Passion's Law (16 page)

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Authors: Ruth Langan

BOOK: Passion's Law
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Joe glanced at his watch. “She's got a head start. Been gone about ten minutes now. But I suppose a smart cop would know a couple of slick ways to catch her.” He paused a beat. “That is, if he really wanted to.”

Thad nodded and snatched up his daughter. “Come on, Brittany. We've got to run.”

Joe put a hand on his arm. “Why don't you leave Brittany here with me? I just happen to have some bubbles left.” He held up a bottle and heard the little girl's squeal of delight. “And I'd think you could take a lot more risks if you're alone, Thad.”

Thad turned to his daughter. “What do you say, Brittany? Want to go with me, or stay with Uncle Joe?”

“I'll stay with Uncle Joe, Daddy. As long as you promise to bring Heather back home to us.”

“I promise, honey.” He shot Joe a grateful look. “Thanks, my friend. I owe you.”


Heather barely glanced at the passing scenery as she roared along the highway. What a difference a few weeks had made in her life. She'd arrived here with such high hopes and now she was leaving with a heart so battered and bruised, she wasn't certain it would ever heal.

She ought to hate Thad Law for what he'd done to her. But she couldn't. All she could do was hate the past that had made him so afraid to trust. Maybe some day he'd be able to move beyond this and find someone with whom he'd take a chance.

That thought cut her to the quick and she blinked hard before fiddling with the dials of the car radio. At the first blast of rock music she winced and turned it off.

In the sudden silence she thought she heard the sound of a siren. Since it seemed to be growing louder, she glanced in the rearview mirror to see a police car bearing down on her, lights flashing. She was so startled she looked around to see who it could possibly be following, but hers was the only car on this stretch of highway. Puzzled, she pulled over, and the squad car pulled up directly behind her.

A young officer strode toward her and said firmly, “Please step out of the car, ma'am.”

“Step out? Why? What have I done? I wasn't speeding, Officer.”

“I know that, ma'am. But I was given a description of your car and asked to hold you until backup arrived.”

“Backup?” She was clearly annoyed as she opened the door of the Corvette and stepped out,
trying to see beyond the mirrored glasses of the young officer.

But he gave away nothing as he stepped back a pace and glanced toward an approaching car. “Here's my backup now,” he muttered as Thad slammed the car door and stalked toward them.

Thad's voice was rough with impatience. “Good work, Scott. Thanks.”

“No problem, sir. I figured this must be a pretty important case.”

“Yeah, Scott. The biggest of my life.”

“You want me to stay and give you a hand, sir?”

“No, thanks. I can take it from here.”

With a last glance at Heather, the young officer returned to his police car and drove away.

With hands on her hips Heather faced Thad. “How dare you embarrass me this—”

“Call it the desperate actions of a crazy man.”

“Having me stopped by a—”

“I know. I'm sorry I had to resort to bending all the rules.” He saw her look of astonishment. “Yeah. Go figure. Your Mr. Straight Arrow has been thoroughly corrupted. I've broken the cardinal rule of the force. Never allow your personal life to interfere with your professional behavior as an officer of the law. But, as I said, I'm desperate. I couldn't let you leave.”

Whatever she'd been about to say died on her lips. She stopped, then tried again. “Why not?”

“Because I was wrong. About everything. And you were right. I was afraid. Afraid of taking off my blinders and seeing the truth.”

“What is the truth, Thad?”

He said it simply. It was the only way he knew. “Heather, I love you. Brittany loves you. And, though we certainly don't deserve it, you love us.”

She felt tears sting and blinked them back. “How can you say that? I'm still the same person I was an hour ago. Rich, spoiled. And you were right. Just look at this gift from my uncle. It's certainly more than I ever expected, but then, as you pointed out, I've been treated like a princess my whole life.”

His voice was rough with feeling. “Joe told me about the Corvette. I guess I'll just have to get used to having royalty around. And if your family insists on giving you lavish gifts, I'll just have to get used to that, too.” He was still afraid to touch her. Afraid that the pain he'd inflicted was too deep, her feelings too raw. “I said some terrible things. Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?”

She stared deeply into his eyes, trying to read his thoughts. The pain and remorse were there. As deeply felt, she thought, as her own feelings. “I might be persuaded.”

“I'll do anything, Heather. Anything to make it right between us.”

She felt the beginnings of a smile touch the corners of her lips. “Anything?”

He nodded. “Name it. If it's within my power, I'll get it for you. Just say I'm forgiven.”

She waited a minute longer, willing her heartbeat to slow down. Then she touched a hand to his arm. “I can't stay angry with you, Thad.”

He closed his eyes for a moment, too overcome to speak. When he opened them he got down on his knees in the dirt. “I don't want a weekend lover, Heather. I want a wife. I'm talking about marriage. About forever. If you'll have me.”

For one brief moment Heather felt her heart actually leap before it began a wild dance. She looked into those deep blue eyes and wondered how she could have ever thought them cold. There was such fire in them now. A blaze that started a similar fire in her heart.

She caught his hands and brought him to his feet. “It's what I want, too, Thad. Forever.”

“You'll marry me?”

“I will.”

He stared at their joined hands, then dragged her close and kissed her, long and slow and deep, and felt the blaze become an inferno.

When at last he lifted his head he was smiling.
That quick, dangerous smile she'd come to love. “Brittany is going to be so happy. She already thinks of us as a family.”

“Family.” Heather touched a hand to her heart. “You have no idea how much I love the sound of that word. Where is Brittany?”

“With your Uncle Joe.”

She caught his hand. “Come on. Let's go tell her the news.”

He held back and drew her firmly into his arms, covering her mouth with his in a kiss so hot, so hungry, it had them both trembling.

Against her mouth he whispered, “We'll tell her. In a little while. But first, I need to just hold you.” And then, as he took the kiss deeper he muttered, “I wonder if there's a law against a police detective making love with his woman in a brand-new Corvette?”

His woman. She loved the sound of that.

“Admit it, Detective.” She gave him a sultry smile. “It's not really such a hardship loving a rich woman, is it?”

“I suppose it might have its compensations.”

“Speaking of which, I believe you owe me five dollars. That bet, remember? You thought I couldn't last in Prosperino for two weeks. And now we're talking about forever.”

“You see? More corruption of a police officer. What am I going to do about you?”

They both laughed.

“I guess you're just going to have to resign yourself to the fact that you're in love with a wild, wicked woman.”

“Wild, maybe. But never wicked.” As his laughter faded, he pressed her back against the car and kissed her.

A car roared past, the driver honking and shouting something unintelligible as he sped away.

“Thad.” Heather pressed a hand to his chest, knowing how he valued his reputation. “We're in a very public place. Somebody might recognize you.”

He kissed her again, hard and quick, and muttered against her lips, “I've wasted too much time worrying about the wrong things. Right now, nothing matters except being with you. I was so afraid I'd driven you away. And now that you're here in my arms, I'm never letting you go.”

She gave a sigh that came straight from her heart. “I do love you, Thad. I truly believe that we're destined to stay together for a lifetime.”

“A lifetime.” The word was a moan of pleasure as he added, “I won't settle for anything less. I want you with me for eternity.”

And then there was no need for words as they told each other, in the way that lovers have from the beginning of time, all the feelings that had been locked away in their hearts.

Special thanks and acknowledgment are given to Ruth Langan for her contribution to THE COLTONS series.

ISBN: 978-1-4268-8413-9


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