Over the Fence: Lyssa Layne's Baseball Romances (19 page)

BOOK: Over the Fence: Lyssa Layne's Baseball Romances
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His fingers run over my neck and across my collarbone. I instantly react as sparks of electricity shoot to every nerve ending in my body. His eyelids close and I swallow hard. His finger glides back and forth across my collarbone while his other hand squeezes my thigh tightly. He opens his eyes and sighs. “But I can’t. You’re in a relationship and I won’t do that.”

My heart races as he leans back, taking his hands with him. I have to fight every urge in my body to not grab him and put them back where they belong, or at least devour his lips with mine. Instead, I nod and open the door getting out. He also exits and walks around the SUV to help me. My dress slides up as I scoot out of the car. His touch is even more electrifying than before. He reaches for my bags, but I grab them from him.

“‘G’night, Grant,” I say, quickly turning toward the building but he catches my arm spinning me around.


He looks down at me and I can’t help but lick my lips. He grins and shakes his head. “That’s not fair,” he says, almost in a growl.

I stick my bottom lip out pouting. “It’s not fair to tease me and say you’re going to kiss me and then not follow through.”

He raises that damned sexy eyebrow. “So you’re saying you want me to kiss you?”

Crap, he caught me!

He brushes my hair back over my shoulder and runs his hand over my skin, down my arm until he’s holding my hand. “Let me know when you’re ready for that kiss, Colie,” he says and plants his lips on my cheek. Then he pushes me toward my building. I open the door and as I step inside, I hear him drive off.

I struggle to carry all my bags to the penthouse loft, wondering what’s wrong with me. I’m dating Jace Richards. He’s practically proposed to me. So why am I all turned on by Grant Adamson? I sigh. Turned on isn’t the word. My heart is beating out of my chest and it’s not just the almost kiss that has my heart racing, it’s the whole night. The laughter, the singing, the simple touches. I glance over at a picture of Jace hanging on the wall.
Get it together, Colie.

In the bedroom, I slip out of my dress and crawl into bed, too exhausted to put anything else on. For the next hour, I toss and turn as my thoughts race back and forth between Jace and Grant. Finally, I drift off to sleep, but my dreams aren’t with the man they should be.









The morning after and my fantasies from the night before feel so real. I moan at the feel of firm hands on my breasts and thighs. I picture Grant holding me against him as he pushes my legs apart. I should be feeling the tickle of his chest hair brushing my arm, but instead I feel a solid, smooth chest against me. I open my eyes and blink twice to focus.

“Miss me?” Jace asks with a grin as he hovers over me in the buff.

My cheeks burn as I sit up but he pushes me down. His mouth captures my breast and his teeth skim my nipples. His athletic hands easily part my legs and he inserts a finger deep inside me. I close my eyes to enjoy the sensations he’s creating and I’m quickly greeted by visions of Grant. Being that I’m already turned on, it takes no time at all for me to explode as he twists, turns, and teases me with his hand. Jace grins at me as he pulls his fingers out and rolls on top of me. “Good girl,” he mumbles as he leans down and kisses me.

I run my fingers through his hair as we kiss then pull away and ask, “What are you doing here? I thought you were working.”

“Nikki, you know I always make time for you,” Jace replies as he moves his mouth to my neck and sucks lightly.

I feel him dancing between my legs and realize it’s going to be awhile before we get out of bed and he’s not going to answer my question. Three hours later and my suspicions have proven true. My stomach growls and Jace leans down, licking from my hip bone to my belly button. I shudder as he tongues my navel but my stomach lets out another grumble.

“Guess that means it’s time for a break?”

Reluctantly climbing out of bed, I pull on his t-shirt and walk to the kitchen. I get out a skillet and a carton of eggs. As I whip them in a bowl, I turn to him where he is sitting at the table in his boxer briefs. I lick my lips at the sight of this delicious man who’s all mine. Good, all thoughts about Grant are now gone. A few minutes later, I set a plate of eggs in front of him and he pulls me on his lap.

“Did you think any more about my proposal?” he asks as his hands slide up my back.

I nod although I really haven’t.

He grins and slaps my butt. “Good. After we eat, let’s get dressed and go to Tiffany’s.”

I scoot off his lap and slowly eat my breakfast.
Did I just accept his marriage proposal?
I push the food around on my plate, unable to swallow any of it. Obviously, Jace doesn’t notice as he finishes, leaving his plate at the table and heading to the shower. I start to text Meg but remember she’s probably en route to Costa Rica by now. Cleaning up the dishes, I wonder what I’ve done.

Less than an hour later and we’re standing in the middle of the Tiffany’s showroom on Northern Boulevard. Jace has managed for us to have a private showing. He flirts with the female jeweler as I begin to sweat. He makes no notice of it as he pushes me to the showcase.

“This first one is inspired by flower buds as you can see with pave diamonds set around the round center stone which is approximately a carat and a half,” she says holding up a ring I’m sure cost more than I make in a year.

“This one here is an open curved diamond band that accentuates the center stone. It’s a little bit bigger than the first at almost two carats.”

The towhead jeweler gives me a sickeningly sweet smile and nods toward the rings. “Do you see something else that you like?”

When I don’t respond, she grabs my trembling hand and shoves a ring on it. The weight of the jewelry feels like I could drop it through the glass case. She laughs at my reaction and Jace joins her briefly. Finally, he notices how nervous I am. He gives her a look and she steps away.

“Nicole, I thought this is what you wanted.”

He squeezes my hand with the massive rock on it. I swallow hard, sweat rolling into my eye.

“I… I…do, but this… you…took me by surprise.”

He kisses my hand. “Isn’t that how a proposal works?”

My breath picks up and I suddenly feel like I might hyperventilate. He rubs my back and pulls me to him. In a softer tone, he says in my ear, “We’re just looking today, don’t let this scare you. I won’t ask again until you tell me you’re ready.”

Throwing my arms around him, I let out a huge sigh of relief. He laughs as I do and I mutter thank you. Slowly, he slides the ring off my finger and sets it back on the counter. Taking my hand, he walks us out of the showroom. Before we walk outside, he fingers my charm bracelet I’m still wearing from the night before.

He frowns and says, “I thought you were getting rid of this.”

I spin it around so that the clasp is in back and answer, “It’s from my dad, Jace. You know that.”

Not only did I explain that to him when he gave me the diamond bracelet but we discussed it back in college. College…when things were simple and inexpensive.

He unclasps the bracelet and drops it in my purse. Waving the jeweler over, he points to the necklace and earrings that match my bracelet. Without saying a word, he pulls me to him and puts the jewelry on me. He fingers the round diamonds on the necklace and kisses me below my ear.

“Keep your dad’s bracelet, but please, baby, wear my jewelry.” And these days, it’s also Grant’s, I think to myself.

He brushes his lips against mine as the jeweler returns with his receipt. Walking outside hand in hand, we’re ambushed by photographers. Instead of the protective stance he took when we were in D.C. last, he grins and parades us to the waiting car. The reporters shouting questions about us being engaged. My stomach sinks when I hear one reporter yell, “Colie, what does Grant Adamson think about your engagement?”









Sprinting through Central Park, my lungs burn from the cool morning air. It feels amazing. I love the good hurt my body feels from exercising. Grant chases behind me and bends over when I stop.

“Colie, this isn’t a race. Slow down!”

I laugh as I pull my leg back, stretching my quad. It’s been a month since my sister’s wedding. I came clean to Grant about Jace’s potential marriage proposal. All he said was that he wanted me to be happy, and life went on as though it had never been discussed.

Luckily, Jace hasn’t brought it up again, but with baseball season ending right around the corner, I know it’ll be a hot topic in the off-season—both from him and the press.

“How’s the shoulder?”

He circles his arm as if testing it and nods. “It feels good. I think I’m ready to get back.”

Since I took over his rehabilitation, he hasn’t pitched. Michael really messed up his shoulder. I glance over at Grant as I let my foot down. “Tell me again why you kept pitching when your arm hurt so bad.”

“I trusted him and I shouldn’t have. I told him it hurt and he said I had to push through the pain for it to feel better.”

I shake my head. That’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard but I don’t dare tell Grant that. “Know where he’s at now?” I ask.

Grant doesn’t say anything. He moves a few steps ahead of me, then stops and turns around. My hands on my hips, I raise my eyebrows, not moving toward him, waiting for him to answer.

Grant shakes his head and walks back to me. “Colie, I’ve got a bad feeling about him…and Richards.”

I start to roll my eyes but Grant touches my arm lightly. “This isn’t a jealousy thing, Colie. I have to show you something.”

For whatever reason, I believe him. I think deep down he knows if he put up a fight for me, he’d give Jace a run for his money, so I doubt he’s making this story up…whatever it may be.

We get back to his Escalade and we both climb inside. He sighs as he hands me a newspaper. On the cover is a picture of Jace in a nightclub, dancing extremely close to another woman who is not me. Grant points and I see Michael sitting on the couch behind him.
Ah-ha, so it was him in Vegas!
The headline reads “Richards Back to His Playboy Ways?” I skim the article, which states that he was seen in a nightclub with multiple other women, but it’s the date that gets me. The pictures were taken on the night of Meg’s wedding.

Dropping the paper in my lap, I shake my head, completely confused. Grant reaches over and touches my hand, since my charm bracelet is now locked up due to Jace’s request. He speaks softly, “Colie, are you okay?”

“Take me home,” I demand.

“Cole, I didn’t—”

“I know, Grant. You didn’t do this or make it up. I want to confront him about this before he leaves town.”

Pulling in front of the loft building, my heart races until Grant touches my arm again. A calm feeling washes over me and I put my hand on top of his.

“Want me to go up with you?” he asks.

Shaking my head, I tell him no. I start to pull my hand away, but he grabs it with his other one. His eyes are full of concern and in a serious tone, he says, “Colie, be smart. I don’t have a good feeling about this, so text or call me as soon as it’s over.”

I swallow hard and nod. He leans over and kisses my cheek, giving my hand a squeeze before I head inside. My heart races at the confrontation I know I’m about to face. I’m not sure if he’ll deny it or confess. As much as the images of other women makes me sick, I want just as badly to know what the hell was Michael doing there with him.

I quietly open the door to the loft and tiptoe down the hallway. I hear Jace on the phone and lean around the corner. He’s already dressed in black dress slacks and a button down shirt with the top two buttons undone. His hair’s in a faux-hawk with his hoop earrings on display along with his gold chain necklace.

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