OVERTIME (2 page)

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Authors: T.S. MCKINNEY

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“Is he a better point guard than you are, Jag?”

“Hell no!” Jagger hissed angrily. Colton Montgomery wasn’t disciplined enough to practice the hours required to beat him one-on-one. The rich, spoiled bastard had probably never had to work for anything in his entire life so he was pretty confident that the prick hadn’t worked for his position on Florida Gulf’s team. His daddy had probably bought it for him.
, so that might be jealousy speaking. He’d watched their films and Colton was a damned good point. He was just better.

He had to be better. Basketball was just a game to Colton but it was Jagger’s last hope to not follow in the steps of his worthless alcoholic father and his father before him. Florida Gulf Coast was a party school and Colton was probably the King-partier. He, on the other hand, was the angel basketball player that always studied and never

“Is he going to be able to mess with your head during the game? Knock you out of your rhythm?”

Riley was digging for something.

“I wouldn’t know why you would think that, Riley. Do I make it a habit of letting players from the opposite team mess with me?”


The office grew quiet again as Jagger waited for Riley to finally reveal what the hell was going on…why he had called him into the office and started questioning him about Colton Montgomery. Apparently he was going to have to wait for fucking ever

“What the hell, Riley? What’s going on? Why ask me about Montgomery? We barely know each other. There isn’t a damned thing he can do to mess with my game. I’ll be ready.”
Shit, would he? Could he be on the same court? They would surely touch each other during the game

Riley studied him for a few long, uncomfortable seconds before he finally spoke again. “Do you know what the Captain’s challenge is, Jagger?”

He frowned, unable to keep up with Riley’s line of questioning…wanting to simply disappear before it was too late.

“Eh, no? Should I?”

“No, probably not. The Captain’s challenge is a behind the scenes game played by the two teams in the final championship game. Each captain and co-captain meet before the game and agree on proper punishment for the losing team.”

“Sounds mature,” Jagger remarked. “What does this have to do with me?”

“Colton Montgomery is Florida Gulf’s captain.”

“I know that but I’m still failing to follow how this has anything to do with me.”

“Dick and I are meeting with him and Aubrey tonight at nine o’clock to discuss this year’s challenge.” Riley paused and smiled innocently at Jagger. “He’s requested that you be there. Do you have any idea why he would want you there?” He leaned back and propped his feet on some poor Coach’s desk. “The challenge has been going on for over ten years now but as far as I’ve ever heard, nobody but the captain and co-captain have ever been present for the negotiations. It just seems…weird.”

Jagger frowned and felt his hatred for Colton move up another notch. The fucker was trying to mess with him. He knew he wasn’t as good on the court so he was going to have to try to beat him another way.

“You’re right. He’s trying to mess with me.” Jagger shrugged with a confidence he didn’t really feel. “Don’t worry about it. Just tell him that no matter how much money he has, he can’t change the “rules” to this Captain’s challenge shit-show. When it’s game time…he’ll learn the hard way that he can’t play high school mind games to get his way. I won’t let the team down, Riley. You know that.”

Riley continued studying him until Jagger had to fight the urge to not squirm like a kindergartener. He ended up nervously switching from one foot to the other.

“Nah, I want you to come with us tonight. I don’t know what kind of crap he’s got up his sleeves, but I don’t want you to end up being caught with your pants down. Let’s meet in the lobby of the hotel in a couple of hours.” Riley stood up and started walking toward the door, ready to dismiss Jagger like he hadn’t just knocked him completely off his sturdy foundation. He couldn’t face Colton Montgomery tonight! Hell, he wasn’t sure if he could
face Colton.

“You can’t be serious, Riley? I…I’m not going to meet with that prick. You guys go and negotiate the terms of your stupid bet but leave me the hell out of it.” Panic started at the tip of his toes and started speeding up the rest of his body.

Dick whistled from somewhere behind him. “Well, well, Riley. It looks like Jag might have himself some Wildcat claws after all.” He sauntered over until he was only inches away from Jag, a stupid smirk on his face. “I
never heard you talk back, not even once in all the four years we’ve been team mates. What’s got you all bent out of shape over this meeting?”

“Back off, Dick. I’m sure Jagger probably just wants to get some rest before our midnight practice but he will gladly and enthusiastically do whatever his captain and co-captain request of him.” Riley’s eyes met Jagger’s gaze. “Isn’t that right, Jag?”

“Gladly and enthusiastically,” he grumbled. Fuck, he was in so much trouble.



Chapter 2



Exactly two hours and eighteen minutes later, the three of them walked into a small pub in downtown Atlanta and headed straight toward a private room in the back. Jagger’s heart was racing wildly and he figured he would probably blow chunks any second. Fucking Colton Montgomery.
I’m going to fuck you so hard one day, Wildcat
. The words kept flying through his head, taunting him, making fun of him, making him feel hot and itchy all fucking over.

He could do this. He
do this. Colton Montgomery didn’t have any power over him and he wasn’t about to hand any over to him. The arrogant bastard could take his threats and mess with somebody else’s head. He didn’t have time for this shit.

Right before they opened the door that would apparently lead to the meeting place between the captains and co-captains, Riley turned and skewered Jagger with a troubled look. “Are you
be okay with this, Jag? Don’t let him mess with you. I don’t have a fucking clue what went on between the two of you in the past, but don’t you dare let him get the upper hand. He’s trying to fuck with your game and you can’t let that happen.”

“It’s not going to happen, Riley. I’m not going to let anybody down.” He gave him a weak fist bump. “Now, let’s get this over with. I can’t believe this shit goes down behind closed doors. I assume you’ve got an ass-kick punishment planned for Colton and his team?”

There, he sounded perfectly normal, not at all like his heart might thump right out his mouth at the first opportunity. This was going to be a breeze. Colton was a rich prick that liked to play head games, but he’d bumped up against the wrong person this time around. Jagger had grown up in a family of mean drunks. It would take a lot more than anything Colton had in him to knock him on his ass.

“Oh, yeah. I’ve got something lined up that will bring a wave of humiliation over Florida Gulf that will resemble a hurricane! You ready, Dick?” When the co-captain nodded, Riley flung the door open with an arrogance that could have competed with Colton.

“There they are!” Colton welcomed them, his emerald gaze sweeping quickly over Riley and Dick and then landing, and staying, on Jagger. There was a wicked twinkle dancing around in the oddly colored green depths as he continued to stare…and stare…and stare. After what
seemed like a life time of uncomfortable silence and eye-fucking, he finally turned back to Riley and said, “Hey, Riley. It’s an honor to finally meet you. You’re one hell of a wing, dude. I look forward to meeting you on the court.” He reached out and shook Riley’s hand like they were life-long buddies.

“Thanks, man. You guys have quite a Cinderella story going on here. You’ve played some kick-ass ball to get you this far. Too bad that magic is about to end.”

Colton laughed and clapped Riley on the back. “We’ll see. We’ll see.”

“Yeah, we will,” Riley challenged back but it was all good-natured fun at the moment. “This is Dickerson Langston, our co-captain.”

“Dude.” Dick merely got a head nod.

“And I guess you know our point, Jagger Jameson?” Riley’s eyes studied Colton closely, positioning his body between the two adversaries. It was apparent he wasn’t certain what kind of shit Montgomery had planned, but it was damned clear he was there to protect his team mate. “You guys grew up together, I guess?”

“Nah,” Colton answered softly. “I lived in the next town over. We went to different middle schools and I moved away shortly after we entered high school together. Unfortunately we never really got the chance to get to know each other that well.” His attention was once again focused solely on Jagger. “How’s it been going,

There it came…the damned blush painted his face the second Colton called him Wildcat. To Riley and Dick, it would hopefully sound like a nickname given to him because he played for the Wildcats. To him? Yeah, it felt like a hand just gave his cock a firm stroke, up and down the entire length. His chest felt tight, his blood felt like it started to boil and bubble inside his veins. His balls tingled and tightened inside pants that suddenly felt way too tight. Just like that, they were back in the showers…
I’m going to fuck you so hard one day, Wildcat.

The second they’d walked into the room, Jagger’s eyes had been drawn straight to Colton and what he’d seen had left him feeling hot and itchy all over. He was still as arrogantly handsome as before, but now his tall frame was packed with hard muscles in all the right places. Jagger frowned when he realized Colton had a couple inches of height and much more defined and bulging muscles than he had on his own lean frame. He didn’t like the way that made him feel…not at all…or maybe just a little. Shit, he was in so much trouble.

Riley, thank fuck, realized he wasn’t going to be able to find his tongue and form a coherent response, so he jumped in and tried to save him anymore humiliation. “Wildcat’s been doing just fine, Montgomery. You’re about to find out, first hand, just how well he’s been doing.”

“Looking forward to it…”

He finally found his tongue. “Let’s just get this the fuck over with. We have a scheduled practice in a few hours.” Shit, he had to get out of this room. Colton’s innuendos were about to drive him insane. Colton’s scent was about to cause his cock to explode.

Following some quick introductions of Aubrey to everybody in the room, they ended up sitting across from each other. Jagger found himself tucked safely between Riley and Dick. Hell, even head-usually-up-his-ass Dick was picking up on the weird vibes floating around the room and, following Riley’s lead, he used his big body to serve as a barrier between Colton and Jagger.

Colton didn’t miss their over protective stance regarding their point guard but he merely smirked at their efforts. Waves of arrogance literally rolled off his relaxed body. To Jagger, it was apparent Colton wasn’t affected at all by being in the same room with him…while his entire body was buzzing with sexual tension.

Why did the bastard affect him this way? He wasn’t fucking gay!

I’m going to fuck you so hard one day, Wildcat

“So, who goes first?” Colton asked. “I guess since you ladies have eight championship titles under your belt, you probably know more about how this Captain’s challenge works, yeah?”

Riley smiled at Colton’s words. Eight championships and the possibility of number nine only one day away. Basketball at the University of Kentucky was sweet! “We flip to see who goes first. Got a coin?”

When the coin landed on the table a few seconds later, Kentucky won the toss.

“What kind of punishment do you have in mind for us, Captain? Hit me with your best shot…I intend to return the favor when it’s my turn.” Colton said and casually leaned back in his chair, his words addressed to Riley but his eyes locked on Jagger.

Jagger could honestly feel his heart beating inside his cock. He tucked his hands onto his lap to try and hide the effects Colton was having on the naughty parts of his body.

“When Kentucky kicks your asses, we want to see your entire team lined up on the overpass of our choice on the Florida turnpike, carrying signs acknowledging our win…and wearing nothing but cropped Kentucky jerseys and speedos.”

Aubrey literally growled but Colton tossed back his head and laughed like it was the most hilarious thing he’d ever heard. “Speedos, eh? Nice.”

“That’s fucking stupid shit, Colton. We aren’t agreeing to that, are we?” Aubrey was clearly furious.

“Is this what your team agrees to, Riley? Is that what everybody wants?” Colton asked. Amusement still danced around in his eyes. The fool honestly thought they had a chance of winning

“Doesn’t matter what my team wants. It’s my call. The team will go along with it. Isn’t that right, Dickerson?”

“Damn straight, Cap’n.”


“Of course, Captain.” Shit, did his voice sound weak and breathless or was that all in his head? Colton smirked. Nope, everybody must have heard it. Perfect. Fucking perfect.

Colton shrugged like it wasn’t any big deal at all, like he had nothing to worry about. “Agreed. If Florida Gulf loses to Kentucky, our team will hold up Kentucky victory signs on an overpass on the Florida turnpike, wearing nothing but Kentucky jerseys and speedos. Does that cover everything, Riley? Think that will be humiliating enough for us?”

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