Painted Lines (26 page)

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Authors: Brei Betzold

BOOK: Painted Lines
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smiled up at Matt then looked at Thayne, “Haven’t done that in years.”

huh,” he muttered, “so what do you do now?”

shrugged and looked away, “Not much.”

chuckled, “Don’t believe her.”

glared at Matt.  “Don’t give away all my secrets or he’s going to get bored
with me quickly.”

winked and smiled.  “Talk to you two later after I beat one of you,” then he
walked off.

don’t think I could get bored with you, especially not now because I have a
feeling my life is about to become a lot more interesting.”

shrugged and looked away.  “I need to go, my guys are here.”

nodded, “Okay, see you after?”


walked over to where my team was standing smiling at me, “Ready to kick their




time they were bringing all three remaining teams into the judging room after
the judges looked over the tanks.  So we all sat around in the lounge drinking
coffee waiting to be called.  I was tucked between Liam and Kale giggling at
the two of them bickering.

you are such a girl,” I told him.

huffed and looked down at me, “Well, Harper Lee, one of us should be.”

nodded, “Mmm, yes one of us should, good thing Kale doesn’t mind a little

feigned outrage, “Pussy, me?  I could kick your ass, Harper Lee.”  Kale and I
burst out laughing, “What?” he whined.  “I could.”

already tried this, Li, and you lose every time.”

smirked down at me, “But this time I have a secret weapon.”

really, what’s that?” Kale asked.

just ask Thayne to take off his shirt, she can’t seem to think when he does

looked from me over to Thayne back to Liam, “Liam, neither can you.”

yeah,” he muttered then pinched my arm.  “Why did you have to hook up with such
a distracting hottie?”

just lucky, I guess?”

huffed out a laugh at us.  “It’s a good thing I know you love me Liam or I
could be offended by that.”

waved Kale’s statement off, “Oh you know you’re hot.”

giggled, “You two are cute.”  Kale winked at me and Liam glared.  “What?”

cute, Kale, like puppy dogs and bunny rabbits.”

giggled again. “Oh Liam, you are so sexy,” I cooed, “if only you weren’t
already taken.”

smirked down at me again, “you’re a shit, you know that.”

nodded, “Yep, you’ve told me before.”

he said then started tickling me.  I squirmed away and ended up in Kale’s lap
using him as a shield.

I screeched between giggles.

like you like this, Scout,” Kale whispered.

what?” I asked looking up at him.

carefree, twenty-one.”

smiled up at him, “I like it too.”

how is lover boy in bed, Harper Lee?”

looked over at Liam so quickly my neck popped, “What?”

is lover boy in bed?” he asked again.

could feel my face heating up.  “I am not answering that,” I muttered.

that good, huh, yeah, he seems the type.”

tried not to ask, I really did, but he knew me too well, “What type?”

bad boy type, they are always the best in bed.”

knew my face was turning red.  “Not talking about this.”

on, just tell me how he moves,” Liam whined.

are too old to play kiss and tell,” I told him flatly.

scoffed, “Oh Harper Lee, you are never too old to play kiss and tell and you’ve
never had anyone interesting enough for me want to play with.”

scowled up at him.  “They weren’t that bad.”

Scout, they really were,” muttered Kale.

looked over at Thayne who was talking to some of his teammates, he looked over
at me and mouthed, “You okay?” I nodded and watched him look back and forth
between Liam and Kale, he smirked going back to his own conversation.

sighed, “Not telling you anything.”

Liam pouted, “then I won’t tell you about Kale.”

you for that,” I told him shuddering.

Kale called pinching my side.

against you, Kale but it would be like hearing about Simon or Cas’s sex life.”

nodded, “Okay,” he pouted looking down at me.

Kale you know you’re one ginger haired beast of a man who I never want to see
naked or hear about in bed, especially since I’ve already heard you in bed and
well, it was disturbing.”

and Liam laughed and I looked over at where Simon stood talking on his phone
running his hand through his hair repeatedly.

with him?” I asked pointing over at Simon.

sighed, “He and Cam are fighting.”


both nodded.  “Yeah, I love Cam I really do, but they shouldn’t have gotten
married,” Liam said.

shrugged, “Not my call.”

know, and I understand why they did, but they hadn’t known each other long when
she got pregnant.  They could have just moved in and to see how that went
instead of jumping straight into marriage.”

know but he didn’t want that for Zadok.  He wanted him to have parents who were

know,” Liam sighed, “it’s just hard to watch.”

nodded, “It is, but nothing we could have done.”

before this conversation could go any further, we were called back to the judge’s
room.  I pushed myself up and grabbed Kale’s hand pulling him up. We headed
towards the room Simon following behind.

lined up facing the judges tables, also lined up were all three of the tanks we
had been working on this week.  All the judges were sitting there watching us. 
They looked us all over then Eddie started.

this is the last challenge before the finale.  We have enjoyed seeing your
work, and look forward to seeing more in the future.  It was a difficult
decision to make, but one team will be leaving today and the two remaining will
go head to head next week.”

looked over the three tanks not really registering what he was saying to the
other team.  I could tell Matt’s right away, it was streamlined bright orange
with blue flames that faded into white.  So that left the one that had an
angular look, it started out indigo blue and slowly faded through different
blues before ending in ice blue.  Then there was ours, it was an old school
design that flared out then sunk into flat planes on the sides.   It was
painted satin back but the flat panels there were hand painted sugar skulls
painted on both sides.  I had used holographic paint and bright colors so it
popped to life, shimmering in the light giving it a sense of movement even
while still.  I had the area outlined in a gold leaf carrying the eye to where
I wanted it, the sugar skulls.

Misfit Cabal, we loved the old school feeling of this tank,” Eddie began. “The
hand painted details are amazing.  Scout, your work I presume?”

nodded, “Yes,” bouncing on my feet with nerves.  Liam put an arm across my
shoulders stilling the nervous movement.

kind of paint did you use?  We hadn’t seen it before.”

relatively new, it’s called holographic paint.”

nice,” he mused before heading over to the other last team, Matt’s team.  I
looked over and smiled at my team.  I felt good about our chances.

he finished with Matt’s team, he looked us over once again before leaning back
in his chair.  “If we could, we would keep all three of your teams for the
final challenge, but unfortunately we can’t.  I’m sorry, Team Ace & Lace,
pack your tools.”

saw Ace slam his fist against his chair and glare at Thayne who had become the
team leader when
couldn’t compete.  I felt bad for them, they all
kind of deflated then walked out of the room.  I smiled gently at Thayne who
just shrugged and walked out the door. When the door was closed, I looked back
at the judging table and found Ace glaring at me.  I rolled my eyes and focused
on Eddie.

for this challenge’s winner, congratulations Team Misfit Cabal, you really blew
us all away with your tank design and look forward to see what you do next.”

kissed my head followed by Liam and Simon.  I smiled at them, happy with our
victory, but still felt bad for Thayne.  We filed out of the room and headed
towards the door but I stopped them from heading towards the area with the
bays.  I heard slamming tools, people grumbling, and then shouting.

could recognize the voices, but not what they were saying.  I started moving
faster but Simon snaked an arm around my waist pulling me back.

no, let him handle it.”

nodded, listening to them shouting and what sounded like someone throwing tools
around.  Ace was pissed I knew that when we were in the room.  I just didn’t
think he would act like an ass here.  I heard Thayne’s voice thunder out of the
bay and looked up at Simon.

do I do?”

leave, go outside, and let the production team handle it.”

nodded and followed him out the door.

stood by our bikes watching and waiting for Thayne to come out. Instead of
Thayne though, Ace stormed out of the door, stopping when he saw us.  The guys
pulled rank around me surrounding me but Ace only glared at me for a minute.  I
let out a breath and watched him walk away.  When I heard the door slam open
once again, I looked over and watched as Thayne stormed out of the garage and
headed straight for his GTO.  I went to take a step in that direction but Liam
grabbed my arm.

him go,” Liam murmured, I nodded and watched Thayne peel out of the parking

what do you want to do?” asked Kale.

sighed, “Let’s go get my stuff.  I’m coming back to the rental for the rest of
the time here.”

asked Kale.

nodded, “Yeah.”

we missed you, Harper Lee.”

there are a few rules, you do not question me leaving, and you do not question
me coming home, got it?”

three heads bobbed up and down. We got ready and headed off to my motel room to
gather my stuff so I could move back in.

I walked in the door, I found Cam and Nikki giggling.  “What’s so funny?”

nothing,” Cam said not looking at me but smiling widely, “just hearing about
Nikki’s week.”

I whispered.

broke out laughing while the guys looked confused.  I turned and brought my
stuff to my room but looked over my shoulder at a giggling Nikki, “You ever
want me to cook for you again you do not say another word.”

stopped giggling and nodded, “Okay.”

Harper Lee, that’s not fair,” Liam whined.  I flipped them all off and walked
into my room and unpacked.




unpacking, I decided to lie down and take a nap.  I curled up in the bed and
let my eyes close, I thought back to how pissed Thayne looked.  I wanted to
help, but he needed time and I understood that.  Slowly I felt myself fall
further into the abyss of sleep and my thoughts scrambled.

fuck,” I heard before the weight that was on top of me was removed.  “WHAT DID
YOU DO,” was screamed before I heard a thud then another.  I whimpered then
Uncle Matt was there. “Oh baby girl,” he whispered tears running down his
cheek.  “I’ll be right back okay?” Then Uncle Matt was gone.  I waited for
to come back, to be woken up with cold water, for the pain to become worse. 
Uncle Matt walked back in carrying a phone, I heard his words but they didn’t
make any sense.  I felt so cold, I started to shiver and flinched at the pain. 
”Shh Seraph,” he whispered, “help is coming.”  He looked over me and the tears
started coming faster down his face.  He looked like he wanted to touch me but
didn’t know where.  I wanted to tell him it was okay, to just let me sleep.  I
was so tired and closed my eyes, but he called my name, and I looked up at his
panicked face.  I blinked again trying to understand what he was saying.  I
started shivering harder and the pain increased, it felt like it was radiating
out from inside me.  I heard banging on the door then Uncle Matt was gone again
and my eyes closed.  I was hoping that they wouldn’t open again.

woke up sitting up straight, covered in a cold sweat, and tears streaming down
my cheeks.  I pulled my knees up tight and wrapped my arms around them then
began rocking back and forth.  That was the last memory I had before waking up
in the hospital.  I felt my chest tighten and my breath pick up.  I tried to
focus on my family but it didn’t help.  I thought about the thrill of winning
today.  I pictured Thayne leaving and it only worsened.  What if he was mad at
me; what if he blamed me for leaving his job, his home?  My breathing increased
into short pants and I felt like I was suffocating.  I didn’t want to lose him,
he was the first real thing in my life, and the thought of him going increased
the tightening in my chest; my heartbeat skyrocketed.  I tried to catch my
breath but I couldn’t.  I felt the world begin to spin and black spots in my
vision, I felt my body fall heard the crash then nothing.

get the blood slowed down,” I heard barked at something or someone.  “She needs
stitches,” the same voice said.

fluttered my eyes open and saw people standing over me, around me, and Simon
and Thayne kneeling down beside me.  Thayne was holding a towel wrapped around
my arm and that’s when I felt the pain throb through my arm.  I groaned when I
saw the blood tracking down my arm and turned away from the sight.

Bella,” Thayne said, “don’t look.”

nodded then gasped when the pressure increased.  “I need another towel,” he

need to get her to a doctor,” Simon said.

called 911,” said Liam, “just wait, they’re on the way.”

fast enough,” growled Thayne.

I stopped, licked my lips, and tried again, “What happened?”

don’t know,” said Thayne.  “We heard a crash and came in and found you passed
out on the floor and broken glass everywhere.”

nodded slightly.  “Tired,” I whispered.

Bella,” he said again, “help will be here soon, okay?”

I whispered and felt myself getting sleepy.

Matt,” I heard Simon bark then nothing made any sense.  People rushed in,
Thayne let go of me, and more pain, then I felt like I was moving, then

woke up to blinding white light.  I closed my eyes then reopened them blinking
a few times, taking in a deep breath and I knew where I was.  Only one place
had that smell—the hospital.  I moved my arm then moaned as pain shot through
my arm. 

wouldn’t do that,” a female voice said, I turned my head and found Dr. Lawrence
watching me.  She looked me over and nodded, “How are you, Scout?”

don’t know,” I said honestly.

you are in a recovery room.  You had piece of glass in your arm and nicked an

I said confused.

you have stitches and I am sure it’s sore,” she said kindly.

little,” I confirmed.  “Why are you here?”

pursed her lips.  “Because certain colleagues of mine have questions about what

young doctor,” I said guessing.

nodded, “Yes, Dr. Carter.”

sighed and looked up at the ceiling, “What questions?”

you got hurt.”

don’t know,” I told her honestly.  “I don’t remember.”

do you remember?”

laid there and thought back, “Taking a nap, I woke up from a nightmare and the
beginnings of a panic attack. I tried to bring myself out of it but it got
worse, then I don’t remember.”

you hyperventilate with your panic attacks?”


nodded, “You were probably hyperventilating and passed out.  It’s a common
thing.”  She looked me over once again, “How did you try and bring yourself
out, what technique?”

diversion and breathing works sometimes.”

nodded writing something else down.  “So this wasn’t on purpose?”

looked at her. “No,” I said adamantly.


I am sure.  I don’t want to hurt myself,” I nearly yelled.

I believe you,” she said calmly.  “Now if you will please excuse me I need to
go talk with a few people.”

I said looking around, “where is my family?”

in the waiting room, do you want me to get them?”

nodded, “Yes, please.”

in particular?”

Thayne out there?”

last time I saw, he was pacing the floors,” she said smiling at me.  “He was
worried about you.”

didn’t mean to worry anyone.”

I know dear, I’ll get him.”

nodded and watched her leave.  I looked over at my arm and saw it was covered
from elbow down in gauze.  Well that puts a crimp in my plans.

walked in and stopped at the end of the bed.  I could see the relief in his
face when I smiled up at him.

he murmured walking over and sitting in the chair beside the bed, “you look

I look bad before?”

he muttered, “you scared the crap out of me.”

sorry,” I whispered, “what happened?”

don’t remember?”


I came over to pick up Nik and I found out you were there so I was heading back
to talk to you and I heard this crash.  I ran into your room and found you on
the floor with a piece of glass sticking out of your arm.” He stopped and shuddered
then took a deep breath, “we called an ambulance and you were brought here. 
We’ve been waiting for you to wake up.  They gave you something so you would
sleep while they fixed your artery and stitched your arm.”

in a recovery room for what?”

you didn’t have surgery but they brought you into an OR since they didn’t know
how bad the knick was.  They removed the glass, fixed you up then the surgeon
stitched up your arm.  You had to receive blood to help replace what you lost.”


he’s out in the waiting room now.  Simon called him and he met us here.  It’s a
good thing too since you apparently have some odd blood type and he’s a match.”

so I’ve heard.”

looked at me oddly then the light clicked on.  “That’s how everyone found out

nodded, “Apparently.”

so have you seen the doctor yet?”

saw a psychiatrist and a nurse so far.”

a psychiatrist?”

story,” I murmured getting sleepy.

leaned over and kissed my forehead, “Sleep, I won’t leave.”

nodded and my eyes closed.

woke up amid whispers—angry whispers.  I opened my eyes this time the lights
were dimmed so my eyes adjusted quickly.  I glanced around looking for Thayne,
and I could barely see him through the crack in the curtain, he was standing in
a corner.  It looked like he was arguing with someone, only I couldn’t tell who,
but Thayne looked pissed.

moved my arm, pain shot through it.  I whimpered while liquid fire burned
through my veins.  I could feel the tears gathering in my eyes.  I tried
breathing through it and ended up jerking my arm, it hit the rail on the side
of the bed, and I screamed, tears began flowing and I gently cradled my arm
curling my body around it in protection.


heard his voice, other voices, burying my face into my pillow. I pulled my arm
further into myself as the pain radiated throughout my body.  I felt someone
touch me and I jerk away not wanting anyone to touch me right now.  I was
trying to breathe but with the pain was so intense I couldn’t fully take a

breathe,” I hear and I wanted to scream that I was trying.

will help, honey,” I hear a voice croon.

began to spread almost instantly and I was finally able to take a real breath. 
Quickly the pain began to lessen and I slowly felt the tension leak out of me.


I whispered.

you feeling, Bella?”

I murmured drowsily.

hands ran down my back and when I didn’t pull away, they become firmer.  The
pain was starting to fade away from blinding agony to a dull roar.  Slowly, I
felt the medication take hold and I fell back into the fog of sleep.

I woke up this time, it was to find myself in a different room, a real room,
and Thayne asleep.  He was bent over in the chair his arms crossed on my bed,
head lying on top of them.  I reached down with my good arm and ran my fingers
through his hair gently.  I didn’t want to wake him, just reassure myself that
he was here with me.

you’re awake.”  I looked up and found a nurse walking in the door smiling at
me.  She looked at Thayne sleeping and shook her head, “He refuses to leave.”

long have I been asleep?” I asked hoarsely.

few hours,” she said coming over and checking over the machines and IV.  “You
were moved in here about an hour ago.”

I swallowed, “can I get some water?”

honey, I’ll be right back,” she smiled at me and left the room.

brushed my hands through Thayne’s hair once again and heard him hum.  I smiled
and did it again.

awake,” he said quietly opening his eyes and looking at me.  “You keep scaring
me, Bella.”


you screamed, my heart stopped, and I ran in there and you looked so small.  I
didn’t like it, I can’t handle anything happening to you, Scout.”

f—” I started but had a hand over my lips stopping my words.

swear if you say that you are fine, I will put you over my knee.”

smiled and nodded he moved his fingers.  “My arm throbs, I am thirsty, and I
want to go home.”

nurse walked back in with a plastic pitcher of water.  “Here you are, honey.” 
She put the pitcher down and checked my IV once more.  “Any pain?”

arm throbs.”

I will get you something,” then she was gone again.

poured me a cup of water and handed it to me.  “Slow,” he warned.

sipped the cool liquid watching him.  “You okay?”

just worried about you, Bella.”

had worse.”

took a quick inhale and shook his head.  “Not thinking about that, so as long
as you follow the rules you should be released tomorrow.”


are so not going to like this,” he muttered.

tell me.”



work, Scout, not for a few weeks.”


looked at me for a moment and shook his head, “Uhm, because your arm is
stitched together and an artery was nicked, they had to put a couple of
stitches in it to keep it together.”


sighed.  “Infection, Scout, plus with what you do, you run the risk of pulling

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