Past Forward- A Serial Novel: Episode 16 (17 page)

BOOK: Past Forward- A Serial Novel: Episode 16
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s voice sounded strained as he tried to reassure his mom.


s possible.
Maybe he doesn

t want to lead someone out there
but I

d think it

d be less safe with her out there alone

She has a gun
and she did take down the last person who tried to hurt her…

Chad fought to speak, his eyes still unwilling to open.


ll want to come in if she knows.
Coming in is a sure way to stress her out.
She isn

t handling this trial very well.
I tried to get her to come and stay at the hotel

make it fun, you know?
She didn

t want to have anything to do with it

“You’re awake.”

“Barely,” he admitted.

Marianne kissed his temple and murmured, “
But when you don

t call

Mom, she

ll just think my battery died or something.

ll wonder, but she won

t really worry.
I could be wrong
but I don

t think so.
And Dad

s right, we need to keep her out of town.
If that shot was a trap to lure her into town by someone who doesn

t know where we live, I don

t want to risk it


s eyes widened.

Do you really think that

s even possible?

Why aim for my heart instead of my head?
I don

t understand it unless he just wanted to take me out of testifying for now or if it was all bait

Maybe it wasn

t either of those.
Maybe it was a warning to others who are on the witness list


s point was something Chad hadn

t considered.


s possible.
I really don

t know.
I don

t want her out there alone
but I think I trust her more to take care of herself out there than I trust her ability to do it in town

So you

re going to go home tomorrow regardless of how you feel?

After the surgery, once the anesthesia and meds are out of my system

But what about getting well!


s voice grew louder with each word.


ll go to the clinic in Fairbury at the first sign of anything off.
They have a few overnight rooms even.
I have to get home

You could call.
Tell her the trial is taking more from you than you expected.
Tell her your phone isn

t working
but you

ll be home tomorrow and everything will be just fine

’m not going to lie, M


Marianne protested quickly,

I didn

t mean for you to lie.
All of that is true


s just ambiguous enough to keep her from worrying and to keep you in this bed

Your mother has a point.
Resting that lung
The doctor stopped himself abruptly as Chad struggled to sit upright.

If I called, I

d tell her everything.
But if you called

What do you want me to say?




As she fed the chickens, the distinct sound of the French horns in Tchaikovsky

s 1812 Overture erupted from her jeans.


She fished the phone from her pocket and flipped it open at the sight of Marianne

s name.

Oh Mom, my phone is playing music!
I almost had a heart attack

What is it playing?

The 1812 Overture

the part with the French horns?
You know, da de da de da de da

da da

Chad must have done it.
Um, speaking of Chad, he asked me to call you


s voice grew wary.

About what?
Why didn


Well, his phone is broken for one thing.
He needs to get a new one.
Anyway, he asked me to tell you that he

s been detained here in town for a few more days


Marianne continued as though Willow hadn

t spoken.
and he probably won

t be able to call.
If he does, it

ll be very late at night

Mom, what

s going on?
Is there trouble with the trial?


Marianne said as though dreading the coming discussion,


s all he told me to tell you except that he wants you to trust him.

ll explain everything when he gets home

The protest that formed died on her lips as Marianne said

.” “
Can you tell
e if he

s ok?


s ok


ll be home as soon as he can

Should I be praying?

Willow whispered nervously.


s cheerful voice wiped away the final traces of concern from Willow

s voice as she assured Willow that prayer never hurts.
Willow stared at the phone for several seconds after her mother-in-law disconnected and wondered just how long it

d be before he came home.

d heard of sequestered juries

did they sequester witnesses too?


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