Owned Forever (3 page)

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Authors: Willa Edwards

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Owned Forever
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“Nothing, Master.” She looked away, playing that she’d given up, and every muscle in his body tensed.

She should know better than to try and fool him. He noticed the change in her demeanor. Her body shifted toward the door just before she sprinted across the room. He reached for her, and she dodged his embrace, racing through the empty space that would be their dining room. He let out a snarl and chased after her, his heart pumping hard.

One of his large strides eating up the distance of two of hers, he caught up to her quickly. He wrapped his arm around her waist just as her fingers gripped the doorknob. He nearly picked her up off her tiny feet, trying to pull her away from the room, but she held on to the doorknob with all her might, not allowing him to carry her away.

“I want to see it.” She screamed, gripping the steel knob with both hands.

“You’re not allowed.” He and Daniel had been very clear, which only seemed to encourage her more.
Women. Always want what they can’t have

“It’s my room. I want to see it.”

She squirmed against him, wiggling all her soft curves into his length that was only getting harder by the second. Grant bit back a curse. Why did she have to make everything so difficult?
Because it is more fun when I finally have her under my control.

“You’re only increasing your punishment by fighting.”

“I don’t care.”

She screamed back and he believed her. Kate liked it fast and rough. She loved baiting him, pushing him to those limits. It was one of the many reasons he loved her so damn much.

“You asked for it, pet.” With one big hand, he grabbed her wrists, pulling them from the knob with a jerk. The other arm he locked around her waist, holding her body tight to his. The position pressed his dick right into her ass, and he rubbed his hips against her. Partially to draw her attention to how hard he was, but also because it felt really good.

She continued to thrash against him, throwing her head back, kicking out her legs, pretending she wanted to get free, though Grant doubted she truly did.

Turning around, he surveyed the room. The barren furnishings gave him few choices. He couldn’t bend her over the couch like he’d been dreaming about since Kate had moved to Colorado with them. He’d never gotten the opportunity to try with his mother wandering around. And he couldn’t spread her across his lap and spank her bottom red—like they both loved—without a chair to sit on.

But there was the good old standby of the kitchen countertop. He smiled. They’d used the countertop well at his Dallas apartment, and he had no doubt they’d do the same here. He’d made a point to reinforce both ends when he’d installed it. Just to be safe.

With two big steps, he walked into the kitchen and tossed her over the end of the counter separating the kitchen from the living room. Using his weight, he pushed her up against the Formica and kept her there. She thrashed beneath his hold, still pretending she wanted to get loose.

“I want to see what’s in the bedroom.” She wiggled against him, setting his body on fire.

Grant loved nothing better than a struggling sub beneath him. Though usually he preferred less clothing between them. He’d fix that shortly.

“You know you’re not allowed in there.”

He grabbed her wrists before she had a chance to squirm away. Though he had his doubts to whether she planned to try or not.

She gasped, whether due to the suddenness of his movements or his hold, he didn’t know. Pinning her hands behind her back, he sandwiched her tightly between the counter top and his body. Her soft ass cradled his cock, and he groaned at the sensation. She moaned too. Pushing back against him, she lengthened the brush of his body against her.

God, she felt so good—soft, and sweet and perfect.

He nibbled her neck, licking down the graceful curve. She moaned beneath his lips, leaning her head back against his shoulder. She was softening to him. Good. He twisted his arm around her, gliding down her backside to the edge of her skirt, tickling the back of her knees.

“I like these frilly skirts you’ve been wearing. They make me wish it could be summer year round.” He slid his fingers along her thigh and underneath the fabric, tracing his index finger along the edge where her cheeks met her leg. “And they make it so easy to grab this tight, little ass.” He squeezed the round muscles, hard, and she trembled beneath his rough touch. Even better.

He reached down, lifting her skirt up to her waist while keeping her hands held to the small of her back. He groaned. Only a strip of thin, white lace between her thighs separated him from what he most wanted.

“When did you start wearing these panties?” He tightened his hold on her wrists with his right hand while he used his other hand to grip her ass cheek, kneading it beneath his firm fingers. A small moan leaked from her lips. Her body relaxed beneath his touch. God, he loved her like this—pliant, vulnerable, bound beneath him.

“Do you not like them, Master?” She glanced back at him, a large smile across her face. She knew exactly what these little panties did to him.

“No, not at all.” He smirked back at her.

“Then you’d better destroy them, Sir, to make sure you never have to look at them again.”

The wicked gleam in her eyes almost buckled his knees. She knew just how to play him.

“What a great idea, pet.” He reached around her hip, pulling the elastic waistband tight to one side until it broke. She released a stifled moan as the elastic snapped against her skin. The first bite of pain he’d given her in some time, but not her last. He tugged the other side, jerking it harder until it broke too, and the scraps of lace fell to the ground between them.

“There. Now those horrible little panties are ruined.” He ran his hands across her ass, exploring and kneading her flesh. She moaned, arching her hips and encouraging him to venture farther. He slipped his hand between her legs, thrusting two fingers into her pussy. She cried out at the invasion, her cunt already wet for him. She panted, her lips soft and open, parted by her deep breaths. A flush spread across her chest, spreading up her neck to fill her cheeks.

He moaned at her warm, wet cunt engulfing his fingers. She was so gorgeous when she was aroused. There was nothing he’d like more than to watch her come around his fingers.

Well, nothing except for punishing her the way she deserved. After all, it was his duty as her Dominant to correct her. The fact that they both wanted and found pleasure in her punishment was an added bonus.

He pulled his fingers out of her, and she whimpered in regret. He understood the feeling. But she more than deserved it for attempting to enter the bedroom after they’d explicitly told her the room was off limits. She deserved that—and a lot more.

“This is not supposed to be enjoyable, pet.” He spanked her, connecting the flat of his hand with her round cheek. She jumped beneath him, leaning forward across the countertop. “This is a punishment.”

He rained slaps against her backside, reddening her butt and upper thighs. His hand burned from the contact, but her moans and the way her body thrust back into each spank continued his motivation. But he made a point to hold himself back. He hadn’t seen her dress—the same as the groom. She’d said it was bad luck for him to see the gown before the wedding. He had no idea how it would form to her body or how much of her skin could be seen. He’d hate for the whole audience to see her flaming skin through the white fabric of her wedding dress.

Not to mention he and Daniel had big plans for their wedding night, and he didn’t want Kate’s soreness to force them to change any of it. His dick jerked at the thought of their plot. He wouldn’t hold himself back then, and he didn’t want a reason to have to.

“You’re a rotten bastard,” Kate screamed.

He couldn’t be sure if her insult was due to the beating he’d given her, or that it wasn’t enough. But either way, he liked it.

“You won’t be saying that when you come.” And they’d both be coming. Sooner than either of them wanted if he didn’t get himself under better control.

She thrashed against him, but she didn’t deny him. Not that she had much reason to. They both knew it was the truth.

He pulled his hand back and continued smacking her, varying the intensity but never going too hard. She moaned, crying out against him. His dick joined her in the complaint.

Somewhere in the background, the doorknob jiggled, and the hinges squeaked as someone entered their little home, but he was too far gone to care. Right now, if his mother wanted to see them—if the whole town wanted to watch him spank Kate to screaming then fuck her—that was fine by him.

“Hey, guys,” Danny yelled across the space, and some of the tension in Grant’s chest eased. At least he wouldn’t have to choose between releasing Kate or shooing away a random ranch hand about to get an eye full.

“Hey, Grant, Hector’s asking when the new foal is going to auction…” Danny’s voice drifted off.

Grant looked up. His brother stared at them wide-eyed, his mouth slightly agape. Someone might almost believe he’d never seen Kate this way before, but Grant knew better. He’d seen Kate spanked, whipped and fucked to screaming so many times Grant couldn’t count them anymore. In the next fifty years, he’d see it a lot more.

Grant smiled, surveying the scene Kate and he made. Her skirt pulled up around her waist, her round, firm ass pink from his swats. Her chest rose and fell with her deep breaths, her lips swollen and open.

“Having some fun without me?” Danny’s voice echoed a rustiness Grant felt to the tips of his toes. Arousal dripped from every word. Who wouldn’t be aroused with a half-naked Kate at his mercy?

“This isn’t fun. This is punishment. She tried to go into the bedroom…again.”

Danny nodded, shutting the door behind him. He walked into the kitchen and fell quickly in line with Grant’s discipline. “You know you’re not allowed in the bedroom, sweetheart.”

Grant brushed the hair back from her face, looking down at her spread across the countertop. “Oh, she knows. That’s exactly why she was trying to break in there. She wanted a little punishment.”

“Is that true, baby?” Danny’s fingers tickled down her neck, and she turned toward him.

A small smile curled up her lips. The wicked gleam Grant loved flashed in her eyes. “Of course not. I’d never want a punishment.”

Danny glared down at her and Grant could see the skepticism in his gaze. Good boy. He was learning. He tangled his fingers in her hair, tugging her head back an inch. Kate let out a little moan at the hold, her body trembling between them. Danny smiled down at her. What man didn’t love the sight of his woman spread out before him, partially naked and aroused?

“Need any help?” Danny gazed up at Grant, his eyes gleaming with the idea. It had only been a few short months since Grant and Kate had first interested Danny in the BDSM scene, but he’d taken to it well. It was still a work in progress, but one none of them had a problem working on.

“Yeah, hold her hands down. I could use another palm for this ass.”

Kate trembled beneath his suggestion. They all knew what was coming, and they were more than ready for it. After several long weeks of wedding planning, they all needed a little stress relief.

Danny came around to stand on the other side of the countertop. One at a time, Grant passed Danny her hands, not letting her loose for a second. Not that she wanted to be. He knew a happily bound submissive when he saw one. Danny tightened his hand around both wrists, spreading her body across the countertop and leaving his other hand available to explore her body.

While Grant liked having his hands free, the position Danny’s hold put Kate in was nowhere near as enjoyable. Her back flattened, no longer pressing back into his cock or thrusting her breasts out and available for his touch, though it was probably better for her spine.

Regardless of the position they bound her in, her backside always looked perfect for punishment, ripe and round and ready for more.

He spanked her again, and she cried out. He took his time to decorate her body with his slaps, loving how her skin flushed a rosy color beneath where he tapped her. How her hips thrust back, pushing into his hits, rising to his challenge without a word of command.

This was what a true Dom and sub relationship should be like. The understanding, the intuition, the trust they offered each other without a word. It was truly beautiful, unlike anything he’d ever known before Kate.

With each spank, she lengthened the stride of her backward motion, brushing all that sweetness between her legs against his groin. He groaned. That warm, wet paradise just inches from his throbbing cock. His body shook with the effort to hold back. But he didn’t know how much longer he could last. His control cracked under his tight grasp.

Pleasure zipped through him as she rubbed against him again. A desperate cry escaped her lips. The needy noise tugged at him, piercing through his own craving. She continued to rub against him. Her pussy pulsed against his thigh. She wasn’t pushing back into his touch anymore. He hadn’t swatted her in thirty seconds, but she still squirmed against him.

It took him a moment to realize what she was doing, his brain foggy from the thrust of her hips against his groin. She was trying to get herself off. The little cheat. The rules were simple but unmovable. She wasn’t allowed to come without his express permission. And that’s exactly what she was trying to do.

Well, naughty subs deserved a little extra torment.

He wrapped his hands around her red cheeks, and she released a little sigh at the touch. The glint of wetness between her legs intensified. Her skin was hot against his hand, almost burning through his palms, and his chest filled with pride. He’d done that to her. And he planned to do a lot more. After they got a few rules straight.

He stepped farther between her legs, spreading them a little wider to accommodate his hips and her breathing picked up speed. His cock stiffened even more at the sound. She thought she’d be getting off soon. She should know better. But he understood how a good spanking could rattle anyone’s brain.

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