Passion Sails at Sea (Diary of a Free Woman) (3 page)

Read Passion Sails at Sea (Diary of a Free Woman) Online

Authors: Diane Thorne

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Passion Sails at Sea (Diary of a Free Woman)
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He stared at her with gleaming green eyes while he slid his hand to her chest. “Would you suck all the juice from it?”

“I would. I will slowly stroke it, then I’d take the big dick deeper. I’d suck every bit of the juice from it.”

Leo slipped his hand under the strap of her blouse and into her bra. He found her pebble and pinched it. “I’d like to suck these. Would you mind?”

She couldn’t stop the smile from spreading on her face. “Not at all.”

“Can I…bite them?”

Strings of lust shot from her breasts to her core. “Gently, yes.”

His lips twitched. “Paolo likes to play with them too.”

She glanced toward the front. Paolo steered the vehicle but lifted his gaze frequently to the rear-view mirror.

“We also like to eat dessert, the kind between a woman’s legs,” Leo said.

Gwen clenched her thighs together. Her hormones were on fire with every touch and accented word from Leo.

“I’d like that very much,” she said.

Leo removed his hand from her tit and slipped it between her legs. He leaned closer to her ear. “Are you wet?”

His warm breath brushed her lobe and aroused her. She wanted him, his mouth, his touch and everything he seemed willing to give. Hot and longing, she spread her knees to grant him the ability to cup her mound fully.

“I am,” she said.

“Can I touch you?” He rubbed her apex and she wished her skirt and panties would vanish.


“You are an incredible woman. Paolo and I will take good care of you, bring you many orgasms.” He moved his hand to her thigh where he proceeded to smooth it under her skirt. When he reached her pussy, he wedged his digits under her damp panties.

“Treat me well, and I will do the same to both of you,” she said.

Leo dipped a finger between her wet folds. “We love a woman with a hungry appetite.”

Gwen’s heart accelerated as he brushed over her clit. Flaming hot zings coursed through her, making her nipples ache. She had an itch that needed to be scratched, an emptiness that needed filled. Fuck, she wanted him inside her.

Lei è molto bagnato?
” Paolo asked.

Sì, molto
.” Leo grinned as he met Gwen’s gaze. “You are very wet.”

Gwen lacked understanding of the Italian language, but she guessed they were pleased with her slickness. Leo dug deeper between her legs, rubbing his palm on her increasingly sensitive bud. The need for greater satisfaction gnawed at her insides. When he pushed his digit into her entrance, she placed one of her hands over his, holding and encouraging him to give her more.

“That feels good,” she said.

“You like this,” Leo said. “Would you like my cock to touch you here?”

“Yes, I want it to fill me.”

Gwen spread her knees farther apart and arched her back, pushing her breasts up. Leo quickly slipped another finger inside her then withdrew it and toyed with her clitoris. Electric currents of raw need spread through her body. She was approaching the point she yearned for, the peace and tranquility to calm her burning, raging desires. Then the car came to a halt, and Paolo turned off the ignition.

Leo slowly pulled out from her pussy. “Don’t worry, we will finish this soon.”

The road to bliss detoured in a heartbeat. All the fuel and excitement built in Gwen deflated.

Paolo turned around and gazed at them from between the front seats. “And you will have two men filling you.”

Gwen took a deep breath and straightened her skirt. “Good, because I’m starving.”

Paolo smiled widely. He jerked his head toward the door. “Come.”

They exited the vehicle at the same time. Gwen stood by the door, clutching her bag and squinting as she adjusted to the bright sun. Fresh sea air filled her lungs, but she couldn’t see any ships. The large parking lot had a wealth of vacant spots and only a few vehicles. Paolo had claimed a vacancy at the front, a few car lengths away from a path with white stripes painted on the pavement.

Leo walked around the vehicle and approached her.

“Where are the boats?” she asked.

He came to her side and took her hand. “This way.”

Paolo led them along the striped road. The area was quiet with trimmed lawns and neatly planted flowers. A few trees dotted the landscape. The three of them crossed a small, deserted road. Not a single car was in sight. In fact, the sound of traffic didn’t exist. A few buildings lay in the distance ahead. Blocks away and to her left, she spotted sails and ships. Her level of excitement jumped.

“Is your yacht big?” she asked.

“It’s similar to the others here,” Leo said.

When they reached the sidewalk, Paolo turned in the direction of the vessels and further from the buildings. Steps later, he twisted to face them. “It’s very comfortable. Two staterooms, a guestroom, a salon, a galley—”

“Wow, it sounds very nice.” She wondered if it were bigger than her ranch home.

“It was a gift from our parents,” Leo said.

Paolo paused to let her and Leo catch up with him. “They knew how much we loved sailing. They used to take us out on their boat and we’d cruise for weeks at a time. They’d let us take turns navigating and picking destinations.”

“Sounds like you have a lot of experience traveling on water,” she said.

“Sì. We’ve been to other countries and all the local islands,” Leo said. “We know our away around.

“How long did you say you were staying in Rome?” Paolo asked.

“A few more days,” she answered.

Leo gripped her hand. “Maybe we can show you around. Give you a private tour.”

“I’d like that. I’d planned to visit the Colosseum, Pantheon and Vatican City.”

“We can take you to those places and many others you would enjoy,” Leo said.

“I don’t want to interrupt your schedules.”

Paolo slipped his arm around her waist. “We’ll work it out so at least one of us can escort you to the sites. You should enjoy as much as you can before you leave.”

Gwen couldn’t help but smile. How lucky was she to find not one, but two sexy hotties to take her around Rome? Her adventures in London and Paris had been great, but she had a sneaky suspicion she’d have quite the time of her life in Rome. And she couldn’t wait.

They walked past the first row of docked vessels and continued to the next. Each large boat looked as if it was worth millions of dollars. All were painted white and appeared in pristine condition.

“Does it cost much to own a yacht?” Gwen asked.

. But our parents and grandparents are lawyers,” Paolo said. “Leo surprised them when he decided not to become one.”

Paolo stepped onto the dock and led them down it. Boats floated on each side, secured by a long line and with little space between them. Halfway down the walkway, Paolo stopped and bent. He grabbed one of the ropes and tugged it. The white-colored craft connected to the rope slowly drifted toward them.

Gwen’s eyes widened as she took in the full scope of the gift from their parents. It had two enclosed levels with dark-tinted windows on the sides and in front. The long prow had rails. Communication equipment sat above the top deck. The stern had a large area with a cushioned bench, perfect for relaxing and sunbathing.

“Is this it?” she asked.

Leo let go of her hand and leaped onto the edge. Then he jumped down on the other side.

Paolo straightened, still holding the line. “Do you like it?”

“It looks like an extremely nice gift from your parents. It’s huge,” she said.

Following a clicking sound, Leo pulled open a mini door leading onto the boat. He extended his arm toward her. “Join us,

Gwen tightened her grasp on her purse and hurried around Paolo. Grinning, she took Leo’s hand and he helped her step onto the craft.

“I’ll show you around first, in case you’re still uncomfortable joining us,” Leo said as he led her toward a door.

Would she possibly change her mind now? Unless the inside was a total pigsty, there was no way she’d walk away. From the little she’d seen, she guessed her handsome and kinky gentlemen came from wealth. She doubted the interior would be anything less than extravagant.

Leo escorted her inside the cabin and flipped on the lights. Immediately Gwen’s jaw dropped. The inside had polished wood trim, shiny fixtures, a cream-colored L-shaped sofa with decorative pillows and a large television. A curved stairway rose on the left of the gathering room and past the staircase was a kitchen area with stools and granite countertops. A small eating area was on the opposite side. A short hallway led to the back.

“We’re standing in the salon.” Leo pointed past the stairs. “That’s the open galley”—he moved his finger to the table and gray leather seats—“and dinette. The staterooms are in the back. Each one has a separate facility.”

“This is…” She shook her head as she searched for an appropriate word. “Incredible. You could live here.” She hesitantly walked toward the stools.

“Well, I do. Paolo has an apartment at the university. Sometimes I stay with him, but I mostly spend my nights here.”

She stopped at the galley and marveled at how spotless everything appeared. A glass-top stove took up some space on the counter.

“Would you like to see the master stateroom?” Leo asked, coming to stand by her side.

“Yes, please.”

He smiled and took her hand. “This way.”

Leo guided her past the dinette and down a few steps until they reached a short hallway. Closed doors were on each side. He stopped at the first one on the left and twisted the knob.

“This is my room.” He entered darkness and she followed.

The lights came on with a flip of a switch, and Gwen couldn’t believe her eyes. A large bed turned at an angle occupied most of the cabin. Plum-colored sheets covered the mattress. She found a dresser and flat screen television on the wall behind her.

Leo strolled to the opposite side of the cabin and extended his arm. “The facility is in there.”

Gwen entered the bathroom and was awestruck again. The long granite countertop had two sinks and the shower area looked big enough for multiple people. A toilet sat to the right.

“This is really nice, Leo.” She walked out and moved in front of him.

He slipped one hand into the pocket of his khaki shorts. “You should see my parent’s yacht.”

“I’m stunned.”

“Does this mean you’re willing to stay with us?” Paolo asked as he entered the suite.

Gwen spun to face him and crossed her arms. “Let me think… Two attractive men with big cocks and an expensive boat. Hmm…”

Leo wrapped his arms around her waist. He pressed his mouth to her ear and his stiff member to her ass. “Say yes. You won’t regret it.”

Paolo moved closer and lifted her chin so her gaze met his. “Why not live a little and enjoy life?”

She stared into his green eyes while he brushed his thumb over her lips, similar to the way Leo had in the car. Need and curiosity ruled her thoughts. She longed for them to touch her, please her and do whatever naughty things they wanted to do. Yes, she’d take a chance to explore passion with them as they sailed the seas.

She smiled. “When do we leave?”

Chapter Four

Gwen sat in a comfortable seat on the yacht’s upper deck. Leo called the area the flybridge. The enclosed room held similar luxuries to the salon with polished fixtures, leather seats to accommodate at least ten people, a flat screen television and a bar. An opening in the floor led to the curved staircase. Another way to get to the lower part of the craft was to exit via the balcony in the back and descend a ladder. The accommodations and amenities on the vessel continued to amaze her and she estimated their gift had to easily cost over a million dollars.

Leo stood in front of the navigational panel and what a sight it was with fancy electronics, knobs and buttons. Gwen stared at the sea, then shifted her gaze to him. He faced the tinted window and kept his hands on a large wheel. He fidgeted with the instruments every now and then while he drove the craft effortlessly, speeding through the water with the engines softly humming. He glanced at her, as if he sensed her looking at him.

“Do you feel all right?” Leo asked.

The boat swayed on cue. “Yes, I’m fine. The rocking doesn’t bother me.” She’d been on a few boat rides before when she’d taken her daughters on vacation in Florida. They’d enjoyed dolphin and fishing excursions and not once had she emptied her stomach or felt the slightest bit queasy.

“Would you like something to drink?” Leo asked. “I have a plenty in the cooler.”

“Maybe later. I’m good right now.”

“How far are we?” Paolo asked as he appeared from the hatch leading to the lower deck. He continued climbing the steps until he reached the flybridge.

Leo looked at the instruments on the panel. He pressed a few buttons then lifted his gaze to the window. “Far enough.”

Paolo hid his hands in the pockets of his khakis as he came to a stop next to Leo. While Leo had spent the better part of the last hour behind the wheel of the craft Paolo had shown Gwen the remaining cabins and chatted away with her. She had learned quite a bit about them, their family and their interests. In little time she came to the conclusion they were dream catches for a young lady who didn’t mind being shared with two men. And if she were younger, she’d move to Italy and snatch them up.

Leo pulled a lever toward him and the boat slowed. Gwen rose and gazed out of the wraparound window. Not a boat was in sight, but a mile or so away she spotted an island.

“Do people come out here much?” she asked.

“Sometimes. Usually to pass through. The good islands for sunbathing are farther out,” Leo said.

“Is that one?” Gwen pointed and they both looked.

“No,” Leo answered. “There’s no beach on that one.” He lowered his head and pressed a button. Within seconds, the low hum of the engine died.

Paolo moved around Leo, toward Gwen. “We’re here.” He held out his hand to her. “Ready for some vitamin D?”

She chuckled at the reference to his erection. “Would that D stand for dick?”

He grinned slyly. “Of course.”

She slid her palm into his. “I’m always ready for some vitamin D.”

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