Passionate Desire (20 page)

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Authors: Barbara Donlon Bradley

BOOK: Passionate Desire
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“Can’t you see it? That is me.” She pointed at the screen. “He lied to me.”

“Who lied to you?”

“Al. He said I wasn’t what he was after, it was our children, yet here is a replica of me.” Her brother had already said something about her duplicate being an android. “If he wasn’t fixated with me why would he create something so exact?”

“There’s only one way to find out.” He held her close. “We have to continue to watch and hope he will reveal why he created a copy of you.”



Chapter 10



“Are you sure this is a smart idea?” Toki didn’t want to dine with the crazy man who had an android that looked like her brother’s mate. There was something wrong with the whole idea.

“We have to give him a chance.” Kuarto held her hand as they walked toward the dining area. “He says I can say no and there will be no hard feelings.”

“Right, which is why he kidnapped me in the first place.” She didn’t like this at all.

“I know, but I did promise to hear him out.” He squeezed her hand in reassurance.

She didn’t argue any more. Not knowing what was bugged and what wasn’t had her being as cautious as he was. They entered the large room to find it empty except for one table dressed for them. There were four places set. Heather sat at one of them.

She stopped walking when she saw the android. The robot gave her the creeps, and she didn’t want to be around it. Why would he have it join them at the dinner table?

Kuarto got her moving again. “Relax.” He spoke softly.

She nodded and allowed him to bring her to the table.

“Where is Al?” he asked.

“He will be joining us momentarily. He had a few things to take care of before he could dine.” Heather gestured to two chairs. “Please sit.”

Kuarto pulled out her chair and waited for Toki to sit before he went to his seat. She wasn’t used to someone being so chivalrous and couldn’t stop the odd look she gave him.


“Nothing.” She hesitated for a moment. “Thank you.” It wasn’t a phrase Vespians used too often but Heather, the real one, had used it all the time.

“You’re welcome.”

Al came into the room then, carrying a small box. He sat it down in front of him. “Good to see you, Doctor. I have a gift for you.”

Normally Toki didn’t like being ignored, which was why she always annoyed her brother so much, but she didn’t mind being under the radar with this man. Having his attention worried her.

Kuarto touched the button on the top of the box, waiting while it opened. Inside was a small container. “This is the real thing?”

“Yes.” He smiled as he sat and placed a napkin on his lap. “You’ll find it at your work station in the morning, if you decide to help me.”

Appetizers were brought to the table. Toki wondered if he did that to let his words sink in. Timing was perfect.

“You haven’t explained why I should help you with this.” He held up the small container to the light. The tiny egg floated in an amber fluid.

All of this trouble for one tiny egg. Toki didn’t understand.

“I was hoping the chance to work on something so rare would peak your interest.” He took a few of the small breaded items on the plate and placed in front of him.

“I’ve had my share of working on rare things so they’re not that rare anymore. But you should know that, since I know you did your homework before you approached me.” He mimicked Al. Once he placed a few pieces of food on his plate he also put a few on Toki’s.

“True.” Al took a few bites.

Toki wondered what he would say to convince Kuarto to stay. They hadn’t had a chance to talk, but by the way he was behaving, she had the impression her brother was involved with his arrival. Everything he did smelled of Storm.

She also knew neither of the two men here were stupid. Whatever Al used had to be something that would grab Kuarto. And Kuarto had to be careful to not to take something everyone knew he wouldn’t normally accept.

“This egg shows it is sterile, yet the woman who carried it is now pregnant. Don’t you want to know why she was able to become that way when it shouldn’t have happened?”

She had to give him credit. Al was trying.

“I do.” He wrapped his hand around the glass in front of him, pausing. “But I could work with the owner and have that question answered.”

“True, but then you have to deal with her mate and the rules of the planet.” He picked up his napkin and dabbed the corners of his lips. His lips had thinned. He didn’t like Kuarto’s answer.

“You do have a point.” Kuarto took that instant to focus on her, which she could have done without. “You’re not eating.”

“Not hungry.”

“What is the problem?” asked Al.

She had a choice here, and she decided to be like Kuarto and be honest. “Heather, I have met the real thing and I’m afraid this version makes me uncomfortable.” She pushed her plate away.

“Now, we don’t want that.” He turned to the android. “You may go.”

The android stood and headed to the doors at the other end of the room.

“Tell me why you created her.” Kuarto watched her leave, his fascination with the thing obvious.

“She is to carry the egg. That system is to be a walking incubator.”

“Really?” Kuarto tilted his head as he watched her walk through the doors and disappear from sight. “I’ll make a deal with you. You let me study your android and I’ll also do the research you need on the egg.”





Toki stood in their room as Kuarto ran his scanner over the whole place. “Anything?”

“Looks like he removed everything as I asked.” He shut off the scanner and put it in his pocket.

“But you still don’t trust him.”

“He’s given me no reason to trust him.” He gestured for her to turn around. “Let me check your neck. I want to make sure it is healing properly.”

“This dress covers the skin.” And it had been bothering her during the meal.

He did a twirling motion with his hand. She presented her back to him and felt his fingers undo the seals so he could get a good look at the back of her neck. Cool air brushed against the damaged skin making her suck in her breath.

“Does it still hurt?”

“Nothing I can’t handle.” She felt the heat of his hand near her wound, but all she could think about was his hands on her and where she’d rather they be.

What was it about this man that made her think about sexual desires? She had never really cared before. When she wanted release she found a pleasurer or a willing male, but she never had a man cause this type of reaction before.

“The tissue looks much better. Probably will be fully healed by the morning.” He closed the seals on her dress and stepped back. “I can give you another shot if it is bothering you.”

“Please don’t.” She turned to look at him. “The topical medication doesn’t do that much and it doesn’t really hurt that bad. It’s like a badge for me.”

“It never should have happened.” He brushed his fingers against her skin.

She smiled at him. “I’m pretty strong, you know. I’ve been through worse.”

“But I was never the cause of it.”

“Stop blaming yourself.” She felt her heart beat faster when he pulled her into his arms. His lips captured hers in a gentle kiss.

“I know you’re strong.” He watched her as he spoke. “You have more backbone than a lot of the men I have met. You speak your mind, which is so refreshing. Most women don’t tell me what they really want, but what they think will please me. And you’re beautiful, with such expressive eyes I almost know what you’re thinking.”

“Really?” He found her beautiful? She gave him a sultry smile. “What am I thinking now?”

“From the desire in your eyes you wish I would shut up and kiss you again.”

“Very good, Doctor.”

Their lips met again, tongues dancing together. Toki felt he was too overdressed so she started working on the seams of his clothes. When she felt his skin against her hands she smiled again. That was much better.

“You don’t get to control this, this time. I am.” He pulled out a small bracelet and snapped it on her hands. “Now you can’t do a thing until I’m good and ready.”

“That’s not fair.” She tried to separate her hands but found the restraints tightening as she fought them. “And I haven’t controlled anything but the first time.”

“Really? You don’t think you took over when you felt you needed to?” He stepped back and slowly removed his shirt, then loosened the seam of his pants, letting them slip down his hip a little before closing the seal and stopping their decent.

“I don’t think I did.” She would have argued but found it hard to focus on anything but his trousers hanging precariously off his hips. All she would have to do was give it a quick tug and it would fall to the floor. Unfortunately, the restraints hampered her movements more than she thought they would. She couldn’t move her hands at all now.

“Then I might let you control the next time, but not now.” He smiled. He liked having her at his mercy. She fought with her restraints, trying to get some movement out of them.

“You know the more you fight that the more restrictive it will be on your movements.” He backed her up to the bed. “Now first I need to fix the way you’re dressed.”

She felt his fingers against her collarbone, tracing the indentations there. Each brush heightened her desire. If only she had her hands. With excruciating slowness he eased open the seams of her dress. He stood so close she could feel the heat of his body. The soft brushes of his fingers against her skin drove her crazy. She wanted more.

Her dress opened all the way, exposing her to his gaze. “Never get tired of seeing you this way.” His hand trailed over her breasts, down her abdomen and across her hips. Goose bumps followed his fingers.

“Now, the last time I used my mouth on your body you melted at my feet.” He touched her in just the right spots to get her to lie on the bed. “Don’t want that to happen again, so this time you will be in a safe position.”


“Shhh.” He pressed his finger against her lips. “I want you to relax and enjoy.”




“What are you doing?” Heather stood between Storm and the intimate scene unfolding on the screen. “Computer, stop playing.”

“Heather!” He stood and moved her out of his way but the screen had already done dark.

“How dare you!” She couldn’t believe his audacity. “You hated having him join us when we reached our release and now you’re sitting here watching him and your sister like some sort of voyeur?”

“What does she see in him anyway?” He started pacing.

“What does it matter?” She watched him, his agitation apparent.

“She’s not supposed to be with anyone.” He stopped and looked at Heather. “The position she is destined for is one of isolation.”

“Really?” Heather jammed her hands on her hips. “I’ve done my research and there is nothing in any of the records that says the religious leader has to be celibate. I even spoke to your uncle. The man in the position right now. A long time ago, when this planet was warring amongst itself, the religious leader was mated, but his family was used against him, and in the end he lost them, and his will to lead. That was why the people who became the religious leader stepped away from mating until after they left the position, but it has always been voluntary.”

“It became normal procedure and she knows that.” He gestured at the blank screen. “Yet, here she is acting like she found her mate.”

“And what if she wants to change the old customs, because that is all it is.”

“She can’t.” His words held a finality.

“You are being stubborn.”

“So are you.” He glared at her. “Old customs or not she knows what her future is and she has a certain path to follow.”

“Have you asked her if she wants to follow that path?”

He stopped then. “Why should I?”

“No one has made sure she will fulfill her duty?” Sometimes she found their way of thinking strange. They just assumed so much.

“Of course she will. She’s my sister.”

“Who is now with a man who has shown her she can walk away from her destiny if she doesn’t like the way people treat her.” Heather wished she hadn’t said it that way but now it was out there and Storm would react honestly.

His brow dropped and anger snapped in his eyes. “I knew I didn’t like him.”

“That is my brother you are talking about.”

“I know, but he isn’t good for my sister...”

“Or isn’t good for your plans for your sister.” Her words stopped him again.

“There are times when you say things that anger me.” He ran his fingers through his hair. She hated pushing him this way, but sometimes it was the only way to make him look at a situation differently. “Why?”

“Because you don’t always look at things from every angle and I wouldn’t be much of a mate if I didn’t make you do that.” She knew what she needed to do to distract him. She started to work on the seals of her clothes.

“I disagree. You could be one of those quiet mates who never questions. I wouldn’t mind.” He gave her one of his heart warming smiles when he noticed what she was doing. “Have I won the argument? You’ve decided to become one of those docile women whose sole job is to please her mate? Because I’m very pleased at the moment.”

She laughed. “What do you think?”

“I think I’m in a lot of trouble.”

Her dress hit the floor and she had his undivided attention. “Now why would you think that?”

“Because I have taught you too well. I know how to distract you and now you’re using the same tactic on me.”

“Is it working?” She smiled as she stretched, closing her eyes for only a moment. Before she opened her eyes she felt the heat of his hands on her body. When she did open them he stood inches away devoid of his clothes. “How do you do that?”

“What?” His lips found his favorite spot on her throat.

“Take your clothes off like that. It always amazes me.” She had hoped to make it to the chair before he was on her, but found herself being backed up to the wall once again. “When I watch you undress you never move that fast, but if I look away for a second you’re like lightening.”

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