Overwhelm Me (17 page)

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Authors: A. C. Marchman

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Overwhelm Me
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“Yes, I like it a lot.” He opens the door and winks at me as he runs the fingers he just used to make me cum across his lips. My insides tighten, still hungry for more Donovan. He shuts the door behind him.

What in the world just happened? I just spiraled out of control in a dressing room, and it was so amazingly hot. What is this man doing to me? I have no idea yet, but it’s going to be one hell of a ride. I shake my head and try to regain my composure. I put my clothes back on and take the red dress with me. Regardless if I like it or not, I am buying it because the sight of it now turns me on. I push the door open and find Donovan still standing there, leaning against the wall with his ankles crossed. He runs his hand through his hair to move it to the side. His blue eyes playfully flash at me. I am always stunned by his beauty.

“Are you ready, baby, or do you want to try on anything else?” His lips curve into a wicked smile, and it takes my breath away.

“No, I’m good for now. Let’s get this and go.” I want to get him home and rip his clothes off.

Even though Donovan got me off, I am still frustrated. I want him inside me again. Donovan takes my hand, and we walk to the counter. ‘Thank goodness there is no one in the store right now,’ I think as I look around. The sole person in here is at the register. The cashier flashes us a smile and takes the dress from Donovan. He has light brown skin with short black dreads, and he is eyeing me through his dark lashes. I feel the familiar burn in my cheeks and keep my eyes on Donovan. He hands the cashier his credit card. I feel so embarrassed, surely the guy saw Donovan step out of my dressing room. Donovan puts his arm around my waist as the guy swipes the card. Donovan signs the slip, hands it back, and gives the guy a hateful look. As we walk about of the store, I ask, “Maybe I missed something, but why did you give the cashier a dirty look?”

“Because he was mind fucking you.” Donovan’s lips curl into a sneer. Wow, jealous Donovan.

What a sexy sight to see him all worked up over a guy checking me out.

“I’m sure he was just trying to figure out what we did in the dressing room,” I whisper, not wanting anyone to hear me.

“No, he wasn’t even up front when I came in or when I left the dressing room. He had no way of knowing. I’m a guy, and I know how guys think when they see a girl like you.”

“A girl like me?” I repeat his words in the form of a question.

“Yes, a girl like you. You are drop dead gorgeous. You can’t see that?” Donovan rests his hand on the small of my back, guiding us back toward Bloomingdale’s. “I can’t keep my eyes off of you, or my hands for that matter. And I really don’t want to.” Donovan half closes his eyes and looks at me. That look alone makes the aching in my loins worse. I see him smirk. He knows damn well what he does to me. “How about we grab lunch and head back to my place?”

“I’m not hungry.” Not for food, anyways.

Donovan eyes me through his long, dark lashes. “Baby, we gotta eat. We’re going to work it all off later.”

That promise makes me quickly change my mind. “Okay, what did you have in mind?”

“How about Chinese? There’s one here in the mall.”

Oh no! I forgot to tell Donovan about that linebacker, Jeremy, and what he said in front of Livey.

“Uh, no. Let’s leave and pick up something on the way. We can eat back at your house. I just have to be back at my place at around 5:30 or so.”

Donovan pouts, sticking out his bottom lip. “Why?” Wow, that’s so incredibly cute. I bet he got away with everything when he was a kid.

I smile and use my index finger to poke his lip back in. “Because Livey’s dad wants to do dinner tonight. Do you want to come?” I know I shouldn’t just invite Donovan without asking Livey first, but the thought of being away from him actually hurts.

“Well, I actually do have a stupid resident meeting at the clinic at 6:30. I’m actually supposed to be speaking for all the residents there. There is a lot that needs to be addressed.”

I feel a pang of disappointment, but I don’t want him to think I’m too clingy. I’m hoping to see him later tonight. “Okay, well, let’s go eat.” I smile shyly. As we get ready to walk back into Bloomingdale’s, I see the angry linebacker Jeremy walking toward us. My heart drops to my stomach. I can’t let him see me or Donovan, so my first instinct is to stop and stand in front of him. I grab his face with both hands and smash my lips to his. I feel him gasp, then moan as he wraps his arms around my waist. I open one eye toward that crazy son of a bitch to see if he notices us. He doesn’t seem to be paying any attention, just looking straight ahead. I continue to kiss Donovan, refusing to let him come up for air until I know that Jeremy is gone. I finally see him round the corner, and I pull apart from Donovan. People are watching and saying to get a room. I start to feel the heat in my cheeks.

“Whoa, where did that come from?” Donovan leans his forehead against mine and pants. He’s pressed so closely to me that I feel his erection through his slacks. I really don’t want to go get lunch at this point. I just want to get him home and watch him come undone because of me.

“Just like you said, can’t keep my hands, or mouth, off of you.” I kiss him softly. “But I saw that guy that you punched in the bar the other night. I didn’t want him to see us. Livey heard him say he was going to sue you.“

“I’m not worried about that pussy. Let him try,“ he hisses.

“Well, let’s go. I’m trying to get in your pants already!“ I curl my lips up at him. With that being said, Donovan grabs my hand and practically drags me through the store. As we make our way to the exit, I see Jennifer again, staring me down like she wants to rip my throat out. I smile sweetly at her and wave bye, just to be a spiteful bitch. I giggle as her face turns red with anger.

Donovan opens the door for me. As I walk by him, he swats my backside. Oh, I hope Jennifer saw that one.

“Oh, God!” I scream as Donovan gives me yet another amazing, body shaking orgasm.

“That’s right, baby. Let me hear you.” He holds my hands above my head as he thrusts into me deep and hard. I squeeze my legs together, trying to absorb the onslaught of pleasure. I tighten around his shaft as my toes curl. “Take all of me, every inch,” he hisses as I feel him ram into me.

“Fuck me!”

“Keep talking, baby.” Beads of sweat form on his brow and drip down on me. His hair hangs in my face, and it tickles. I repeat my request, and it’s the cause of his undoing. He cums as he screams my name. He collapses on top of me, our breathing matching each others. I feel his heart almost beat out of his chest. “How am I ever going to keep up with you?” he breathes into my neck.

“I’m sure you will find a way.” I wipe his face with my hand.

Donovan looks up at me and kisses the corner of my mouth. “You’re crazy about me, huh?”


“Ah, so coy, Miss Marshall. I know you are at least crazy about one thing.” Donovan plants a chaste kiss on my lips as he pushes up and rolls over. He sits at the edge of the bed, and I gaze at his muscular back.

“You just want me for my body.” I say jokingly.

I see his muscles tense. “Please don’t say that again.“ His voice is low and quiet. It makes my hair stand on end. He quickly stands. He unrolls the condom and walks to the bathroom. I’m shocked. I’ve never heard him take that tone with me before. I get out of bed and put on my underwear and new dress, wanting to cover myself now that I’m self conscious. I hear the flush of the toilet and the sink cuts on. I sit back on Donovan’s huge bed where we just had mind blowing sex. I curl my knees to my chest, trying to figure out what I did wrong.

Donovan returns to the bedroom. He’s still naked. He passes me to get to his dresser. He pulls out a pair of black boxer briefs and a white t-shirt. He doesn’t even look my way as he walks into his huge closet. I follow him in and see many suits, linen shirts, and name brand clothes. I’m in awe of his wardrobe. I didn’t know guys had so many clothes, or maybe it’s just Donovan who does. I glance over to him, and he is putting on a pair of black slacks. His eyes lock on to mine, and they are iced over. It sends chills through me. Did I really make him that upset?

“Donovan, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you.” My voice cracks as I come close to tears again. I cast my eyes downward, feeling like a child who’s in trouble. It’s crazy, those blue eyes can make me so hot and bothered, then break my heart within an hour.

Donovan zips up his pants and turns to face me. I look up, and I see his face has softened from just a few seconds ago. He certainly is mercurial. He slips his thumbs through his belt loops and stands there, looking at me. His baby blue eyes seem to see right through me, and I squirm underneath his gaze. He saunters over to me with a smooth grace like he’s walking on air. Donovan cups my chin in his hand and says, “I’m sorry. It’s just that…I said the exact same thing to Claire one time, and she slapped the shit out of me. She told me that it was rude of me to say, and if I did it again, she would tell her husband about us. Please don’t take it personally.” Donovan runs his thumb across my cheek.

“Okay. I understand.” What did that stupid bitch do to him?

“Baby, I know you do.“ My heart hurts for him. Donovan holds me in his arms and runs his fingers through my hair. I close my eyes, feeling relaxed just by his presence. It’s so strange how Donovan can make me feel protected, seduced, and completely overwhelmed in one embrace. He breaks our hug so he can finish getting dressed. “My meeting should only be about an hour. Do you think I could see you after you have dinner with Livey and her dad?”

I grin and nod my head. At least I have something to look forward to afterwards. Sitting through dinner is going to be a hard task. Then I think of Livey. I really am looking forward to being with my best friend; I feel like I haven’t seen her much since Donovan came into my life.

He slips on a light grey button up shirt and pulls out a black tie. Damn, he looks good enough to eat right now. There is something about a man in a suit that sets my blood on fire, especially when that man is Donovan. I watch him slip on a black blazer. Wow. It’s almost as much fun watching him get dressed as it is to watch him getting undressed. Almost. He slips on black socks and his smart black shoes. My pulse starts racing, thinking about how much pleasure it would give me if I was taking that suit off of him. Donovan must know I’m having impure thoughts because he smirks and says, “Be patient, baby, all good things come to those who wait.”

“I don’t like waiting,” I pout, sticking my bottom lip out like I used to when I wanted my way as a child. It usually worked.

“Allie, do you know how cute you are when you pout at me? With a look like that, I’d let you have whatever you wanted.” Donovan runs his thumb across my lower lip.

“Then forget the meeting and go to dinner with me.” I flash my green eyes at him, giving the best damn puppy eyes I can muster.

“You know I would, but I have to go to this meeting.”

“Yeah, I know. It was worth a shot though.”

“We better get you home. It’s almost 5:00. I hope traffic isn’t bad.” He grabs my hand, and we walk to the foyer.

I grab my purse and shoes while Donovan grabs his keys and wallet off the small black table under his mother’s picture. I walk out barefoot because as sexy as those heels are, they kill my feet. I soon regret that decision because the Georgia sun is still blazing, and the pavement seems to scorch my toes. I hop from foot to foot, trying to balance myself so I don’t fall.

Donovan laughs, then in a swift movement, he scoops me into his arms like a groom would carry a bride. I squeal, taken completely by surprise. I giggle and wrap my arms around his neck. I swoon over how chivalrous this knight in shining armor is. Donovan never ceases to amaze me with his thoughtfulness. He walks me over to the BMW and hits the unlock button on the keyless remote. He sets me down gently while he opens my door. I climb in and rub my still burning feet. He hops in the driver’s side, starts the engine, and pulls away from the house.

“That was quite a noble act, saving a damsel in distress.” I put the back of my hand on my forehead and tilt my head back.

Donovan throws his head back and bursts into laughter. “You’re a hot mess.”

“At least you think I’m hot.” I stick my tongue out at him. I enjoy his playful moods. He is young and carefree. I forget he is a few years older than me. Then I realize that I don’t know his birthday. “Uh, random question, when is your birthday?”

“Why? You going to get me something?” Donovan says with a small curve of his lips.


“There you go being coy again, Miss Marshall. I may have to straighten out your attitude.”

Donovan’s eyes darken as he slides his hand up my thigh. Oh, shit. Why does everything he says have such a profound effect on me? I don’t understand why his words have a direct connection to my hormones and make me act like a horny teenager. I cross my legs in response. Donovan’s smile gets wider because he knows what he does to me. He continues to run his hand on my thigh, outside to inside and back again. His touch on my bare skin is driving me insane, and I can’t do anything about it. I glare at him, annoyed that he has a meeting, and I have dinner plans. Since that means no physical contact for several hours, I may have withdrawls. How am I going to survive that? “By the way, it’s July 22.” He smirks at me while I make a mental note of that day.

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