Over the Fence: Lyssa Layne's Baseball Romances (13 page)

BOOK: Over the Fence: Lyssa Layne's Baseball Romances
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He follows me to the kitchen and tries to help, but I insist I’ve got this on my own. I need to busy myself and focus on something other than last night. He sits at the kitchen table and we talk about work. Forty-five minutes later the first batch is out of the oven.

Pouring us both a glass of milk, I set them on the table along with the plate of cookies. I sit beside him, pulling my knee up to my chest.

He takes a bite and moans. “Mmm, Colie, you make the best cookies.”

I smile proudly as he shoves the rest of the cookie in his mouth, which leaves a smear of chocolate on his lip. Leaning forward, I wipe the chocolate away and our eyes meet for a brief moment.

“Got it,” I say softly and he mumbles thanks.

We eat cookies until the timer beeps letting me know the second batch is done. I start to clean up the kitchen but Grant jumps up. “You cooked, I clean. Go sit down.”

Too tired to argue, I hand him the bowl and walk to the living room. I stretch out on the couch with the game on and drift off to sleep. When I wake up, I’m snuggled in the guest bed. Looking at my phone, I see it’s six in the morning. I rub my eyes and get out of bed, still wearing my black yoga capris and oversized, off the shoulder pink top. The smell of coffee is wafting into my room.

Walking into the kitchen, I pour myself a mug and head to the living room. I’m surprised to see Grant staring out the window. My eyes roam up and down the back of his body. A body that I touch on a daily basis, but rarely do I get to enjoy like this. He’s wearing only his boxer briefs. His back ripples with muscles and he doesn’t have an ounce of fat on him. His briefs hug his perfect ass and show off his defined hamstrings.

I let out a sigh and he turns around. He’s holding a cup of coffee and eating a cookie. He holds up the treat with a smile. “Breakfast of champions,” he says.

I laugh and walk over to him. I almost reach out and wrap my arms around him but I stop myself. Instead I break off a piece of cookie and swallow it down with my coffee. We stand side by side, staring out the window.

Grant’s place is so different than both of Jace’s lofts. Jace’s place is contemporary and obviously designed by an interior decorator. It has all the finest and most expensive items from the couches to the carpet to the Faberge eggs sitting on his mantels. Grant’s, on the other hand, has all matching furniture although I couldn’t tell you the brand. The walls are empty other than a few awards here and there.

Nodding at the blank canvas of a wall, I ask, “Why don’t you have any decorations?”

He stares out the window when he answers, “My ex decorated this place. I didn’t want to be reminded of her so I got rid of everything, bought new furniture, and what essentials I needed and called it good.”

How could anyone respond to that? I don’t.

More silence follows until Grant speaks. “How are things with Richards?”

Biting my bottom lip, I shrug. Grant turns and looks down at me. He sets his mug on the table beside us and gently rests his hands on my shoulders. “Colie…”

I blink back tears and avoid his eyes. “I do…don’t ...know,” I stammer, “it’s just…different. He’s different.”

There are sobs in my voice as I say this. The night in D.C. did scare me, but I can’t tell anyone about it, although I’m on the verge of letting it loose on Grant. He pulls me into a hug and I embrace him. His chest hair tickles my nose and I snuggle deeper against him.

I don’t have to say any more. He understands what I’m implying, and his deep voice is comforting as he says, “Fame changes some people. Don’t be one of them. Promise me you’ll always be the Colie I met.”

Nodding against his chest, I wonder if my perfect sister is right. Maybe I chose the wrong player.









After Grant and I polish off the cookies, we go to the gym to work off the calories. My whole body aches from the workout and my night with Jace. Walking into the large loft, it feels empty despite all the material things inside it. I toss my keys on the table in the foyer and catch sight of a large bouquet of flowers on the kitchen table. The room smells like a flower shop from the three dozen roses that sit in a vase.

Picking up the card, I read it:
Nikki, Please forgive me. I promise I’ll make it up to you. XXX, Jace

Sitting in a chair, I tap the card on the table, staring at the roses. My phone rings and I look down seeing it’s Jace. I answer but don’t say anything.

“Nikki?” Jace questions and my heart pitter patters. I don’t answer, afraid of tears if I do, but he must be able to hear me as he continues. “Nikki, I’m sorry about the other night. Tosh told me I was a real dick and I don’t remember any of it. God, baby, I never meant to treat you that way. Please forgive me. Let me make it up to you.”

Biting my lip, I fight back tears. This is the Jace I remember. This is the Jace I’ve wanted all these years. Not the uppity, famous baseball player. I want my Loyola Jace.

“Answer me for real…who else are you sleeping with?”

He hesitates but then answers, “No one, Nikki. It’s only you.”

I close my eyes, leaning my head back on the chair.
Can I trust him?
The old Jace I could, but I’m not so sure about the new one.

“When did you start drinking?”

“I only have a few every now and then. It’d just been a long day and a good win, so I was letting loose. Nikki, I’ll never do that around you again. I promise.”

I should give him a second chance. We’ve all messed up before, so I shouldn’t punish him. I mutter a simple okay and he lets out a whoop of excitement. I laugh as I picture him dancing around the room and I hope I’m doing the right thing.




I’m at the stadium early for our day game. In the training room, I start getting my materials ready to work on each of the pitchers. Apparently, I’ve found my niche and it’s with the pitching team. I’m reading through notes on one of the rookies when Michael walks in. He grabs some folders that are sitting beside me and nods. He’s about to walk out of the room when he stops and turns to me. “Adger, you’re with the outfield team for the next few weeks.”

I frown. We’re almost halfway through the season. I know my players’ ailments and exactly how they need to be treated and stretched. Michael sees my frown and shrugs. “I want you to be exposed to all areas. I’m taking over the pitching team.”

I nod. What else can I do? He’s the boss. He walks out of the room as Benny, Grant, and some of the other pitchers enter.

“Hey, hey, it’s the birthday girl!” Benny announces.

Today I’m officially twenty-six. I was hoping to keep it on the down low, but with Benny, nothing is ever quiet. I’m planning on spending the evening resting up at home. Despite the fact that Jace is in town playing the Yankees, I won’t get to see him until tomorrow.

Benny gives me a hug and the rest of the guys follow suit. Grant is last as he walks over and gives me a long embrace. He’s the only one I truly hug back and we both linger. He kisses my cheek and in a low voice wishes me a happy birthday.

Michael comes back in and with a look of his eyes orders me out of the room so he can work with his players. I wave bye and tell them all thanks for the birthday wishes right before Benny informs us that we’re all going out that evening. The men cheer and I sigh. There goes my quiet night in.




Sitting on the patio of a dive bar, ESPN on the television behind us, I sip my beer. I’m out with the guys so I’m sporting a pair of white shorts with a matching black and white striped V-neck shirt. Benny sits on one side of me, telling grand, comical stories about each player who comes on SportsCenter. Grant’s on the other side, leaning back in his chair looking relaxed as he drinks a beer and fingers my charm bracelet. I smile mainly at Benny’s stories, but also at the familiarity of Grant’s actions.

After my second beer, I excuse myself to the ladies’ room. When I come out, I see Grant leaning against the bar. Walking up, I grab his waist trying to surprise him. He turns around laughing and puts his arm around me, pulling me against him. “You having a good birthday?”

“I couldn’t ask for a better one,” I answer with a smile and playful jab.

He laughs and nods. He reaches into his pocket and hands me a small box. “Good, that’s what I like to hear. Here you go, Colie. Happy birthday.” He plants a kiss on my cheek as he hands me the box.

I smile up at him as my fingers tear off the wrapping paper. Taking the lid off the box, I see another charm for my bracelet. It’s a small whisk and muffin pan. I laugh and hold my wrist out for him to attach it.

“I figured it was appropriate since you are the best baker I know.”

I giggle as his fingers drag over my wrist, sending my body in an uproar. “Obviously, you don’t know many bakers.”

He finishes putting the charm on and spins the bracelet around. He looks into my eyes and says, “Perfect.”

I can’t look away, I’m drawn into him and I want to lean forward so our lips can meet, but instead the bartender sets two beers down. Grant picks them up and I lead us back to our table.

The Diplomats game has finished while we were at the bar and they pulled off a victory, although Jace didn’t pitch. I send him a quick congratulatory text and put my phone in my purse.

Another hour later and the sun is setting. The guys are getting rowdy as the beer’s been flowing steadily. Both Grant and I have stopped drinking. His fingers work over my bracelet while Benny dares one of the rookies to kiss our waitress. I roll my eyes. Some days I really am in junior high.

The rookie looks behind me, his eyes as big as saucers. We all turn to see what he’s gawking at. It’s Jace. I quickly jump up as Grant pulls his hand back. I throw my arms around my boyfriend, shocked to see him.

“Wh-what are you doing here?” I ask nervously, unsure if the boys will play nice or not. Behind Jace stands a few of his teammates. He pulls me tightly against him, leaning down and giving a show-off kiss for both teams.

“I had to come see my best girl on her birthday,” he says with a wink. “You didn’t think I’d let the Ace boys have you all to themselves, did you?”

My stomach twists into knots. I look at my guys who are all sitting up a little bit defensively and I know alcohol isn’t going to help this situation. Grant stands up. His jeans brush my bare legs as he does and my leg tingles at his touch. “No problem, Richards. We were about to take off. You’ll get her home safely?”

Jace smirks at Grant as they glare at each other, a contest to see who will look away first. I move between the two of them, breaking it up. Facing Jace, I say, “Let me tell the guys goodbye then I’ll come grab a drink with you.”

He nods and gives me another kiss, this time a lingering, full on, tongues dancing, lip sucking kiss. He shakes Grant’s hand and says, “Thanks for watching out for my girl.” Then saunters off to his table.

When I turn around, I’m chest to chest with Grant, his jaw is clenched. I put my hands on his chest and look up at him. Luckily, in my wedge heels, I’m not that much shorter than him. “Grant?”

His eyes move away from Jace and down to me. “You sure you’ll be okay with him?”

I give him a soft smile and nod. “Don’t worry about me.”

Grant mutters, “I always do, Nicole.”

My heart races as he says that. I quickly slide my arms around his neck. “Thank you for my charm. My birthday’s been great.”

He nods and hugs me back. I know he’s staring at Jace as we do. He slowly lets me go and I move around the table, thanking everyone for coming out. Grant squeezes my hand one more time before he ushers everyone out. I take a deep breath before turning around to face Jace.

Walking over to his table, he gives me a grin and pulls me in his lap when I get there. He holds me against him as he introduces me to everyone around the table. He runs his fingertips up and down my arms, giving me goose bumps.

My arm loops around his neck as I stay in his lap. The guys all chit chat, leaving me out of the conversation, unlike my previous company. This is the first time I’ve seen Jace since the incident over two weeks ago. I kiss his neck softly and nibble on his ears. My hormones are screaming at me as his sandalwood and vanilla scent tempts me and I need distraction from my interaction with Grant this evening.

I grind my hips against his lap and he smiles at me. “Mmm, baby, miss me?”

I nod and suck on his earlobe. “I think you owe me from last time…”

He frowns and nods. “You’re right. Nikki. You do forgive me, right?”

My heart races faster when he calls me that. I picture our late night batting practices in the dark at Loyola. Him yelling out, despite my efforts to shush him so we don’t get caught, “Nikki Adger calls her shot!”

A flash goes off, followed by another. I sigh, that was back when times were much simpler. “Let’s get out of here,” I respond.

Nodding, he helps me get up and then adjusts the growing bulge in his pants before he stands too. We say goodnight to everyone and he wraps his arm around my waist as we head for the door.

BOOK: Over the Fence: Lyssa Layne's Baseball Romances
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