Past Forward- A Serial Novel: Episode 11 (20 page)

BOOK: Past Forward- A Serial Novel: Episode 11
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d have
a quiet lunch outside, eat cake…
I loved that big cake today

so pretty and
tasted wonderful

and then we

d all walk up to Mother

s grave
the preacher would give us our vows, we

d thank everyone for coming, and then they

d go home

A hush fell between them as Chad pondered Willow

s words.
Torn between the appeal that a simple celebration
such as

d described afforded, and knowing that they had more people than themselves to consider, he prayed.
His hand toyed with her hair as Willow shifted slightly to be more comfortable.

I think your day sounds wonderful

s unusual

s not
unreasonable but

But you want traditional,

she interjected dejectedly.

I want us to have what we want
and I just want you to be happy
but we

re not the only ones invested in this wedding.
I say we do what we want as long as we don

t hurt family in the process


He twirled the ring on her finger as they sat and listened to the wood crackling in the stove.
Willow sighed.

I can

t believe you brought that with us

I wanted you to wear it home

You couldn

t wait half an hour?

I couldn


he teased as he squeezed her hand.

A guy has a right to want his ring on his girl

s hand.
Sue me

The way Chad said

his girl

s hand

sent a wave of something unfamiliar over her.
gentle possessiveness in his tone peeled away
thin layer of loneliness from her.

t alone anymore.
While it may have been true for some time,
she now
felt a hint of the old familiar feeling of belonging that had disappeared last May.

Willow stood
knowing she needed her sleep.

s children were coming
on Monday
there still was much to do
Still feeling the wonder of belonging again, Willow kissed Chad

s cheek.

Thank you

What for?

She shrugged.


s too hard to explain
but thank you




The scent of sausage and coffee wafted up the stairs and into Willow

s room.
Her eyes blinked open as she realized she wasn

t dreaming
and the scent was truly coming from downstairs.
She flung the covers back, grabbed her robe, and hurried downstairs.


You make me breakfast

ok, and lunch and dinner too—
all the time.
It was my turn.
I can

t cook much
but I can fry sausage and scramble eggs

With a smile of thanks, Willow turned to hurry upstairs.


ll just run up and change and go feed the animals then

Already did


Turning slowly, she returned to Chad

s side and wrapped her arms around his waist.

Thank you!

Hey, if I knew you

d be this grateful, I would have done this a long time ago

She snitched a piece of cooked sausage and shook her head at him.

A long time ago, you didn

t want to come here, remember?

With an impish grin, Willow snatched another piece of sausage.

I think I

ll go change

You will not
Chad thrust a plate full of eggs and sausage into her hands as he pointed to the table.

Eat while it

s hot

In my pajamas?

Her protest sounded weak, muffled as it was by a mouthful of eggs.


s too cold to go without them.
His grin caught her off guard.


She eyed him curiously.


d say you

re flirting with me


d say I have that right

Her eyes widened briefly.

Did Libby say what time they were coming?

Someone changed the subject
awfully fast

No thanks
Her glare was the least menacing glare Chad had ever seen.


Sometime after lunch

Plate empty, Willow stuck her feet in her boots, grabbed her heavy coat, and hurried out front.
Chad, plate in hand, stood at the living room window
watching fascinated as Willow carried a ridiculously long garden hose from beneath the steps all the way down the hill from the house into a slight valley
to one side
of the house.
His forehead furrowed in confusion
as she trudged back to the house, turned on the spigot, and hurried inside.

you doing?

Ice skating!
I have all of my old skates.
Surely we can find a pair to fit them

Pulling off her coat and boots, she handed them to Chad and hurried upstairs.
Breakfast in a robe might be comfortable
but she had work to do and didn

t intend on lounging around in her pajamas while she could be working.
Within minutes she was dressed in jeans and a sweater, had her hair braided and out of the way, teeth
brushed, and
face washed.

As she left the bathroom, Chad met her at the top of the stairs
carrying an air mattress and foot pump.

I thought you might want to make up Ellie

s bed before

Oh good!
Bring it in here

The doo
r to the spare bedroom was open, leaving the
room reasonably warm.
Chad started pumping the mattress
but Willow shooed him out of the room.


ll do this; can you go up into the attic and bring down my dollhouse?
’m going
to set it up between those windows on
—” she hesitated. “Well,
that little table up there

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