Perfectly Unpredictable (3 page)

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Authors: Linda O'Connor

BOOK: Perfectly Unpredictable
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Maurice waited until the noise quieted. “Now,
I would like to take this opportunity to present the International Forum of
Neuroscience Research Award. The recipient is a role model for their scientific
work, for the promotion of it to the rest of the scientific community, and for
making neuroscientific research respected and revered. This award is coveted
because the jury is our peers – the harshest critics. They judge the
value of the research and look for inspiration.

“It is my great honor and my absolute
pleasure to present the award this year to Dr. Alexandre Sinclair.”

The audience rose to its feet, clapping, as
Alexandre made his way to the podium. Alexandre and Maurice shook hands warmly
as Maurice presented a plaque to commemorate the achievement. They stood
together, smiling broadly, as a photographer captured the moment.

Maurice gestured for Alexandre to say a few
words. Alexandre approached the microphone and looked out at the audience. “Thank
you for this. I’m deeply honored to receive it. I think there are many of you
who are equally deserving, and I share it with you. I also share this with the
team who work with me in the lab and in the clinics. Without them, none of this
would be possible.

“And finally, I would like to thank Maurice
for his outstanding organization.” Alexandre nodded and smiled at Maurice. “It
is a daunting task, as you’ve mentioned, and you’ve done a brilliant job of it.
Thank you.” He waved briefly and made his way back to his seat.

The applause was deafening.

Maurice approached the microphone again. “All
good things must come to an end, and so I officially close this year’s
International Forum of Neuroscience. In three years’ time, we will reconvene in
Spain, and I hope to see all of you there again. Meanwhile, I invite you to
join in the final event planned for tonight, the gala ball being held in the
Grand Ballroom. The ballroom has been transformed, and the cuisine will be
exceptional. I know, because I’ve had a chance to sample it all,” he said,
chuckling. “Enjoy your evening, and good-bye, until we meet again.” He smiled
and stepped away from the microphone.

After a final flourish of applause, the
audience broke up and slowly streamed from the amphitheater.

Kalia stood off to one side, enjoying the energy
of the room. Listening to the conversations around her, she could already sense
the anticipation of the next forum being held in Spain in three years.

She hoped she could be a part of it.

Chapter 4

The final evening
Kalia thought with a sigh. It had gone by too quickly. It had
been a fascinating change of pace, a chance to flex her language skills. She
had met so many interesting people and was charmed by their enthusiasm. It
hadn’t been work at all. She sent a silent thank you to her parents for opening
up her world with languages.

Kalia took the flute of champagne offered
by a passing waiter and wandered into the ballroom, joining the crowd mingling

The formal dining room had been transformed
into an underwater extravaganza. Ice sculptures of dolphins graced the hors
d’oeuvre table and drew people in to sample the trésor de la mer. Gossamer-thin
curtains, in a watery blue, glimmered in the light of the crystal chandeliers,
which hung low over the tables. Murals of schools of fish and paper-mâché coral
filled the walls.

Each table, covered in the same gossamer
blue, was set with its own unique centerpiece, ranging from sandcastle candles
to elegant blossoms floating in water-filled vases. The flames of lit candles
danced and flickered. Pure magic, Kalia thought, as she sipped her drink.

Kalia had been invited to join the head
table, so she meandered through the crowd to find it, greeting people in
multiple languages on her way.

She enjoyed the fuss and the pageantry. She
loved the feel of her silk dress against her bare skin. It was low in the front
and lower in the back, in the palest pink, and fell to her ankles with a
diaphanous shimmer. Underneath she wore matching panties almost as bare as the
spaghetti straps covering her smooth, perfumed shoulders. She had pulled her
hair up in a careless knot, leaving one or two curls to frame her face. Dangling
silver earrings matched her anklet and contrasted with the wide silver bangle
she wore at her wrist. It was lovely being a girl, she mused, and such fun to
dress up.

She was nearly at the table when she saw
him. And ooh la la. Alex Sinclair in a suit was eye-candy. Alex Sinclair
dressed in a tux was just wow. She smiled to herself. She knew six languages
and none had a word better than “wow.”

Mmm . . . broad shoulders, slim hips, wavy
dark hair that brushed the collar of his jacket, a sexy smile, and a sexier
laugh. And that tux? The tailor was a genius. It hugged those rippling muscles
and covered a great ass. Probably. Who knew? Who wouldn’t want to know? She
smiled again. Thoughts, at least, were safe.

Alexandre looked up from the conversation
he was having with Maurice when Kalia joined them. He caught and held Kalia’s
gaze. Just for a moment, but a moment was intense enough. She felt a flush rise
on her cheeks at the interest in his eyes.

“Bonsoir, Ms. Beck,” Alexandre said as he
reached for her hand. “I’m Alexandre Sinclair. We’ve said hello briefly, but I
wanted to introduce myself.”

“Oh, I’m very pleased to meet you,” Kalia
replied, slightly flustered. “Please call me Kalia. I enjoyed your talk today. You
have a way of making the complicated sound simple. Even for a non-scientist
like me.”

He laughed. “Thank you. I enjoyed giving it.
Although, I’m not sure describing yourself as a non-scientist would be accurate.
I’ve listened to several of your translations throughout the past week, and
they are excellent. This is the first year they’ve done this, and I hope they
continue. It is invaluable.”

“I’ve really enjoyed myself. Everyone has
been very patient,” she said with a smile.

“Come, please join me,” he said as he
pulled a chair out for her.

“Thank you.”

She sat down and took a moment to greet
Maurice and his wife and the other committee members at the table. It gave her
a chance to try to slow her racing heart. And to thank the angels who aligned
the stars to have her sit with Alex Sinclair for dinner. She admired his graceful
movements and charming manners as he greeted others at the table.

The waiter came to offer them wine. As
Maurice handled the sampling and approval, Alexandre leaned over to Kalia. “Which
language are you most comfortable speaking?”

“Depends what I’m doing,” she said with a
hint of a smile. “English or French. And you?”

“The same. I grew up with French but
studied in English.” He spoke close to her ear. “May I say how lovely you look

“Thank you.” A shiver of pleasure ran down
her spine at the sound of his deep voice. “This a wonderful way to end the
conference. And judging by the turnout, a popular tradition.”

What should have been an interminable
evening flew by with Alexandre for company. He chatted with the rest of the
table with an easy elegance.

He had it all. Charm, intelligence, wit,
and an easy smile with a sexy body to match. He listened, and when he focused
those startling blue eyes on her, her heart stuttered. She made an excuse to
touch his arm, just lightly. And had a craving to taste him.

Dinner finished and the waiters moved
silently through the room, collecting the dishes. Alexandre took Kalia’s hand
and led her outside to the terrace. The evening was clear and warm, and the
stars brilliant in the sky. The faint sound of the string quartet carried in
the breeze and mixed with the quiet noises of the night.

Kalia sighed at the romance of it. “What a
beautiful night,” she said quietly.

Alexandre squeezed her hand. “I’m honored
to share it with you.”

The tables were shifted to make room for
dancing, and the music began. Soft and romantic, it wafted through the ballroom
to the terrace. Pale blue lighting illuminated the dance floor and spilled out
to them.

“Would you like to dance?” Alexandre asked.

“I’d love to.”

Alex led her inside and gathered her close.
Kalia leaned in and rested her head on his shoulder. We fit, she thought, like
two pieces of a puzzle. She loved the strong feel of his hand on her back. The
gentle pressure gliding her around the floor. Her breasts against his hard
chest and her hand just at the nape of his neck, tickled by his hair. She
wanted to run her hands through it and down his chest. Craved his touch. She
took a deep breath and told herself to savor the moment. Enjoy the sensations. Slow
down and breathe.

One song melded with another, and they
didn’t break away. They hardly noticed as the crowd grew thin around them, as
the moon rose higher into the sky and the temperature started to dip.

When the band paused for a break, Kalia and
Alexandre slowly broke apart.

“Thank you. For the invitation to stay and dance.
It was wonderful,” she said with a sigh.

Kalia had always wondered how it would feel
to fall in love. She had dated in the past and had questioned, was this it? Was
this love? But her feelings never scratched more than the surface. It was easy
to enjoy the moment and then walk away. She thought falling in love would be
long and lovely, like a gentle ride down a lazy river. They would spend time
together, enjoy common interests, become best friends and better lovers, and
slide lazily into love.

Totally wrong.

She hadn’t known Alexandre Sinclair for more
than ten days, had really only just met him, and she knew. It wasn’t a long,
lazy ride. It was more like a wild toss down white rapids. It was fast and
intense and a little scary. But she knew. Her heart was gone, and she was done.

She turned to him. “Could I ask you a favor?”


“Would you walk me back to my hotel?”

“It would be my pleasure. Do you have a

“No, I didn’t bring one. But the night is
warm, and it isn’t far.”

Alexandre guided Kalia out to the street. They
strolled in silence, hand in hand, under the soft glow of old-fashioned streetlights.
The palm trees lining the street swayed in the breeze.

Do I dare ask him? Kalia thought. Was it
too bold? Or crazy? Would she regret it in the morning? Or regret not taking
that leap? They would return to their own lives tomorrow, his a million miles
away. But the night had gone by too quickly. Kalia felt a sharp pang in her
heart and shivered.

Alexandre peeled off his jacket. “You’re
shivering, slip this on,” he said as he placed it on her shoulders and hugged
her close.

“Merci.” She breathed in the trace of his musk
cologne as she pulled the jacket tighter. She leaned into him, trembling again
as his body pressed close to hers. “Here’s my hotel. Alexandre, when I went
tonight, I thought I’d go to dinner and have an early evening. But now, I don’t
want this night to end.” She paused. “Will you come up?”

Alexandre hesitated, then reached out and
gathered her close. “Kalia, love, there is nothing I want more.”

Excitement swept through Kalia until she
leaned back and looked in his eyes. “I sense a but,” she murmured.

“I want you,” he repeated, holding her gaze.
He rubbed her arms. “I want to be with you. But I can’t promise you more than
one night. I want to, Kalia, but I can’t. I don’t want to hurt you, but I can’t
make promises for tomorrow.”

Her chest tightened. “Are you married? Is
there someone else?” He didn’t wear a ring, but some men didn’t.

His eyebrows drew together, and he looked
off in the distance.

“Don’t answer,” Kalia said, raising her
hand. She didn’t want to know. If she could have one night, she’d take it. To
love Alexandre, to show him, to touch him. “I don’t want us being together to
hurt someone else. But I want you to stay. Please.”

Wordlessly, Alexandre framed her face in
his hands and touched his lips to hers. “Kalia,” he whispered. He parted her
lips and deepened the kiss as she responded in his arms.

“Too many clothes.” She groaned.

He chuckled. “I’m luckier there.” He
slipped his hand under the jacket, tracing the line of her dress down the bare skin
of her back.

Fighting the urge to press closer, she
nipped his lips, grabbed his hand, and led him to her room. Her hands shook. He
covered hers with his and unlocked the door.

As they tumbled into her hotel room, he
threw his jacket aside. She untucked his shirt and started on the buttons,
trailing kisses down his chest as each one came undone. After peeling off his
shirt, she ran her hands down the ripples of his abdomen. Her heart pounded. Smooth
skin and firm muscles. She wiggled closer and reached for his belt.

Alexandre caught her hands and led her into
the bedroom. He stopped at the edge of the bed and turned her to face him. Kalia’s
heart swirled at the desire in his eyes. He bent and nipped at her earlobe,
moved along her jawline, and trailed kisses along her shoulder. She tilted her
head to expose her neck, her muscles melting at his touch.

He brushed the slim straps of her dress and
drew them down. Her perfume filled the air as her gown floated down to puddle
at her feet. His gaze followed it, over full breasts, narrow waist, and long,
lean legs.

“You take my breath away,” he whispered in
her ear, his fingers tracing circles over the sensitive peaks of her breasts.
She strained closer to fill his palms. An aching need to feel him, skin to
skin, rose in her throat.

She undid his belt, lowered the zipper of
his trousers, and reached in to fondle and tease him. At the catch of his
breath, she moved closer, her soft breasts against his hard chest. Muscular
arms around her. Her breasts tingled at the contact, and her heart skipped a
beat. When she writhed against him, he pressed her back onto the bed.

“I want to touch and taste every inch of
you,” he whispered against her lips. He circled her nipples with a
feather-light sweep of his tongue and roamed lower, tickling the skin of her
belly. Lower, lower, her muscles rippled at his touch.

She groaned and opened, wanting him closer.
Don’t stop. Don’t stop. Pumping her hips and arching her back, she fought the
wave that overwhelmed her. “Alexandre.”

His tongue danced, the tempo building.
Sliding, tasting, darting, swirling.

She bucked as the orgasm ripped through her.
Weightless, suspended in time for a moment, she floated back through space.

Alex moved to her side and pulled her close
when she reached for his hand.

She locked her fingers in his and turned to
look at him. “More.” She smiled. “Please.”

He kissed her lips. “Protection. We should
use a condom.”

“There’s an ‘intimacy kit’ in the kitchen.”
She grinned. “Isn’t that handy?”

She admired his very fine form as he left
the room, and her heart trembled when he returned. Lying beside her, he ripped
open a condom package and sheathed himself.

Kalia ached to touch him. He reached for
her and kissed her deeply, his tongue playing, swirling in and out, his lips
tasting hers. She shifted and he moved on top of her.

She hooked her legs around his waist and
ran her hands over the sculpted muscles of his chest. When she moaned and
pressed against him, he lifted her hips and slid inside. Soft and silky. Filling
her completely, finding the sensitive spot. Her hips came up to meet him, and
she tightened around him. Sensation built. Her heart soared. She tried to hold
on, but emotion swirled in her chest and left her breathless. It stayed just out
of reach until spasms rocked her. Alexandre braced himself and followed close

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