Wayward Valentine: Book 1.5

BOOK: Wayward Valentine: Book 1.5
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The Wayward Saints, MC

Book 1.5


K. Renee






Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

About the Author



Wayward Valentine Copyright

© 2015 K. Renee

Published by K. Renee

1st Edition

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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Published: K. Renee - February 12, 2015

[email protected]

Cover Design: KLa Boutique

Formatting: K. Renee

Cover Models:
gromovataya - Fotolia.com

yellowj - Fotolia.com

Editor: Ashley Blevins @ TCB Editing

ISBN-13: 978-150601541


ISBN-10: 150601541






To the fans.

Thank you for being a big part of why I do what I do.





Chapter One

I still can't believe how lucky I am. Fuck. Seven years ago, if you would have told me that I would have the girl of my dreams laying in my bed every night, I would have laughed and told you that I didn't need a bitch in my life to make me happy. At that time, all I needed was the club, my family, and willing pussy. That was it. But right now, looking at my girl sleeping like a fucking angel, and knowing my boys are asleep down the hall makes this life so much fucking better. They erase all the bad shit and make it good. I don’t know what I would do without them now.

The day Anslie came walking into my life was the best (and worst) day all rolled into one.

I know I’ve made plenty of mistakes with her, but I’m glad we’re finally where we are. She’s mine, and I wouldn't change a fucking thing about our lives.

Well, maybe I would, but right now it's good. Remington and Severye were the best gifts anyone has ever given me, and I'm proud to be their dad. Sure, I missed out on them for the first two and a half years of their lives, but I plan on never missing another day.

Last month, my girl made me the happiest motherfucker in the world. She gave birth to a seven pound, eight-ounce baby boy. I know, I know. I still want a little girl, but Braxton Michael will do just fine for now.

Wink, wink.

Anslie would be pissed if she knew I wasn't done yet, but I still want a little girl.

The twins were super excited to be big brothers, and they are great already. They always want to help Anslie and me.

I've been up for the last hour, just watching my girl sleep. There's some bad shit getting ready to go down, so I'm spending as much time with Doll and the boys as I can before duty calls. This is the part that I hate about this life. If I’m not careful, everything can be over for me in the blink of an eye. Anslie could be left alone to raise three little boys. I never want that for her. She deserves the world.

I hear Braxton start to cry, so I kiss Ans on the head, and make my way down the hall.  Walking into his room, I see his little body wiggling and kicking. He’s a fussy little shit sometimes.

I go over, and pick him up from his crib.

"Hey little man. What's wrong? Your diaper wet? Or are you hungry?" I say into the quiet room.

He quiets down a little while I'm holding him. I change his diaper, and put his jammie bottoms back on. Yeah, Anslie made me learn, but it's all good. I would do anything for that girl.

Sitting in the rocking chair next to Brax's crib, I rock him back to sleep. I sit there for almost an hour before I put him back in his crib. Anslie says he looks just like the twins did when they were born. Damn, I wish I would have gotten to see them at this age. Brax is the cutest fucking thing I've ever seen, and I'm not just saying that because he's mine.

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day, and I've been workin' on something to spoil the shit out of my girl. She definitely deserves it for having to put up with my ass and the boys’. I’ve got to say that Anslie and pregnancy agree with each other.

Anslie spent months not being able to get enough of my dick. Shit, she still stares at me like she wants to ride me every night. Trust me; I’m game for that, too.

I head back to bed, and cuddle up with my girl. I hate that the doc says we can't fuck for six weeks. My dick is craving her tight little pussy, but I’m trying to be good. She cuddles into my body, and wraps her arms around me.

"Is he hungry?" she whispers against my chest. I kiss her head.

"Naw, doll. He just needed to be changed. Go back to sleep, baby."

She nestles herself back into my body, and I feel like I’m home. I don’t know how I went without her for so long.

I take a deep breath of her scent, and close my eyes.

At five-thirty in the morning, my phone starts to ring. Luckily, I turned the volume down before I went to bed last night. I feel Anslie start to stir, so I silence it, and hit answer.

"Hold up a sec," I whisper into the phone before prying Anslie's body off mine.

Getting out of bed, I grab my phone, and make my way out into the living room.

"Yeah?" I say, before going to make coffee.

"Hey son," he starts.

"What's up old man?" I ask.

I wonder why he's calling so fucking early.

"Your mom and I want to watch the boys for you today. That way you and Anslie can spend some time together for Valentine's Day." I start to laugh.

"You really called to say you guys want to watch the boys today?"

This sounds fishy, but I'll bite. I'm looking forward to trying to get my girl naked and sucking my cock tonight.

"Yeah, your mom wants them to come over today. Fuck Brant, you know I have no idea what that woman is up to half the fucking time. She said you would know, so stop busting my balls. I’m just calling because she asked me to. Bring the boys over by nine, and we'll keep them till tomorrow." I chuckle.

"Fine, tell mom that they are all hers. I know what she’s hinting at.

He laughs, and yells something at my mom.

I hear her squeals of excitement, and I have to hold the phone away from my ear. Why are bitches always so fucking loud? Hell, Mom and Anslie included.

I hear her get on the phone. "Baby, thank you! I can't wait to spend the day with the boys."

I have never heard anyone, ever, get this excited to spend time with a baby and twin five year olds. We spend another ten minutes talking about the boys, Anslie, and my plans. She wishes me luck, and I just laugh. I don't need luck.

Once I hang the phone up, I hear the boys in one of the rooms, giggling. I grab a cup of coffee, and make my way to their rooms. I check on Brax, and see that he's still knocked out. I walk to Remy's room, and see that it's empty. Checking Sev's room next, I see both of the boys sitting in his bed, looking at a book. Leaning against the door, I watch them for a few minutes before they notice me.

"Daddy!" They both giggle.

I make my way to the bed, and check out what they are looking at. They may get their looks from me, but they definitely get their smarts from their momma. They are taking turns, trying to read the book to each other. It sounds like they are making up words, but at least they are trying. Making them both scoot over, I sit on the bed, and they cuddle into my lap.

"What are we reading, boys?" I ask them.

They both point to the book, and ask me to read it to them. I love spending time like this with them. It seems like just yesterday they were turning three.

Once the book is done, I ask them if they want to help me get Mommy's first surprise ready. They both nod their heads vigorously. We get out of the bed, and walk to the kitchen to work on part one of my Valentine's Day surprise for my girl.

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