Perfectly Honest (3 page)

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Authors: Linda O'Connor

BOOK: Perfectly Honest
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Chapter 5

Zodiac Zach

Don’t leave home without him.

ARIES (March 21-April 19) Physical activity will alleviate stress. Offering your skills in unusual ways will open new opportunities. You have more to offer than you realize.

An hour later, Mikaela was reclining sleepily on a deck chair out back by the lake. She had enjoyed a delicious shrimp salad and fresh bread. She found the most decadent homemade chocolate chunk cookies (thank you person who does the cleaning and shopping) and enjoyed two, well four, if you counted the ones she had eaten standing up. Which technically, she knew, did not count.

When she came out to the backyard, she was stunned to see a full-sized tennis court and a glass addition, housing a swimming pool. The light glinted off the domed roof and glass panels, and the water shimmered invitingly inside. An indoor swimming pool. Was anything more luxurious? She loved to swim. In the summer, she was in the lake every day, and in the winter made a point of going to the local pool two or three times a week. She eyed the pool and wondered if Sam would mind if she went for a swim.

Mikaela pushed herself up and wandered over. She tried the handle of the glass-paneled door, but it was locked. Oh, too bad. It looked like a beautiful pool. There were tropical plants and more reclining chairs inside. A stack of beach towels sat near a slate bar. Shades were drawn around some of the walls, maybe another experiment in technology?

Turning to go, she spied a box on the doorframe like the one at the front door. She flipped open the lid and with only a slight hesitation, pressed her index finger to the scanner. The doors slid silently open.

That was cool. Mikaela wandered in, admiring the pristine condition and elegant stone surrounding the pool. Dipping her hand in the water, she sighed with pleasure at the soft warmth.

Mikaela stood at the edge of the pool weighing her options. She didn’t have a swimsuit. She looked outside at the forest surrounding the pool house. Not a neighbor in sight. She hadn’t heard or seen another soul in the past hour. It was only two o’clock and Sam wasn’t expected back for another two hours. What would be the harm of a quick dip? A few lengths, half an hour tops. It looked so inviting. She would feel refreshed and could burn off some of the sexual energy shimmering through her.

Enough good reasons, Mikaela thought, and with one more glance around, stripped. Folding her clothes and leaving them on one of the chairs, she went to the stairs and waded in.

Mikaela sighed with pleasure as the warm water brushed her skin. She couldn’t recall skinny-dipping, ever, but decided she should definitely do it more often. Diving underwater, she enjoyed the silky brush of water against her breasts without the encumbrance of a swimsuit. She swam the length of the pool and with a flip and a push off the wall, eased into the rhythm of doing lengths. Eight strokes, flip and push.

Mikaela continued with the easy rhythm until her arms and legs burned from the activity. She slowed down, flipped over, and floated on her back, letting the water lap around her breasts. The feel of the water on her skin was sensual and soothing, but it was time to get out, towel off and get dressed before Sam returned. Mikaela turned and dove one last time, heading to the stairs.

Sam arrived home. He grabbed a cookie off the counter in the kitchen and headed to his bedroom to change. The dinner was still four hours away and the weather had become warm and sunny, so getting out of his suit became a priority. He shed his clothes and threw on shorts and a T-shirt. Mikaela wasn’t inside, but he knew she had to be around because the Jeep was still in the garage. After grabbing another cookie from the kitchen, he wandered outside to find her.

He expected to find her reading on one of the deck chairs and was surprised to see them empty. He looked out at the lake, but it was quiet. The doors to the pool house were open, and when he paused to listen, he heard a rhythmic splashing. Sam wandered closer and stopped as Mikaela flipped onto her back and floated across the pool.

The gentlemanly thing would be to walk away and give her some privacy, he thought. She looked completely relaxed and stunningly beautiful. It was hard not to imagine how soft that skin would feel under him. How it would feel to run his hands down the smooth, slippery length of her body. How would she react if he joined her? Just slid in there with her? He watched her head for the stairs. Guiltily, he took a step back.

Her head whipped around with his movement and she slid back down into the water. “Hi. You’re back early.”

Sam shoved his hands in his pockets, grateful she couldn’t read his mind. “Yeah, it didn’t take as long as I thought it would. I guess everyone wanted to get out and enjoy the . . . weather,” he said, trying to focus.

“Right, well . . . I decided to go for a swim.”

“It looks inviting. I was thinking of joining you.”

“I’m just getting out,” she replied quickly.

“Oh . . . too bad.”

She looked away, avoiding his eyes, and cleared her throat. “Well, if you could just turn around. I, ah, didn’t have a swimsuit, and I’d like to grab a towel.”

“I can get one for you.”

“Yeah, thanks. But I think I’m good. If you could . . .” she said and twirled her finger, indicating he should turn around.

“You know, I am a doctor. I’ve seen naked women before.”

“I’m sure you have. Being an
surgeon and all,” she drawled. “If you could just turn around?”

Sam grinned and spun around.

He didn’t mean to watch. He hadn’t intended to, but the combination of light and glass turned the windows into a mirror. The reflection was crystal clear as she took a deep breath, fanned herself, and walked up the stairs and over to the table with towels.

When she slipped, Sam started.

Mikaela caught herself and swore silently. He was watching? she thought with chagrin. She leaned over, picked up a towel, and drew the towel slowly up her body caressing her breasts as she went. “Okay, all ready,” she purred.

Sam slowly turned and sauntered toward her. “Are you?”

“Hmmm . . . ?”


“Well. I’m not completely dry. But I’m covered. It’s a beautiful pool. I really enjoyed that.”

Sam came and stood close enough to brush her arm holding the towel. “I’m glad you enjoyed it. I enjoyed it . . . I enjoy it, too.”

Mikaela tried not to blush. She tilted her head and looked at him, considering. It would be good, no doubt about that. He looked good, standing there in casual shorts and T-shirt. He smelled good, and she wondered what he would taste like.

Dr. Eye Candy. Dr. Eye Candy, she repeated to herself. She was playing with fire and told herself to stop. But it was like a moth attracted to a flame. It was hard to back away from the heat.

“You look . . . hot,” she whispered. “Maybe I can do something about that.”

“What did you have in mind?” he asked, as interest flared in his eyes. He leaned closer until his chest brushed the towel covering her.

“This,” Mikaela said, and with a firm push, sent him teetering backward into the pool. With a fast grin, he made a hasty grab for her, but she scooted out of reach. He lost his balance and landed with a splash.

Sam came up laughing and with a sweep of his arm across the surface, sent a spray of water her way.

Mikaela laughed and dashed out of its way to grab her clothes. “Just trying to help,” she said innocently.

With two powerful strokes he swam to the shallow end and stood up. He pulled his soaking wet T-shirt over his head.

That stopped her. He was gorgeous in a suit and gorgeous in casual shorts and T-shirt, but the sight before her without a shirt had her humming. Broad shoulders to muscular arms, flat stomach to narrow hips was mmm . . . perfect. Mikaela almost dropped her towel, the need to feel his skin against hers so great.

Until she looked at his face. He was enjoying her reaction, expected it even, no doubt. With one fluid movement, Sam pulled himself up out of the pool and stood, with water dripping down his tanned chest.

Mikaela scrambled back. Hugging her clothes against her like a shield, she made a beeline for the doors.

“I’ll need that towel back,” he said.

Mikaela laughed and didn’t stop. “I’ll get right on that,” she said, and waved as she headed toward the main house.

Sam watched her for a few steps then called after her. “Hey, Mikaela. Do you play tennis?”

She turned. “Yeah, I do.”

“We still have a couple of hours. Would you like a game?”

“Sure, that sounds great. Let me get dressed.”

“Or not,” he said.

She laughed. “What?”

“We could play strip tennis.”

“Strip tennis?” she repeated, looking at him in disbelief.

“Sure. I could even take a handicap, if you’re scared,” he said, tongue-in-cheek.

Weekly tennis lessons as a kid, summer camps, daily practices throughout high school, provincially ranked junior, varsity champ, she thought. “Do I look scared?”

“Just saying.” He grinned.

“Is this how you usually get women naked, O’Brien?”

“I’m not the player you seem to think I am,” he said. “In fact, I’ve never had a woman here before. And playing strip tennis with my brother doesn’t have any appeal.” Sam looked at her hungrily. “But you know, I’m all for trying new things . . .”

Mikaela shivered at his look. “I’m game,” she managed. “But I’m starting with clothes on, and I would suggest you put on extra,” she warned, and with a smile over her shoulder, went inside.

She pulled out a lacy bra and matching thong. Not her usual tennis attire, but she really wanted to wipe that smug look off his face. She pulled on a faded pink T-shirt and snug white shorts, socks and sneakers. Pulling her hair back in a ponytail, she grabbed her sunglasses and headed out.

Sam was waiting by the tennis courts with an extra racket. He had changed into dry shorts and shirt. He looked sexy in a backward baseball cap and sunglasses hiding his eyes.

He held out the racket and two soft, terry cloth wristbands. “Your handicap.”

“Sure you don’t want to keep those for yourself?”

He grinned and shook his head.

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” She laughed as she put them on. She took the racket and tested it for the grip and weight. The feel was different from her own, but it was light, tightly strung, and fit her hand well.

Mikaela won the toss and had first serve.

She stepped over to her end, and positioning herself at the centerline, she tossed the ball in the air, getting a feel for it. With the next toss, she swung her racket up behind her head in a quick snap and sent the ball screaming over the net, bouncing inside the line, and top spinning out of bounds before Sam could react.

Sam stood up from his crouch and took his sunglasses off to look at her.

Mikaela grinned. “Lose the shirt, buddy,” she shouted.

Sam shook his head and pulled his shirt off. “Enjoy it while you can, hotshot. It’s not gonna last,” he teased.

Mikaela enjoyed the view. Rippling muscles and the sheen of sweat never looked so good. Focus, she thought, focus. She wanted more.

Four serves later and a game under her belt, Mikaela watched as Sam threw his shoes over to join the pile with his sunglasses and hat.

“You’re a ringer,” he accused.

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” she flashed back. “I did offer you the sweat bands, but you so chivalrously declined.” She laughed.

She sashayed by him as they switched ends, wondering how he would react if she ran her hand over the muscles of his chest. It was getting harder and harder to ignore his perfect form.

Sam took his place at the centerline and bounced the ball, ready to take over the serve. “You’ve done it now. I’m not holding back any longer.”

Mikaela laughed.

Sam tossed the ball in the air, and Mikaela lost her concentration for just a moment as his muscles rippled in the sunlight.

The ball bounced and ricocheted out of bounds.

Sam smiled broadly. Mikaela eyed the ball with chagrin, as her attention came back to the game. She set down her racket and thought about removing one of the sweatbands. But instead, she shimmied out of her shorts and turned around to chase the ball, showing off the beauty of the thong. She came back and made a show of picking up her racket.

Sam sent a wild serve off the court and out of bounds. Men were so predictable, she thought. A second fault followed, and Mikaela smiled serenely as she chased the ball, looking forward to winning the pants off Sam.

Sam was down to his briefs and on the verge of losing the game when Mikaela shouted over. “Should’ve worn socks, O’Brien.”

Sam just smiled and raked his gaze from her head to her toes.

The next volley was hot. Mikaela wanted those briefs off. Watching a nearly naked Sam was torture. The muscles of his thighs rippled as he strained for the ball. It was all she could do to focus on the game. But she had a goal. Get his clothes off. Get her clothes off. Get him inside her. At thirty-love, she decided she no longer cared about being a statistic. She strained and rallied and cut across the court. Finally, with one last slam as her hormones raged, she sent the ball cracking across the court with a spin off to the right, as Sam pushed to the left.

Mikaela whooped and jumped in the air. “She wins,” she shouted, as she danced and wiggled her way to the net.

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