Past Forward- A Serial Novel: Episode 16 (18 page)

BOOK: Past Forward- A Serial Novel: Episode 16
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Thursday afternoon, a detective arrived to take his statement regarding the shooting.

Officer Tesdall?

Chad turned and glanced up at the detective expectantly.



m detective Haunsel with the Rockland PD.
I have some questions if you

re up to it

I now understand, in a way I never could before, why victims and witnesses are so unreliable.
I didn

t see it coming.
I can only imagine that you found through the trajectory where the sniper was…

We found it.
We found the guy on video…

The detective pulled out glossy eight by ten print outs of the building across the street, the fourth floor, and almost a full shot of a man

s face.

Do any of these look familiar to you?

Carefully, Chad examined each one clearly.
Finally, he shoved them across his legs.

I don

t trust my memory on this.
He looks familiar
but I could have seen him or someone that resembles him, anywhere
A thought occurred to him.

Have you checked cameras from inside the courthouse?
Was he in the courtroom?


re still going
those tapes.
Can you tell us why he chose you?

I can only assume that it has something to do with my testimony… maybe he thought I was coming back after the recess but I wasn

I was excused

Detective Haunsel nodded thoughtfully.

What does the doctor say?

Gonna have to learn to shoot with my other hand.
Even if they get this thing fully functional,

Chad waved his bandaged hand impatiently,

they say the muscles won

t be completely reliable.

ll always be a little stiff

Tough luck… at least you live in Fairbury.
You probably haven

t drawn your gun since you

ve worked there

Chad hated the implication that work in Fairbury wasn

t real.

I want to know that the next time a stalker breaks into my house to terrorize my wife, I

ll be able to pull the trigger before he does.
” The man’s face showed surprise and he started to speak, but Chad continued. “
Sorry if that ruins your Mayberry ideal of Fairbury
but between the Plagiarist Killer and the Solari influence, we

ve had more crime in Fairbury in the past
years than the town has had in the past fifty.
Rockland is encroaching
and I want to be able to do my part to push it back.
We don

t want your crime




Marianne watched as they wheeled her son into surgery and wondered just how successful it would be.
Christopher jogged up to her side.

Sorry I

m late.

s going on?

They just wheeled him in.
The surgeon talked to me while they were taking him in.

s confident it

ll be successful
but the degree of success is what is in question

Christopher sank into a nearby chair.

My son

all he ever wanted to do was be a cop and now


s mother wrapped her arms around her husband and hushed him.


ll shoot with his other hand.

ll be fine

I think it just hit me.
My son was shot.
A man took careful aim and shot him
and if Chad hadn

t moved at just the right moment, he probably would be dead




So how long until everything is out of my system?
How soon before I am chemically safe to drive?

Saturday morning, Chad bombarded the doctor with questions as he inspected Chad

s sutures, chart, and checked the wound in Chad

s chest.

d fought the use of the PCA as much as possible
but the throbbing had kept him awake most of the night until he

d given in and allowed himself a few hours of pain relief.
His goal was to leave that night.


re determined to leave tonight then?

Chad nodded.

I have to get home.
I know I

ll have to sign
but I need to get home

The doctor called the nurse to rewrap Chad

s hand and said goodbye.


ll leave care instructions with the nurses.
Try to stay as long as possible.
The longer you

re here, the more likely a problem happens here than at home
He hesitated.

Will you promise me one thing?


If you relapse at all
before you leave
, will you please reconsider and stay another night?

Chad nodded.


m not trying to get myself killed
he winked at his mother.

Contrary to popular belief

With the doctor gone, Chad tried to apologize for worrying his mother
he didn

t get far.

I understand
I do.
I want to help
but I couldn

t live with myself if


s ok
, M
Can you do something for me though?

He knew the only way his mother would quit worrying was if she had a way to help him.


d need clothes whether I left right now or next week.
Can you bring me sweats and a buttoned down shirt?


s kind of a strange combination, son

Chad grinned.


m a fashion mystery.
” At her disgusted look, he sighed. “
Ok, so maybe I just want something easy to get on and off again

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