Parents Who Kill--Shocking True Stories of the World's Most Evil Parents (28 page)

BOOK: Parents Who Kill--Shocking True Stories of the World's Most Evil Parents
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But if we are really serious about child care then we have to make it illegal for parents to hit their offspring: our current legalised violence inhibits child protection and breeches children’s fundamental human rights. As Professor Paulo Pinheiro, independent expert for the UN Secretary General’s study on violence against young people has said: ‘We cannot draw lines and try and define acceptable ways of hitting children. There can be no compromise, any more than we compromise in challenging all violence against women.’ By modernising the law on assault to give children the same protection as adults, we would take a huge step towards becoming a peaceful and loving society.


Preventing teenage pregnancies:
Part of Marie Stopes International, this site offers sexual health information for young people

Ending pressure on women to have children:
International online group for the happily childfree

Avoiding cot death:
Internet home of the Foundation for Sudden Infant Death, the UK’s leading baby charity. Their free booklet,
Reduce the Risk of Cot Death,
can be ordered online or by telephoning 020 7222 8001. Alternatively, send a cover note requesting the free booklet to them at FSID, Artillery House, 11 – 19 Artillery Row, London SW1P 1RT.
For the helpline phone 020 7233 2090.

Advice on positive discipline:
To join the campaign for a zero-tolerance approach to parents hitting children, contact: Children Are Unbeatable, 94 White Lion Street, London N1 9PF.

To order a Parenting Pack of six leaflets (including
Keeping Your Cool, Listening to Children
Encouraging Better Behaviour
) send an A4 stamped addressed envelope with five first class stamps to ‘Parenting Pack’, NSPCC, Weston House, 42 Curtain Road, London EC2A 3NH.

Or download them on

For a single copy of the leaflet
The No Smacking Guide To Good Behaviour
by Penelope Leach, send a C5 stamped addressed envelope with one second class stamp to APPROACH Ltd, 94 White Lion Street, London N1 9PF.

For a single copy of the A4 poster
Think Before You Smack,
send an A4 envelope with a second class stamp (remembering that A4 envelopes need a ‘large size’ second class stamp) to APPROACH at the above address.

Early child education:
To find out if there is a Sure Start Children’s Centre in your area, telephone the Families Information Service on 0800 2 346 346.

Bagby, David
Dance with The Devil
Key Porter Books, 2007

Begg, Paul & Fido, Martin
Great Crimes and Trials Of The Twentieth
Carlton/Simon & Schuster, 1993

Busby, Sian
The Cruel Mother
Short Books, 2004

Campbell, Duncan
A Stranger And Afraid: The Story of Caroline Beale
Macmillan, 1997

Carrere, Emmanuel
The Adversary
Bloomsbury, 2000

Defago, Nicki
Childfree and Loving It
Fusion Press, 2005

Englade, Ken
Murder in Boston
Angus & Robertson, 1990

Finkel, Michael
True Story
HarperCollins, 2005

Firstman, Richard & Talan, James
The Death Of Innocents
Bantam Books, 1998

Francis, Monte
By Their Father’s Hand: The True Story of the Wesson Family Massacre
Harper, 2007

Furneaux, Rupert
Famous Criminal Cases 6
Odhams Press Ltd, 1960

Howells, John G
Remember Maria
Butterworths, 1974

Johnson, Steven & McCoy, Heath & Muchnick, Irwin & Oliver, Greg
ECW Press, 2007

Long, Steven
Every Woman’s Nightmare
St Martin’s Press, 2006

McGregor, Alexander
The Law Killers
Black & White Publishing, 2005

McPhee, Michele R
St Martin’s Paperbacks, 2008

Millen, Paul
Crime Scene Investigator
Constable, 2008

O’Brien, Darcy
Murder in Little Egypt
New American Library, 1989

O’Malley, Suzanne
Are You There Alone?
Pocket Star Books, 2005

Olsen, Gregg
Cruel Deception
St Martins Paperbacks, 1995

Peyser, Andrea
Mother Love, Deadly Love: The Susan Smith Story
HarperPaperbacks, 1995

Randazzo, Matthew
Ring of Hell
Phoenix Books, 2008

Reder, Peter & Duncan, Sylvia
Lost Innocents
Routledge, 1999

Smith, Carlton
Love, Daddy
St Martin’s Paperbacks, 2003

Smith, David
Beyond All Reason
Pinnacle Books, 1995

Stowers, Carlton
To The Last Breath
St Martin’s Paperbacks, 1999

Tullett, Tom
Clues to Murder
The Bodley Head, 1986


Father To 15 – Wife And Girlfriend pregnant again! Jeremy Kyle
show, aired ITV1 2006

Mick Philpott’s sister: ‘he deserves to die’
ITV2 news channel 2013

The Man Who Would Stop At Nothing: The Mick Philpott Trial
Broadcast ITV1 2013

Dateline: Inside The Murder Trial Of Neil Entwistle
transcript) by Dennis Murphy, aired Dateline NBC on 27 June 2008

Honour Kills
produced by BBC Manchester, aired BBC3 in October 2007

Tonight programme:
My Greek Tragedy (John Hogan case)
aired ITV1 on 21 January 2008


Babies’ Bodies Found In Box
by Jan Disley,
Daily Mirror,
13 May 2008

Bipolar Disorder and Childbirth: The Importance of Recognising the
by Ian Jones & Nick Craddock,
The British Journal of Psychiatry,

Catalogue of Cruelty
by David Batty,
27 January 2003

City Executive Alberto Izaga charged with murder of daughter,
2 by Helen Nugent,
The Times,
13 September 2007

Couple Behead Their Three Children, True Detective Spring Special,

Couple Found Guilty Over Toddler Abuse Death, Guardian,
3 August 2007

Couple who starved and killed girl, 2, are jailed
by Tania Branigan & Audrey Gillan,
21 September 2002

Drugs Kill Baby As Mum Smokes
by John Coles,
27 June 2008

Drunk father ‘smothered sick son in mercy killing’
by Arifa Akbar,
1 May 2005

Executive Gets Life Term For Killing of His Family, New York Times,
7 February 1993

Face Of A Monster
by Marion Scott,
Sunday Mail,
23 November 2008

Father’s grief over wife and murdered sons by Graham Duffill, The Times,
4 March 2007

Father Killed Son, 4, After Wife Jilted Him
by Paul Jeeves,
Daily Express,
26 February 2008

How a little boy’s sad death has left a family in shreds
by Phil Mills,
14 December, 2005

Husband guilty of family murder
by James Bone,
The Times,
26 June 2008

Iraq Girl Murdered By Dad For Loving A British Squaddie
by Victoria Ward,
Daily Mirror,
28 April 2008

It’s Horrible To Think That It’s Happening Again
by Maria Colwell’s brother,
24 March 2000

Lauren Wright Case: Tragic tale of a child unwanted from day of her birth
by Terri Judd,
2 October, 2001

Mick Philpott accomplice Paul Mosley a ‘wimp’ that was ‘blackmailed’ says sister Angela, Daily Mirror,
7 April 2013

Mick Philpott is moved to Hannibal Lecter cell for admitting he fears fellow inmates will try to ‘rip him apart’
by Ben Glaze,
Daily Mirror,
7 April 2013

Mother Jailed After Bristol Child’s Drug Death, Bristol Evening Post,
27 June 2008

Mother who killed her own baby by throwing him to the ground walks free from court, Daily Mail,
14 July 2008

Oh No, Not Again!
by Gary Fox,
Master Detective,
July 2006

Should Parents Stop At Two Children?
by Damien Fletcher,
Daily Mirror,
25 July 2008

Philpott Sister’s Torment
by Antonella Lazzeri,
, 19 April 2013

Should We Condemn The Mum Who Drowned Her Daughter?
by Claire Bates,
issue 41, October 2008

The 26-year secret
by Mark Randall,
True Detective
Spring Special, 2008

Tiffany Hirst: the toddler left to die alone and unloved
by Lucy Bannerman,
The Times,
13 June 2008

Timeline of the Christopher Foster Mansion Murders
by Gordon Rayner,
Daily Telegraph,
3 September 2008

Tribute Paid To Tragic Sharpness Docks Pair, Gloucestershire Echo,
11 October 2007

Violent parents will lose access, Independent,
17 March 2002

Who’d Want To Kill My Baby?
by Robert Gallon as told to Angela Wormald and Claire Stretton,
Real People
magazine, 5 October 2006

Woman who pleaded ‘baby blues’ in infant case now says she’s sane
by Larry Welborn,
The Orange County Register,
30 May 2008

Why I Burnt My Baby To Death
by Danielle Wails,
Love It!
Magazine issue 43, November 2006

You Are My Best Friend: Last Words of Ellie, three, to mother, Daily Mirror,
7 October, 2008

Carol Anne Davis was born in Dundee, moved to Edinburgh in her twenties and now lives in south-west England. She left school at 15 and was everything from an artist’s model to an editorial assistant before going to university. Her Master of Arts degree included criminology and was followed by a postgraduate diploma in Adult and Community Education.

A full-time writer since graduating, her crime novels
Extinction, Sob Story, Kiss It Away, Noise Abatement, Safe As Houses
have been described as chillingly realistic for their portrayals of sex and death.

She is also the author of the true crime books
DOCTORS WHO KILL: Profiles of Lethal Medics, YOUTHFUL PREY: Child Predators Who Kill, SADISTIC KILLERS: Profiles of Pathological Predators, COUPLES WHO KILL: Profiles of Deviant Duos, CHILDREN WHO KILL: Profiles of Pre-teen and Teenage Killers
WOMEN WHO KILL: Profiles of Female Serial Killers.

Carol’s website is located at

Published by John Blake Publishing Ltd,
3 Bramber Court, 2 Bramber Road,
London W14 9PB, England

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ePub ISBN 978 1 78219 740 9
Mobi ISBN 978 1 78219 741 6
PDF ISBN 978 1 78219 742 3

First published in paperback in 2009
This updated edition published in 2013

ISBN: 978 1 78219 728 7

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