Past Forward- A Serial Novel: Episode 11 (15 page)

BOOK: Past Forward- A Serial Novel: Episode 11
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Chad commented earlier that he can see how much you love your wife

I do love my wife
Solari paused by the orchestra leader and made a request before whirling her back onto the floor for the last few steps of the dance.

Will you keep dancing
I want to talk


ll dance the next
but I

m here with Chad
it would
be rude to leave him for any longer than that

Solari nodded and clapped with the rest of the dancers as the song ended.

Thank you

As the next dance began, Willow fought to find words that would keep the Solaris far from her door but without insulting them.

Mr. Solari

Please call me Steve at least


she began hating the sound of it on her tongue.

that my mother
have been terribly wrong about you
her experiences, her
impressions are written on my heart.
I can

t just erase them overnight

Are you saying you

re willing to try
Steve began eagerly.
Too eagerly.

I am saying that a year ago you had no idea that I existed.
You were content with your life in so much as you could be.
I, on the other hand, knew of your existence, as did my mother.
Neither of us chose to change that then.
Can you see why it is hard for me to adjust to your knowledge of it now?

ve spent twenty-three years of my life trying to hide my existence from a man I believed with all of my heart would kill me if he learned I had ever been born

But I would never

But that doesn

t erase twenty-three years of fear and horror.

t you understand that!

Her voice


m sorry,

she tried agai
n, her voice quieter

I didn

t mean to draw attention to us

Chad wove his way around the perimeter of the room.

d seen her slowly becoming agitated and it was time for them to go.
They were dancing toward him.
As they neared, he heard Solari pleading for understanding.

But your fear is based on a lie.

m not asking you to move in with us or be alone with us at any time.
I just hoped that you might try to get to know us

slowly of course

Mr. Solari, excuse me.

m sorry to interfere
but it

ten o

clock and we have a drive home still

You can

t leave yet!

he protested hotly.


m afraid we must.
Perhaps you

d consider meeting for lunch sometime in Fairbury



s welcome to join us if she chooses,

Chad agreed.

Solari dropped his hands to his side and stepped away from Willow.

I hope you will join us
To Chad he offered his business card and asked,

May I bring my wife?

I hope you do.

s a lovely woman

Willow gets her features from Lynne

I noticed that while I was dancing,

Chad agreed
as he slipped
an arm around Willow

s waist and
a step backward.

Thank you for understanding.

out of the ballroom, to the cloakroom for her ruana and his
and then outside.


ve never been so glad to get out of a room in my life


m sorry.
I shouldn

t have danced.
I just thought

You may have saved some serious ugliness
so I should thank you

Midway to Fairbury, Willow finally spoke.

Steve Solari knew Ben

He said that!

But when I mentioned that Ben threatened me, he got angry and spoke about him as if he knew him.
I don

t think Ben was ever supposed to actually hurt me

What do you mean,

spoke as if he knew him.


she tried to explain,

he looked shocked and angry at the same time, but it wasn

t surprised shock. It was more personal. Then he got flustered like he

d said or done something he didn

t want me to see

Several miles passed before she spoke again.



Do you want me to go to this thing with Mr. Solari?

I am hoping to see how he responds if you don

t show up
but I said you could and if you want to, I won

t discourage you


Cause I

m not going either way

Laughter slowly filled
the cab of the pick

What if I really wanted you to go?


d feel bad that I had to disappoint you
but I

m not going

And if I insisted?

Chad did not intend to do anything of the sort
but the rhetorical question was too tempting to ignore.


d remind you that you promised me you

d never lead me where I didn

t want to go

I won

t either
A thought suddenly occurred that made his heart sink.
He reached across the truck and took her hand.

Well, actually, I have to amend that


She tried to jerk her hand away, but his held it fast.

I won

lead you where you don’t want to go—n
ot unless you want to go in some path that is terribly wrong and the one I want to lead you in is the one out

She mulled that idea for a few minutes and then asked.

What if you think something is right and good for me
and I just want to keep something the same as it is?

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