Passion and Pain (Dancers and Divas) (40 page)

BOOK: Passion and Pain (Dancers and Divas)
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She looked at her phone willing herself to ignore it, but she grabbed it anyway and quickly dialed his number.

“Hello?” Music was blaring loudly in the background.

“Hey Jay,

“Hey babe.”

“Just thought I would say hi and make sure we are still on for next week.”

“Yeah of course honey.
I promised, didn’t I? I will give you a call when I get back into New York. Look honey, I have to go now because it’s really crazy here, as you can probably hear.”

“No worries, of course. I’ll wait for your call next week.”

“Bye,” Jay said abruptly and hung up.


Elena said quietly to a dead phone. She had the most awful feeling in her stomach
a terrible sense of dread. Something wasn’t right.

She lay back against her bed and sighed.
Screw it

She picked up her phone again and dialed.


“Hey Elena.”

“I need a favor.”

“I’m good

“Are you taking your girlfriend to the sophomore party?”

She wasn’t into hanging
with a bunch of sixteen year olds.
Except for me, of course.”

“Will you come with me?”

“I suppose.”

“Don’t sound so thrilled.”

“Hey, you left it kind of last minute.”

“It’s not like you asked me when your girlfriend said no.”

“Point taken.”

“So we’re good, right?”

Elena. There is no one else in the world I would rather go with.”

Thank you!”

“See you tonight then! My mom will drive us.”

“OK, bye.”

At least she had that figured out. The last thing she felt like doing was going to the party alone. It wasn’t a prom so it wasn’t a big deal but still, the way she felt, she really wanted company. She put
the phone and scanned her wardrobe. What on earth was she going to wear?

There weren’t a lot of options and now that she was paying to go to Las Vegas for the national hip hop championships, there was no money left over for clothes. The red birthday dress it was! She wore the matching jewelry that Jay had given her
and the red chiffon wrap that Sebastien had given her. She
left her hair down, as she didn’t have Veronika’s flair for hairstyling
and only put a touch of make-up
. She stood looking at herself in the mirror, remembering her party, when she heard the knock on the door.

“Coming!” she picked up her
and ran to the door.

“Hi!” she said, heading straight out.

“Beautiful as always,” Sebastien said, standing close and gazing at her with his piercing blue eyes. Elena was
stunned by his intensity and yearned to touch him. He moved away but grabbed her hand as he led her to the car. He didn’t let go the entire

“Here we are!” Elena said.

“Hi Elena, Seb,” Anya said, kissing them gently on the cheek.

“Matching outfits.
Nice,” Sebastien said
glancing at the black and white coordinated clothing that Darius and Anya were wearing.

“And a suit, Darius?
I’m impressed,” Elena said.

Veronika and Leon came in right behind them

“We’re here!” Veronika said, twirling round for everyone to see her stylish new green dress.

, Leon! Glad to see you.”

“Shall we?” Sebastien said
indicating the table away from the entrance.

The showcases were over and everyone was ready to let their hair down.
Everyone except Elena.

“Tonight is a party night, Elena
Tonight we dance,” he said as he placed a rose between his teeth and pulled her onto the dance floor. He held her tight as a slow song came on. Elena gasped. He was pulling her in again and caressing her bare back. This couldn’t be!

“Where are you
Elena?” he whispered.

“I’m sorry
I know it’s a party but I still have the hip hop competition next week which I didn’t know about until yesterday!” And of course there was Jay. “I’m so glad you’re coming to Vegas with us!”

“Yeah, I’m looking forward to it too
Too bad I can’t do much gambling at sixteen. I can’t believe my parents are letting me go!”

“That’s because they trust me to keep you out of trouble.”

“Parents are so
aren’t they?” he said and tucked her head into his chest.
Her favorite spot.

Fast music came on next and the dancing never stopped. Elena was happy to see her fellow dancers showing off on the dance floor, but was also relieved to have a break.

“Elena?” Sebastien said pointing to the dance floor.

Don’t think so.”

Sebastien shrugged, earning him a dig in the ribs.

“It’s not that kind of party
Seb. But happy to salsa if you can handle it.”

He pointed to himself, in mock surprise. “I am the master of salsa.”

Elena rolled her eyes. She’d taught him everything he knew.

They danced a few salsas

til the music changed again.

“Time for a break,” she said to Sebastien. “Let’s see what the others are up to.”

They returned to their table to find Leon alone.

“May I have this dance?”
asked Sebastien.
She was from their
Love in the Cafeteria

“Sure,” he replied leaving Elena alone with Leon.

“So how are you and Veronika getting on?”

One of the few people with a brain at this school.”

“Quite a change from Frankie.”

Leon glanced at her, furrowing his brow. “Elena, I’m not like most guys. I loved Frankie and I really wanted to make her happy but I couldn’t.”

Veronika returned and sat back down next to Leon. “It wasn’t just her drug use and party behavior that made us break up. I couldn’t make her happy other ways either.”

Darius and Anya returned and Sebastien had finished his dance. Leon stopped talking and looked away.

“Um Seb, let’s get some drinks for the girls,” Darius said.

Sebastien stood
more interested in the conversation at the table.

“Leon, what is it?” Elena asked.

“I wasn’t being honest with myself. I didn’t feel for Frankie the way I should have. I really loved her but there was always something not quite right. I fought it really hard, but…”

He looked at the girls and then around the place, as if searching for the words.

“I’m more like Stan and some of the other musical
guys,” he

“I told you,” Anya replied.

“You knew?” Leon said.

“Anya has a special talent,” Veronika said. “Elena and I never guessed and we won’t tell anyone.”

“Even at Montacrue, i
t’s not good to be, you know. I’
m still confused. I barely know myself and I’m not even sure, to be honest. I’m not ready, so please don’t say anything.”

“Of course we won’t.
But what about your parents?
Do they know?”

“I think my mom suspects
but my dad is another thing. To think his only son could be less than perfect would be crushing for him. It’s bad enough I act and sing, but if he had any idea…”

“We’re here for you,” Elena said, clasping his hand. “What did Frankie say when you told her?”

“I think she knew subconsciously, but it may have been the last straw. I swear I tried.”

Veronika put her arm over his shoulder. “What now?”

“I don’t know
. I
t’s something I have to work out.”

The boys came back with drinks,
to see
Elena and Veronika comforting Leon.

boys. We were just having a deep and meaningful conversation with our main man here,” Veronika said. She slapped Leon on the back, causing him to jerk forward.

“Was that necessary?” he replied.

“Sorry we missed it,” Sebastien said.

“One more dance before we go?” Elena asked Sebastien.

“Are you trying to kill me?” he said as she yanked him up. It was a slow dance and a nice way to end the evening. As he caressed her back gently, Elena could feel herself reacting. This was crazy! She felt his breath on her neck and feelings that she thought were lost forever were taking over. But no! This was wrong. She pulled away and moved quickly back to their table where they could say goodbye to their friends.

“Good night Anya, Darius,” she said hugging them each in turn.

“Leon, it’s going
work out.
, you super hot chick, I will see you soon.”

Sebastien grabbed Elena’s hand again as he led her to his
, saying nothing about the shortened dance
. “License in a few months,” Sebastien said,
looked upwards

“It was nice of her to drive us,” Elena said as she climbed into the car.

“Good night
kids?” Mrs. Duval asked.

!” Elena said sincerely.

Again they sat in silence but this time Elena drew her hand away to fiddle with her
, pretending to search for her keys.

I’ll leave you kids to say good
,” Mrs. Duval said as she parked down the street from Elena’s apartment. “Five minutes, Sebastien.”


He walked Elena to the entrance of her building, lightly touching her elbow.

“I had a great night,” Elena said. “Thanks for coming with me.” She leaned in and gave him a light kiss on the cheek.

As she turned to walk into her building, Sebastien grabbed her arm and pulled her in to kiss her
, overwhelming her mouth with his tongue
, drawing her face to him before moving his arms down and pulling her in at the waist. 

Elena felt herself weaken as the world spun around her. But then Jay was waiting for her. “I can’t
Sebastien. I need time. Please, just a couple more days,” she gasped.


“What do you mean?”

“No! I don’t understand. This is just bullshit! I know we are meant to be together. You know it too!” He put his hands through his hair, frustrated. He turned to walk away but then changed his mind and ran back to Elena, grabbed her and pushed her against the wall, roughly caressing her.

“Is this how he touched you?” he whispered in her ear as he grabbed her breast and then slid his hand down to her butt
ocks. “Will this make it better -
if I treat you like crap they way he did?”

“Stop it Sebastien, you’re hurting me,” she cried. “What is wrong with you? How dare you treat me like
” Elena pushed against his chest as tears started trickling down her cheeks.

Sebastien jerked away, shaking his head. “Oh God, I’m sorry Elena. I don’t what the hell came over me. I’m sorry.”

“Thanks for ruining the night!” She fled to her building and ran up the stairs, slamming the door behind her.

“I didn’t ruin it, it was that stupid Jay. He’s the one ruining everything!” Sebastien called out after her.

He heard her apartment door slam shut.

What had he done? He kicked the nearest wall in frustration. How could he force himself onto Elena like that? What kind of a pig d
that? He
just had to give her a few more days
no, he
had to get
all jealous and macho instead.
He walked back to the car with his hands in his pockets, head hung low.

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