. What are some things you can do when you're having a bad day that will help you feel better?

Tip of the Day

Write down something you would like to accomplish in your life. It could be to make the honor roll or to run a 5K race. Make some mini goals that can help you reach your big goal.

DAY 70–
A Note from Phil
Something to Think About

When Amy and I started our own “Challenge,” you could count on both hands how many times we had been in a gym in our entire lives. My athletic background was pretty minimal compared to the average man my age. Plus, I was carrying an extra 150 pounds on my frame. For sure, I could not be classified as athletic.

While we were at the ranch, our trainers always referred to us as athletes. Every time I heard that comparison, I laughed. I thought to myself,
They don't know anything about me. I am
an athlete.
If I ever said something like that out loud, our doctors and trainers would stop me right where I was and say, “Oh yes, you are.” They explained that we were actually training as hard as the athletes who competed in the Olympics. That blew me away. We were also reminded that the extra weight we were all lugging around made our workouts even more challenging. Wow!

Through that experience, I realized that my life was no different from someone playing a professional sport or running a race. It was a competition. And I started believing that, yes, I was an athlete. I started viewing myself differently. I felt strong and motivated.

Take a look at yourself. What do you see? Do you believe there's an athlete hidden inside of you? I can tell you there is. Now own that truth and let the competition begin.

Something to Talk About

1. How do you see yourself in this “Challenge” to be healthy?

2. How can you have a better mind-set about who you really are?

3. How have you viewed yourself in the past? How will you view yourself in the future?

Tip of the Day

Pick one of your favorite athletes. Do some research to see what obstacles he or she had to overcome to be successful. This will encourage you to keep going.

Best Practices

ongratulations! You are almost at the end of the “Your Daily Fitness Challenge.” We are so proud that you have stuck it out, and we're confident you have seen some amazing results. Here we will learn some key tips to maintaining good health throughout your entire life. These are best practices you will be able to use no matter how old you are or where you live.

DAY 71–
A Word from Amy
Something to Think About

Recently I took our family to the beach for the week. We always look forward to going there to soak in some sun and relax. We leave the house just before daylight, and all the kids get their pillows and blankets and snuggle up together in the back of the van for the long drive down to the coast.

Imagine if I got in my car and started driving northwest when the beach is southeast. Do you think I would get to the beach if I kept going in the wrong direction? What if I hoped and prayed really hard that I would get there? Would that make a difference? Of course it wouldn't. There's a certain route I need to take to get where I want to go.

It's the same way with anything in life. Things don't just happen; you must do specific things to make them happen. If you want to make good grades, you have to study hard to get those A's. If you want to be healthy, you have to eat the right foods and be active.

When I was overweight and unhealthy, I had only myself to blame. I had traveled in the wrong direction with my diet and exercise habits for a very long time. But all I had to do was make a decision to “turn my car around” and change my bad habits into healthy ones. You can do the same thing. It's never too late to change direction and follow the road map to a healthier life.

Something to Talk About

1. What roads are you traveling down that may require you to turn around?

2. How can you support each other to make the needed changes discussed in the previous question?

3. What are some long-term consequences to your health for taking the wrong road?

Tip of the Day

You are on a road trip and have to go to the drive-thru to grab a bite to eat. Rather than guess at finding the healthiest item on the menu, look it up first. Many mobile phones have apps that list nutrition information for many fast-food restaurants.

DAY 72–
A Word from Amy
Something to Think About

How many of you like to play video games? I bet most of you do. My youngest son, Rhett, loves to play car racing games. One of his favorite features about these games is the “boost” button. He can push this button and make his car go super-crazy fast. When he pushes it, he laughs as he flies past the other cars.

The “boost” button on his game does to those cars what water does for our bodies. Did you know that when you drink water, it boosts your metabolism and gives you more energy? Water may seem boring compared to all the tasty juices, sodas, and other drinks out there, but it is the most powerful of all drinks. God created it to perfectly fit what our body needs.

Water hydrates us right down to our cells. It also boosts our liver's ability to change stored fat into energy that our body can use. It keeps us healthy and makes us feel good. It prevents us from being so hungry and satisfies cravings. Water is a super fuel for our bodies. Sodas and other sugary drinks actually make us thirsty, and the sugar, caffeine, and other chemicals in those drinks are bad for us. If you want to be healthier, make the choice to trade all the soda you drink for water. Go ahead, press the boost button.

Something to Talk About

1. What are some drinks that you may be drinking regularly that you can replace with water?

2. Why is water a “booster”?

3. Read the label on a soda can. What are some of the ingredients that might not be good for you? Discuss them.

Tip of the Day

Squeeze fresh lemon juice into your water. It will enhance the flavor and may be an aid in digestion.

DAY 73–
A Word from Amy

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