Overtime (14 page)

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Authors: Roxie Noir

BOOK: Overtime
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“So you don’t have to work.”

“I could quit tomorrow and yacht around the world until I die,” Jasper said. “The work is rewarding. It makes me feel like I contribute something.”

“So much that you sleep at the office sometimes?”

Jasper smiled thinly. “Get me another glass, will you?”

Valerie pulled another snifter from the bottom of the car cart, poured the liquid into it. “Am I doing it right?” she said, half-teasing.

“Any way a pretty girl pours liquor is right,” he said.

Valerie blushed for the first time that night.

“Working too much is just something in my blood,” he went on, answering her earlier question. “I don’t know why I do it, but I do. I like doing it.”

She sat on the couch, next to him, warm in front of the fire and in the fluffy robe. The plug in her ass was still there, shifting subtly, reminding her of her place.

“If I had yacht-around-the-world money, I wouldn’t be working,” she said. She had the vague notion that one shouldn’t tell that to one’s boss, but right now she didn’t feel like he was her boss, just her lover.

was a strange thought.

He laughed. “I wouldn’t blame you,” he said. “I’m probably broken somehow. Who sleeps in their office when they have a down-filled mattress and a personal chef?”

“A crazy person,” Valerie agreed.

They both emptied their glasses of the deep gold liquid, looking into the fire.

“I’d like you to come to the retreat next weekend,” he said, out of nowhere.

Valerie frowned. “I thought assistants didn’t go.”

“They don’t, usually,” he said. “But you’re particularly competent, resourceful, and—“ he leaned over and kissed her neck, something in his manner shifting, “—it’s a beautiful place and I’d like you to see it.”

A shiver went down Valerie’s spine, and she wondered what was waiting for her at the mansion in the Hamptons.

“People will know,” she said.

“They won’t,” Jasper said. “They’ll think you’re there to give the caterers instructions once the board members get too drunk to do more than yell. After last year’s disaster, they’ll be glad to have an assistant around, someone who can take care of things.”

She looked into the fire, took a sip of her brandy. Valerie had never been to the Hamptons, and had really only heard about it on TV or from friends who knew other, richer people.

“All right,” she said.

“Good,” he said, and then changed the subject. “You’re more than welcome to stay the night here,” he went on. “I’ve got an old man’s back and I prefer to sleep in my own bed, but someone should enjoy this.”

Was she disappointed? Valerie wasn’t completely sure. Half of her had hoped he’d stay with her — maybe that they’d sleep together, in the same bed — but the other half was excited to be here alone, to turn the big TVs onto loud movies, order room service, drink champagne, hang out naked in this hotel room that probably cost half her rent.

“Thanks,” she said.

“Use anything,” he said. “Room service, the minibar. There’s a spa downstairs. They’ll charge it to my account.”

Valerie nodded and curled one leg under her. The plug shifted, just a little.

After Jasper left with a strangely chaste kiss to her forehead, Valerie did all those things: she watched HBO on the giant TV in the bedroom after ordering chocolates and red wine from room service. She took a tiny bottle of whiskey from the minibar, just because she could. She stood in the balcony in her short, fluffy robe, marveling at the view of New York and of Central Park after nightfall. Finally, she turned off the fireplace, the TV, and went to sleep.

Chapter Nineteen

Monday morning, she got into the office at 8:55 to an email from Jasper.

Please come see me when you arrive,
it read.

She went through his partially opened office door and stood there, strange emotions swirling in her: the forehead kiss he’d given her Saturday night, combined with the flogging he’d given her that evening, the savage and wonderful way he’d fucked her, on the bed, until she absolutely couldn’t come any more.

The plug in her ass that shifted, just a little, whenever she walked or sat or, really, did anything.

“You wanted to see me, Mr. Declan?” she asked, peeking through his partly-open door.

“Come in, Valerie,” he said. “Close the door.”

Right away her heart hammered and her cunt shifted into overdrive. She closed the door softly, trying not to bring too much attention to it, and walked toward his desk.

He smiled, sitting up straight in his suit, a pen in one hand.

“You know what to do,” he said.

Valerie walked around the desk, the ritual familiar now: stand a foot away from him and bend over. She felt the hand sliding up her thigh, shifting her skirt over her hips, to her waist, the fingers skating across the top of her stockings and up to her wet slit.

As always, he just barely brushed her, breathing her scent in deeply. This time, he tapped one finger, gently, on the plug in her ass, the feeling sending vibrations through her entire body.

Valerie didn’t make a noise. She’d learned that.

“Good girl,” he said. He snapped one garter against her thigh, her signal that it was time to hike her skirt back down. “I see you’ve still got it in.”

“Just like you told me,” she said, pulling her skirt down, smoothing it out.

“It looks beautiful. I can hardly wait,” he said.

Wait for what?
She wondered.

Then she thought,
Maybe this weekend he’ll actually fuck me. Even if it’s in my ass, I want it

Valerie swallowed.

Then Jasper sighed and looked at his computer. “I should tell you that I have a very busy week ahead,” he said. “I don’t think I’m going to have time for many extracurricular activities, so please consult with me before planning any lunches or dinners. We’ll leave for the retreat with the car service early Friday morning.” He lowered his voice. “I’ll have the car come get you. Don’t tell the others you’re receiving special treatment.”

Valerie nodded. “Anything else, Mr. Declan?”

“That’s all,” he said. “Please try to get me the final of the Annual Report by lunchtime tomorrow.”

“Of course,” she said, and then left.

She’d caught the coded message in what he said: no time for the affair this week. It was to be expected, of course; she’d heard that the week before the retreat was always so crazy, no one even had time to eat lunch.

It didn’t stop her from being disappointed.

She sat at her office chair, plug in her ass shifting a little, as always, and began proofing the endless Annual Report.

Chapter Twenty

That week, Valerie at least still got her morning ritual with Jasper: come into his office, bend over, let him run his fingers up her legs and thighs, brushing her pussy lips and butt plug, before he inevitably let her go, sighed, and turned his talk back to business.

Valerie found herself looking forward to those moments more and more with every day that nothing came to fruition: the knowledge that, though nothing else might happen, he’d touch her just a little bit, make sure she was following his rules.

Thursday, she got in at seven in the morning. She’d left her apartment at six-fifteen, pretty much the earliest she possibly could. She was dressed neatly but not well: a blouse, a skirt, shoes, no panties. She hadn’t had time to put stockings on that morning.

Jasper was already there when he arrived, talking quietly to a few people in the art department. Everyone had circles under their eyes and nodded as he spoke. They all looked nervous and even a little cowed to see him, there, in their department, speaking to them so intently.

Valerie sat and focused on her work: arguing with caterers over the wine for Saturday’s dinner party; debating flower arrangements with the florist. Usually her work wasn’t so, well,
Normally she got to do more copywriting, more advertising stuff, more proofreading and looking at art and photos, but the week before the retreat was notorious.

Finally Jasper walked back through, past Valerie’s desk, and she lifted her eyes to his.

“My office, please,” he said. He didn’t even look down at her.

Just like always, those words turned her on. She stepped in and closed the door, folded her hands in front of her, waited. She knew the ritual well by now.

“Come over here,” he said, still standing behind his desk.

This was a little odd; usually he sat before the underwear check. Valerie obeyed anyway, coming to stand in her usual spot.

“Bend over the desk,” he said.

That was new, too. She obeyed, placing both hands flat-down, her breasts, her belly, one cheek. Jasper took something out of his briefcase and held it in his hand. She couldn’t see it well, and he moved behind her.

Hands sliding up her thighs, like always. She waited for his touch on her lips and then the end of the plug, and there they were: sliding up and down her slit, the faintest of caresses on her clit, and then a few quick taps on the plug.

Then, he took it in two fingers and twisted it. It was a strange, subtle sensation, and Valerie made a tiny gasp, just barely loud enough for Jasper to hear. Then he pulled it out.

Even though she did it every day — as necessity dictated — it felt so odd and

“You’ve graduated,” he said, and over her shoulder she watched him take an antibacterial wipe, lay it on a side table, and gently place the metal plug on it.

“To what?” she asked. She knew now that she was allowed to ask questions; he seemed to like being the older, experienced master, ready to tell the wide-eyed girl everything she needed to know about the new world she was entering.

“A larger plug,” he said, calmly, and then she felt the cold metal poking at her back entrance, yet again.

Valerie tried to relax.
It’s nothing
, she told herself.
Just a little size up. He’s preparing you for... something
Himself, maybe

She bit her lower lip and said nothing as he gradually slid the lubricated metal plug into her, stretching her further than he had before, this plug considerably bigger and wider. Before long her breath was coming in short little gasps, fogging the cool surface of his desk a little before the fog faded.

Valerie tried to relax but squeezed her eyes shut, willing herself to take the whole thing in. Once it was in, it would feel so
, she knew, she only had to bear this part for now.

And then suddenly, the flared part was in, the base nestled against the outside of her asshole, the wide plug filling her more than the old one had. She exhaled long and hard, slumping a little and closing her eyes. Behind her, she could see Jasper wiping down the old one with the antibacterial wipe, then getting out a new wipe and cleaning his hands thoroughly.

At least he’s strict about that too
, she thought. He put the old plug away and came back to her, still prone on the desk, caressing her inner thigh, working his hand up to her cunt and back down, just teasing her. He brushed the tip of the plug just a little with his thumb, making Valerie squirm and sigh, beginning to hope for some sort of release that morning.

He bent down to whisper in her ear. “I could have you right here on my desk,” he said. His breath tickled and sent shivers up and down Valerie. One finger stroked her cunt, yet again. “I could take you with all your coworkers just on the other side of that door, none the wiser.”

A very small moan escaped Valerie’s lips, and his hand squeezed her ass. “I ought to do it,” he went on, his voice still a whisper. “You’re so luscious, like this, bent over and open—“

His phone rang. Jasper cursed under his breath and craned his neck to look at the called ID.

“I have to take it,” he said. “I’m sorry. You can leave.”

Valerie pushed herself back to her feet, the new plug adjusting itself in her ass, her back hole wider than usual. She pushed her skirt down and straightened her blouse, trying to act like she wasn’t disappointed, or like her legs weren’t weak with lust.

For a moment, one beautiful, shining moment, she’d thought they were going to fuck right there.

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