Pet's Pleasure (18 page)

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Authors: Zenobia Renquist

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Erotica, #Fiction

BOOK: Pet's Pleasure
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Tinette gushed happily, “You see, Bekion? They are getting along already.” She clapped a few times and made a happy noise.

Bekion couldn’t share in his mother’s happiness. Another man was kissing his Starling. What’s more, she was enjoying the kiss. He knew her look of longing all too well.

She didn’t even bother to act guilty at being caught when she ended the kiss and glanced his way. He clenched his teeth at her dazed expression. It should belong only to him.

Her partner sat back against his chair with a smug look curving his lips into a smirk. The man said, “How goes it, big guy? The name’s Webber. You must be Bekion, right?” He leaned forward and drew his finger under Starling’s chin in a motion that could only be described as a caress. “Starling’s been telling me all about you.”

Starling batted at Webber’s hand in a playful manner and said something to him in her mother language. The man replied back in the same language. It served to make Bekion angrier.

Beside Bekion, Tinette said, “Please continue, you two. I think you look darling together.”

Bekion turned and left the room. He ignored Starling when she called his name. He needed to get away before he did or said something he would regret.

He wanted to wring Webber’s neck.

* * * * *


The events of the last few minutes confused Starling. Right before Nausic opened the door, Webber pulled her across the table and kissed her. The action came with no warning. Webber kissed her thoroughly and without shame. She found herself responding to it even though he’d surprised her.

Bekion’s words pulled her out of her dazed state. He had looked as surprised as she felt, except his surprise had anger mixed with it. Before she could explain, Bekion left.

Tinette and the extra guards followed after him.

She asked Webber, **Are you sure you’re gay?**

**As an eight-dollar bill.**

His comment gave her pause before she burst out laughing.

Webber laughed with her. **Kissing has nothing to do with orientation. Lips are lips no matter what gender they’re attached to.**

**Some people say that about holes too.**

**Those people are idiots and have never done anal before. The two holes feel nothing alike.**

**How would you know?**

He shrugged. **I was straight until I realized girls weren’t doing it for me.** He looked at the door. **So, that was Bekion?**

Starling’s laughter dissipated as reality brought back Bekion’s angered visage. **Yes,** she said in a sober voice. **Why did you kiss me?**

**I wanted to see what he would do when he saw his woman kissing someone else. Guess the answer is look pissed off and leave. His mother seemed happy enough.**

Starling didn’t have anything to say to that. The day before, Tinette had invited her to a very boring tea session. Starling didn’t know the woman’s reason behind it. Tinette spent the entire time talking about herself. Starling had felt sure the woman would grill her about Bekion. Tinette mentioned him once and spent the rest of the time boasting of the highlights of her career as Panagiota’s monarch.

The encounter didn’t even bear mentioning to Bekion. She said as much to Nausic, who had agreed because nothing happened. Telling Bekion would have made him anxious for no reason.

Starling wondered if Bekion felt anxious about Webber. He shouldn’t. She would have told him that if he had let her explain instead of storming out of the room.

Webber said, **Tell you what though, if you were my woman—if I was straight—and I caught you kissing another man, the other guy wouldn’t be breathing anymore.**

**Thanks, Webber.**

**Then again, I’m the overdramatic type. Bekion is a king. He probably has other people kill his rivals for him.**

**Bekion won’t have you killed. He doesn’t think of me that way.**

**Uh-huh.** He grinned at the door. **If you say so, Star.**

She didn’t want to say any more about it. The subject had gotten old. She ran around in circles and the outcome would never change. **Enough about that. Tell me about you. How did you end up on this crazy ride?**

**The same way you did.**

**You did?**

**Understandably, you didn’t notice me since there were no introductions and you were out cold for most of the trip.**

**Most of the…** She trailed off and blinked at him. **You were there?**

**Right along with you and the others. Unlike the others, no one wanted me. I’m too tall. The
can pretend we’re animals because we’re so much shorter, you especially.**

She flipped him off.

**Hey, don’t get pissed at me because you’re a midget.**

**I’m not a midget. I’m a foot too tall for that designation.**

Webber shrugged. **At first the poachers were accused of trying to pass a
off as a human from Earth. It simply boiled down to me being too tall.**

**How did you know that was the reason? Did you figure it out?**

Webber tapped his head. **I speak
. The poachers gave me the language visor so we could understand each other. After running around and around trying to get rid of me with no luck, they put me to work as a gopher. They even forgot I wasn’t
from time to time.**

Starling made a derisive noise. **Yeah. I don’t have that problem.**

**Something tells me you wish you did.**

She sighed as they went right back to a topic she didn’t want to talk about. **You have no idea.**

Webber reached across the table and patted her hands. **Come on and tell Uncle Webber all about it.**

She didn’t get a chance, because Vieve threw open the outer chamber door. The woman looked as though she had been running. She asked in a breathy voice, “Is it true?”

Before anyone could answer her, she looked at Starling and Webber. She said in a high, happy voice, “It’s true.” She rushed over to Webber. “Hello.”

Webber backed up quickly, giving her a wary look.

Starling waved a calming hand at them both. She said in
, “It’s okay, Webber. This is Vieve, Bekion’s secretary. Though she’s not normally this frantic.”

Vieve grasped Webber’s hands. “I heard Bekion received another human and had to see for myself. This is…” She trailed off with a shake of her head, still grinning. “You’re so pretty.”

Webber said, “Well, that’s a new one on me but I’ll take it. Thanks.” He pulled his hands free and rubbed his wrists.

That brought Vieve’s attention to his arms. “You don’t have arm cuffs.”

Starling said, “He just arrived, Vieve.”

“That won’t do.” Vieve pulled out her tablet and started tapping away at it with her stylus. “He knows
, so I’ll assume he’s already worn the visor. Have you had a nanite bath, Webber?”

“A nano-wha?” Webber turned to Starling for an explanation.

She wanted to answer but had to dodge back to keep from being run over.

Vieve grabbed Webber’s hand and started pulling him out of the room. “Come. We need to take care of this right now. Who knows what diseases you could have picked up during your prolonged exposure to the poachers.”

Starling trailed behind them with Nausic and Furielle bringing up the rear.

Vieve called over her shoulder, “Furielle, we’ll need a full wardrobe for Webber. Make sure the seamstresses are ready.”

Furielle said, “Right away, my lady.” She curtsied and returned to Bekion’s chambers.

Starling said, “Looks like Vieve has someone else to spoil. I don’t know if I should be amused or jealous.”

Webber said, “You could start by explaining what’s about to happen to me.”

“It’s called a nanite bath. Microscopic computers will enter your body and regulate you from the inside out.” She laughed at his incredulous look. “Don’t worry. It doesn’t hurt. You won’t even know they’re there. Make sure not to hold your breath when they dip you.”

“Dip me into what?”

“A pool of the nanite solution.” She got a kick out of the faces Webber made so refrained from giving full explanations. “You’ll see.”

The doctor and her crew were waiting for them when they arrived. Unlike Starling the first time she visited the infirmary, Webber had full knowledge of
and knew his situation. He acted wary instead of lost and scared.

Starling said in a happy voice, “Strip.”

Webber shot back, “We just met.”

“You have to be naked for your dip in the nanite pool. Take it off.” She would have waved money at him if she had it.

He looked at the others in the room. “Is she joking?”

Everyone shook their heads in perfect unison.

He sighed but took off his clothes.

Starling looked over his body without shame. She gave a wistful sigh when her gaze dipped below his navel. The man was blessed with more than looks.

**Not fair.**

**My boyfriends think so too when they find out I only top.** He winked at her.

The doctors ushered him to the dunking chair and strapped him down. The chair lowered with Webber looking around and shooting Starling worried looks.

Starling jogged around to the console but couldn’t see. She signaled over Nausic, who picked her up, giving her a better vantage point. She leaned over the console then tsked. She mumbled, “I told that dope not to hold his breath.”

The doctor smiled at Starling and indicated a blinking blue button. “Would you like to do the honors?”

“With pleasure.” Starling pressed the button, knowing an electrical jolt would be sent through the chair, forcing Webber to inhale.

Tiny air bubbles floated out of the viscous liquid, indicating Webber had let out his pent-up breath.

The doctor said, “That’s better. The nanites have achieved full penetration. I’m raising the chair.” She pushed a different button and then looked at the nanite pool.

Starling tapped Nausic’s shoulder. He let her down and she rushed to the pool.

Webber came up looking confused and a little angry.

She said, “I told you not to hold your breath.”

He snapped, “Well, I’m sorry. It’s not every day I just ignore years of instinct. But that little jolt cured me of that.” He sat forward and shifted against his bonds. “Get me out of this chair.”

The nearby attendant pushed the release button.

Webber jumped down.

Starling handed him a robe. She patted his shoulder and said, “That was the hard part. Everything after this is gravy.” She stopped to think about that for a second. “Then again, the seamstresses might molest you when they measure you.”

“What the hell?” Webber yelled when his hair started falling out.

Starling snapped her fingers. “Oh yeah, and your hair will fall out.”

“Thanks. I noticed. You couldn’t have mentioned that before?” He smoothed his hands over his head in irritation.

“You look good bald.”

“I look better with hair.”

“Don’t worry. It’ll grow back.”

He glared at her. “Anything else you failed to mention?”

“Could be.” She winked at him. They hadn’t outfitted him with arm cuffs. Webber’s reaction to the demonstration of the bells would be worth a good laugh.

This was definitely more fun from the other side. Starling didn’t mean to keep teasing Webber but she enjoyed having a companion. Webber wouldn’t be the kind of companion Tinette had planned but Starling found she didn’t mind so much.

Chapter Thirteen


Starling and Webber attended dinner in the main dining hall that night. Bekion hadn’t said one word to her since he witnessed the kiss earlier that day. She tried again to explain but he ignored her. She finally gave up right before they left for dinner. Her appetite had vanished though. She pushed her food around her plate with disinterest.

Tinette made a rare appearance that had the entire room buzzing as people speculated on her reasons for attending. She ate her food with flourish, ignoring all the talk flowing around her.

She leaned over to say to Bekion, “Lady Aurelan is in attendance tonight, Bekion. She is a lovely woman from a splendid background. She will make you a wonderful queen.”

Bekion said in an absent voice, “I’m sure you’re right, Mother.”

“Of course I am.” Tinette stood. The entire room fell into silence. She called out, “Lady Aurelan, please join us.”

Bekion startled and looked at his mother in surprise. Starling guessed he hadn’t heard what the woman said and now realized the mistake of being lost in his own thoughts. He and Starling watched Lady Aurelan rise from her seat and start toward the royal table.

Aurelan’s hips swayed as she walked. Her dress hugged every curve of her body. The plunging neckline revealed the ample swell of her full breasts to anyone who cared to look. A knowing smile graced her red-tinted lips and her blue eyes shined with merriment. She flicked her thick brown mane over her shoulder with practiced ease.

Webber leaned over and said to Starling, **A bitch in heat if ever I saw one.**

Starling threw back her head and laughed.

Webber winked at her.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Bekion glare in their direction. She met his gaze and dared him with hers to say something.

He turned his attention back to Aurelan.

Tinette said once the woman reached the table, “Bekion, this is Lady Aurelan. She has been at court for two days now.”

Bekion rose and greeted Aurelan with a nod.

She curtsied to him.

He said, “Would you care to join us, Lady Aurelan?”

“I would be honored to sit at the royal table, Your Majesty,” she answered in a purr, smiling at Bekion. Her eyes never left his as she eased onto her seat. She even made sure to bend forward enough to tempt Bekion to look at her breasts.

He obliged her.

Starling grumbled, “Men.” She returned her attention to her food.

Aurelan said, “Your humans are lovely, King Bekion.”

Bekion said, “Yes, they are pure humans.”

“I heard. I’ve never seen a pure human before. May I take a closer look?”

Tinette said, “Please do.” She smiled at Bekion’s disapproving expression. “I hope the female is pregnant. I want little ones.”

Starling and Webber looked at each other. Webber leaned over to Starling. **You think we should tell her?**

**Nah,** Starling said, shaking her head. **Let her hope.**

Aurelan rose and went to stand near Starling. She stooped down so she could look from Starling to Webber. “They almost resemble children. No wonder our ancestors took humans as pets. The ones you see now are so…different from these two.”

is the word you’re looking for,” Webber said. He smirked at Aurelan when she gasped and stumbled back. “What’s the matter, never heard a human speak before?”

“Not…” She stopped, glanced at Bekion then looked back at Webber and continued. “Not nearly as well as you. Your speech is flawless and understandable.”

“I owe it all to clean living and a mother who hated mumblers.” Webber’s amusement faded and he frowned. “Come to think of it, I’m going to miss my mother’s birthday this year…and every year hereafter.” He seemed to wilt a little after saying that.

Starling reached out and took his hand in hers. She whispered her apology to him. He nodded but said nothing. She knew how he felt all too well. She doubted Webber had time to reflect on what this new life meant for him until just now. Or maybe he had held out hope of going home.

Aurelan chose that moment to pet Starling’s head.

“Don’t touch me,” Starling snapped, shoving Aurelan’s hand away.

At the same time, Bekion ordered, “Do not touch her.”

Tinette said in a soothing voice, “There is no need to be so defensive, Bekion. I’m sure Lady Aurelan wouldn’t harm Starling.”

Bekion said, “She doesn’t like people petting her, Mother. Starling isn’t used to it.”

“Oh? You said you pet her all the time. Surely she is used to it if that is the case.” Tinette’s voice carried a hint of reprimand.

“She tolerates my touch on the odd occasion. No other pets her.” He turned his attention to Aurelan. “You may
at them. Keep your hands to yourself, Lady Aurelan.”

Aurelan said, “Of course, Your Majesty. I meant no insult.” She glanced at Starling one last time then stood up straight and returned to her seat. In a hesitant voice, she said, “I had heard Your Majesty was very protective of his new pet.”

“That is because of my brother more than anything else.”

“Ah. Yes, I’ve heard of the prince’s pets and the unfortunate fates that befell them.” Aurelan glanced over at Starling. “It wouldn’t do for such a pretty pet to get hurt.”

Starling heard a threat in Aurelan’s words. She also didn’t like the way the woman looked at her. If dinner hadn’t just started, Starling would take Webber back to Bekion’s room. Since it had, she had to at least wait for the first course to be finished before she could excuse herself.

Webber said, **Something about that woman rubs me the wrong way.**

Starling nodded. **I’m glad it’s not just me then.**

He snorted. **You have a bias since she’s trying to get your man.**

**He’s not my man. I told you that already.**

**Whatever.** He sighed. **How long do we have to do this? I lost my appetite.**

**I never had one.** Starling stood with her hand out to him. She said in
, “Let’s go back to the room. No one wants us here.”

Bekion looked as if he might say something.

She waited, giving him a chance to object.

He nodded to Nausic instead. “See to them.”

Nausic bowed and followed Starling and Webber. Webber dropped to his knees a second after the dining hall doors closed after them. He put his head in his hands with a loud groan.

Starling waved off Nausic and went to Webber. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders. “You never thought about it before, did you? Your mother, I mean.”

“I always held out hope.” His shoulders shook but no tears left his eyes. “I wasn’t wanted. I figured they would throw me back. That’s never going to happen now.”

“I’m sorry.”

He looked up at her with bleak eyes.

She laid the side of her head against his cheek. “We do have each other. Back on Earth we may have never met and if we had we may not have been friends, but here we’re all each other has.”

“Are you trying to depress me more? If so, you’re succeeding beautifully.”

She laughed a little. “No. Sorry.” She straightened and pulled him to his feet. “You look tired. Let’s get you to bed. Since you don’t have a place to sleep yet, you can share mine.”

Webber gave her a sly grin. **Why do I get the feeling you wouldn’t be offering me your bed if I was straight?**

**Because you’d be right. Since you are gay, you can sleep with me any time you want.** For Nausic’s sake, she said, “We’re going to bed. Webber is tired.”

Nausic nodded and escorted them back to Bekion’s chambers.

Starling led Webber into the closet and showed him how to cover his arm cuffs. “If Bekion isn’t there to deactivate them, muffle them before you go to sleep or you’ll wake up the whole palace.”

“Noted.” He flopped onto the bed with a deep, tired sigh.

Starling crawled behind him, put her arms around his waist and held him close. Webber cupped her hands then huddled against her. Though a foot taller than her, he seemed so small in that moment. She knew what he was going through. Rest would help.

Webber’s deep breathing and warmth lulled her to sleep. She woke some time later to the sound of Bekion in the outer chamber. She lifted her head, looked at the closet door and then down at Webber.

He slept soundly. She debated waking him so the three of them could talk. They needed to set things straight. It would clear the air and Bekion would stop acting so pissy.

She shook Webber’s shoulder. He didn’t so much as bat an eyelash. She shook his shoulder harder and whispered near his ear, “Webber.”

He still didn’t stir.

She raised her voice to a normal volume. “Webber, wake up.” She tapped his arm.

Icy fingers of dread clawed up her arms. If his chest wasn’t rising and falling with each breath he took, she would swear he was dead.

She jumped off the bed and raced to the outer chamber. “Bekion.” She ran into his side to stop her mad dash. “There is something wrong with Webber.”

Bekion gave her a confused look. “What do you mean?”

She shook her head, near frantic. “I don’t know. Please. There’s something wrong with him. He won’t wake up.” She pulled him back to the closet. Nausic and Rois followed.

All three stared down at Webber. Starling feared the verdict. She hugged Bekion’s hand as she watched Rois check Webber. He stood back with a shake of his head.

Starling asked, “What? What’s wrong with him? I thought the nanites were supposed to make him better.”

Bekion placed a hand on her shoulder. “Calm down, Starling. There is nothing wrong with him. You did the same.”

She looked up at him and then back at Webber. “I did?”

“Yes. You slept almost six hours after the nanites were introduced to your system. I took that as normal, if not a bit excessive. The doctors later told me the nanites put you in a lethargic state as they integrated with your body and conducted repairs.”

Starling stared at Webber. It sounded simple but why didn’t he move when she called his name? That scared her. “You’re sure?”


“I tried to wake him.”

Bekion lifted her. “He’s fine, pretty pet. You slept through quite a bit as well.”

“If you’re sure he’s okay?”

“Yes, I am. Let us leave him to sleep.” He carried her out of the closet. A nod to Nausic and Rois sent them out of both chambers. Bekion closed the bedroom door and tapped his cuff against hers.

He sighed as he sat on the bed with Starling situated on his lap. After a while, he said, “My mother meddles too much.”

Starling raised an eyebrow. “Oh? You didn’t seem bothered when Aurelan sat beside you. You couldn’t take your eyes off her chest.”

She thought he would say something meant to put her in her place. Instead he hugged her and laid his head against her breasts.

“I prefer yours.” He shook his head. “I don’t care if you now have a mate. You are mine. Webber will have to come to terms with that.”

“Webber is—”

“More suited to you than I. Believe me, I know that. It doesn’t change my need for you.” He started unbuttoning her blouse.

Starling didn’t try to stop him or talk him out of it. She moved on his lap so she straddled him, lifting her skirt out of the way.

He took one of her exposed nipples into his mouth as he delved two fingers past her lower lips and into her depths. He cupped his free hand around her behind, pressing her more against his fingers even as she moved her hips.

She smiled at Bekion’s grunt of satisfaction when she freed his hard arousal and stroked it. He pressed her closer to him so she ground her opening against his flesh each time she moved her hips.

A high sound of pleasure left her. She was so close.

Bekion trailed kisses up her chest and neck. He claimed her mouth, stroking her tongue with his.

Starling buried her fingers in his hair and raised up on her knees, opening herself to receive more of Bekion. Only a little more.

He pulled his fingers free and spread her lower lips wide.


Starling and Bekion froze at the sound of Webber’s voice. She looked over her shoulder, toward the closet.

Webber stood in the doorway, staring at his feet. “My bad. Sorry.”

“You’re awake,” Starling said in a breathy voice.

Bekion cursed. He set Starling away and stalked to the bathroom.

Webber looked at Bekion and then Starling. “Where’s he going? You didn’t have to stop on my account.”

Starling shook her head. “Don’t even worry about it. This is par for the course with us.” She straightened her clothes. “How are you feeling?”

“Fine. I could always sleep more. I only woke up because the bed got cold.”

“Yeah, the closet is a little cold.” She walked toward him. “Let’s go.”

“You sure about that? Shouldn’t you join the big guy in the bathroom? You two looked like you were having fun.”

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