Read Perv (Filth #1) Online

Authors: Dakota Gray

Perv (Filth #1) (14 page)

BOOK: Perv (Filth #1)
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She rolls over into me, and her mouth is on mine before I could protest. I'm drowning in the taste of her mouth and her pussy—in Robyn. I close my hands around her back and hold her. Just holding on as she pours everything she's feeling into me. It's too much. Nothing I want or would have asked for.

Condom?” The word brushes along my mouth.

Jeans pocket.”

I let her go long enough for her to tear open my jeans, release my cock then finally put the condom on.


She impales herself on my dick. My next breath we're mouths again, kissing each other like we need it. She's on top, but my hold on her is too tight for her to move. I refuse to let the kiss go as I stroke inside her. I'm so wet from her. I'm a grunting beast again. I'm using every muscle to slam her off and on my cock. She takes the abuse with her hands cupped along my cheeks, never letting her tongue leave my mouth.

This time I swear when I come, we're done. I don't care if she's only wrapped in a bow. I don't care if she dips herself in chocolate and garnishes her pussy with cherries. I'm not doing this push and pull.

I pound inside her to get to that end goal as fast as I can. She beats me there, tugging my cock with every thrust. She breaks the kiss to scream my name. That's all I need. I swallow her name. I'm never going to say it. I'm done. There won't be another chance for her to shatter me.

But she collapses on top of me. I fist her hair and bring her mouth to mine. It's mine. I won't let us forget it. When I can tear my mouth away, we'll be done. I'm not doing this anymore.


I wake up moaning. That's the first and immediate thing I notice. The second? Her mouth is riding up and down my cock. Her hands are massaging my balls. I've died, and this is hell. We fell asleep before I could kick her out, and this is payment for my stupidity.

Sunlight streams through my bedroom windows, which means I've slept past my alarm. She let me sleep. Apparently this time I'm the one who needed the rest.

Her hair is damp from a shower. She's made her white virginal dress strapless and somehow it's holding up as she bobs her head up and down.

I'm halfway to the finish line, and if I stand on my principles and stop her, I'm going to ninja kick the first person who greets me. I'm too deep in her throat to stop her anyway. She glances at me with her doe-shaped eyes and there's a satisfied gleam in them.

I don't fight the messy slurps, the softness of her tongue as she flicks the tip or the way her moans vibrate up my spine. I let her drag me back to hell with her.



I can deliver the computer today,” I tell my first official client.

This is a good moment. If only Robyn wasn't sitting on my desk in my home office with her legs crossed at the knee. I slap at it playfully to get a better view, and she glares down at me.

Are you sure?” the man sounds wary.

What he doesn't know is that all I have to do is change the RAM on one of the computers sitting in the corner. He's paying for labor I've already done, but this is business. The most he'll get, that'll take real work, is boxing the thing up.

You're local. I'll drop it off for you. You can run through it while I'm there. If you're satisfied, you pay me. If not, I go away.”

Sounds like a deal.”

We make arrangements to meet later in the day and end our call. Robyn's brows are up and I can see that she's impressed.

I didn't know you could hold a normal conversation.”

She's such a smartass. “It's exhausting, but I manage.”

She braces herself with hands on the desk but keeps her legs crossed. “I don't believe you.”

Prickly smartass. “What was your favorite picture? In my living room?”

What's yours?”

The fishing one.”

Her eyes drift to side as she tries to remember. It's a picture of me and my Dad. We're both wearing those rubber overalls that go up to your forehead. It's a cliché thing. We're holding big fish and grinning for the camera.

My mother took the picture. She caught the biggest fish but she was proud of her Georgia boys.” I smile, remembering. “I miss home when I look at it.”

Why'd you leave?”

I run a hand down my mouth because that's a hard one. Everyone expected me to step into the shoes my father had left behind. “Too much tradition. Too many expectations.”

You couldn't be a fuckboy, so you left?”

I laugh at her laser focus. She refuses to relent at my own fuckeduppedness. That's a real word. You can use it in Scrabble. “I could have been the governor of fuckboys. Georgia was muggy hot. My mother would have wanted me to take her to luncheons and shit. I got a taste of California and loved it. My real friends were here. It was a no-brainer to come back.”

Come back?”

Right. I met Broken Virgin soon after my father's death. I didn't talk about him or my mother much. “I spent some time in Georgia after my father passed. My mother needed a hand around the house before she found her sea legs without him.”

She gasps then swallows. “I'm sorry to hear about your dad.”

I focus on her knee. “Thanks.”

She runs her finger over my mouth. I nip at the tip.

She asks, “Are you slowly dying after having to be normal for like five minutes?”

I like her. A lot. “I need to change out the RAM and get going.” I consider my options, and there's only one for me. “I'll order you another dress from Amazon. And panties. They can use the drone to get both items here in twenty minutes. I can't concentrate if you're not wearing any.”

She's quiet, then she murmurs, “You want me to go with you?”

I'm not going to let the softness in her tone get to me. “Yes. Unless you have to work.”

Her gaze shifts away from mine. “My boss is...very understanding.”

That's cryptic. “Huh.”

Where else do you need to go?”

She was dropping it. So was I. “I also need to hit the gym. I'm sure Tarek has called my phone fifty times by now.” I steal a glance. Her expression is open again.

Why didn't you go to the gym?”

I slept in.” Then she sucked my brain out through my cock. Those words didn't need to be said.

She smiles anyway like I did. “Stop buying me stuff. I'm starting to feel like an escort.”

I shrug. “Go home and be back within an hour.”

She slides off the desk then bends down to leave a kiss on my cheek. It's sweet. I hate her a little for it and the way my heart speeds up. Then she's sliding past me out of the office door. I do my best to not tackle her to the floor because my cock is in love with that virginal white dress.

I drag my attention to the corner where work waits for me. I can push her to the back of my mind. I'll see her again, and I know when.


After an hour of being asked a million stupid questions by the client, I have a check in my pocket that proves I'm a sole proprietor. The IRS is going to love me this year.

Robyn is trailing beside me as we make our way to the weight room. It's late afternoon, and that means Tarek's break is coming up. He's shaking hands with clients, and because I've known him for a long ass time, I can spot the strain in his smile as he answers questions.

And then he sees Robyn. His shoulders go up an inch. His mouth tightens. The skin around his eyes seems to pull taut as he glares at her. He's talked to Duke. I have no doubt of that.

Men gossip like women. They just use less words when they do.

You know he's still fucking Robyn.”

He is? Dumb fuck.”

I'm sure that's how the conversation went.

I don't reach for her hand—a small signal for my friend to back off. She can hold her own. Fuck, she can probably bite off Tarek's head and he'll thank her for it.

The last of his trainees leave and he approaches us. He offers her a hand and a smile. “Robyn.”

Tarek.” She gives him
the smile
and he blinks for two seconds.

Something like vindication fills me. It's not just me. That smile of hers makes everyone dumb, and because I know she's about to fuck up Tarek's world, too, I stand back to enjoy it.

And try not to laugh.

Duke,” she says, “I've heard about. You, not so much. It's good to meet you.”

His chin lowers, and she's treading on thin ice. “What do you think you know about Duke?”

I think he can eat my attorney for breakfast. I respect that. I'd love to pick his brain.”

Tarek frowns, unsure how to take the compliment on his friend's behalf, and she's pulling at the tips of her fingers—nerves. I'm about to jump in and save them both from this conversation when Tarek asks, “And him?”

The him is me. I'm curious about her answer. She's in over her head with me, but not yet drowning. She bites her bottom lip and throws a glance my way. Heat in her gaze, a softening in her stance. What she feels for me is real in that moment. Once again, I'm holding my breath like I don't need air. She's stolen it just by existing.

That answer is complicated,” she finally says.

Could be simple,” I counter.

Tarek puts his fat mouth back in our exchange. “And how would you make it simple?”

At that I'm back on his side again. “Yeah, Robyn?”

She laughs. “Nothing is simple with you. Does that answer your question, Nathan?”


She turns her attention back to Tarek. “I like your friend when he's being a person.”

Tarek laughs. “Everyone feels that way.”

I'm over this conversation. “Okay. You've met him. Let's go.”

See,” she says. “Complicated.” She puts her hands on her hips and glides into my space. “And I thought we were staying so I could watch you sweat? You won't dance for me, so I have to ogle you in any way I can.”

Was that our deal?” Take note: I'm not telling her no.

Another step and she's pressed against me. “You can always just dance for me.” Tongue. Lip.

I wrap my hand around her waist, and with the other I'm giving Tarek a peace-out sign. “Catch you later.”

His face scrunches up as though he's confused or can't believe what he's seeing. After a head shake he mouths to me,
Be careful

Be careful around her, with her? With Tarek he probably means the latter. He's never approved of the way I've treated lovers. More than once he's told me I get them hooked like addicts and then drop them. That's another reason I don't want him and Robyn talking to each other. That's a stark truth conversation waiting to happen.

So I nod at him, and I clasp Robyn's hand to lead her back out to my car. It's mid-afternoon. The sun has decided to beat back the cool air. My beat-up Jeep looks out of place alongside the Mercedes Benzes, Escalades and the occasional Prius, but on a sunny California day like today, I'd always choose my ride.

I open the car door for her and go to work taking off the roof. When I climb in beside her, she has her head tilted up to the sun, a smile teasing the corners of her mouth. The way she sighs makes me think she hasn't done that in a while—close her eyes and enjoy the heat of the sun on her face.

My stomach and heart squeeze. Her job can't be the reason she feels the need to bask in the simplistic moment. Unlike Duke, she takes time off.

Questions race through my mind but I'm not willing to ask them and break this moment for her. I had plans to take her home and give her a private show, but I start the car with a different destination in mind.



She glances up at the sign above the club. “Cat Daddies?”

What kind of name did you expect for a male-only strip club?” I bang on the door harder than the police. The parking lot is practically empty since it's shy of four, but Lance's car is out front. Takes the man about two minutes to open the door and growl at me that the place is closed.

That's until he sees it's me. A smile whips out. His once-black strands are now silver. Even his beard has gone white. Too many years in the California sun and not enough protection has deepened the grooves on his face. The denim and dress shirt are complimented by the rugged work boots.

He's the king of Cat Daddies and knows it. I have a begrudging respect for the man. He tests that every chance he gets.

He whoops at the sight of me. “Son of a bitch.”

Testing me right out of the gate. I scowl at him. “I told you about saying that to me.”

For fuck sake.” He spreads his arms in a welcoming gesture. “It's been years. Please tell me you're coming back.” Then he notices Robyn behind me. “Fuck. You always did—”

My spine goes ramrod straight. “If you want to keep your mouth, you'll swallow that.”

Lance remembers his manners and offers his hand to Robyn. She's laughing at the whole exchange.

My old boss says, “Nice to meet you.”

I karate chop Lance's hand before he gets any ideas. “I need your stage for a bit.”

Shit, any time. You're the reason I can afford this place.” Lance pushes the door open for us to come inside.

I pull Robyn in front of me. I don't want to have to kill him if he leers at her ass. “I'll be sure to turn everything off once I'm done.”

He sighs, knowing that's the signal to get gone. Robyn's chuckling as I push her deeper into the darkness. One long hallway, a shorter one, and finally we're in the main bar/room.

BOOK: Perv (Filth #1)
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