Perfectly Honest (8 page)

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Authors: Linda O'Connor

BOOK: Perfectly Honest
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Chapter 13

Written in the Stars by Esmeralda Garnet
ARIES (March 21-April 19) Focus on the positive and be confident in new situations. Explore an opportunity that will allow you to grow. Embrace change.

Monday morning, Mikaela stood at the counter in Sam’s kitchen eating a bowl of cereal. She scanned the newspaper and came to her horoscope. Embrace change.

Humph, she thought. No choice really.

Mikaela was dressed in navy slacks and a crisp white shirt. She tied her hair back in a sleek tail and put on a fine silver chain. She debated about the shoes. Business pumps or comfortable loafers? She expected some running around, so in the end chose low cut suede boots that were stylish and comfortable.

Well, Mikaela thought, she couldn’t put it off any longer. She placed her bowl in the sink, grabbed her sweater and briefcase, and headed out to her car.

Sam had already left for the day. He was up and about an hour before her alarm went off. He had started at Emerson two weeks earlier and already had fully booked clinics.

She, on the other hand, had opted to take a much-needed vacation. In the first week, she packed up her office and finished outstanding paperwork. The second week was spent recharging with Margo in the sun. It was the best decision ever. She felt much steadier. She could hear Margo’s voice telling her to think positively, take ownership of the day, and anticipate good things would happen. She could at least appear confident. Mikaela had been practicing positive self-talk all morning, some of it out loud, and was grateful Sam wasn’t around to hear. Last night had been awkward enough.

Yesterday, she had decided what to bring and had squeezed it all into her car like a complicated tetras puzzle. She had cleaned her condo, emptied her fridge, and watered the plants. And headed out to Sam’s place. She arrived in the early evening and Sam had been lounging in front of the television, watching a game and drinking a beer.

He helped her carry her stuff in and told her to take whatever space she needed, but it was awkward. They didn’t really talk much and she escaped to her room to unpack. Later, when Mikaela went to the kitchen to put away some groceries, the game was finished, and Sam was heading to bed. Very awkward. They said good night awkwardly, and she went to bed thinking they were going to have to talk.

Later. She could only focus positive thoughts on so many things at once.

After an easy ten-minute drive, she pulled into the hospital parking lot. Free parking. One level paved parking lot. None of this circling around up eight floors to find a spot. How refreshing.

Mikaela parked her car and went through revolving doors to the reception area. She had a meeting with Shirley Carson from Human Resources at nine o’clock.

Mikaela walked over to the reception area where a middle-aged woman with a mop of curly red hair stood talking animatedly to a young woman behind the counter.

“Good morning. I have a meeting with Shirley Carson . . .” Mikaela began.

“Well, hello.” The older woman turned her attention to Mikaela and held out her hand. “I’m Shirley Carson. You must be Dr. Finn,” she beamed. “I’m very happy to meet you.” She craned her neck to look up at Mikaela. “My, you’re a tall one, aren’t you? Well, never mind. Welcome to Emerson Hospital.” She pumped Mikaela’s hand up and down. “We’re so pleased you’ve decided to start a practice here. Oh my, you are going to be busy. I just found out my granddaughter is pregnant, now that’s another story, let me tell you, but it’s perfect timing because, you know, if she’s going to get pregnant, it’s a good thing she waited until we had a new obstetrician in town. How lucky is that? Isn’t that perfect timing?”

Mikaela’s head was spinning. “Yes, perfect.”

“Well, let’s not stand here chatting, we have a lot to do,” she said as she led the way down the hallway.

“First, we’ll get your identification organized, then I’ll show you around. We’ve set up a lunch meeting with Doctors Grant, Kelt, and Marshall, the family doctors who do deliveries. And this afternoon you have a meeting with the chief of surgery. Can you think of anything else?” She looked up at Mikaela with a smiling face.

“No, that seems to cover it all,” Mikaela replied.

They walked down a spacious, bright hallway with high ceilings and floor to ceiling windows looking out over green space and gardens.

“We have a lovely new garden,” Shirley explained. “The hospital is forty years old, but we’ve done some extensive renovations in the last five years.” She waved her hand toward the windows. “They opened this up and added the windows. Now it’s bright and welcoming. It used to be quite dingy and dark,” she added with a whisper.

They turned down a corridor to the left.

“Here are the administrative offices, the hospital CEO, Human Resources, and medical photography. We’ll just pop in here to get your photo ID organized.” She pushed open the door and greeted the young woman seated behind the desk. “Good morning, Trudy. How are you today?”

“Fine,” said the woman. Her hair was pulled back severely in a bun and her young features contrasted with old, tired eyes. She didn’t smile and barely made eye contact.

“This is Dr. Finn. She’s starting today at the hospital.”

“Fine,” said Trudy in a low voice. “Stand at the blue line on the floor.”

Shirley turned to Mikaela. “Would you like to fix your hair?”

“Ah, no. I think I’m good,” Mikaela responded. What did her hair look like?

“Smile,” said Trudy, with a deadpan expression.

Mikaela smiled.

“Sign this.” Trudy pushed a contract across the counter.

Mikaela scanned the document and signed the bottom.

Trudy took it back without a word and ripped the bottom copy off. She walked back to the computer and with a few clicks printed off a photo. She flipped it over and adding a card with a hospital logo, slid the combination into a laminator. When it came out the other end, she punched a hole in the top and without wasting a single movement, slipped a clip through the top and handed it to Mikaela.

“Thank you,” Mikaela said.

Trudy nodded. “It will be activated by five o’clock today. If there are any problems, bring it back.”

“Thank you.”

“Okay. All done here,” Shirley said, holding the door open for Mikaela. “On to the next.”

As they made their way down the hallway, Shirley glanced back at the office and whispered. “Trudy is also a public relations person for the hospital.”

“Really?” asked Mikaela. “She seemed a little . . . reserved.”

“You noticed that too, did you? I’ve always felt that way. But you know, with fundraising, she brought in over three-quarters of a million dollars for the hospital renovations,” Shirley said with wide eyes.

“Wow, that’s a lot of money.”

“I know. I couldn’t quite believe it myself when I heard that. But they say it’s true. People must go for the quiet, serious type,” she said shaking her head in wonder. “Now that’s something I’ll never be.” She laughed. “Okay, next on the agenda. Your office. Have you seen it yet?”

“No, not yet. The whole wing was still under renovations when I was here a month ago.”

“It’s all up and running now. You’re going to love it.”

Shirley was right.

Her office was at the corner of the hospital on the same floor as the obstetrical wing. Light streamed in through a floor to ceiling window at one corner of the room, catching the polished wood of a large desk. Staggered floating shelves filled another wall above a long, low cabinet.

“Look at the detail on that cabinet,” Mikaela exclaimed. “It’s beautiful.” She ran her hand along the inlaid wood that created an intricate pattern on the face of the cabinet.

Shirley beamed. “They did a great job. The furniture was all donated. People are really happy about having an upgrade to the obstetrical wing.”

“Wow. That’s very generous.”

Shirley nodded. “Here are the keys for the lock.”

They wandered down the hall and around the corner to the obstetrical suite. Shirley introduced Mikaela, rhyming off names and drawing everyone they met into the conversation.

Finally, Shirley glanced at the time. “We should head to the cafeteria to meet the community docs. Dr. Marshall’s clinic starts at twelve-thirty, so you’ll have an hour to talk.”

Mikaela waved to a chorus of good-byes. “I hope they won’t expect me to remember all their names. I don’t know how you do it.”

“It makes a difference when you’ve been around as long as I have. I worked with some of their mothers and fathers,” she said with a laugh. “But I’m sure it won’t take you long.

“There they are,” Shirley said and headed toward three people standing outside the cafeteria.

The two women were opposites. One tall and fair, with straight blonde hair that fell to her shoulders and the other petite, with short dark hair gelled into spikes. Both looked at her with cautious, curious eyes.

The male of the group had no such reservations. He smiled at Mikaela with a welcoming grin and threw out his hand for a handshake. “Hi, Ken Marshall,” he said, pumping her hand. “You must be Mikaela Finn.” He looked over at Shirley. “And how’s my sweetheart?” He threw an arm around Shirley’s shoulder and squeezed her close.

“Oh, get away with you.” Shirley laughed and pushed him away.

“Will you join us for lunch?” he asked Shirley.

“Not today. But thank you for asking. I thought I’d let you get acquainted and iron out the details you’ll need to get started. I know how hard it is to get you all together. Patty Kelt, Sylvie Grant. Mikaela Finn.”

“Pleased to meet you,” Mikaela said to each as she shook their hands.

“Lunch is the department’s treat.” She turned to Mikaela. “You’re meeting with Bob Crispin at two o’clock and then that’s it for the day. His office is on the fourth floor. Would you like me to come back and take you there?”

“Thank you, Shirley. But it isn’t necessary. I’ll find my way. Thank you so much for showing me around and introducing me to everyone today. It’s been really helpful.”

“Oh it’s been my pleasure. If you need anything else you, don’t be afraid to ask.”

“I won’t. Thank you.”

Shirley followed them into the cafeteria and swiped them through the cash. With a cheerful wave, she bustled away.

Mikaela followed the others and they sat down at a table for four in a quiet corner.

“How long have you been at Emerson?” Mikaela asked.

Patty looked at Sylvie. “Two and half, three years?”

Sylvie nodded. “Yes, about that. It doesn’t seem that long. And you were here a year or two before that, right Ken?”

Ken nodded. “I’ve been doing obstetrics for a year, but I’ve been here for about four years practicing family medicine. I had a lot of young women who wanted to start families and they didn’t want to travel to Rivermede to deliver, so I ended up adding obstetrics to my practice.”

“Do you share call?” Mikaela asked.

“We do. One night a week and one weekend in three. We tend to do our own deliveries, but it works out if we’re away. Will you share call with us? Or just look after the high risk deliveries?”

“I’d like to share call and I can make a separate arrangement for any high risk deliveries.” Mikaela took a bite of her salad.

“Great. That would work for us. We could each take one night and then the weekend call could include Friday. One weekend in four is better than one in three.”

They spent the next hour discussing the details of their clinics and asking Mikaela’s advice about their difficult patients.

Ken finished the last of his sandwich. “I’ve got to run. I’ve got a clinic booked this afternoon . . .” He trailed off when something caught the attention of Patty and Sylvie over his shoulder.

“That must be the new ophthalmologist,” Patty whispered. “I heard he was gorgeous,” she said with a sigh. “And they weren’t exaggerating.”

“Oh, wouldn’t he be a tasty treat? Not many men make hospital greens look good,” Sylvie agreed, flipping her hair and straightening her shoulders.

“I heard he was engaged. I wonder if that’s her?”

“Tall, blonde and beautiful. Probably. They do make a striking couple,” Sylvie acknowledged, watching as the couple, both dressed in hospital greens, walked over to the cash.

Ken rolled his eyes as he stood, and Mikaela glanced over her shoulder to look.

Sam paid at the cash and then stood to one side, waiting for his companion. They did make a striking couple, Mikaela thought a bit peevishly, surprised at the stab of jealousy.

She gave a little wave and caught Sam’s attention. Her heart skipped at the delight that lit his face. He spoke a few words to the woman. She continued on her way and Sam strode over to their table.

Mikaela stood up as he approached.

Sam threw Ken a curious look and then swung an arm around Mikaela’s waist and leaned in. “Not sure if kissing in the cafeteria would be appropriate,” he whispered in her ear.

“Likely not,” she murmured. She turned and faced the group to make introductions. “Patty Kelt, Sylvie Grant, and Ken Marshall. My fiancée, Sam O’Brien,” she introduced, slightly mollified to see the faint flush that spread to Sylvie’s cheeks. Patty’s eyes widened as she looked from Mikaela to Sam.

Ken smiled broadly and shook hands. “I’ve got to run,” Ken said. “Nice meeting you, Sam.”

“Same.” Sam nodded.

“Would you like to join us, Sam?” Mikaela asked.

“Thanks, but I have to head back to the OR. I just came down to grab a bite to eat. How was your morning?”

“Good. Mostly orientation, housekeeping stuff. Patty, Sylvie, and Ken are the family doctors in town who do obstetrics so we were ironing out details.”

“No easy task.” Sam smiled. “I should head back. I’ll see you at home tonight. Would you like to go out for dinner?”

“No, not really. I’d rather stay in. I shouldn’t be too late.”

He nodded. “Perfect, see you then.” He gave her a quick kiss and winked, then headed out of the cafeteria.

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