Pack Alpha (13 page)

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Authors: Crissy Smith

BOOK: Pack Alpha
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“He must protect his mate.” His father spoke the words Gage had been thinking.

Frustrated, Marissa stomped to the window and peered out.

Gage followed her.

“I don’t want anyone getting hurt because of me,” she said more quietly.

Gage wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on the top of her head.

“Baby, even if we weren’t mated, which we are, I would accept a challenge from him for everything he put you and your sister through.” He turned her around so he could see her eyes. “I love you. I will make sure you are always protected.”

Reaching up, Marissa cupped his cheeks. “I love you.”

As their lips met in a soft kiss, all of their troubles seemed to melt away. The kiss went deeper, and someone cleared their throat from across the room. Gage and Marissa broke away, but Gage held onto her.

“Sorry,” she mumbled, embarrassed.

Gage’s father’s eyes were bright with unshed tears. “It’s understandable. I can remember—” His cell phone ringing cut him off. He shrugged before he answered.

The conversation was brief. Gage could hear what was being said on both sides of the phone. He relaxed and hoped that Marissa could feel the tension drain from him. When the phone call was over, Gage hugged her tightly.

“There will be no challenge,” Gage’s father announced.

Marissa jerked in his arms. “Really?”

Gage’s dad nodded. “Seems Brandon’s father stepped in and won’t allow him to take this any further.” He looked at Gage. “Even retired, he still has some control over his son, it seems.”

“Oh, thank God!” Marissa kissed Gage quickly. He tried to return it but his mind was whirling. This was too easy. While Gage believed that Brandon’s dad still controlled him, he’d also seen the look on Brandon’s face when he’d watched Marissa. Brandon wanted Gage’s mate and Gage was finding it hard to imagine that he would just give her up.

Gage wouldn’t. Nothing and no one could get Marissa away from him.

“What’s wrong?” she asked when he didn’t say anything.

Gage smiled and kissed her back. “Nothing, baby. This is good. Why don’t you go upstairs and change, and we’ll take my father to town for a steak dinner?” He needed a minute to talk to his father and Logan.

Marissa nodded even while she peered suspiciously at him. He knew she would still worry, but he didn’t want her involved in the next discussion. She glanced over her shoulder then opened the door and he sent her what he hoped was a relaxed smile.

Gage waited until he heard the bedroom door open before speaking. He looked at his father then his Beta.

“This isn’t over. No matter what they say, they are up to something,” Gage said.

Logan took a few steps from his post by the door. “I saw his face when he said Marissa belonged with him. It doesn’t matter what his father told him,” Logan added.

Gage’s father rubbed a hand over his face. “I agree with both of you. And since he is Alpha now, he doesn’t have to follow what his father says.”

Gage thought of when Marissa had told him that she loved him. He hadn’t cared about the other Pack. He’d only cared about having her in his arms for the rest of his life. He wasn’t about to give that up.

“From everything I’ve read and what Marissa’s told me, I don’t think he’ll come at me through proper channels.”

“An ambush, maybe?” Logan suggested.

“Or they may just try to take her,” Gage’s dad mused.

“They won’t get her,” Gage assured the men. “They would have to get through me first.”

His dad nodded, but worry was etched on his face. “That doesn’t mean that they won’t try. You need to get more guards. Call in for some help. Brandon will try to kill you if he can and he won’t do it alone. ”

“Let them try. I would love a chance to go after that entire Pack for what they did to Marissa.” He fisted his hands in anger just thinking about what his mate had gone through. He slowly unclenched them and ran a frustrated hand over his face.

“You need to keep a calm head,” his father advised, walking over to refill his glass.

“And what would you do?” Getting angry, Gage began to pace the room. He’d earned his rank as Alpha and he wasn’t going to let some still-wet-behind-the-ears pup challenge him. Marissa would not live in fear for the rest of her life.

His father took his time refilling his drink and sipping before responding. “I’m no longer the Alpha of the Pack, so it doesn’t matter. What does is how you handle this threat to

Gage nodded. His father had always run the Pack fairly, and they’d thrived under his leadership. “I understand I can’t go looking for trouble. But if they bring it to me, I will be ready for them. The only way they’ll get to her is to come into my territory.”

Logan cleared his throat and drew both men’s attention. “So she’s not leaving?”

“Of course not!” Gage shouted.

Logan nodded and dropped his eyes in a submissive gesture.

“Damn! I’m sorry, Logan. I didn’t mean to take it out on you,” Gage said sincerely. There was no reason to get angry at his best friend.

“It’s okay.” Logan grinned at him. “I would be worried if you weren’t on edge.”

His father walked over then threw his arm around Gage’s shoulder. “I think I’ll take a rain check on dinner. Logan can keep me company. You need to go see your mate. Calm down and spend some quality time with her.”

Gage went without looking at either man. Who would have thought falling in love and claiming a mate would make him feel so out of control? His dad was right—he needed to bond with Marissa. That would calm both him and his wolf down.

He reached the bedroom door and opened it quietly. Marissa sat on the bed with her hands in her lap.

“Are you done discussing whatever you didn’t want me to hear?” she asked.

Gage sighed as he closed the door before he leaned against it. “How much did you listen to?”

“None of it,” she admitted. “But I can read you, Gage. You wanted to talk to your dad and Logan alone.”

“You’re right,” he admitted. He wouldn’t lie to her. That was not the way he wanted their relationship to start.

“So what’s going on?” she questioned while she stood.

“I think that Brandon is still coming after you,” he said.

“No.” Marissa shook her head. “His dad told him to stay away.”

Gage cupped her face. “He wants you and I find it difficult to believe that just a word from his dad will stop you. What do you think?”

Marissa’s opinion was going to be the most helpful. She had known Brandon for a long time.

“I wish I knew,” she said. “But I can honestly say that I never expected to see him again. After I was kicked out of the Pack I waited around town for weeks but he never came and found me.”

Gage nodded for her to continue.

“I’ve been on my own for over ten years, why now?” she said.

That was a very good question. If Brandon hadn’t been looking for her, why’d he just shown up now?

“Can we just…” Marissa waved her hand around.

He knew what she needed. Gage pulled her toward the bed. “Yeah we can.”

Chapter Eight




“Would you like to repeat that?” Marissa asked even though she was certain she’d heard Gage correctly.

“You need to make arrangements to have your stuff sent here,” he told her.

He was currently prowling the bedroom floor, looking very much on the edge. He had been sweet and loving last night, and that morning when he’d woken her in the most pleasurable way. Now, fifteen minutes later, he was issuing orders. Marissa’s head spun from his abrupt change of attitude.

“My stuff?” Marissa kept herself calm, knowing one of them had to be. “I think we need to discuss this.”

“What’s to discuss? You are my mate. I can’t leave my Pack or my territory, so you have to move here,” he announced, staring at her like it didn’t even need to be said.

Marissa took in his demeanor and knew this could turn bad real fast. “Gage. I don’t know that I want to live in Pack territory.”

She saw the change in him immediately. His eyes went flat and cold, and his face hardened.

“You don’t have a choice.”

“I… I don’t have a choice?” Her voice rose. She was just as close to losing control. She was trying, really trying to remain calm but she didn’t give in to orders.

“That’s what I said.
You are my mate,
” he yelled.

“I may be your mate, but I don’t belong to you, Gage Wolf,” she yelled back. Forget being calm. She wasn’t going to let him dictate to her about her future. If they couldn’t discuss this like adults, maybe a good fight would do them both good.

“Actually, that is
what that means,” Gage hollered.

Marissa stood toe to toe with him. Even with anger burning in his eyes she didn’t fear him. “I have a life in California.”

“You have a life here with me where you’ll be safe,” Gage said. “I can’t allow you to leave until we
you’re safe.”

“Allow me?” Marissa repeated. “You’re actually going to stand there and go Alpha on me.”

He barked out a laugh. “In case you forgot, I am your Alpha.”

“Oh, how could I forget?” she snapped. “You’re sure acting like an Alpha asshole.”

Gage growled. “Don’t you dare,” he warned.

“What are you going to do?” she taunted. “Tie me to the bed?”

Gage smiled. “That’s not a bad idea.” He calmed down and was growing aroused.

“Ugh!” she screamed in frustration.

He started a fight then wanted to jump right back into bed?

“Damn it, Marissa,” Gage said at normal level before he walked over and dropped onto the bed. “I’m just trying to keep you safe.”

“I’ve been keeping myself safe for a lot of years,” she told him.

“I know,” Gage said. “But it’s my job now.”

“No.” She pointed her finger at him. “You won’t dictate how I live my life.”

“Yes I will,” he snapped back. “And you are going to listen to me on this.”

Marissa twitched in surprise. She knew that he was dominant but he’d never made her feel like she wasn’t equal until that moment.


Gage watched as Marissa’s face fell and she jerked as if he’d just struck her. Damn, this was not going the way he wanted. He hadn’t meant to bring it up at all, but he just wanted her safe in his home, in his arms.

“I didn’t mean it like that,” he said and took deep breaths to relax himself. His emotions were too high and he was making a mess of things.

She turned away from him and he had to stop himself from reaching for her. Give her the space she needed.

“I think it is what you meant, Gage. You may not be like my old Pack leader, but you are an Alpha.”

“I am in no way like your last Pack leader. This Pack is nothing like your old one. The sooner you realize that, the better off you will be.”

“Maybe,” she said softly, turning back toward him. “But how long until you start giving me orders every day? I have to be in an equal relationship.” She took a deep breath. “I’ll admit that I like it when you dominate me in bed. Hell, I more than like it. But it can’t be like that all the time.”

He could see unshed tears and it broke his heart that he’d hurt her. “Baby, I’m sorry…”

She held up a hand to stop him from approaching. “I know I have issues, Gage. You knew that coming into this. I can’t just forget everything in my past. And you can’t expect me to drop my entire life.”

He knew what she was saying and she was right but they were mates. “You actually think that you can just walk away from me, from your mate? Marissa, think about this.” He had to make her see reason.

“I am. What happens ten years from now when I become too much trouble? Hell, it could happen in one year,” she said. “I can’t let you become my entire world. I won’t go through that again.”

Ignoring the fact that she didn’t want him to touch her, Gage embraced her. “That won’t happen. I’ll never let you go.”

She tilted her head back and her eyes met his. “You don’t know that.” She moved from his arms. “I’m going for a walk, alone,” she told him as she started out of the room.

“Marissa.” Gage stopped her with words even though he wanted to use force. “Don’t—”

She sighed and interrupted him. “I won’t leave the territory, but I wasn’t asking for permission.”

Gage watched her walk away. The woman who had stolen his heart and held it in her hands. He would love her forever. He could feel it and the wolf inside him agreed. He needed to be patient with her, that she had a lot to get past, but he needed her to start making her way to him. To his Pack. He needed her with him. It was more than just sexual. He needed her like he’d never needed another person.

And he wasn’t certain he could suppress that need for long. As much he wanted to give her the space she needed, Gage wasn’t built like that. Yes, he saw her as his equal and he was going to have to find a way to prove that to her. But she was also going to have to accept him as not only her mate but an Alpha as well.

He was born and trained for the job and he couldn’t just switch it off.

There had to be a middle ground for them.


Marissa walked in the woods behind Gage’s house. The farther she got, the more peaceful she felt. It was only yesterday that her life had changed. She had seen her old lover, taken a mate, and committed herself.

She had no intention of leaving. She knew her place was here with Gage. It was the Pack she still wasn’t so certain about. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t help but compare them to the one she’d grown up in. As happy as she wanted to be, there was something in her head telling her that it wouldn’t last.

She’d hurt Gage with her words and that wasn’t something she wanted to continue to do. Maybe she needed to talk about all her conflicting emotions. Gage would be the best one to speak to but she wanted someone who wasn’t as invested as he was. Maybe Logan would have time to spend with her. He was Gage’s best friend, so he could help her understand him better.

Happy to have made a decision that would hopefully bring them closer together, Marissa decided to enjoy what Gage’s property had to offer before she went in search of her mate.

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