Overwhelm Me (9 page)

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Authors: A. C. Marchman

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Overwhelm Me
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“Then I guess I better get dressed and head out the door. I don’t think your dad will mind if I come in a bit early. I can use the extra money.” I take a bite of my bagel and realize how famished I really am. I start to peel my banana as I stand to go get ready for work.

“Oh, by the way, can I do your makeup for your date tonight?” Livey asks. “I’m going to make you look so hot that Donovan won’t be able to keep his hands off of you.”

I don’t think that will be a problem, makeup or not, but I humor her. “Of course you can! I’ll let you gussy me up.” I walk down the hall to my bedroom.

I open up my closet to get dressed. I choose my Peachtree Golf Course baby blue polo shirt.

The color makes me think of Donovan’s eyes, and I grin. I slip on my khaki pant and brush my hair into a ponytail. Since I don’t have to leave just yet I try to decide what to wear tonight. I choose three outfits, depending on where Donovan wants to go. One is a flowered sundress that is a bit on the conservative side. The next outfit is a pair of black fitted slacks and a pink wrap-around top. The last one is a simple low cut black dress that falls to my knees and fits every curve I have. I think I might just choose that one anyway because I know Donovan will like it. I smile to myself as I shut my bedroom door and head out to go to work.

I ride down the road, listening to my favorite song, the one that was playing when I saw Donovan for the first time. “We’re always better when we’re together…” I sing along with Jack Johnson. I liked this song before, but now it has more meaning for me. Everything is already better with Donovan. I’m still humming the tune as I reach the golf club.

I head to the front desk to clock in when I see Mr. Trent. “Hi, Mr. Trent! How are you today?”

The old man smiles at me and walks up to give me a hug. “Hello, Allison. I’m doing great! How about you? Are you excited about graduating this weekend?”

Wow, did I really forget about graduating? Donovan affects me so much that it completely slipped my mind that I will be receiving my Bachelors of Science this weekend. “More than ready, Mr. Trent. I am really looking forward to it.” I manage a huge grin, and Mr. Trent returns it.

“I have a graduation present for you, but you won’t find out what it is until Friday,” Mr. Trent says, his lips curled up into a smirk. A graduation present? For me?

“Oh, Mr. Trent, you didn’t have to get me anything. I appreciate it, however,” I blush.

“Nonsense, I won’t take no for an answer, so you have to accept it,” laughs Mr. Trent. “I must go now, I have a business meeting at 10:30. See you later, Allison.”

I sit there, thinking what in the world would Mr. Trent get me for graduation? He’s already given me plenty by keeping up the rent for our place, and he always buys me gifts at Christmas time.

I know I’m like his second daughter, but I was brought up to be polite and grateful for everything I get. I always send a thank you card or at least call. I scratch my head as I get to work. Maybe it’s a new outfit? Maybe it’s a vacation from the club? I have no idea, but I’m excited to find out! I only have to wait two more days, so I try not to think about it again.

A few hours in, my cell phone buzzes in my pocket. I pull it out and see it’s a text. Oh, I hope it’s Donovan. It’s Livey. I frown, I was hoping Donovan would have gotten in touch with me by now.

It’s going on 2:00. Livey text says:

*hey want me to bring you some lunch?*

I write:

*sure, one of ur famous sandwiches would be good*

Livey says:

*LOL sure thing. Want to talk when I get there*

I tell her:

*K see you then. Thank you!*

I wonder what Livey wants to talk about. She didn’t say anything when I left. I always get a bad feeling when someone says, “we need to talk.” It never seems to end well. It’s probably nothing, so I start sorting out the clubs, waiting for more members to rent them.

At 2:30, my phone buzzes again. I figure it’s Livey letting me know she’s on her way. I glance at my phone. Thank goodness, it’s Donovan! I’ve been waiting all day to hear from him. My spirits lift immediately, and I read the text.

*Hey baby doll, sorry it took me so long to get in touch. It’s been crazy around here today. *

I write back:

*It’s ok. I’ve been busy myself. Lot’s of tee times today. Did you decide on where to go tonight?*

Donovan replies:

*The Sun Dial, if that’s ok*

I gasp. The Sun Dial? That outrageously expensive restaurant with the beautiful view of Atlanta? I think my heart stops, and I might faint. I own absolutely nothing to wear to a place like that. My panic heightens as I realize I won’t have the time to shop before I meet him. I finally write back:

*That sounds really nice, but I don’t have anything to wear. Literally*

Donovan decides to just call instead of the back and forth texting. I hold my breath as I answer the phone. “Hello?” I almost whisper.

“Allie, don’t worry about having something to wear, ok?” Donovan says.

My face turns beet red. “ Seriously, I don’t have anything nice enough to wear to a place like that.”

“Baby, I said don’t worry about it, ok?” Donovan’s voice is so smooth like velvet, I could just melt. How in the world am I ever supposed to say no to him when he can make me weak in the knees every time he speaks?

I grin from ear to ear. “Ok, whatever you say.”

I feel his smile through the phone. “Now you’re catching on. I am actually going to leave a bit early. Any way you could do the same? I can meet you at your place, if you like.”

“I’ll ask my manager if I can leave a bit early. I never do, so I don’t think it will be a problem.” I cross my fingers in hopes that the new boss, Ryan, is in a good mood. He really has been busy since one of the caddies called in sick today.

“Great, baby doll. I’ll meet you at your house at 6:00 sharp. Can’t wait to see you again.”

“See you later,” I practically squeal into the phone. I take off to the greens to see if I can find Ryan. I see him on Hole One with a member’s bag over his shoulders. Honestly, I couldn’t miss him. He stands at over six feet tall with shoulder length red hair pulled into a ponytail and big green eyes. He has on his red polo manager shirt with khaki pants, and he’s wearing horrible golf shoes. He doesn’t look happy, but I stroll right up to him. “Ryan, I have a huge favor to ask you.”

Ryan looks up from the golfer and gazes at me impassively. “Yes, Allison?” Uh oh, that doesn’t sound good. He doesn’t look like he’s in a mood to be messed with. Ryan likes me more than I would care for him to, but right now I will use it to my advantage.

I give him my best puppy dog look and bat my eyelashes. I see him give me a sideways grin. “I really hate to ask, but I have to leave two hours early. I have something important that I have to do, and there is no way I can get around it.” It’s not exactly a lie.

“What? What’s so important that you have to leave early? We are busy, Allison,” Ryan stares at me, seriously checking me out. I shiver on the inside; it really creeps me out. Ryan is not a bad looking guy, but definitely not my type. My type is Donovan, extremely sweet, oozing with sexiness, and exceptional intelligence.

“Well, it’s a personal matter, Ryan, and I have to take care of it. Besides, I came in early.” That part is true. The only thing that can take care of the fire in my belly that has been a constant since last night is Donovan.

“Allison, you owe me, big time. You know that right?” Ryan eyes me through his lashes. I see him look me up and down, and it makes me very self conscious. I don’t owe him anything that he has in mind, but maybe I’ll buy him a soda one day.

“Thank you, Ryan! I really mean it!” I almost jump with giddiness as I run back to the shop. As I get there, I see Livey waiting for me. She turns her head to me and smiles.

“Looks like you’re in a good mood, baby girl,” she wraps her arms around me. Livey hugs are always nice.

I grin stupidly at my best friend. “Livey, I’m beyond excited. Ryan is letting me leave early so I can go on a date with Donovan tonight. He’s taking me to the Sun Dial.”

Livey’s mouth hangs open. “Are you kidding me? The Sun Dial! A meal there would take my whole paycheck!” She closes her mouth and then gives me her brightest beam. “I can’t believe you are going there! Let me do your makeup! Please?” she pleads with me.

“Of course, Livey. Come on, we’ll go talk in the break room while I eat this fab sandwich you brought me.” I take my lunch, and we walk together to the back. As we sit at the round table, I turn the television off so we can have some girl talk. “So, what did you want to talk about?”

Livey looks at me and frowns. “I saw that guy from the bar last night. I was at the mall, and he was working at that Chinese restaurant. I didn’t know it was him until I saw the bruise Donovan left on his face. His name tag said Jeremy. He looked really angry, and I heard him say that he was jumped at the bar and was going to press charges.”

I stare at her wide-eyed and shocked. Jumped? Press charges? Shouldn’t I be the one that is pressing charges against him? He is the one who attacked me; Donovan was only protecting me. “I don’t see how he could possibly try to press charges on Donovan. He was only coming to my rescue when that jerk put his hands on me.”

“I know, girl, I just wanted to tell you. He looked really pissed off, and he seems like the type to get revenge. Just be careful. I don’t want anything to happen to you or to Donovan.”

My palms sweat, and I feel like my heart is going to explode. “Livey, thank you for telling me.

I don’t really think anything will come of it. I mean, it was only last night, and maybe he was saying that because he had to explain away his busted up nose to his buddies.” I sincerely hope I’m right. My stomach drops just thinking about that maniac and what he is capable of. I certainly don’t want anything to happen to Donovan. I feel nauseous at the thought of any harm coming to him.

“So, anyways, let’s talk about you and your date tonight!” Livey squeals. Good, I’m glad to get my mind off the linebacker. So for a full thirty minutes, Livey and I discuss Donovan’s plans for the evening, and I’m grateful for it. My heart leaps in excitement for this man, who makes my heart soar, and for the night he has in mind for us.

I rush back to my apartment after work. My mind is racing. Donovan went out to buy me a dress, and he’s going to take me to one of the best restaurants Atlanta has to offer. I worry that I won’t fit in there, but I know Donovan will feel right at home. He grew up with money and knows about the finer things in life. I, however, don’t have a clue. I suppose I could fake it, but that’s not my style. I figure if people don’t like me for who I am, then they are not worth my time. I put my car in park and look at the clock. 5:37. I lock my car and head into the apartment. Livey is in the living room, waiting on me to get home.

“Go take a shower! I can’t wait to do your makeup for this evening. You are going to look so freaking hot!” Livey jumps off the couch and ushers me into the bathroom.

“Hello, Livey. Nice to see you too,” I laugh as she shuts the door.

“Hurry up! Donovan will be here soon!” she hollers from behind the door. I smile and chuckle to myself. Livey gets so wound up; it’s hysterical. What would I do without her?

I turn the water on in the shower and slip off my clothes. I glance at the mirror. I am still trying to see what Donovan sees in me. I shrug and sigh. I don’t see it, but as long as he does, that’s what counts. I step into the shower and rinse myself off. As I start to shampoo my hair, I hear the doorbell ring. It’s him! Donovan is here! I start scrubbing fast and furiously so I can get out to see him. I finally finish, turn the water off, and grab a towel. Livey knocks on the door. “Donovan is here! So hurry your ass up!”

I open the door, and Livey is standing there with her arms across her chest. “Geez, did you take long enough? And I’m glad you wax because we don’t have all night for you to shave your legs!

Your bedroom, now!”

I laugh and say, “Yes, Mom!” Livey sticks out her tongue at me and points to my room. I yell down the hall, “Hi, Donovan! I’ll only be a minute!”

“Of course, take all the time you need.” Even though I can’t see him, his voice is enough to make me hot and bothered. It’s amazing what this man can do to me, and it’s a bit terrifying as well. No one has ever had this much of an effect on me so fast, not even Matt, the one and only other guy I have ever had sex with. I refuse to let the ugly thought of Matt put a damper on my evening with this amazingly delicious man. I walk into my room with Livey on my heels. My eyes fly open, surprised by my gift from Donovan. Laying on my light blue comforter is the most beautiful dress I have ever seen. It’s a deep purple halter dress that seems like it’s made of silk.

The neckline dips low, and it looks as though it will fit my curves. I pick up the dress and hold against my form. The color is perfect, and it feels wonderful. I turn to Livey, and she’s grinning like an idiot at me. “Donovan bought it for you. He has great taste, Allie. That’s a Sue Wong dress!”

Oh my goodness, Sue Wong? Is he kidding me? This dress had to have cost a fortune! The price tag is not on it, thank God. I might have fainted if I saw it. I can’t believe he bought me this.

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