Owned Forever

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Authors: Willa Edwards

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Owned Forever
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Table of Contents

Legal Page

Title Page

Book Description


Trademarks Acknowledgement

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

New Excerpt

About the Author

Publisher Page




Owned Forever


©Copyright Willa Edwards 2015

Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright June 2015

Edited by Jennifer Douglas

Totally Bound Publishing


This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Totally Bound Publishing.


Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Totally Bound Publishing. Unauthorized or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.


The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.


Published in 2015 by Totally Bound Publishing,
Newland House, The Point, Weaver Road, Lincoln, LN6 3QN


Totally Bound Publishing is a subsidiary of Totally Entwined Group Limited.





This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has a
heat rating
Totally Burning
and a













Willa Edwards




Two sets of in-laws, a Dom with the need to assert his power, a fiancée with an inferiority complex and a country chic wedding to throw. What could go wrong?

For the last six months, Kate, Daniel and Grant have been living blissfully in Colorado. But that’s all about to come to an end. They’re opening up the ranch and their relationship to outsiders—Kate’s parents. While her future mother-in-law has adapted well to their unconventional relationship, Kate knows her parents won’t feel the same. At her insistence, the whole Farrell crew agrees to keep the true nature of their relationship a secret—at least from her parents—for the whole wedding weekend.

Stretched thin, Kate tries to be everything for everyone. The enthusiastic bride, the good daughter, the diligent sub that’s always under the control of her Master and the affectionate fiancé that wants nothing more than to be married. But with everyone’s needs weighing her down, eventually Kate snaps under the pressure.

In one quick moment of need, their secret is out of bag, and it’s not just her parents that feel betrayed. Can Kate convince all the people she loves to accept and participate in this untraditional wedding party, or will her needs doom her relationships for good?

Who knew Happily Ever After would be this hard!






To all those that read and loved Grant and Daniel as much as I did. This book is for all of you.



Trademarks Acknowledgement



The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:


Formica: The Diller Corporation

F150: Ford Motor Company

Four Seasons: Four Seasons Hotels Limited

Ronald McDonald: McDonald’s Corporation

WD-40: WD-40 Company

Late Show: CBS Interactive

Girl Scouts: Girl Scouts of the United States of America

Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi Alliance


Chapter One




“When are your parents arriving?” Gale spread a sheet across the prickly surface of the bales of hay set up across the open yard in a circle for seating. The better for their guest’s comfort.

Kate surveyed the field before her. It still amazed to her how much the place had changed since she’d first arrived. This field that had been covered with three feet of snow back at Christmas time, was now filled with swaying grasses and bright Columbines. It really was beautiful here. This would be the perfect place for a wedding.

It may have taken a few months and the melting of three tons of snow, but Kate now understood why people loved living in this area—why her two men loved it here so much and felt so connected to this land. And amazingly, she felt the same. She couldn’t imagine ever moving back to Dallas. No matter what her parents said.

“They’ll be here tomorrow at ten. They’re on the last possible plane coming into Grand Junction from Dallas before the ceremony.” Kate tried to keep the resentment from her voice, but she didn’t succeed. She loved her future mother-in-law. Gale was fantastic. Kate still had trouble believing she’d accepted her relationship with both her sons so easily. Not to mention all she’d done to help with Kate’s wedding to her younger son, Daniel.

She still wished she was picking floral arrangements, assembling favors and decorating pews with her own mother.

“I got them a room at the Country Side Inn.” It was the best hotel for miles. Though Kate doubted it was up to her mother’s standards.

“They’ll like it there.”

“I hope so.” That’s the only way Kate wouldn’t hear about how awful the hotel was for the next ten years, like her parent’s trip to Maui seven years ago, that they always brought up at Thanksgiving.

“Are you planning on telling them everything?” Gale looked up at Kate from where she arranged ribbons around the edge of the bales, creating an aisle down the center toward the arch Grant had built.

“You mean about the fact that I’m really in a relationship with two men? That I’m marrying one and sleeping with both of them?” Kate looked over at the woman who was to be her official mother-in-law in only two days. “Are you asking if I plan to tell them that?”

Gale cast Kate a sour look. She had made her opinion obvious many times before, but she didn’t know Kate’s parents. Kate’s mother was ready to have her checked into a psych ward for giving up a good job in the city—though her teaching positon hadn’t become a good job to her mother until the other option was no job at all—and moving out to the country for some hick. Kate could contemplate what her parents would say if they knew she hadn’t come out here for one country hick, but for two.

“Not everyone is as understanding as you are, Gale.” Kate still couldn’t believe how lucky they’d been with Gale—how understanding she was, how accepting. From the moment she’d discovered their three-way relationship, Gale hadn’t ever made her feel insane or immoral for the loving both of her sons. It’s more than Kate would have ever expected. “My parents aren’t as open-minded as you are.”

“I’m not that understanding, dear. I just want my boys to be happy. I see how happy you make them.” Gale looked up, her warm honey-brown eyes twinkling, and Kate smiled.

How every member of this family managed to make her feel welcome and included always surprised her.

“I’m sure your parents want the same thing for you. Once they see how happy those boys make you, they’ll accept the three of you together too.”

Kate shook her head. A part of her believed Gale was right. That her parents really did want her to be happy. But they’d never conveyed it well in the past. And her wedding didn’t seem the right time to put them to the test.

She still remembered the way her mother used to talk about her teaching position to her high-society friends, the note of distain in her mother’s tone. Teaching kindergartners was not the prestigious career Margo Baker wanted for her daughter. And she had no doubt Daniel wasn’t the high-society husband she’d envisioned for Kate either.

Kate didn’t care what her mother thought. She’d made her decision. She had no desire to go back—to Dallas, to the quiet desperation or to the need for more that had almost eaten her alive. But she couldn’t stand the idea that her parents would berate Daniel with their undercutting words and quiet insults. Not to mention how they’d act if they found out it wasn’t just Daniel she stayed in Colorado for, but Grant as well.

“You’d be surprised, honey, what lengths a parent will go to for their child. They might not always show it in the way you wish, but I’m sure they’re doing what they think is best for you.”

Kate nodded. They probably were. They just didn’t have any idea what was best for her. They always thought what was best for them was best for her. For twenty-eight years, she’d tried and failed to live that way too. She didn’t regret making this change for herself, even if her parent’s never approved.

“One day, you’ll see for yourself.”

Kate rolled her eyes. Gale had been tossing off a lot of comments like that lately. But it would be a while before Kate had any serious experience with parenthood, no matter what Gale might desire.

“I’ll think it over. I promise.”

Gale smiled over at her, spreading out pillows every few feet across the hay bales. “That’s all I can ask.”

Kate glanced over at her. After everything Gale had done for them, all the support she’d offered them over the last few months, she was allowed a little nudging. Especially since Kate had no doubts Gale had all their best interest at heart.

She wished she could have that type of relationship with her family. The type of relationship Grant and Daniel had with Gale. But that had never been the way her family interacted, and she doubted it would change any time soon. Since she’d moved to the ranch, her parents had only become more distant and closed off.

Thank God she had this little Colorado family. It was worth the distance from her always-reserved parents to find a place where she belonged—and two men that offered her everything she needed.

Kate looked up from where she arranged lanterns along the aisle. From the other side of the field, Grant walked toward them. His long blond hair was pulled back in a ponytail at the nape of his neck. The fabric of his usual worn jeans and T-shirt molded to his body perfectly and had her heart galloping. A large belt buckle, one of those big ones he’d won at junior rodeo, drew her attention downward, and her body heated.

She still couldn’t believe she was lucky enough to have him and his brother in her life. Every day was a dream come true, and she never wanted to wake up.

“How are my two favorite ladies doing?” Grant walked up to his mother, placing a quick kiss on her cheek.

She giggled at his attention. “We’re good.” Gale answered for both of them, as Grant stepped to Kate, placing a quick kiss on her lips. It was sweet and way too short. But it was enough for now, with his mother standing right next to them.

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