Pack Alpha (16 page)

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Authors: Crissy Smith

BOOK: Pack Alpha
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“Hey, man,” Gage greeted his old friend. “I’m grateful you could make it.” He had to release Marissa’s hand as Cain lifted him in a bone-crushing hug.

“Of course,” Cain replied. He dropped Gage back down before he turned to Marissa.

Cain dipped his head in a sign of respect. “You must be Marissa. Gage is already talking about nothing but you.”

Marissa appeared shocked by Cain’s respectful greeting but she recovered well. “I would like to thank you for coming as well. It’s nice to meet you.” She held out her hand and they shook.

Gage looked on, delighted. She had handled the meeting perfectly as an Alpha mate.

“To threaten an Alpha’s mate is unacceptable,” Cain stated firmly. “I am more than happy to be here. No one else will come after you.”

“Perfectly said,” Gage’s father commented. “We were just sharing some coffee as we discussed the recent events. Join us?”

It hadn’t really been a request so Gage placed his hand on Marissa’s lower back and led her over to the wicker furniture. He chose the small bench that would allow them to sit together.

Marissa sat first and even though he’d settled next to her she still shifted closer. Gage held in his smile but did wrap his arm around her shoulder. Just then Hannah came out through the sliding glass door carrying two mugs.

He went to stand to take them from her but she tsked him.

“You sit there next to your mate and let me serve you,” Hannah demanded.

“Yes, ma’am,” he said with a dip of his head. He might be an Alpha but he made sure that he always showed respect to his elders. There weren’t many wolf shifters that were as powerful as he. His father, of course, and Cain’s, but very few could challenge Gage. Still, he expected his entire Pack to protect and care for their aging members.

Hannah smiled then set the mugs on the small table beside Gage. “Now, I have some homemade muffins in the oven so you drink these while I tend to them.”

“Oh, you don’t have to go to so much trouble,” Marissa said. “We ate breakfast earlier.”

“Don’t you worry about it,” Hannah said kindly. “It makes me feel good to be able to cook for you all. Just eat what you’re hungry for.” She winked. “I’m sure these boys can finish the rest.”

Gage and Cain chuckled.

“Well, thank you,” Marissa said. “I haven’t had anything homemade in what seems like forever.”

“It’s about time we changed that,” Hannah said with a pat to Marissa’s arm.

As Hannah left them, Gage passed Marissa her cup of coffee. Marissa breathed in the scent before taking a small sip. He watched her, enjoying the sight. He didn’t think he’d ever tire of seeing her do such mundane things.

Cain cleared his throat, drawing Gage’s attention. He refused to be embarrassed getting caught admiring his mate.

“Any news?” Gage asked.

“Brandon’s father arrived along with a couple of lawyers in tow,” Gage’s father said. “I believe that they met with Brandon this morning.”

“He’s still in jail, though?” Gage questioned.

His dad nodded. “We’re lucky that the sheriff is mated to a shifter and is allowing us to use the cells there. We might need to think about having some place here that we can use in the future, though. Sheriff Thomas is thinking about retiring.”

Gage nodded in agreement. He was lucky that his Pack was located away from any large cities. He was inside the Ector county territory but the number of residents was under ten thousand. Plus, most of the human residents were either mated or related to a shifter by marriage. The few that did not have any connection to the Pack didn’t have a clue about them.

The small number of residents had a lot of property. This was oil field territory and the ranches were spread far and wide. If Gage didn’t keep tabs on those that lived around his property he might never meet them.

But he was a careful Alpha and not only did he know all his neighbors but the residents of the three closest cities as well.

His father was right, though. Sheriff Thomas was in his sixties with a dozen grandchildren that would love to spend more time with him. If another friend of the Pack wasn’t elected to take over when the Sheriff left they might have issues.

Gage liked using the small jail because it was on the other side of the county from his property. There was no way that he would allow Brandon anywhere near Marissa. So building a holding area inside the property would need more thought.

“We need to prepare for the Council representatives coming to town,” his father said.

“We can accommodate them,” Gage assured him. “There are plenty of homes.”

“No.” His father shook his head. “They won’t stay near you or Brandon’s Pack. I think it will be best if they stay in town. That way no one can accuse us of tampering with the judges.”

“They’d be stupid to accuse the Council of wrongdoing,” Cain stated.

Gage agreed.

“I think they’ve already proven that they are,” his father responded.

“I’ll call the Twin Bear bed and breakfast. There are only five rooms so it’s small and run by humans,” Logan said.

“Twin bears?” Cain asked.

Logan smiled. “The owners are brothers that believe their spirit animals are bears. They’re good guys and completely harmless. Just eccentric.”

“Sounds like my kind of place,” Cain said, laughing.

“How many Council members are coming?” Gage asked.

“Three plus their guards. If we can get all of the rooms that should be plenty,” his father answered.

“It’s the slow season so I don’t see a problem but I’ll call right away,” Logan said, standing. He pulled his phone from his pocket and stepped a few feet away.

Gage met Cain’s gaze. “This is going to be a fucking mess.”

Cain nodded. “This is an extremely important charge. We’ve always taken for granted that an Alpha wouldn’t go into another’s Pack and commit a crime like this. Even challenges from Packs and territories have to be approved by the Council. A lot of Alphas are going to pay close attention to what happens here. My father being one.”

“There’s a reason that we’ve been able to remain hidden for so long,” his father added. “What Brandon did put all of us and our laws in danger. I don’t see his punishment not being severe.”

Gage glanced over at Marissa to check how she was handling the conversation. She had a tight grip on her mug but her hands were still shaking. She looked up at him.

“This is all my fault,” she said.

Gage growled but it was Cain who spoke up. “That’s bullshit. From what I’ve heard your birth Pack has done everything wrong with you from the beginning.”

Marissa gasped.

“No one, shifter, non-shifter, or human would have ever been treated the way you were,” Cain said. “You should have been protected and embraced by the Pack.”

She darted her gaze in Gage’s direction before she looked back at Cain. “Have you ever met another non-shifter?” she asked quietly.

“Yes,” Cain told her. “Not in my Pack but we’re close to another who has two non-shifters. An elderly man and a pre-teen female. They are treated just like everyone else.”

Marissa shook her head while cuddling closer to Gage. “I thought you were the only one who would accept me,” she said to him. “I figured you and your Pack were unique.”

“I know,” Gage said. He was glad that she could see that what had happened to her was wrong. It was about time she accepted that the Pack she had been raised in was plain and simply evil.

“I have also met a couple of non-shifters,” his dad said. “They haven’t had easy lives but none have been mistreated like you. Would you like to meet them someday?”

She bit her lip as she considered the offer. “I think so.”

Hannah opened the door carrying out a plate of fresh and hot muffins. Since Gage had shifted earlier he’d burned off his breakfast and was starving. Hannah set the platter down along with some smaller plates.

“Now I expect you all to eat these up,” she said. “I have some more in the oven. We’ll have a lot of visitors so you need to keep your energy up.”

They all nodded and she smiled before she returned to the kitchen.

“God, I love coming here,” Cain said as he leaned forward and picked up one of the hot blueberry muffins. “Hannah is such an awesome cook.”

“It’s one of the things I miss,” his dad agreed.

Gage exchanged an amused look with Marissa while placing one of the muffins on a plate before passing it to her. Then he filled his own plate with two. As he bit into the moist food he moaned. The blueberry flavor burst on his tongue and was wonderful.

Cain and his father were also chowing down while Marissa remained picking at hers.

Gage nudged her arm. “You’d better at least eat one or you’ll hurt Hannah’s feelings.”

Marissa nodded then took a bite.

Gage thought that Marissa could gain a few more pounds. She was beautiful but he also wanted her healthy.

Not having someone take care of her had resulted in her being on the thin side. Even though he knew he couldn’t right all the wrongs in her life he wanted to try.

After she’d taken the first bite, eating seemed to come easier to her. She even asked for a second.

Pleased, Gage enjoyed his own snack.

Chapter Ten




Hannah had been correct when she’d said that they’d have a lot of visitors. Marissa couldn’t even count how many hands she’d shaken or hugs given to her. It had seemed like a long day with everyone wishing her the best and telling her she had their support.

Now that it was late into the night she finally had a minute to herself. Gage had taken her to bed earlier and showed her how much he loved and craved her. Marissa had always had a pretty active love life but Gage was insatiable. She’d never had a lover like him. He was rough yet gentle at the same time. She had no idea how that was possible but he managed it. She’d never felt more cared for than she had the last several days.

Which was what was keeping her from sleeping.

She’d slipped from bed and showered before dressing in soft sleep bottoms and a loose T-shirt. She was bare-footed and her hair was still wet but since it was past midnight she didn’t expect to run into anyone.

Gage had been telling her for days that this was her home now and she needed to be comfortable. So she was heading to the kitchen to see what she could snack on. Marissa wasn’t actually hungry but she needed to think, and being wrapped up in Gage’s arms was too distracting at the moment.

The more she relaxed inside the Alpha house and with Gage, the more Marissa was starting to wonder if she was losing her edge. She’d always taken care of herself and to have to rely on someone else was strange. Plus, she didn’t have just herself to worry about. Now she had a mate that she was putting in danger.

If Gage was hurt by this it would be all her fault. How could she live with herself?

Marissa pushed open the swinging kitchen door but paused on the threshold. Gage’s dad sat at the large island with a plate of cookies and a tall glass of milk.

“I’m sorry,” she said quietly. “I didn’t think anyone else was up.”

He waved her forward. “Come keep me company as I break my diet. I swear by the time I leave I’m going to have gained twenty pounds.”

She grinned as she strolled forward. Being a shifter, Gage’s dad would burn off the calories that he consumed. Marissa, on the other hand, had to watch what she ate. Not being able to shift affected every part of her life. She had no idea how she was going to make it inside the Pack.

“Sit,” Gage’s father told her. “I’ll get you a glass of milk. That’s the best way to enjoy some of Hannah’s chocolate chip cookies.”

“Oh no,” she said. “You don’t have to do that.”

He lifted a brow. The same way that his son did. “Are you going to make me eat these alone?”

He sounded amused but she still felt like it was a challenge. “Okay,” she agreed before she climbed up on the stool next to him.

“Good girl,” he praised.

Warmth spread through her at his approval. It was foreign to feel this way.

He went to the cabinet to pull down a glass and she watched him. He was probably in his sixties but he moved around like a young man. There was a small spring to his step as he moved around.

After he’d filled her glass he set it in front of her then sat back down. He pushed the plate closer to her. Marissa picked up one of the cookies and studied it, trying to think of something to say. She barely knew the man and was sleeping with his son. What should they talk about?

“You don’t have to say anything,” he told her as if reading her mind. “We can sit here and enjoy these freshly baked cookies then go up to our own rooms and not have to talk.”

That sounded good. “Or?”

“Or,” he said, “you can tell me what’s on your mind. What is keeping you awake while you should be asleep next to your mate?”

“Are you mad that he mated a non-shifter?” The question was out of her mouth before she’d realized what she was going to ask.

Gage’s father shook his head. “On the contrary, I couldn’t imagine a better mate for him.”

She snorted. “Yeah right.”

He grinned before he picked up a cookie for himself. “You don’t have to believe me but I think you will soon enough.”

When he didn’t elaborate Marissa fidgeted. She had to know what he meant. “Why?” she finally asked.

“My son has been a member of this Pack his entire life,” he said. “He’s a strong leader but he’s never come across a real challenge. Most shifters wouldn’t even consider challenging such a strong wolf shifter but times are changing.”

“What do you mean?” she questioned.

“The world that we’ve been living in,” he answered. “There’s been a lot of grumbling between the different shifter factions. They’re tired of hiding, sick of being hunted down when in their animal form. Something is going to have to change. I don’t know if it’ll be in a year, five, or twenty but eventually all Alphas are going to have to help protect shifters. Gage will need a strong partner by his side when the time comes.”

“He’ll be fine,” she said. “He has more compassion than anyone I’ve ever met.”

“I agree with you. And Gage won’t back down if it comes to protecting anyone. But at what cost? How long will he remain fair and compassionate with so much responsibility? If there is no one to take care of him then how can he stay strong?” he asked.

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