Read Passion Sails at Sea (Diary of a Free Woman) Online

Authors: Diane Thorne

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Passion Sails at Sea (Diary of a Free Woman) (6 page)

BOOK: Passion Sails at Sea (Diary of a Free Woman)
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Chapter Six

“Wake up, sleeping beauty.” Leo kissed her lips gently.

Gwen stretched her arms above her head and opened her eyes. A sheet covered her naked body as she lay in bed. She glanced behind Leo and saw the flat screen television on the wall. Memories surfaced of Leo and Paolo taking turns feasting on her pussy and breasts. She smiled at the pleasant thoughts.

“What time is it?” She sat up and felt slight pressure in her ass. It took only seconds for her to recall the butt plug Leo had put in her.

“It’s past four o’clock. You’ve been sleeping for almost two hours.”

Gwen looked around. The covers on the mattress were twisted and bunched up, evidence of their playtime before she’d fallen asleep. Leo stood nearby wearing only his blue boxers.

“Where’s Paolo?” she asked.

“He took a couple items to the island for us.”

She jerked forward and the sheet fell onto her lap, exposing her tits. “Are we at the island already?”

He grinned as he gazed at her chest. “We arrived about twenty minutes ago. He should be back soon. Would you like to freshen up?”

She scooted to the edge of the bed. “Give me five to ten minutes.” Her bladder needed emptied and her hair probably required combing.

“No need to dress. Come as you are. And leave that plug alone.” He headed for the open door.

“You want me to go there naked and with a plug up my ass. What if someone shows up?”

He paused and faced her. “It’s not likely. We’re over three hours away from land. If a boat would come our way, we’d have enough time to make it back to our yacht and dress.”

She stood on wobbly legs and fell backward. Her hands landed on the mattress before the rest of her body did. Apparently she couldn’t recover quickly enough from the wild monkey sex they’d had. Her muscles ached slightly, but soon they’d return to normal. She couldn’t complain about the soreness or slight discomfort either since the astounding orgasms made it all worthwhile.

“I’ll be up in a few minutes,” she said.

He grinned before he walked out of the room.

Gwen took a deep breath and slowly headed to the bathroom. The tenderness in her muscles slowly dissolved with each step, but the presence of the plug in her butt remained. She felt refreshed and clear-headed, signs the nap had given her the boost she needed. While she enjoyed every minute with her two favorite Italian men, the tours of Rome and hours of sex had taken a toll. Could she handle more hours of such lively sex? She sure as hell could.

She glanced at the mirror in the restroom. The dark lines under her eyes were gone, but her hair looked tangled and knotted. She brushed her locks then tied them behind her head. After she’d emptied her bladder, she entered the shower.

Minutes later, she strolled from the stateroom wearing a thong and a bra. She’d removed the band from her hair and the wet tips grazed her back. Although Leo had said she could travel to the island naked, she couldn’t bring herself to do it no matter how far away they were from populated land. Moreover, she enjoyed it when they stripped her.

A quick check of the galley and salon revealed no signs of activity. The yacht appeared vacant, clean and undisturbed. Paolo and Leo seemed to take pride in keeping the ship tidy.

Gwen passed through the rooms and stopped at the door. She opened it and stepped outside. The bright sun immediately made her squint. She held her hand above her eyes to shield them from the rays. Leo stood at the end of the vessel, staring at the craft slowly approaching. Gwen moved closer to Leo to get a better view. Paolo rowed toward them in an inflatable boat. It looked big enough to hold only two people.

“Is that how were getting to the shore?” she asked.

“It can be. Or we can swim to it,” Leo said. “I opt for swimming.”

Gwen gazed past Paolo. Her eyes widened when she spotted the island, over five times the size of the yacht. The beachfront was long and wide with sloping brown sand. Trees and grass had taken over at the incline’s summit. A large sheet lay on the beach with a cooler and a bag nearby.

“Do you want to swim?” Leo asked.

“Uh, I think I’ll ride with Paolo.” She pressed her lips together as she imagined the toy in her ass would probably make swimming uncomfortable.

The small inflatable floated closer. Paolo wore nothing but boxer shorts.

“She wants to ride with you,” Leo said. “I’m going to swim to the beach.”

Paolo tossed a rope to Leo, who caught it and pulled Paolo’s craft closer.

“It’s because I give her a better ride, brother. She likes my vitamin D,” Paolo said with a wide grin.

“For the record, you both have big dicks I enjoy riding,” Gwen said.

Leo chuckled as he opened the mini door for her. She passed, then stopped at the ladder. Gripping the metal bars, she slowly descended.

“I’m treated to a fine view of ass,” Paolo said.

When she reached Paolo’s craft, he assisted her onto it. The floating vessel moved and dipped with her weight. Fearing she might tip the dinghy, she quickly sat opposite Paolo. She stretched her legs in front of her and along the inside of Paolo’s.

Leo tossed the rope to his brother. “I’ll meet you there.” Not even a second later, he dove into the water.

Paolo tucked the line at his side then grabbed the oars. “Why are you dressed, love? Those clothes won’t stay on long.”

Gwen brushed her toes against his knee. “I like it when you undress me, especially when you use your teeth.”

“Tease.” He began rowing.

She leaned back with her arms outstretched over the side of the boat and bent her legs until her feet were flat. Legs spread wide, she said, “I’m not a tease.”

He lowered his gaze to her apex and continued rowing. “No? You’re not tempting me with your sweet pussy right now?”

“No. I’m hot. I need…air.”

“Are you sure that’s what you need?”

“Well, we all need air.” She grinned slyly.


“Paolo, you are mistaken.”

“Oh, am I?”

“Of course you are. I’m sure you think all American women are teases. I’m not like most.”

“No, you’re not.” He dipped the oars into the sea and propelled the dinghy closer to the island. “You have a passionate spirit to go with a beautiful body. You’re open to different things, different experiences. You see life with opportunities and take them. I can say on behalf of Leo and myself, you’re a rare find and we’ll miss your company.”

Gwen stared at him, not knowing what to say. For the third time on her vacation, she’d met a special man. Well, in this case, she’d acquainted herself with two. Their kindness filled her with joy.

“Thank you,” she finally said, unable to think of any better words.

“Hurry up,” Leo called out. He stood near the shoreline with the lower part of his knees in the water. He removed his shorts then tossed them near the sheet on the beach.

“Looks like he’s ready for some action,” Gwen said.

Paolo glanced at her and shook his head. “He can wait. I’m enjoying the view.” He lowered his gaze to her breasts.

Gwen chuckled. “Do you two disagree much?”

“Off and on. Not much.”

“Do you argue about women?”

“No. We mostly quarrel over food and clothes. Money too.”

“Ah, I understand. My daughters are the same way.”

“I’m sure they’re just as beautiful as you are.”

Gwen couldn’t stop from smiling as she thought about Kristy and Krystal. She missed them every day, but she was having the time of her life. Freedom was a wonderful gift.

She turned her gaze past Paolo. Leo was walking toward them. He came to a halt when the water reached his waist. After a few more paddles, Paolo stopped rowing and the boat floated in Leo’s direction.

Leo caught the end of the craft and it drifted in the waves to the side. “Let me help you out.” He stood next to her.

“Uh, how?”

He slid one arm around her back and his other underneath her bent knee. “Give me your legs and put your arms around me. I’ll lift you out.”

She did as he’d instructed and secured her arms around his neck. Carefully, he collected her from the dinghy. She held on tight while she stared into his dazzling green eyes. At the same time, Paolo tilted the vessel and plopped into the water.

He began walking deeper into the sea. Her ass and feet were the first parts of her body to be submerged. The temperature cooled her instantly.

“What are you doing?” she asked anxiously. “The beach is the other way.”

“We’re going to have fun here first.”

Gwen clung to him and clenched her teeth as he continued walking. He stopped when the sea level reached the middle of his chest, then he let go of her legs. The current slowed her progress, but eventually her feet found the ground. She stood facing him.

“You did not need to wear this,” he said, his gaze on her chest.

“Perhaps you can remove it for me.”

He enclosed his arms around her and held her to his body. Waves splashed against her backside. Something stiff pressed against her belly.

He laid his forehead to hers while he slid his hands to her ass and groped it. “Do you want me to take it off you?”

She stared into his eyes. “Yes.” Aroused and heated with intense desire, the temperature of the water no longer bothered her.

He moved his hands over her butt and back until he reached her bra. “Are you certain you want this constraint removed?” He pecked her lips with his.

She nodded and ran her fingers through his wet hair. Past him, she saw Paolo on the beach, next to the boat. He bared his rear as he pushed his boxers down his legs.
Nice ass.

“But those luscious ladies will get wet,” Leo said, capturing her attention. “Won’t that bother you?”

“I like being wet.” She gave him a quick kiss.

“But your nipples will harden.” He licked her lips.

Zings of lust shot through her. Who was the tease now?

“They already are.”

He kissed her chin. “Your tits should be protected.”

“You can shelter them with your mouth or hands.” She dragged her tongue along the inner edges of his mouth. She could play his game too.

“Don’t let her fool you.” Paolo waded his way through the water as he headed toward them. “She tempts you to do unspeakable things, brother.”

Leo curled his lip. “

. I know. But this time, she’ll have to tell me what
wants. Or she won’t get it.”

Paolo moved behind her and placed his hands on her hips. “Good idea.” He leaned against her and pressed his dick to her backside. Like Leo’s, Paolo’s member was rock hard.

Leo took her face into his hands. “Shall we remove your clothes, Gwen? Set your breasts free.”

“Well, I do enjoy my freedom. I’m sure tits would too.”

He smiled and kissed her. “Then tell me what you want.”

She could think of a lot of things she wanted from him and Paolo, but for now, she’d start with something simple.

“I want you to remove my bra, please.”

“Oh, she asked nicely,” Paolo said. “I’ll handle this request.”

While Paolo grasped the latch on her garment, Leo claimed her lips. He invaded her mouth and sucked on her tongue greedily. Gwen’s hunger for sex blazed and spread like wildfire through her. Yes, she craved more than a removal of clothing, but this was her last night with them. She wanted to enjoy every remaining minute.

As Paolo pushed the straps down her shoulders, Leo ended the kiss. “Did you enjoy that?” Leo asked.

“I did. Very much.” Gwen lowered her arms and freed them from the bra straps. The sea engulfed her breasts and gave her a slight chill. It didn’t last long.

Paolo bunched her article of clothing and threw it toward the beach. It landed in the water, a few feet from the shore.

“Would you like me to kiss you again? Or shall I play with your breasts?” Leo asked.

She bit her lip, pondering what she should ask for next. Why couldn’t she have both?

Paolo touched her shoulders and massaged her back with his thumbs. “What would you like, beautiful Gwen?”

“I’d like for one of you to kiss me while the other cares for my girls,” she said.

“And how shall we care for them?” Leo asked. “Lick, suck, pinch, bite…”

Her pussy spasmed. “All of that and not in any order, please.”

“I love a kinky woman.” Paolo cupped her chin and tilted her head sideways. “Especially one who’s nice and says please.”

He covered her lips and thrust his tongue inside. Unlike Leo, Paolo explored and played in her mouth. Gwen’s desire rose as more tingles spread through her. While Paolo lengthened the kiss, Leo squeezed and tugged her nipples. The heat churning in her core was intensifying. She needed to appease it somehow. She brought her legs together only to discover one of Leo’s was in the way. She moaned, frustrated and longing for more. Leo lifted one of her tits and latched onto the other. When he nipped the bud, tingles of desire spread through her and she couldn’t help but gasp.

“I need…” she said and dug her nails into Leo’s head and shoulder.

Paolo flicked her tongue. “What do you need? Tell me.”


He sucked on her lip then nipped it. “More what?”

“Touch me, please.”

Leo moved to her other breast and bit the firm tip. Another electrified charge of lust raced to her pussy.

“Where?” Paolo toyed with her tongue. “Tell me where to touch.”

“Between my legs.”

While holding her face, he moved his other hand to her belly. He continued lower and stopped over her pubic mound.

“Is here good?” Paolo asked.

Leo bit her sensitive bud again and she cried out softly. They drove her insane with lust.

“No. Go lower,” she said.

Paolo obeyed and held his palm between her legs. “How’s this?” He sucked on her other lip.

She was in agony and now wished she’d left her string panties back on the yacht so she could feel his warmth touching her flesh. She longed for them to fill her and make her come as they had so many times before. Why couldn’t they just fuck her? Damn wicked teasers.

“I need more,” she said.

“Tell me what to do,” Paolo said.

She swallowed hard. “Fuck me.”

BOOK: Passion Sails at Sea (Diary of a Free Woman)
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