Overtime (16 page)

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Authors: Roxie Noir

BOOK: Overtime
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“That went very well,” he said. “I can’t thank you enough.”

She nodded her head in acknowledgement, looking out over the sea.

“Are you feeling well?” he asked, brown furrowing a little.

Valerie looked over at him.

“What do you mean?”

“You know,” he said, taking a strand of her hair, tucking it behind her ear. “Well.”

She looked up at him, her knees going weak again, the plug in her ass suddenly making her tingle all over, the constant reminder of his dominance over her.

“I’m well,” she whispered.

Jasper smiled. “I’m glad to hear it,” he said. “Go up to my room. There’s something there for you. I’ll be up in ten minutes.”

His hand traveled down her back, to her ass, then, gently, between her legs.

“Yes, Mr. Declan,” she whispered, and walked off.

Chapter Twenty-Three

When she reached the top of the stairs, Valerie looked around to make sure no one was watching, and then she opened the door to Mr. Declan’s room, silently, slipping inside and closing it behind her. His room was the only thing on the top floor, taking up a space easily two or three times the size of her apartment, with a wall of windows facing the ocean.

How does he heat this in the winter?
She wondered.

Then she reminded herself that this was a
house, that people as rich as Jasper had entire houses they simply didn’t use for eight months out of the year.

On the bed was lingerie: stockings, a garter belt, and a lace chemise, black, somehow clingy and thin and floaty all at once. It had spaghetti straps and came down just below her ass. She put them on and looked at herself in a full-length mirror.

, she thought. Through the chemise she could see everything: her nipples, the outline of her breasts, the garter belt. It ended above the tops of her stockings, and the whole thing was stretchy - very, very stretchy.

Between this, the plug, and the knowledge that
was about to happen, Valerie was already very, very turned on. She walked to the window and looked out at the moonlit beach, wondering how long Mr. Declan would take.

A few minutes later, the door behind her opened and then closed. Valerie’s heart leapt in her chest. She turned around.

“Perfect,” said Mr. Declan. He ran his fingertips from the points of her shoulders down her body, right over her nipples, to the V of her crotch. With one finger, he lifted her chin.

“I’m sorry about last night,” he said.

“It’s all right,” she said.

“Even doms need a night off sometimes,” he said. “Thank you for understanding.”

He brushed his fingertips over her nipples again, making her shudder with desire. Then he took her by the hand and led her to another door in the room.

“I’m going to show you something,” he said, and then opened it.

She’d assumed the door led to a closet, but she was wrong. It was lushly appointed, of course — everything in the house was — but most notable was the collection of ropes, handcuffs, leather whips, and chains all around the room, neatly organized. Two leather cuffs were attached to a large hook in the ceiling by chains, and Valerie knew what they were for right away.

“Arms up,” Jasper said. He didn’t have to tell her twice. Someone had measured properly, because they were exactly the right length, and fit comfortably around her wrists when her arms were fully extended. The insides were just soft enough that she could let her arms hang, but not for too long.

Valerie stood, her breathing fast, as Jasper fastened the cuffs around her. As he did, he spoke, his voice lowering to the leonine growl that seemed to slice right through her to her innermost desires.

“Now,” he said. “I need you to stand here, very still, and not a make a noise.” His ran his hand down her whole body, from upraised fingertip to upper thigh. “Can you do that for me?”

“Yes,” Valerie whispered.

He walked around her, dragging his hand, brushing it across her stomach, whispering across both nipples. She gasped air into her lungs but didn’t say anything.

He stepped closer, took her nipples in his hands, and pinched them. Hard, then harder, and Valerie bit her lip, but she still didn’t make a noise.

“Good girl,” he said, and let go. Then he turned his back on her and opened a huge floor-to-ceiling cabinet, full of small cubbyholes. Each was labeled, meticulously.

Of course they are
, Valerie thought.

He saw her looking, and half-smiled. “I hate it when I can’t find my nipple clamps,” Jasper said, and drew out a long, thin, silky chain. It practically dripped through his fingers. He closed the cabinet behind him and came toward Valerie. “I guess I’m a control freak in more than one way.”

I guess,
Valerie thought, but she was interrupted when he came to her, stretched the neck of her chemise so it was below her breasts, and then licked each nipple once, blowing on them.

Instantly, they puckered and hardened, and he snapped the clamps on them at the same time, expertly.

Valerie made a sound somewhere between a snort and a sigh, a sharp exhalation, trying not to make any noise. Jasper tapped lightly on the chain between her nipple clamps, making it sway and wiggle, every sort of pressure sending tiny shockwaves through her whole body.

Then from the wall, he took a length of velvet ribbon and turned to her again, walking behind Valerie, and typing it around her eyes. He took extra care not to get her hair caught in the bow, and then, moments later, she felt the biting sting of
whipping her across the back.

“Oh!” she said, accidentally. She immediately bit her mouth closed and grit her teeth.

“Shh,” said Jasper.

Valerie nodded, not making a sound. The small whip struck again, a paper-thin welt raising itself across her back, underneath the lace chemise. It sent sparks and pins and needles through her, this pain that was barely pain, that was closer to pure sensation. Then he pulled the bottom of the chemise up to around her waist, over her supple, plush ass, and went to town.

Jasper was good: he never hit the same area twice. Valerie ground her teeth together, determined not to cry out again as the lash came down again and again, never quite painful but never unremarkable, either. She thought she could feel each welt raise itself individually, a whole collection of stripes of her ass, burning and sensitive, but above all, longing for Jasper’s touch.

Finally he stopped. Valerie was panting, her weight hanging from the chain above, blindfolded, not sure what was coming next.

“Spread your legs,” he said, and she did, eagerly. Valerie arched her back, wanting to give him access to her —
maybe now
, she thought,
is when we fuck. It can’t be soon enough.

There were his fingers, sliding gently along her wet slit, just barely coming up to rub her clit once, then twice, then moving away again. It took all of Valerie’s willpower not to moan in desperation or need.

“Get ready,” he whispered.

Valerie didn’t know for what.

Then there was a sharp sting on one labia, and a moment later, a sting on the other. A noise made it out of her mouth, a strangled gasp from her throat.

“Pussy clamps,” Jasper whispered. Then he tapped the end of her buttplug once, twice, and Valerie felt like she could barely stand anymore. Everything felt magnified: the whisper of the chemise on her skin, the air moving past her cunt, Jasper’s light touch on her ass. She had the sensation of suddenly feeling in technicolor, like Dorothy in Oz.

Jasper’s hand, back on her clit, moving in slow circles, him close behind her. His hand bumping against the clamps on her pussy, a feeling like constant electricity flowing from pussy clamp to clit and back, like being in the middle of a thunderstorm.

His voice in her ear.

“Do you still want me to fuck you?” he asked. One hand moved up her front, to lightly touch the chain on her nipple clamps, spreading more electricity.

Valerie nodded.

“Say it.”

“I want you to fuck me,” she said.

Then his lips were on his neck, then his teeth, biting into her, just hard enough to leave a mark. Valerie moaned without meaning to, but instead of reprimanding her, Jasper laughed, then backed away.

“Tiptoes,” he ordered, and she stood up as high as she could, pussy clamps tingling when she closed her legs. Jasper unhooked her chains from the hook in the ceiling and led her, still blindfolded, back into the bedroom, one hand on her lower back.

“The bed is in front of you,” he said. “Sit on it.”

The did, the clamp and the plug all moving, inside and outside her, the sensations making her mind reel.

“Lay back,” he said. “The head of the bed is to your left. Stretch your arms over your head.” When she had, he attached her wrists to the headboard of the bed. The satin sheets seemed to move of their own accord under her, like cool water on her hot, bruised ass.

Valerie heard him take his clothes off, she thought. The quick rush of a shirt dropping to the ground, then a slight clatter of his belt and pants.

“Turn your head to the side,” he said, and then he undid the blindfold and there he was, naked, in front of her, without even a watch on. The room was dark but the moonlight was coming in through the windows and she looked at him, took him in, from head to toe.

Then, he moved onto the bed, spread her thighs apart, himself in the middle.

“I’ve never seen anything more beautiful than this,” he said, running his hands down her. Valerie felt almost dizzy, certain her cunt had turned into a waterfall, that she was ruining the beautiful sheets with her sheer desire.

He put the head of his cock at her waiting hole, just barely brushing up against the smooth metal clamps.

“I almost didn’t ask you come to the retreat,” he said. He stroked her clit with one finger, his cock so tantalizingly close to penetrating her, but not quite there yet. Valerie was completely in his thrall, helpless to think of anything besides the possibility of him, sinking into her, right now...

“I wasn’t sure about this until right now,” he said. He shifted his hips. “But now I am.”

With that he pushed himself into her, all in one long stroke, Valerie’s cunt eagerly accepting his long, thick manhood. A moan burst out of her from somewhere low in her chest, somewhere deep inside. She could feel the plug in her ass move, the double sensation strange and eye-widening and wonderful.

“Fuck me, Mr. Declan,” she sighed, unable to stop herself from saying it.

“You feel just as good as I’d hoped,” he said, bending over her, their faces close.

Then he drew his cock out and fucked her again, and again. She felt like he filled all the spaces inside her, like his cock was finding places no one else had ever touched. He moved the clamps just a little with every thrust, and before she knew it, his hand was also on her clit, him leaning on one arm to her side, her legs splayed open and around his back.

Valerie moaned nonstop. She’d been close ever since he first chained her.

“May I come?” she asked.

He thrust into again, hard, a sharp pleasure moving through her.

“You can come as much as you like,” he said, and pinched her clit just a little harder and she did.

It felt like an explosion, or maybe like a lightning strike; all Valerie really knew was that suddenly she was completely over come by sensations and utterly helpless to do anything besides let them wash over her, have their way with her, again and again until they stopped. Jasper was still there, hard and thick and long, fucking her hard, seemingly tireless. Then he stopped, fully inside her, still pushing, and reached into a nightstand and pulled out a small, silver cylinder.

He put it on her clit, began fucking her again, and turned the vibrator on high.

Valerie came again, taking half a second to thank god for men who knew how to work vibrators. It felt like her organs were all shaking to bits, like her orgasm muscles were beginning to wear out but it still felt good, felt amazing, and she let that one happen too.

Really, tied to the bed, she’d let anything happen.

“Again,” Jasper commanded when he orgasm subsided, rubbing the vibrator against her, still fucking hard. As strange as it felt — as much as it almost hurt — with the strong vibrations right on her clit, Valerie couldn’t do anything except what her body demanded, and her body demanded she come again.

And again.

Her cunt was beginning to feel like molten lava, the strange heat of overstimulation, so she was almost relieved when Jasper pulled out.

He must have come too
, she thought, still a little dazed. Then she realized that he was still hard.

How does he do that?
She wondered.

“Roll over,” he said, and she realized what she was in for. She hadn’t wanted to admit it to herself, but she’d come to love the feeling of the big plug in her ass, the way it stretched and stimulated her all the time, and now her back hole ached for him.

Valerie lay on her stomach, and Jasper pulled the plug out, wiped it with something.

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