Read Out of the Shadows Online

Authors: Bethany Shaw

Out of the Shadows (16 page)

BOOK: Out of the Shadows
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Devon gripped the counter as Grant leaned into Lark, his
lips brushing against her cheek. She gave him a sweet smile before bidding him
farewell. He should forget about her. Let Grant woo her, but something wouldn’t
let him.

The hour she had been gone had been excruciating. He wanted
Lark. It was more than a physical attraction, he liked her. Her personality was
intoxicating. His inner wolf wanted to claim her to make her his.

He growled, causing his throat to vibrate as Grant’s hand
ran up and down Lark’s arm. She pulled away, her melodic laugh filling the air
as the shop door opened.

“I’ll see you later,” she smiled.

“Bye, Lark,” Grant called.

Lark turned and walked back into the shop. She pulled a hair
tie from her purse and quickly swept her blonde locks up into a ponytail. She
stopped in front of the glass case, pulling some strands over the laceration on
her forehead until the injury was completely concealed. She gave her hair one
final fluff before moving away. The smell of cinnamon and vanilla wafted off
her filling his nostrils as she walked past.

“Anything happen while I was out?” Lark questioned as she
joined Devon, Sarah, and Preston behind the counter.

“Preston and I got here about fifteen minutes ago. I had to
stay late and make up a test from yesterday,” Sarah mumbled.

“How was school?” Lark asked.

“Fine, I’m ready for graduation. By the way, Ms. Willis
wants to talk to you. She thinks Preston and I were playing hooky yesterday
since we both didn’t show up.” Sarah looked down at her fingernails.

Devon leaned back against the wall and rolled his eyes. He
wasn’t particularly interested in what happened in school today.

“Hmmm, I’ll have to think of what excuse I want to tell her
tomorrow morning. Obviously the truth is out of the question,” Lark sighed
wrapping an arm around Sarah. “How are you holding up?”

“I’m okay,” Sarah said.

“Well, you know we’re here for you, if you want to talk,”
Lark offered. She kissed Sarah’s head and gave her a worried look.

“How was your date?” Sarah asked turning to her sister.

Devon’s ears perked up though he averted his gaze to the
floor pretending he didn’t care.

“It was good, we caught up and talked about old times,” Lark
smiled, her blue eyes shining brightly.

“Is there a second date?” Sarah questioned.

Lark grabbed her apron and tied it around herself, dusting
some stray flour off the front.

“I don’t know, I kind of left it open.”

“But you had fun?” Sarah persisted.

Devon watched Lark intently. She looked up the smile still
on her face slipping into a grin.

“I did, but we’ve already been there. I don’t know. Things
have changed the past few years. We can’t just pick up where we left off. I
don’t know that-”

“Stop making excuses, Lark,” Sarah cut her off, arms crossed
over her chest.

Lark opened her mouth and closed it before turning back to
the case. Rolling her eyes, she grabbed a clipboard and began to write
inventory down, her face intent on her work. It was obvious by her demeanor the
conversation was over.

Devon stayed in his spot against the wall watching Lark move
about her business. Every once in a while her eyes flitted to his, to which she
quickly glanced away.

“We’re doing a ceremony for my dad tonight at sunset,”
Preston said his voice hollow. “Gene let me know this morning. You two had
already gone for the day; I thought you’d like to know.”

“Thanks,” Lark whispered giving Preston a sympathetic look.
“I know it’s tough right now, and there isn’t anything anyone can say to make
it better, but Sarah and I are here if you need us.” Her eyes drifted from
Preston’s downward gaze to meet Devon’s.

Devon knew her comment extended to him too and again
couldn’t believe the kindness she extended toward him. He gave her a small nod,
acknowledging her gesture.


After an hour of tossing and turning, Lark made her way
downstairs. She was exhausted, but sleep eluded her. The ceremony for Rick had
been emotional and draining, yet her mind wasn’t ready to shut down for the
night. She could still hear the yowls of sorrow echoing in her mind. All the
wolves had transitioned to pay homage to their fallen leader.

She walked to the kitchen for a glass of water, cinching her
robe a little tighter. She stopped in the doorway, the room already occupied.

“Can’t sleep?” She asked walking to the cupboard to get a

“No, you?” Devon asked turning to her.

“Nope.” Her eyes took in his half naked state. He was
perfectly sculpted
not too bulky and not too lean. Perfect.

“Early morning again tomorrow.” Devon leaned against the
counter, his muscles rippling with his movement.

“I appreciate your help. I know it’s early.” Lark filled her
glass up with water.

“Just following orders, no need to thank me,” Devon

Lark frowned and let out a long breath.
they back to this now?

“I thought it was more than that.
We never talked about the other morning,” she blabbed. It wasn’t like they
could ignore the fact that they’d kissed twice now.

“There isn’t much to talk about, Lark. I don’t do
. Yo
u do.”

“Have you ever tried?” Lark asked. She’d had fun with Grant
earlier, but there wasn’t a spark; no butterflies, nothing. Devon set every
nerve in her body on fire. She didn’t think she could do a relationship just on
sex though. But she could guess it would be mind blowing, based on their
chemistry alone.



“You’re nosy.”

“Well, you’re annoying.”

Devon chuckled. “I’ve been told.”

“Don’t kiss me again,” Lark warned. She didn’t like this
game. She deserved someone who would give her a real relationship, not someone
who wanted a booty call, and would leave her after a few fun nights.

“I could say the same to you.”

“Fine,” Lark snapped slamming her cup on the counter, water
sloshed out onto her hand. Flustered, she wiped her hand on her robe and yanked
a paper towel from the holder cleaning up her mess. “Besides, I’m dating
Grant,” she stated hoping to get a reaction.

“Your enthusiasm this afternoon was overwhelming,” Devon

Heat crept across her face, anger churned in her. “Why do
you care?”

“I don’t.”

“Good,” she yelled.


“Goodnight.” Lark turned on her heel and stomped away, her
footsteps thundering beneath her all the way to her room.

No way would she be able to sleep
tonight. What the hell had happened in there anyway? Things with Devon only got
more complicated. She would talk to Gene about switching him with someone else
in the morning. She couldn’t be around him. He was infuriating, intoxicating,
and confusing. At the same time, she didn’t want to give him the satisfaction
of requesting someone else.

She slammed the door shut to her bedroom and sucked in large
gulps of air. Her head lolled back against the door, and she forced her mind to
calm down. She needed to get sleep in order to function tomorrow.

Chapter 16

Ducking under the mat, Lark slammed
her fist into the red pad in Devon’s hand. Her knuckles ached and were raw from
the force she was using, but she continued the brutal assault on the red hand
held punching mats.

The past two-and-a-half weeks had only fueled her frustration
towards him. They had a hot and cold relationship. One minute they were
friendly, the next they were shooting snide comments at each other. The pent up
tension between them was reaching a boiling point. It seemed she was constantly
fighting the urge to pummel or straddle him. It was infuriating the way he made
her feel.

These training sessions were a great way to unload her
irritation. She grabbed the back of Devon’s hand and drove her knee up into the
pad. His other hand lifted and she swung a right hook connecting with it. It
was a grueling pattern of punches, kicks, followed by bobbing and weaving. It
was also a great workout. Her breathing was erratic. Lark’s pulse spiked and
her muscles burned. Surprisingly, she felt good.

“Harder,” Devon said, clapping the two pads together.

Lark lunged, thrusting her fist harder into the cushioned
material. After establishing she used proper technique, they now were working
on speed and impact.

“One more time,” Devon pushed her on.

Crouching down under his swinging arm, she jumped up into an
uppercut. Her fist connected with the tip of the pad and the corner of his jaw.
Pain exploded in her hand and ricocheted up her arm, she cried out in

“Oh my god, I’m sorry,” Lark exhaled, flexing her hand. She
hadn’t meant to actually hit him. She reached out to touch him, but he stepped

Devon gave her a perturbed glare. His hand jutted out,
grabbing her around the waist. He spun her around, pushing her into the wood
wall of the barn. Her back thudded against the wood planks as she gasped for

“Don’t apologize and never let your guard down,” he scolded,
leaning into her. “You want to catch them by surprise, not the other way

Lark shivered, as tingles shot through her from his close proximity.
Her body overheated, warmth crept across her skin. His arm slick against hers,
chests pressed firmly together. Arousal rolled through her at his scorching

“I think we’re done here for tonight,” Devon stated his
hazel eyes churned as their gazes locked.

“Okay,” Lark whispered. She gulped unable to tear away from
his piercing glare.

Devon pulled back after another long moment, letting out a
long puff of air.

“You did well tonight. You’re
getting faster.”

Lark chewed on her lower lip and leaned her head back on the
wall. “Thanks.”

“Vincent’s going to go with you tomorrow, maybe Marcus too.
I have something I have to do,” Devon ran a hand through his sweaty blonde

“Oh, okay. What’re you doing?” She asked curiously. “Does it
have something to do with Emily?”

“No, not directly anyway.”

“Have you heard anything yet? It’s been a few weeks.” Lark
worried for Emily. She’d known her for a short period of time but the thought
of what was going to happen to the other girl, made Lark sick.

“Vincent talked to Daniel this afternoon. They plan to move
Emily a week from Thursday,” Devon ground out. He looked away, his red cheeks
darkening further.

“Daniel’s still going to help, right?” Lark hoped he
wouldn’t chicken out at the last moment.

“If he doesn’t, it will hurt our plans but we’re working on
putting a second plan into motion,” Devon said grabbing his water from atop the
crate and took a long guzzle before dripping some over his face and hair.

Lark watched in fascination as the rivulets of water dripped
down his handsome face. His jaw was relaxed, eyes closed. With a long exhale
Devon scrubbed a hand over his face, his swirling bluish-green eyes settling on

Lark looked away, forcing her mind to focus.

“I thought things were going good
with that other pack that Daniel suggested?” There had been talks, and even a
visit was going on now. But she didn’t know what was going on with the
negotiations. There had been a lot of hustle in the house the past week. She
had tried to stay out of the way and not be nosy.

“They are, but it isn’t that simple,” Devon stated, wiping
the back of his hand across his forehead.

“I suppose politics are everywhere.” Lark rolled her eyes.
She picked up her water bottle and took a long swig.

Devon chuckled and took another gulp of water. “Well, at
least you don’t have to sit in on them.”

“Is that what you’re doing tomorrow?”

“Yes,” Devon sighed.

“Lucky you,” Lark teased.

“Part of being an alpha,” Devon shrugged and walked toward
the barn door.

“What does that mean?” Lark raced to catch up with him
. I
t was
better to talk to him when he was in one of his good moods, if you could call
it that.

“It’s nothing,” Devon said hand on the sliding door of the

“I thought Gene was the alpha here?”

Devon opened the door and started walking, Lark thought it
was the end of the conversation but his movements slowed.

“He is, but with the two of us here, it’s not going to work
out. The men don’t know who to follow and when. We can live close together, but
not under the same roof. There is too much conflict between my opinions and
his.” Devon let out a breath.

“Oh,” Lark whispered confused.
he leaving?
That thought made her heart ache.

“We’re both too strong-willed. The six men who came just before
the first attack are all loyal to me and consider me their alpha. I will be
starting my own pack. There is a house about fifteen miles from here, just up
the road actually,” Devon explained, she could hear the fear, but also
determination in his voice.

“Oh, the vacant farm house?” It wasn’t far either,
ten-fifteen minutes at most. She would still be able to see him, but wondered
how often?

“Yeah, I own the home and
property.” Devon ran a hand through his hair. “It was my dad’s and he left it
to me.”

“That house is yours? It’s beautiful!” Lark exclaimed.

Devon quirked a brow at her
outburst, though he appeared amused.

“I spent most my time there when I
stayed with Rick over the summers.”

“I suppose that’s why we only met that one fateful day.”
Lark shook her head entranced. To think, they could have met years ago.

He shrugged, continuing up the path to the main house. “I
like to keep to myself.”

“I’ve noticed,” Lark replied under her breath.

The night breeze cooled her heated skin as they both fell
silent. Gravel crushing beneath their sneakers filled the empty air.

“Does that mean you will be moving?” Lark wondered aloud.

“Not yet. I have to get things in order, but once we get
Emily back, yes.”

Lark’s heart dropped. Even though Devon infuriated every
fiber of her being, there was something between them. And that ignited a fire
inside her.
Does he feel it too?

“So, Emily will live there too? You’re not worried about an
attack?” Lark gauged Devon’s reaction.

“There is always a chance of an attack. If all goes
according to plan, Emmett will be severely crippled when he fails to produce
Emily to the Gulf Packs. They will more than likely obliterate the remnants of
Emmett’s pack. Besides, as wolves we can run extremely fast. Fifteen miles on
four paws can be covered in a matter of two-to-three minutes,” Devon explained.

“Isn’t your mother there, at Emmett’s ranch?” Lark asked
horrified. She didn’t know much about his past, but she was his mother.

Devon nodded a tick in his jaw. “That’s the part where it
gets complicated.”

“Daniel’s bringing her here, isn’t he?” They couldn’t just
leave her there.

“If we can,” Devon said. “A lot will depend on her.”

“We?” Lark questioned. “Are you going there too?”

“We haven’t finalized all the details yet, that’s what we’re
doing tomorrow.”

“I just hope it can all get resolved safely.”

“Yeah,” Devon exhaled as they reached the manor.


Devon laid his head back on the plush couch cushion. These
talks were going nowhere. For the past hour or so, they’d done nothing but talk
in circles. They knew what needed to happen, but couldn’t decide how to execute

He would much rather be at The Cookie Jar with Lark. Despite
his lashing out and prickly exterior, she had befriended him. He could only think
of a handful of people who had cared enough to do that. She even made extra
blueberry muffins for him on the days he accompanied her there.

“Have you considered Lark? She seems like a strong willed
and smart young woman,” Derek Stiles, the other alpha from the pack in
Amarillo, suggested.

His head snapped up coming out of his trance having heard
her name mentioned.
Why are they talking about Lark?

“She is, but I don’t like the idea of involving her,” Gene
said from his chair. His hands were tucked behind his head, brown eyes focused
on Derek.

“I don’t like the idea of it either, but we need to get
someone in there. She may be our best bet,” Derek replied leaning forward,
elbows on his knees, staring at Gene.

Devon looked between the two other alphas. He’d missed
something while he’d been thinking. Fury enveloped him, he didn’t know what
they were planning but he already didn’t like it. Lark didn’t belong anywhere
near Emmett.

“Lark’s human,” Gene stated.

“I’m well aware of it. She lives here under your roof and
you protect her as one of your own. Is she not one of us? Furthermore, Emmett
has targeted Lark and Sarah. I would say she is as invested in this as the rest
of us,” Derek commented.

“No, we have no idea what Emmett will do,” Devon snapped,
leaning forward in his chair, attention now fully on the conversation.

“Our only other option is to trust Daniel, which we’ve all
agreed is not something we can do. In my opinion he should not be involved in
this plan at all,” Derek said.

“We shouldn’t make decisions like this without Lark’s
consideration,” Gene cut in. “She isn’t one of us. She doesn’t have to follow
my orders.”

Derek sat back in his seat the leather cushion crunching
with his movement.

“Fair enough, but she would have
more freedom to set our plan into motion than anyone else. If any of us show
up, even for diplomacy, we will be under constant supervision. Emmett will
underestimate her because she is a human.”

“You can’t be certain of that,” Devon growled.

“Daniel said Emily has been given free rein to move about
the manor,” Gene reminded him. He got up with a sigh and walked to the liquor
cabinet, pulling out three glass tumblers. “You would be killed on sight, Dev.
Derek and I would no doubt be given very little room to explore if we went to
talk to Emmett. Emmett’s downfall is his under estimation of women and humans,”
Gene reiterated.

Gene poured the amber liquid into the glasses and passed
them out.

“I don’t like it. Lark is my
sister, but I do plan on asking her to help us.”

“If Daniel is supposed to help them escape, how do you
expect to follow through with the plan if he has no idea what is happening? We
need to come up with something else. And this doesn’t involve Lark,” Devon
stood up snatching the glass from Gene, draining the contents in one gulp. He
cringed and cleared his throat as the bourbon scorched his throat.

“Actually, Daniel could help us either way,” Gene started.
“He only knows he referred us to Derek, not that we’ve made contact or that
we’re working together. If Derek shows up with Lark under the pretenses that he
betrayed us…” Gene trailed off tapping his fingers against his glass.

Gene took a sip of his liquor
before he continued. “When Derek takes Lark as a prisoner he will be surprised.
Even if we tell him you and I have a plan to
her we
don’t have to inform him of everything. We will just ask for his help when the
time comes and make our own arrangements to rescue Lark and Emily ourselves. If
he betrays us and tells Emmett we’re coming it won’t be a surprise to
for him. H
e will be
expecting it anyway. We’ll have the cards in our hand because Lark will plant
the incriminating evidence and the attack will come from
instead of us. During the confusion
we will get Lark and Emily
e should
plan to take the two young girls with us too. If we leave them behind they will
fall into Juarez’s
, the leader of the Gulf packs
Either way I think it’s a win-win.”

BOOK: Out of the Shadows
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