Read OVERTIME Online

Authors: T.S. MCKINNEY

OVERTIME (24 page)

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“Fuck my hand, babe. Thrust those pretty hips up and fuck my hand. Let me watch you give yourself pleasure,” Colton ordered. “Your ass is so damned frisky, dancing all around while I play with you. I could watch you all day.”

Jagger’s hip arched obediently, causing his cock to slide against Colton’s fist. Up and down. Up and down. The friction was unbearable. The friction was magnificent. The burn in Colton’s eyes was intoxicating. He needed more. His heels dug in deeper as his hips thrust faster.

“That’s it. Show me what you like. You are fucking beautiful.” Colton admired.

Jagger felt sweat dampen his entire body, knew he was biting his bottom lip hard enough to bring blood but those damn whimpers were filling the room no matter how hard he tried to hold them back. At one point, he felt his eyes roll back in his head, but Colton lowered his mouth to his, kissing him deeply and demanding him keep them open so he could watch when Jagger finally fell apart. Whatever Colton asked of him, he gave it freely. He
to follow orders…wanted to satisfy Colton any way possible. His balls started to tighten and draw up and he tried to move away but Colton held him firmly in place.

“Nu-uh. You aren’t going anywhere, babe. Come for me,” Colton ordered. “Melt for me, babe. Let me watch you fall apart.”

This time, it wasn’t just following orders. He couldn’t have held back his orgasm if his very life had depended on it. He swore he felt the spasms start at the base of his feet and work their way up his body. Cum shot out of him, covering both him and Colton as wave after wave kept coming. He roared a sound that he was slightly more proud of than the out-of-control whimpers and Colton answered with a deep growl. All through the orgasm, Colton worked his cock, watched his eyes, and licked his lips

After what seemed a lifetime, Jagger collapsed onto the mattress, cum and sweat coating him but he didn’t have the energy to give a fuck. He was too weak. He was too satiated. He
was too
. He’d never in his life experienced an orgasm like the one he’d just survived. Yes, survived. He was pretty sure that was as close to Heaven as he would ever get.

He felt his eyes start to drift close, but then they jerked wide open when Colton’s tongue, warm and sexy, slowly started swiping at the moisture coating his lower stomach and chest. “Colton, don’t,” he whined, feeling weird but thinking Colton’s tongue lapping up his cum and sweat was about the sexiest damn thing he’d ever seen.

“Stay still, Wildcat. This cream belongs to me,” Colton growled possessively.




Jagger supposed he must have dozed off from either sheer exhaustion, pure satisfaction…or both. The last thing he remembered was Colton’s tongue lapping hungrily along his stomach muscles. Now, he was completely clean and cuddled in the strongest arms in the entire world. The warm strength surrounding him made him want to keep his eyes closed, stay locked away in this new and safe place but Colton’s damned tongue was starting to work some more magic. He back was tucked against Colton’s front. His ass flush against Colton’s throbbing cock. Sharp teeth and a naughty tongue played with his ear and a hand was wrapped around his cock, waking him up in the most exotic of ways.

He smiled as he tried to keep his eyes closed, pretending to be sleeping but knowing there was absolutely no way he would fool Colton. His cock was wide awake and growing with each delicious stroke of Colton’s hand. Unsure of why or how, but his entire body would simply melt for Colton. He felt like he’d been created just for Colton’s pleasure. He loved the feeling of thinking he belonged to someone.

“I know you’re awake, Wildcat
,” Colton whispered in his ear. “Are you hiding from me or playing possum?” His teeth nipped the earlobe.

“Playing possum, I guess,” Jagger answered in a sleepy voice. “Is this your way of reminding me that I didn’t take care of you?” His hand reached around to find Colton’s scalding member, but his hand was quickly smacked away.

“Nope. We’ll worry about me later. I want this to be all about you and if that hand touches my cock, I’m going to get distracted.”

“Distractions are good, though, right?” Jagger tried to touch the heat again. Other than his own, his hand had never touched a cock. Colton felt exquisitely perfect. He was hard, rock hard, but felt silky at the same time. The heat radiating from the throbbing member bumping his ass was intoxicating. He wanted to feel that heat in his hand. He wanted to feel it in his ass. Fuck, he still couldn’t believe where he was headed, the path he was traveling down at a rapid rate of speed. He was going to let Colton fuck him.

He wanted Colton to fuck him.

He needed it more than he needed his next gasp of air.

“Not this time, babe. I want to make your body writhe. There’s so much I need to teach you.” The tip of Colton’s finger wiggled against the opening on his crown. “There’s so much fun to be had.” He placed a soft kiss on the base of Jagger’s neck and then surprised him by placing a not-so-soft smack to his ass. “On your hands and knees, babe. I’ve got one more trick to show you before we join the guys.”

Jagger felt the blush start at the tips of his ears and spread, painfully slowly, down the rest of his body.
Hands and knees? Ass up? Was he ready for that kind of exposure—that kind of vulnerability?

…hands and knees? All fours? Ass up? Doggy style?” He whimpered.

Colton barked out a laugh. “Your mind went wild on that one, didn’t it? I bet you pictured it in your head,” he whispered, trying to nudge Jagger into the specified position. Jagger-no-budging. “I bet you saw you in the middle of this big bed, on your hands and knees, legs spread apart and cock dangling down, begging for my attention. You saw me behind you, looking down at that pretty ass of yours with a hungry look in my eyes. You saw, deep in my eyes, how badly I want to fuck you,” Colton continued. This time, when he nudged Jagger, his lover allowed himself to be maneuvered into a kneeling position. It was a start…a very good start. “You know what you did then, Wildcat? Do you know what you did when you saw how badly I wanted you?”

“N-n-no,” Jagger stuttered out. He still couldn’t believe what was happening. How badly he was wanting it to happen.

“Do you want me to tell you what you did?”

The heated whisper sent chills across Jagger’s body. “Yes, tell me,” he pleaded softly. At this point, he was on his hands and knees. One of Colton’s hands stroked the center of his back,
calming him, urging him to keep submitting. His hands gripped the sheets when he felt Colton move behind him, nudging his legs further apart with a firm, muscled leg.

“You dropped down onto your elbows, presenting me your ass in the prettiest way possible. Your back slants down and your ass is in the air, begging me to fuck it with my finger…with my cock…with my tongue.”

Jagger felt himself drop down onto his elbows and just like Colton had said, his eyes went further into the air. The side of his face lay against the cool mattress sheets. His eyes were closed tightly, imagining the vision Colton was conjuring in his head. When big hands palmed his ass cheeks, he felt his eyes flutter, wanting to open and wanting to stay closed at the same time. When those same big hands spread his cheeks open wide, his eyes flew open
and he tried to raise himself back up.

“Nu oh,” Colton murmured and moved a hand to place it at the back of his neck, holding his face against the pillow, keeping his ass high off the bed. “Don’t you dare,
You’re going to let me look and you’re going to love every second of it because you’re going to know how much it pleases me to look at your tight pucker. Understand?”

“Colton…I don’t know if I can,” Jagger answered, the cheeks flush against the bedding burning brightly with a crimson glow. A fucking doctor hadn’t even looked at him
. The cheeks in the air were squirming and wiggling nervously, no matter how hard he tried to remain perfectly still. “That’s too much.”

Colton chuckled softly. “Baby, we haven’t even gotten close to ‘too much’ yet.” The one hand still held Jagger firmly to the bed but the other was busy stroking his back again. Gently he placed soft, wet kisses on Jagger’s shoulder blade. “You know I think everything about you is beautiful, right?
Every part

“Fuck, Colton,” Jagger mewled.

A soft chuckled. “Do you have any idea how intoxicatingly beautiful it is to see you submit to me like this? To know your body craves the same thing I crave?” He edged back and Jagger stayed in position. This time, however, his eyes were wide open, searching Colton’s face for some kind of reassurance that he wasn’t making a mistake. What he saw must have given him what he needed because his legs, already spread wide, parted slightly on their own.

“That’s my Wildcat,” Colton murmured in appreciation. Again, his hands palmed bubble cheeks and spread them wide.

Jagger moaned.

Colton growled.

The sounds were totally different but both hungry with need.

“So fucking beautiful,” Colton whispered. “So fucking mine.”

Unable to stop the movement if his very life had depended on it, Jagger felt his hole
clench up. It was too much. It wasn’t enough.

Colton must have realized he was on the brink of losing control because he released his cheeks and reached for something behind him. Jagger heard a lid pop open and then felt a warm liquid drizzle down his crack. When he tried to squirm, a resounding smack echoed through the room when Colton’s hand landed firmly on his ass. “Shit, Colton! That hurt!”

“Stop wiggling your ass,” Colton demanded. “I told you earlier I’m a man on a mission and ass wiggling is a distraction.” The bastard chuckled as he smeared a generous amount of lube onto his open palms and began rubbing them together. “Anyway, I think I might enjoy smacking that pretty ass of yours. Every damn time I do it, my cock twitches.” He leaned forward, his lips bumping against Jagger’s neck and a lubed-up hand wrapping around his lover’s burning cock and stroking tenderly. “You know what else? Your cock twitches, too. Every damned time. I think you like the idea of my hand-print lingering on your ass, don’t you, Wildcat?”

“You’re insane,” Jagger hissed, embarrassment making his voice sound funny. He’d hoped Colton hadn’t noticed but wasn’t at all surprised that he had—Colton seemed to notice everything about him.

“Let me prove it,” was the whispered response and before Jagger had time to contemplate what it meant, another smack landed against his other cheek. This one harder and perfectly placed. Damn it to hell, his cock not only twitched but a dribble of pre cum slipped out and fell to the mattress.

“Beautiful,” Colton growled, his voice husky and deep. “Now, just relax and enjoy, babe. I’m going to worship you.”

Both hands spread his cheeks again and Jagger felt the lube slide down his crease and caress his puckered hole like a lover’s touch. He moaned in response. A finger, firm and warm, tickled the opening, but didn’t attempt to push inside, just toyed and teased. Another finger roamed lazily down to Jagger’s sensitive taint, massaging the lube against the tender spot, and then moved on to palm his ball sack. The hand tugged gently and then tested the weight of his ball
before rubbing them together. This time Jagger responded with a whimper. The hand then moved on to stroke his throbbing cock, coating the length with lube and then rubbing up and down…all the while the other finger continued toying with his puckered entrance. Jagger’s mind was wild with nervous fear and a wanton need that he didn’t begin to know how to get under control.

“Shit, Colton, that feels fucking incredible,” he said between open-mouthed pants and those damned weird sounds he made.

“Wait until you feel my mouth on you, let my warm heat envelope you until you are squirming and begging me to fuck you.”

Colton talked between kisses, strokes, and other naughty delights. It was if he had a dozen hands and they were all on him, touching him in various places, driving him wild and, as Colton had said, threatening to make him beg for it. He didn’t want to beg…but he would. Hell yeah, he would.

“I’m going to suck you off, take that big cock of yours all the way down my throat. You would like that, wouldn’t you, Wildcat? You would like stuffing my throat full of your cock. You know what else you’re going to like? You’re going to like your balls in my mouth as I suck on them, roll them around in my mouth like they’re the sweetest pieces of candy in the entire fucking world. You’re going to like the feel of my tongue sliding over your taint until you scream out loud, feeling like you can’t take any more luxurious tongue abuse, but knowing I’m going to make you. More than any of that, though,
Wildcat, you’re going to love the feel of my tongue fucking your tight pucker while hold that pretty ass in the air for me and make those sounds I love.”

,” Jagger grunted. There really weren’t real words to explain what Colton’s words were doing to him, how it was messing with his brain and body. Every word conjured a picture in his mind and every damned picture made Jagger’s cock even harder, his balls even tighter, and his pucker clench up even tighter.

He was about to beg for mercy, to
with Colton to just go ahead and fuck him—he didn’t care who was down the hall listening to their every move and his every humiliating whimper. All he knew at the moment was that his body was burning with a scorching flame that only Colton could soothe. He opened his mouth to demand Colton fuck him but, instead, roared
out a, “Fuuuk
,” when he felt Colton’s warm tongue push against his entrance and then force its way inside of him. “What the…”

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