Passionate Desire (17 page)

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Authors: Barbara Donlon Bradley

BOOK: Passionate Desire
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“She is missing.”

“Run your computer checks.” Anseri turned to Heather. “We need to continue but you are excused if need be.”

Heather looked at Storm. He gave her a slight nod. Which meant she could do what she felt she should do. “I’ll stay.”

She was staying more to be supportive of her mate’s mother than anything else. Knowing Storm, he would be doing all the research and she would be just as bored in their rooms as she would be here, and at least here she could continue her search for the elusive compound. It would help keep her mind off of Toki being missing.

Storm took her brother with him when he left.

Heather took her seat once more and wondered where Toki could have gone. She didn’t know how to reach out for minds so she didn’t try, but perhaps her brother might know that talent and teach her.

Storm’s mother kept a professional image but Heather could tell by the way she spoke to the people she was fighting to maintain her composure, her fear for her daughter a palpable thing. She had just gotten her back and now she was gone again.

Anseri continued to see those who had waited but Heather wasn’t sure that was a smart thing to do. She focused her attention to her mate’s mother instead of the ancient stories she enjoyed reading. If she showed any sign of cracking they would have to clear the hall.

As the appointments thinned, Heather nodded to the head guard to see if he could shorten the session so Anseri could get an update on her daughter. She was frightened and needed information and the only one who could give her that information was Storm.

Finally there was no one asking to speak to the council and Heather took her mate’s mother away from her seat. She wasn’t walking in any particular direction, just guided Anseri to a quiet corridor. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, Heather. I have been through worse.”

“Not me.” She walked with her, heading down a hall she had never been in before. This must be where the elders came in and out of. “I’ve never had to worry like this before.”

“You don’t need to worry. Storm will find her.” She looked around. “Where are we?”

“I don’t know.” Heather looked at Anseri. “Thought this was the entrance you guys used when you came into the chamber.”

“No. this isn’t familiar at all.”

“Great, I’m now finding nonexistent hallways.” She turned them around and headed back the way they came. It didn’t take her long before she realized there was ancient written on these walls as well. Excitement grew when she read a few of the lines there.

This could be the corridor that led to the underground compound. How did she find it so fast? She just started looking for it and hadn’t found any information on its location. “I think I know where we are. What do you know about the ancient compound?”

“You think you have found the entrance?” She smiled. “Do you know how many times I have heard that?”

Heather stepped up to a wall with a small indentation about waist high. Checking the writing above it she followed the instructions and placed her hand into the groove. The door panel slid aside. “How many of them could do that?”


Heather started through the doorway.

“Don’t you think you should wait for Storm?”

Anseri’s words stopped her.

She didn’t want to wait, but knew if she went charging through without any sort of protection she would anger her mate. Storm would never forgive her if she got hurt because she was impatient. “Do you have a communication device?”


“Me either and I’m afraid if we leave to get him we won’t find this corridor again.” She looked into the new opening, wanting to go down it so badly, she kept stepping toward it before she stopped and looked at Anseri. “Sorry. My curiosity has the best of me.”

“I’m sure you’ll be able to find this place again.” She turned to face the way they came in only to find her passage blocked. Anseri turned back to Heather. “Looks like that is the only way to go now. There is no entrance here anymore.”

Heather walked to where her mate’s mother stood, staring at the wall where the archway they came through had been. “Storm, isn’t going to be very happy with me, is he?”

“Don’t think so.”

Heather knew she was safe. Her dreams hadn’t revealed any danger in months. She wanted to see where the other opening led and now had the chance. Storm would just have to understand.

The moment she stepped into the opening the hallway lit up. “Don’t remember that happening before.”

They continued down, with Heather stopping every once in a while to read a passage or line written on the wall. “According to this, the compound is this way.”

“It’s written on the wall?”

“We used something like this on Earth for frequently visited places like hospitals and major landmarks. Colors would guide you to your destination.” She touched a few more alcoves and found herself in the biggest command center she had ever seen. The lights came on along with most of the equipment.

“Glad to see you found me, Heather.”

Fear pierced her heart. She turned around, looking for however the voice belonged to. “Who’s there?”

“I am the main system of this compound.”

“You talk?” Technology had gotten very advanced but computers who were intelligent enough to carry on an interacting conversation was still a little beyond them.


“Um, Heather?” Anseri stood in the doorway. “It won’t let me in.”

“That is the leader of the ruling council. Check your data banks, I’m sure you have information on her and know she means no harm.”

The force field holding her dropped so she could enter the room. She looked around in awe. “This is phenomenal.”

“I know.” Heather grinned. Maybe now she could get the answers to the questions she had. But first she needed to find out what was going on with Storm. “Can you tell me where my mate is?”

“He is in the main council chamber screaming your name.” The image of Storm and her brother looking agitated and shouting at the ceiling filled the screen.

“Oh dear.” He was going to be very angry. “You might want to show him how to get here or he might tear the whole place down to find me.”

Within a few moments she could hear him bellowing her name.

“In here, my heart.”

“What do you think you’re doing?” He found his way blocked when he tried to enter the room. She could leave him there until he calmed down, but by the way he was glaring at her she feared it would have the opposite effect on him.

“Computer. Clear them for entrance. The angry one is my mate and future leader of this planet. The one behind him is my brother.”

The force field dropped and Storm stalked into the room. He was pissed. He stepped up to her and started to crowd her backwards. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“Trying to find answers.” She held her own as he tried to intimidate her. Backing down wasn’t in her nature. “What have you learned about Toki’s disappearance?”

“Nothing.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “It seems there was nothing recording when she disappeared.”

“Computer, do you know who I am talking about when I speak of Toki?” She still looked up at her mate, waiting for him to realize where he was.

“Toki.” A life size three dimensional image popped into existence near one of the computer bays. Storm stepped back from her when he heard the new voice. His sister’s image caught his attention.

They walked around it as data streamed beside the image. The data moved with them.

Heather saw her real name displayed. No wonder why she didn’t want to tell her, it was very close to one of their swear words and Heather would have slaughtered it.

“You found it, didn’t you?”

She nodded but wasn’t sure if he saw since they were all staring at the display. “Can you do this with each of us?” Within seconds their images loaded. Heather was amazed. She had never seen anything like it before. She walked around her image. It showed the twins, her human name as well as her Vespian name. Along with vital statistics, it also showed mental ability, physical abilities and her potential.

“Let’s get back to Toki. Could you show us what happened to her?” A screen next to her activated to show Toki walking across the garden area. Someone approached her and she walked off with them.

“That can’t be true.”

Heather placed an arm on Storm to calm him down. “Computer, can you show us everything she did since arriving on the planet this morning?”

The images started from the moment her feet hit the tarmac. It showed them walking at normal speed. Heather sped it up several times so they wouldn’t have to watch it in real time. Hours passed in minutes. They were now in their rooms when Kuarto helped her with the wall building. Heather sat on the floor with him across from her. Storm and his sister spoke. She slowed the speed down, although it was still going too fast for them to hear what was being said.

“She doesn’t look happy.” Heather leaned into Storm. “What did you say to her?”

“Just reminded her of her obligations.”

All three of them were in Heather’s mind when Toki said something to herself and left the room. “Computer, what did she say?”

The computer backed up the section in question and replayed it in real time.

“Everyone went to the party but me.” A sigh escaped her as she exited their rooms. She went out the entrance that would allow her to walk through the gardens on her way to her rooms. She noticed a man following her.

“Look, I’m not in the mood. Go find someone else to pleasure.”

“But you are the one I wish to speak to.” The man she spoke to stepped out of the shadows and Storm just about leaped at the screen.

“How did he get on this planet? Our security should have stopped him.”

“Ialog has an ancient device that can override any security program you have in place.” The computer answered Storm’s question. “Do you wish me to pause the recording while I rectify that?”

“You can do that?” asked Storm.

“Yes. I was built by the same people who built that device. I can override any of their technology but I only take commands from an ancient.”

“Let’s finish the recording first,” said Heather. “We need to see how we can get her back as quickly as possible.”

The image started back up. “Come on, Toki.”

“How did you get here?” She looked at him innocently.

“Do you know who I am?”

“Sure. You’re that man who came to see Kuarto. Wanted him to do some work for you.”

“So why are you here?” He watched her like he was waiting for her to make a mistake.

“The future rulers wanted my husband to care for Heather while she is pregnant. Since they were sterile before, they were worried she could have complications.”

“Why him?”

“He’s the best.” She tilted her head and looked at him. “Isn’t that why you want him?”

“So where is he now?”

“Working with Heather.” She looked down for a moment like she was searching for words. “I snuck out because I needed a little air.”

“Did your husband tell you that he decided to take the job I offered and you’re supposed to come with me while we wait for him?”

“No, and I think he would have said something.” Before she could move he grabbed her by the back of the neck. He snapped something onto the top of her spine.

“That should make it easier for you to keep up.”

She tried to walk back toward the doors she came out of, but found she didn’t have control of her motor responses anymore.

“Sorry. This special device will allow me to keep better tabs on you.” He pressed a button and had her walking in the direction he wanted. “We’ll send a message to Kuarto to let him know where you are as soon as we’re in orbit.”

“You can stop the video now.” Heather crossed her arms over her chest and confronted her brother. “He took her to make you work for him.”

“Then I have got to go.”

“No.” Storm blocked him from moving. “Then he’ll have you right where he wants you.”

“I can’t leave her with him.”

“She’s my sister and I’m not any happier about this than you are, but we need to think of a plan before you go charging off.”

“Do you have your data with you?” She looked at her brother.

“Sure.” He pulled out his scanner and handed it to her.

“Computer, can you analyze this data?”

“There is data on a lot of people on this device. Can I assume you wish me to analyze anything pertaining to you?”

“Yes.” Heather wasn’t sure if she wanted to know what it could find. “Wait. I want the data on my eggs.”

“A clone from the original. Sterile.”

“Why?” How can the egg be sterile? She thought maybe it was part of her protective mechanism but she would think this system could see through that.

“I’m not sure what you are asking.”

“I am with child, but I was sterile before. So was my mate. How can I be pregnant yet have sterile eggs.”

“Because your mate carries a catalyst. Your eggs were designed to only carry certain DNA. Without the catalyst you would show sterility.”

“I’m not sure I understand now.”

“If we were to remove an unfertilized egg from you right now it would read as sterile. That is a result of your ancient blood. If that was to be fertilized it would take a particular DNA strand. Not a common one. Your mate has that DNA.”

“What about Al?” Kuarto asked.


“Ialog. The man who took Toki. Does he have the DNA strand?”


“Then how does he plan on fertilizing the egg?” Kuarto asked.

“Perhaps he has the DNA in a test tube somewhere,” said Heather.

“Or perhaps he doesn’t know this important piece of information.” Storm looked at her brother. “We can use this tidbit in our favor too.”

“I can almost see those tiny wheels in your head turn. What do you plan?”

“Still working out the details.” He turned to Heather. “You should have never come down here without me.”

“Couldn’t help it.” She touched his heart. “Your mother and I ended up in a corridor and the computer didn’t give me a chance to go back and look for you.”

“This system has been waiting for her to come for a while. I’ve been following her for years, waiting patiently for her arrival. Then I waited for her to start looking for me. Now all she needs to do is ask the right questions.”

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