Personnel Training (Fem - Dom erotica) (3 page)

Read Personnel Training (Fem - Dom erotica) Online

Authors: Jay Merson

Tags: #fiction, #ebooks, #erotic, #erotica, #adult, #sex, #sexy, #control, #anal, #domination, #submission, #bondage, #spanking, #femdom, #oral

BOOK: Personnel Training (Fem - Dom erotica)
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The chairman
gave a heavy sigh, "Very well then we vote. All those in favour
raise your hand."

Three directors
did not vote.

The chairman's
face paled visibly and he waved a hand at the secretary to note the
decision in the minutes of the meeting.




He was naked
and trembling, in fear of her wrath. He knew her moods well and
this one he didn't like one bit. For over half an hour he had been
standing naked in the middle of her lounge waiting for her to
change clothes. She often keep him waiting, almost always in fact
but today he was in her lounge and fearful of a caller that might
see him so.

His cock
shifted between semi-erection and a flaccid state as the
possibilities of the postman, the milkman or worse still a woman
caller passing the lounge window came to him. Mistress was a bitch
and she would know the effect that he keeping him waiting would
have on him.

To make matters
worse she had insisted that he stand with his feet wide apart and
with his hands on his head, a most uncomfortable position to
maintain for such a long period of time. It was humiliating too but
then that would have been the whole point of getting him to stand
so. In her bedroom it was quite exciting to have to adopt different
positions but in her lounge? The fears grew even greater in his
mind and he turned his head chancing a glance at the window to
assure himself that he remained unseen

"You moved,"
her icy voice cut through the stillness like a knife.

His head
snapped back to the required position and he groaned inwardly. She
now had the reason, and he had given it to her, to punish him for
his disobedience. He hadn't even realised she was there, hadn't
heard her nor sensed her presence. He tensed as the shudders of
anticipation ran through him; the cane would bit harshly on him
this day.

entered, the thin Stiletto heels of her boots clicking on the
polished floor as she moved from carpeted hallway to lounge. She
wore black hold up stockings that gripped in tight, darker bands
around the tops of her thighs so close to her crotch. Tiny little
panties in black stretched harshly across the mound of her mons and
pulled in between the pale skin of her upper thighs. The black
Basque that she wore shimmered in the daylight pouring through the
windows; the shiny material gave her a cruel and sinister
appearance. It pinched her waist in to form a seemingly impossible
narrowness and the wired top forced her breasts up and together to
form a most delightful swell of firm flesh. The black velvet choker
around her throat separated her face from her body and the harshly
styled hair that hugged the sides of her face made her look
positively wicked.

Kathleen strode
confidently into the room, her painted scarlet lips parting
slightly in delight at his wide-eyed look of amazement. She tapped
the riding crop against the side of her long boot as she stood
before him posing and offering her body to his lusting gaze.

"Kneel you
shit," she barked the curt command and raised the crop

He scurried
hurriedly to comply, moving surprising quickly given his
fifty-three years of age. The man knelt down, as he knew he should,
on all fours with his gaze downcast and his cock swinging
elephant-like beneath his body.

The boot swung
in hard to land a sickeningly brutal kick to his left thigh and he
cried out in pain.

"You disgust
me, you worm," she said in a most severe tone, Again she kicked at
him, the blow impacted against his buttocks to jar his bulky frame,
"You are a despicable, lying bastard that has deceived me most

The man began
to sob; Madam's wrath was terrible at the best of times but today?
His shoulders shook with the racking sobs, his fear now as high as
it had ever been, in or out of her presence.

please," he blubbered, "I had no choice in the matter. The board
voted and...."

The riding crop
swung hard down and in to land a savage blow across his presented
buttocks. The man screamed like a stuck pig and wailed in his
misery. Again he screamed and then again as she laid lash after
lash on his buttocks and back in a wild onslaught of crazed anger.
At length she paused, breathing heavily from her exertions. "I
want," she stated firmly," a directorship, "mine is the only
department without a director as the head of it and I will be that

"But Madam

He yelped as
the crop struck him again a most spiteful blow across one cheek of
his buttocks that allowed the leather tab on the end of the crop to
sting at his ball-sac.

"You are the
chairman - make it happen."

"But it's on a
vote not personal choice," he protested and steeled himself for the
next stinging blow to strike him.

His hair was
grasped roughly in her hand; his head was yanked back hard to a
most uncomfortable stretch against his shoulders. Madam's face came
close down to his; a threatening and menacing tone was used.

"Who voted
against me? Name them."

"No, please,"
he whimpered, "That I cannot...."

Her reaction
was swift and uncompromising. His head was shoved roughly away from
her grip and her booted foot slammed hard into his ribs. "Tell,"
she demanded. "Tell me!"

Breathless, the
air knocked from his lungs the blubbering chairman was unable to
answer. Eight more hard lashes of the cane stung down on him before
she paused in the ferocious attack on his buttocks.


He shook his
head slowly. "Can't," he muttered and cringed ready for the next
series of savage blows to tear at his body but nothing came.
Silence, a most dreadful and eerie silence filled the room and that
concerned him more than her lashing him.

At last she
moved, in slow and deliberate steps around to his head. She pressed
his face down to the bare floorboards and positioned her ankles one
either side of his ears, pressing in hard to trap and to hold his
head firmly in place. Madam faced down over his body and raised the
crop high above her shoulder.

"I will gain my
place on the board with or without your help. If you continue to
defy me then suffer much you will for it. Now tell me the

No reply came
and she swung down hard, landing the stiff shaft of the crop down
the crease of his buttock and cruelly on the tight puckered ring of
his anus.

"Oh God help
me," he cried out as the searing pain burned deeply down into the
tender part of his body.

"Name them,"
she mocked and delighted in his agonised wailing. Madam struck
again, harder this time to send his body into a series of violent
spasms as the deep pain tore through him.

"Okay, okay,"
he blurted quickly, "I'll tell, just please no more."

Unusually madam
relented, pausing in her thrashing to listen to the names of the
dissenting directors. She stood silently pondering those people as
the chairman sobbed heavily between her pinning ankles.

"You have done
well, you snivelling little worm. But you will do more. You will
sway the next vote in my favour and you will not fail me in that.
Will you?"

"No Madam," was
his misery-filled reply, "I won't fail you."




Kathleen said brightly and with as much enthusiasm as she could
falsely muster as she entered the marketing director's office. She
walked over to and past his desk to lounge back against the large
picture window; Kathleen crossed her legs and bathed in his leering
looks. He ogled her always, secretively mostly and when he thought
she wasn't watching but she knew. She had felt his hungry eyes
burning into the backs of her legs and her buttocks many times in
the past. He wanted her but put on a cold and disinterested front
but that didn't fool her. He mentally undressed her on every
occasion and, hate him though she did; it amused her to tease him.
They had never seen eye-to-eye and tolerated each other rather than
liked the other, they spoke about work when it was necessary but
otherwise never did. I was only the second time she had ever
entered his office and this, a rare occasion indeed.

"How long have
we known each other, Malcolm?" Kathleen asked in a low and coaxing

"About two
years," he said slightly bemused and swivelled his chair around to
face her and to ease the strain on his neck.

"I've always
respected you Malcolm, you know that don't...."

He laughed
loudly in derision.

"Has this
anything to do with your possible appointment to the board by

Kathleen acted
dumbstruck and in total surprise at the revelation, "Me? Being
considered for the board of directors?" Her act was so convincing
that he changed track instantly.

"You didn't
know, I'm sorry, please forget that I said that."

She frowned
playfully, "Do you really think that I could forget such a
tantalising hint of information as that?" She re-crossed her legs
and arched her back to push her bust out harder against the already
straining blouse and lowered her voice sympathetically, "But I
won't tell, promise."

The relief
showed in his expression even though he didn't answer.

strolled casually over to the desk and hoisted herself up to sit
close to him, her skirt pulling back along her thigh to show a good
amount of nylon-coated leg.

"As I was
saying," she simpered, "I have always respected you, your fair
minded attitude and your....well, maturity."

He flushed
slightly and his gaze flicked quickly to her thighs and then back
up to her face.

She sighed and
gave a pained expression, "I need advice, my marriage; I need
someone to bounce my confused thoughts off and...."

"I would gladly
listen," he gushed almost too readily and Kathleen noted the jerk
of his stiffening cock within his trousers.

"Would you?"
she gasped and clapped her hands together in delight. Kathleen gave
a helpless woman saved look and titled her head to add to the
effect. "I would be most grateful."

She fixed him
with a loving gaze that transmitted more than words ever could. Her
voice took on a low and throaty drawl, "Extremely grateful in

His face was
bright red now and his forehead coated with a fine film of

"My place
perhaps, drinks and chat?" she suggested raising a knowing

He swallowed
hard and nodded slowly, suspicion mixed with growing excitement in
his eyes and facial expression.

She slipped
forward off the desk and held his head in both hands, her palms
covering one each of his burning cheeks. She planted a
feather-light kiss on his forehead and lingered long enough to
ensure that he had seen down the front of her blouse.

"Such a nice
man, I knew I was right about you."

straightened, paused to pose, her weight on one leg to pull her
skirt more tightly over her thigh and to portray the shape of it
beneath. Kathleen turned and walked slowly to the door, she paused
again with her hand on the doorknob, her slim fingers caressing it
seemingly idly.

"My place next
Monday evening at about eight, my husband is away on a sales
course, he needn't know about our," she paused in her speech to add
effect, "our....little chat."

Kathleen left
the office and closed the door behind her; she smiled and chuckled
inwardly at the man's stupidity. He would be easy to convert, she
thought. The others though, would they perhaps also easy to snare?
Only time would tell.




The black youth
sat in her lounge watching television as she had left him whilst
she went to change and to prepare. He had made no special effort to
dress for the visit, his jeans, trainers and sloppy sweatshirt were
good enough for the snotty bitch; he felt. He gripped his
stiffening cock through his trousers and squeezed it slowly. The
bitch would be easy to have; she was simply begging for it, his
experience with women to date made him certain of it. Sex-starved
probably she was, or little used, that was for sure. She would
probably change into a pink nightie and dim the lights, perhaps
even face cream and her hair in rollers. He chuckled as he imagined
himself feeding his cock into her mouth and her gagging in
revulsion at such a dirty act. She was too prim and proper to be
anything near a decent fuck but, it would be another notch for him,
another conquest to boast of and to feed his ego. She had a decent
body, that he had to admit, and not too bad looking too. Once he
had made her scream in bliss as he rode her, he would revert to his
normal ways at work and use this occasion to ensure that his job
stayed safe.

Her calling
from the upstairs broke his thoughts. He grinned and stood, easing
his hard cock to the side to ease the pressure on his jeans. "Here
we go Desmond old son," he said aloud to himself, "the bitch needs
her 'seeing to'. He chuckled again and lowered his voice as he
walked through to the hallway. "And man is she going to get




The female
Director of Finances had taken the note home with her, still
unopened and mixed in with several other letters from the day's
post. She had bathed, changed and eaten and settled herself for a
quiet evening in front of the television. She wore nothing on her
feet, a pair of black stretchy leggings and a thin tee shirt with
her hair tied back in a ponytail. With her legs curled up under her
she sat on the settee, flicked through the television stations
quickly with the remote control and then turned her attentions to
the post.

There were four
circulars from head office; a pension statement and then the pink,
sweet smelling envelope that had her name written on the front in a
most ornate style of handwriting. Frowning in curiosity she ripped
the envelope open, unfolded the note and read it softly aloud to

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