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Authors: Bethany Shaw

Out of the Shadows (14 page)

BOOK: Out of the Shadows
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Lark nodded and looked back out the window.

Devon picked up his phone again and tapped it against the
steering wheel.

“Will you look through my contacts
for me…” he paused and cleared his throat. “ For Daniel McKinley. I want you to
text him a message. Make sure you choose the one that’s labeled private, Emmett
monitors all of the cell phones he gives his men.”

Fortunately, Devon hadn’t had to
seek out a new phone like Vincent had when they’d arrived in Abilene. Vincent
had one of Emmett’s special issue phones that were constantly monitored. Devon
had gotten his own personal phone and plan several years ago.

Lark’s fingers brushed against his
as she took the phone. Warmth flooded him at the simple touch, her hands were
unbelievably soft.

“Your brother?”

“Yeah, find him and send him a text.
Just tell him we need to talk.”

“Do you think he will help?” Lark’s
voice shook. The phone beeped while she searched through the list of names.

“I’m not Vincent, he might not even
call or text back.” There was no love between the two of them. Daniel loathed
him as much as Emmett did.

“I couldn’t imagine having a
strained relationship with Sarah.” Lark shook her head her fingers rapidly
typing in the message. “It must be hard,” she said sympathetically.

“It’s always been like this, we
don’t know another way,” Devon remarked.

“You seem close to Vincent and

Devon smiled. “Em and I have always
been close. She has one of those personalities.” Kind of like Lark did, he
thought. Emily was a friend to everyone. “Vincent and I became close when he
started middle school. We realized we had more in common than we thought.”

Devon’s phone whistled as a new
text came in.

“It’s Daniel.” Lark held the phone
out to him.

“What did he say?” Devon asked. His
hand gripped the wheel tighter. Lark’s fingers tapped the phone opening the

“That he’d call in a few minutes. Do
you think he will?” Lark asked chewing on her lip.

Devon sucked in a deep breath and
let it out.

“I don’t know. Daniel and I, we… I
don’t know.”

“He can’t want Emily to do this
either. He’s her brother to.”

“Her father is the one who put her
in this position,” Devon pointed out. If her own father could condemn her to
this life so could her brother.

Lark sighed and looked away. “He
has to help us. Sarah is the only family I have left. I can’t lose her. She’s
my baby sister. It’s been just the two of us the past three years. I was
supposed to take care of her, watch out for her,” her voice got thicker with
emotion as tears brimmed in her azure irises.

“We’ll get her back.” Devon lifted
his hand wanting to comfort her as she had him, but questioned the action. He
put his hand back on the steering wheel.

“I hope so,” Lark whispered, her
bottom lip trembling.

Devon’s phone rang and Lark handed
it to him. The phone clammy from her sweat. Devon looked at the caller ID.



Lark looked at Devon nervously as
he touched the speaker button and set the phone down on the center console. She
let out a relieved breath, thankful he was letting her hear the conversation
too. It touched her that he was being so thoughtful.

“What do you want, Devon?” Daniel grumbled into the phone.

Lark frowned eyes darting to Devon. He seemed un-fazed by
his brother’s harsh greeting.

“Is that something you
need to ask? What are
you doing with Em and Sarah?” Devon replied sharply.

“You know what.”

Devon ground his teeth, causing Lark to cringe.

“Sarah is a human. You can’t do
this to her. It’s wrong and you know it.”

“Do what?” Lark asked.
What are they going to do to Sarah?
Her breath caught in her throat, and tears burned in her eyes. They
couldn’t hurt Sarah.

“This is Lark, Sarah’s sister, the high school girl you
kidnapped,” Devon snapped. “Their parents died, and she’s all Lark has left. How
would you like me to tell her that you took her sister with Em, to be a breeder
for the Gulf Packs?”

“What?” Lark cried out exasperated, her lip trembled as
tears started to fall uncontrollably. “I thought you said werewolves and humans
didn’t conceive.”

“I said it was rare, that doesn’t mean they won’t try,”
Devon said quietly. His hand rested on top of her trembling hand. What he said
was the truth, he just hated telling her like this. “Can you do that, Daniel,
send her off to the Gulf Packs. Can you?” Devon yelled into the phone. “Then
what about Emily, she’s mated to Marcus, you know. Can you do that to your own


“Let me guess, it’s easier when you don’t think about it. It’s
not too late, Daniel. You don’t have to do this.” Devon interrupted, his voice
icy, but even. “Do you really want that on your conscious the rest of your life.
Knowing you sent a young innocent woman into that. That your baby sister, the
one you vowed to protect-”

“Stop.” Daniel yelled. He huffed into the phone causing it
to crackle.

“No, I won’t stop. I’m right and you know it. If you’re
going to do it, then I damn well will make sure you know what you’re doing to
them.” Devon slammed his hand against the steering wheel.

“Howard and Mitch are leaving from here to take, the girl,
Sarah, to Hope, New Mexico. We’ll be taking Emily home for a short bit before
she goes to Santa Fe.” Daniel said into the phone.

“Just the two of them are taking Sarah?”

Lark looked at Devon hopefully. They could help Sarah.

“Yeah, we already have our orders,” Daniel sighed. “Emily
will come home for a few weeks. The mating mark will need to be removed and
father explained to them that mother needed some more time to prepare her.”

“Thank you, Daniel.” Devon reached for the phone.

“Devon,” Daniel hesitated for a long moment. “Vincent and
Marcus, are they okay?”

Lark swallowed and closed her eyes remembering all the blood
and death. She shivered, it was a memory that would haunt her forever.

“Marcus is pretty messed up, but he’s alive. Vincent has a
broken arm and needed quite a few stitches,” Devon answered evenly.

“I’m glad they’re okay.”

Devon rolled his eyes, while his hand hovered over the

“Devon, you should get in contact with Derek Stiles, the
alpha from Amarillo. I, uh, I have to go.” Daniel hung up the phone with a
sharp click.

Lark sniffled and wiped at her eyes with the backs of her

“Is he really taking Sarah to some
breeder in New Mexico?”

“We’re going to stop him.”

“What about Emily?” Lark looked out the window. She wanted
to save Sarah, but couldn’t forget about Emily either. She doubted Devon would
choose her sister over his own.

“We’ll figure something out. At the moment, getting Sarah
back is the priority. She is in more danger, but less guarded.” Devon ran a
hand through his tousled sand colored hair. “Gene will need to speak with Derek
Stiles and find out what is going on there. Emmett is going to hold tight to
Emily, we need to be careful how we go about it. I’m going to call Preston and

Lark closed her eyes resting her head against the headrest. Everything
was spiraling out of control, she just hoped they found their footing. Rick was
gone, and she couldn’t lose anyone else she cared about.

Chapter 14

“I can’t just sit around here!”
Preston yelled as he paced the hotel room. “They killed my dad, and they’re
holding Sarah and Emily hostage.” Preston’s voice shook, his red eyes flicked
wildly between Devon and Lark. He pointed to the window, stomping his foot on
the carpet. “She’s right there across the street.”

“They aren’t going to hurt Sarah,” Devon said, leaning
against the door to make sure Preston didn’t do anything rash. The boy was on
the verge of losing it. The hysteria and rage radiated off him in waves. The
stench of sweat and anger mingled in the room like soured milk. “We wait for

“How do you know he was telling the truth?” Preston
bellowed, arms flailing out wildly knocking a chair over.

Lark jumped in her seat. Eyes wide, arms wrapped tightly
around her knees.

“Preston,” she said softly. “We
should wait until tomorrow. I spoke to Daniel too. I don’t think he was lying. We
all want Sarah back. We’re only going to get one chance at this. We need to
make it count. We can see the door to their room from here. If anyone leaves,
we’ll know.”

Preston stopped his frantic movements and looked at Lark,
resignation in his eyes.

“I’m going to get some air.” He
stomped toward the door, jaw set, and fists balled.

Devon continued his lazy stance in front of the door.

“You’re not going to do anything
stupid, Preston.” He met Preston’s eyes and glared into them. Preston stared
back for a long moment before looking away. “Leave it be till the morning,” he

Devon stepped out of the way so Preston could leave. The
door slammed shut behind him.

“You don’t think he will do anything crazy, do you?” Lark

“No, he wants Sarah back, and he’ll follow orders. Even if
he doesn’t like them.”

Devon looked out the window. Preston
was sitting on the cement tucked inside the tiny nook of the wall – out of
sight. The kid probably just needed a minute to digest everything. It had been
a long day for all of them.

He couldn’t imagine how Preston and
Gene must feel losing their father. His own father had died when he was three. Unfortunately
Devon had little recollection of him. Rick was the only father Devon had ever
known, and the news devastated him. His stomach churned, clenching tightly. Tears
stung in his eyes, but he refused to let them fall.

“Thank you for helping. I wish there was something more we
could do for Emily.” Lark chewed on her lower lip. Her fingers intertwined as
she twiddled with the edge of the table.

Devon nodded as he stared out the window. If he wouldn’t let
this happen to Emily, he sure as hell couldn’t stand aside and let it happen to
someone else.

“You should get some rest, Lark. It’s been a long day, and
tomorrow will be just as long.”

He didn’t want to be rude, but he needed some time alone
with his thoughts. He still hadn’t processed everything, hadn’t allowed himself
to feel. Now that things were quiet for the moment, he wanted to grieve in his
own way.


Lark opened her eyes, taking in the
pitch black hotel room, illuminated only by the moonlight. Sweat beaded around
her neck and brow. Hair stuck to the nape of her neck. She sat up and looked
around at the barely visible furniture. Movement by the window caught her eye.

Devon stood at the window arms crossed over his chest. His
broad shoulders accented by the bright white of the moon. Lark stared at the
fine plains of his bare back. She licked her lips taking him all in. Her body
shuddered recalling the way he’d felt pressed against her - the way his lips
had caressed hers a day ago.

Lark blinked the images away. Thankful for the darkness that
hid the heat creeping across her face. Her throat parched, she pushed the
covers back to get a drink of water from the sink.

The cool water alleviated some of the heat, and glided down
her parched throat. She pushed the wet strands out of her face and walked to
the window. Devon hadn’t moved. Preston and the three other guys lay sound
asleep on the floor. They’d been kind enough to give her the only bed.

“Do you not sleep?” Lark joined him at the window. Her eyes
glued to the door across the street. To think, her sister was in that room. Lark
wondered if Sarah was okay. Was she sleeping? In pain? Would they hurt her? The
list went on and on.

“It’s my turn to keep watch. Daniel said they wouldn’t leave
till morning, but I don’t want to risk it.” Devon looked over at her for a
moment his eyes slipped down to take in her plaid pants before he turned back
to the window.

She’d gone with Preston to the store earlier to pick up a
few things. They’d both needed the distraction. She normally slept in
boy-shorts, but after her run in with Devon the other morning, and considering
she was sharing a room with five guys, she had thought better.

“Oh, I didn’t realize you guys were keeping watch. I can
keep a look out if you want to rest.”

“It’s okay. Preston will take over in another half hour.” Devon
shrugged. “I’m used to the late nights; it’s actually been a little bit of
shell shock to get used to days. As an EMT I worked the twelve hour night shift.
Most incidents happen at night, you get used to being up all night. My nights
off I usually spent out too. Vincent likes to party. I went along for something
to do and keep him out of trouble.”

“I can see that about Vincent. I bet you’ve seen some
interesting things on your job?”

Devon smiled, the moonlight lit his hazel eyes. “People
never cease to amaze you. I’ve seen the traumatic to the dramatic.”

Lark laughed. “I can imagine. You see stories on the news
every so often, where someone calls 911 for a cheeseburger, or something
ridiculous like that.”

“Those are the people who don’t understand the absorbent
bill they get in the mail for our services either,” Devon chuckled.

The smile lit his entire face. It gave her a rare glimpse of
him. Lark wondered what had happened in his past to make him so distant. Slowly,
he seemed to be opening up to her. She hoped he continued to do so.

“I’m sure you get interesting characters in The Cookie Jar.”

“Yeah, about half my customers are regulars. It’s kind of
nice getting to talk to everyone. You’d be amazed what people tell you though. I’ve
heard so many things that I really didn’t want to know.” Lark placed her hands
on the windowsill, leaning forward. She peered out the sheer curtains.

Her thoughts drifted back to Sarah and Emily; at least they
had each other.

“They won’t hurt her.”

Lark looked up at him surprised, taking a moment to register
his words. She nodded and sighed, eyes darting back to the door across the
street. The street seemed to stretch endlessly. It felt like miles separated
them instead of mere feet. She would feel better once she could hold Sarah in
her arms again.

“Have you ever thought about becoming a doctor or a nurse? You
know taking your training to the next level?” Lark needed a distraction and she
was curious about Devon.

“My bedside manner sucks.”

Lark met his smile. “But would you?”

Devon leaned forward before rocking back on his heels. “I
don’t know. I never really thought about it.”

Lark nodded. “I always enjoyed baking. I never in my life thought
I’d own my own bakery. But I couldn’t imagine doing anything else.”

“I do like the blueberry muffins.”

“You guys do seem to have a sweet tooth. Well, actually,
I’ve noticed you guys eat just about anything.”

Devon laughed. “It’s our metabolism. Especially when we
shift a lot; it makes us hungry.”

“I can tell.” Lark looked over at him. “Do you do it often? Shift
I mean?”

“I try to once a day; some days, like when I worked, I
couldn’t. The wolf is a part of who we are. Shifting is important for our
mental well being. As a rule, we try to shift three to four times a week. The
only exception is when women are pregnant. The shift is harmful to the fetus
since the body transforms from a human into a wolf.”

“Does it hurt when you change?” Lark couldn’t stop herself
from asking.

“It’s a pleasure pain.”

“I imagine it’s exhilarating.”

“You really are genuinely interested aren’t you?” Devon
turned to her eyes locked on hers.

Lark swallowed at the intensity of his gaze and lowered her
eyes to the floor.

“I…I’m not trying to be rude.”

“I know.” Devon’s fingers grazed
her chin, tilting it back up. “I’ve never met someone who’s been so
understanding - who’s wanted to learn more.”

His thumb cupped her chin softly eyes glued to hers. She
licked her lips in anticipation.

Slowly his face inched toward hers, their breath mingled. Her
heart raced, and body scorched with arousal. His woodsy scent filled her
nostrils. Eyes closed, his lips grazed against hers. Devon’s stubble scratched
her chin; his lips so soft against hers.

A cell phone blared, lighting the room. Lark sprung back,
tripping and falling into the curtains. Preston jolted awake and stood up, the
other three men grumbled rolling over.

“Any change?” Preston rubbed his eyes as he walked to the window.

“No,” Devon ground out.

Lark let out a long breath, quickly righting herself. She
walked to the bed and slid back under the covers. Sleep would not come anytime
soon, she was too wired from the almost kiss with Devon. She sucked in even
breaths hoping Preston nor Devon realized how worked up she was. What was it
about him that did this to her?


Devon gently shook Lark awake. Movement had started across
the street and they needed to be ready to go when they left with Sarah.

A part of him hated that they were leaving Emily, but he
knew she would be safe with Emmett for the moment. He wouldn’t risk harming
her; Emily was too important to him.

They would just have to devise a
plan before she was sent to New Mexico. He had passed the information along to
Gene about Derek Stiles last night while everyone had been sleeping. They had
both agreed they needed to align themselves with their allies.

At this point, it was safe to say that a war was coming. It
was a matter of when, not if. The only thing they could do was be prepared.

“Lark.” Devon touched her smooth bare shoulder shaking her

The strap of her tank top had
slipped down giving him a perfect view of her cleavage. He tried not to look at
the swell of her breasts or the soft skin that was exposed to him. Yet, his
eyes drifted and he felt an ache start to build in him. He wanted Lark, like he
wanted no other woman.

“Lark,” Devon whispered.

“Hmmm,” she murmured, her blue eyes
flitting open. They widened in surprise and she sat up quickly knocking her
head against his. “Ow, crap, sorry.” Her hand flew to her forehead, crimson
colored her cheeks as she blushed.

“We’re leaving soon. You need to
get up,” Devon said, his eyes appraising her mussed hair and sleepy eyes as he
rubbed the sting out of his forehead.
She looks beautiful.

Lark needed no further encouragement. She quickly got out of
bed and headed to the bathroom. Devon let out a low breath as he watched her
retreat. Things were awkward because they had kissed again, or almost kissed. It
wasn’t anywhere near as heated as the one before. This one was different. More

Devon gritted his teeth, he needed to focus. They could not
afford to mess this up. The last thing he needed was to be distracted by Lark,
it could put all their lives in danger.

He inhaled sharply, clearing his
mind and trying to shake Lark’s image from his mind. Releasing the breath he
was holding, he gathered up the few remaining things and sat on the bed to wait
for Lark.

Five minutes later, Lark emerged from the bathroom looking
refreshed. She wore a simple red tank top and cut off jean shorts. Her long
blonde curls thrown into a loose ponytail. He noticed she’d brushed some of her
hair over the laceration on her forehead. The cut on her lip still there, but
didn’t stick out like the stitches did.

“They’re loading up the car now.” Devon looked out the
window. “As soon as they leave with Sarah; Preston, Andrew, James, and Thomas
will follow. They’re in the car ready to go. We will leave a few minutes after.
The chances of them being recognized are far less than me. We got lucky with
the rain it will help hide our scents.”

“Where did the SUV come from?” Lark looked down at the beat
up silver vehicle.

“Thomas bought it from a guy off Craigslist while you and
Preston were out last night. They dumped the car they stole.”


“The last thing we need is to draw attention to ourselves.”

Devon watched with Lark as two men
came out of the hotel room with Sarah. The younger girl looked frightened, but
appeared to be unscathed.

Devon cast a weary glance at Lark. She
inhaled sharply and blinked back tears. Satisfied she wouldn’t do anything rash
he turned back to observe. The men flanked both sides of Sarah. One opened the
back door, motioning for her to get in.

BOOK: Out of the Shadows
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