Read OVERTIME Online

Authors: T.S. MCKINNEY

OVERTIME (23 page)

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“I know I’m probably not anything special to you, but I’ve waited for this moment for most of my life. It wasn’t going to happen for the first time on a nasty boat with Jeremiah watching and I didn’t want it to happen when you were so drunk that you didn’t know what you were doing and damned well wouldn’t remember how good it was the next morning.” His eyes never left Jagger’s face as he made his proclamation. Jagger’s eyes never left Colton’s hand as he handled their cocks together.

“Fuck, Colton,” Jagger gasped when Colton’s hand did a twisty thing that sent shock waves straight to his balls. “Fuck me; that feels good.” Inside his head, the sane part of Jagger was screaming to knock the bastard away from him before he got hurt again. ; The part of his mind his cock controlled to him to shut the fuck up and enjoy it. Sanity won a small victory by giving him the strength to say, “Don’t do this, Colton. I don’t…you don’t have to give me a charity fuck. I well accustomed to disappointments in my life. This one won’t destroy me, I promise.”

Colton looked down at him, a sad expression on his face. “Don’t ever say something like that to me again, Jagger. You aren’t a charity case for me…you’re my fantasy.” His hand kept stroking their cocks but he managed to lean in and place the softest kiss humanly possible on Jagger’s lips. The kiss wasn’t demanding or wild like the previous times; it was reverent, gentle, and seductively lazy. He explored and tasted every corner of his lips and then swept his tongue inside. The first swipe was tentative, almost exploratory, before he plunged deeper, becoming more desperate. The hand binding their cocks together became more desperate as well. The moans tumbling from Jagger’s mouth—it was the most desperate of all.

With a huff, Colton tore his lips away and, from the look on his face, fought to try to gain some semblance of control. Jagger feared he was about to get shoved aside again. Could he handle it again? Would it literally destroy him this time?

“Easy, Wildcat,” Colton whispered in a strained voice. “I need a minute. This is all for you this time around and if I don’t get my shit together, I’m going to finish before things even get started.” His tongue swiped a sexy trail that started at Jagger’s bottom lip and went all the way down to his quivering stomach. “Are you with me? Are you going to let me prove how important you are to me? Are you going to let me worship this body the way I’ve always wanted to?” He asked softly.

Nervous thoughts raced through Jagger’s mind. He should tell him he didn’t want this, that he wasn’t even gay. He should explain that he didn’t like losing control and Colton seemed to hold the power to make him lose control and it fucking terrified him. Because of who he was, he wasn’t good for anything but a quick throw-away fuck, so Colton needed to quit saying those flowery love things to him…because it would just hurt more when he was thrown away. Shit, he should say all those things, but he didn’t. He wanted this too badly. He’d wanted Colton too long. The man had haunted his dreams for far too long.

Just one time…

“I’m here,” he finally answered. His voice sounded weak and was trembling slightly, but his resolve was strong and his desire too out of control to be denied.

“Do you want his?” Colton asked. “Do you want me?” His eyes pleaded with Jagger. He had to hear him say it.

Jagger took a deep breath. It was practically the same words he’d used on the boat and Jagger realized Colton needed to hear him say the words. His own gaze swept Colton’s perfect
body, admiring his incredible perfection, all hard muscles and tanned skin. His intimidating cock still danced against his own as Colton’s hand continued to hold them together, barely stroking, but moving just enough to keep Jagger’s body screaming in frustration. Colton was absolute perfection but there was insecurity lurking beneath his beautiful emerald gaze. How in the hell somebody like he could need something from Jagger was beyond his comprehension. “I guess I always have,” he finally answered, shocked by his honesty. The smile that spread across Colton’s face was reward enough for his bravery.

“Then get ready because I’m about to set your world on fire,” Colton promised with one of his delicious smirks. His hand dropped their cocks and Jagger whimpered in disappointment. “Easy, now.” He took Jagger’s hands, stretched them over his head, and said, “Now here’s what I want you to do for me. Keep your hands right where they are and don’t move them. You can grip the sheets, but that’s all, okay?” He kissed each wrist before leaving them in place. “Are you
gonna do that for me?”

“If that’s what you want,” Jagger answered, silently figuring that if he wanted to move his fucking hands, he would move them regardless of what Colton had told him to do. Having that rebellious thought race through his mind made him feel a little less like a fuck-toy for Colton but he had to admit that the bossiness might have sent a shock of arousal straight to his balls.

How was it that somebody like him, somebody that had been bossed and beaten for most of his life, get all hot and bothered when Colton’s dominant side came out? How the fuck should he know? He just knew it made his blood turn to liquid nitrogen. Hell, everything Colton Montgomery did made him go a bit mad with this achy need that consumed his every waking thought.

“Why do I feel like you just said that to get me to shut up?” Colton asked sweetly. His tongue made a swipe across Jagger’s nipple before his lips puckered so he could suck the hardened nub. He toyed with him there, first one nipple and then the other until Jagger’s head was twisting from side to side in desire and frustration.

Colton’s lips were scalding as they drifted over his chest and then lower stomach, teasing and tasting with each delicious inch that dropped him lower. There would be a wet swipe of his tongue and then a sucking and biting that made Jagger’s heels dig into the soft mattress, thrusting his hips upward, begging for attention. As Colton had predicted, his hands fisted the sheets. He closed his eyes as nervous trembles threatened to overtake him. His face turned to his right and
tried to burrow deep into the mattress, but there was nowhere to go, no way to escape all the sensations assaulting him at the moment. His nipples were hard and tight—his dick harder and tighter.

When Colton nuzzled his hip bone with those dangerous lips, a pitiful moan tumbled from his lips. The sound, so blatantly erotic and submissive, would probably haunt him for the remainder of his life. His desire was completely unmasked with that sound. There was no more hiding—nowhere to hide.

“You have no idea how much I love that sound, babe,” Colton murmured against Jagger’s heated flesh. “More than that, I’m fucking hard as a rock because I’m the one urging those sweet sounds from those fucking beautiful lips.” His lips clamped down on Jagger’s hip bone and he suckled until Jagger knew there would be a brand on him when he looked.

Face flaming, insides burning, Jagger grumbled, “I sound like an idiot.”

“You sound gorgeous and you sound like you are
,” Colton countered. “You have no idea how long I’ve dreamed of having you in my bed, hearing what sounds you would make and knowing I was the one with you, giving you the pleasure.” His fingers tweaked Jagger’s nipples to keep them alive and humming before moving lower, barely brushing his fingertips against stomach muscles before finally fisting Jagger’s throbbing cock. He stroked the length, watching Jagger’s face as he did.

Jagger noticed how dark Colton’s eyes suddenly turned. He saw the lust burning brightly and it made him feel powerful to know he held that kind of control over someone as strong and confident as Colton. He gasped when a smooth palm cupped his balls, holding them just tight enough to make Jagger arch his back off the bed and nearly bite his bottom lip off. “Fuck, Colton!
Yessss,” he hissed.

“I’ve worshipped this body from afar way too long, babe. You belong to me, now. Your body, all of its sheer perfection, was made just for me and I’ll never let it go,” Colton swore. “You were made for my pleasure and I was made to give you pleasure. It’s all I’ve ever wanted to do.” His hand kept stroking. Jagger’s teeth kept tugging his bottom lip as his eyes fluttered uncontrollably.

“That feels so fucking perfect,” Jagger gasped. “Please don’t stop.”

Colton chuckled. “Oh, babe, I’m going to stop,” Colton warned. “In just a few seconds, I’m going to replace my hand with something even better. I’m going to wrap my lips around your
cock and my mouth is going to love every inch of you. I want to taste you. My tongue wants to map every vein and memorize the silky, iron texture.”

Jagger’s eyes flew open. He hadn’t been sure what was going to happen—he’d guessed Colton would just bend him over and fuck him into submission and he’d hoped he would enjoy it…although his mind really rebelled against the whole
of how it was supposed to happen. He knew it would damn near have to hurt. He didn’t see any way around that brutal fact. He hadn’t really expected Colton to suck his cock or worship him the way he was. Colton’s tongue was like a sorcerer’s magic. His hands would probably eventually be Jagger’s undoing. More than either of those though, Colton’s words were the most overpowering drug of all. They left him feeling…hell, they just made

“Listen, Wildcat, I don’t want you going all runaway bride on me when I say this, but I’m not fucking you here in Rory’s bedroom with about eight guys just down the hall. You deserve better than that.
deserve better than that. Do you understand? Please tell me you understand that it has nothing to do with me not wanting you. I’ve never wanted anything more in my fucking life, Jagger Jameson.
It’s always been you.
Please let me love you like this and when we get back to my boat, I’m going to do so much damned more to you. I may not be the perfect boyfriend, lover, or future husband, but one damn thing is for sure—you will never again doubt that I want you in my bed.” He raised up and kissed Jagger’s lips, softly at first and then possessively. “Please believe me, babe.”

“Thank you, Colton,” Jagger answered softly. “Thank you for protecting me like that. Thank you for not letting me take the easy way out last night by hiding behind alcohol. I was a stupid fool to drink that much.” He shook his head. “No, I was a coward. I don’t want to be, but I’m afraid it’s all I know…all I’ll probably ever be.”

“Shit, babe, you are so fucking wrong,” Colton argued softly. “Yes, you were afraid last night. Hell, we all are our first time, so don’t think there’s anything wrong with how you are feeling. I just couldn’t do it. I couldn’t let our first time be a fog of scrambled memories and snapshots.” He palmed either side of Jagger’s face. “I want to make you fall in love with me, Jagger. I want it and I’ll wait forever for it. Don’t rush yourself. If all you feel comfortable doing is kissing and touching, we will kiss and touch until you’re ready for something else. Don’t let me push you and don’t push yourself,” he pleaded.

“You aren’t the one pushing, Colton. It’s me. It’s all me. Just do it,” he ordered softly.

“Where’s my skittish baby? Where has he gone?” Colton teased, but his eyes burned with appreciation for Jagger’s urgency.

“Where’s my arrogant flirt? Where has he gone…or is he all talk?” Jagger teased back. He was squirming beneath Colton’s heat and hardness. He wanted something

Colton gave it to him when he stroked Jagger’s length. He felt his eyes drift shut, enjoying the familiar tug and wanting more. Eyes jerked open when he received more. A strong, warm hand had reached down to play with his balls, tugging and then toying, exploring thoroughly. Jagger felt his heels dig into the mattress. The few girls he’d been with had stayed completely away from that particular sensitive area. “Fuck, Colton,” Jagger moaned.

“You like that, babe? You like me playing with your cock and balls? Because I love doing it. One day real soon, I want to watch you while you play with yourself. I want to see those beautiful hands of yours stroking that lovely cock into submission. I want to know every single thing that turns you on.”

Jagger felt a deep burn in his belly and it grew hotter with every word tumbling from Colton’s mouth. Hell, the guy probably didn’t even need to be stroking him off or playing with his balls and he could still cum just from the naughty words and the hungry look in Colton’s eyes. His back arched and his lips slammed shut, desperately trying to keep the whimpers from escaping. Fuck, but he sounded so fucking submissive when Colton was working him over.

“Stop doing that,” Colton ordered softly as his thumb toyed with the crown of Jagger’s cock. “I love those sounds and you’d damn well better stop trying to keep them from me.” Lazily he rolled Jagger’s balls between his fingers, tugging just enough to force out one of the whimpers Jagger was trying to keep tucked away. To stress his point, a finger slipped further back to push against Jagger’s taint, stroking and teasing the extra sensitive spot between his tight pucker and balls.

-it!” Jagger stuttered out. “That’s not fair.” He squirmed beneath Colton’s magical hands. Again he tried to close his thighs and again Colton forced them open by merely making a
sound that Jagger responded to immediately. “If you don’t ease up, I’m going to cum way too fast. Before we—you know.”

“That’s okay, babe. If you cum, I’ll just make you cum again later. Don’t worry about it. Focus on the pleasure and stop worrying about anything else.”

Jagger answered with a moan…or a soft wail as Colton started working his cock a little faster, using Jagger’s own cum as lubricant. Up and down, a twist at the top and a twist at the bottom, all sorts of tricks Jagger hadn’t even known existed. He was a regular guy; he worked his own cock on a pretty regular basis, but he sure the hell didn’t have the talented hands Colton possessed.

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